Our postthe other day on Poland’s “breed like rabbits” campaign generated lots of interest.
Here Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us that even we (the US, not just Europe) are in trouble for not producing enough American babies.
From Hohmann:
If anyone wants to know why Western countries import so many migrants from the Third World, the answer may lie in the cultural norms that have dominated over the past 50 years.
See the Executive Summary here: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/replacement-es.pdf
Women are expected to go to college, become professionals in the work force, and “contribute” to the national economy.
But, as many of these countries are now discovering, the female contributions come with a cost.
With women having fewer babies, there comes a point when there are not enough worker bees to support the growing number of elderly who retire every year in countries like Germany, Italy, Greece and Spain.
All of these countries have dismal fertility rates of between 1.3 and 1.5 children per woman of child-bearing age. Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. are not much better at 1.8 children per woman.
Economists agree that any nation with a fertility rate of less than 2.1 children per woman will not replace its aging population and ultimately fall into decline. Unless, they say, the nation uses immigration to make up for its birth dearth.
The United Nations acknowledged the demographic crisis with 2000 documenttitled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” In that screed, the U.N. suggested a controversial solution to the low-birth-rate woes of 10 major nations – mass migration. Among the 10 listed as facing demographic decline if they don’t import younger migrants are the U.S., Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, South Korea and Japan.
Moral of the story! You American youngsters better get busy and do your patriotic duty! Or, the UN will overwhelm us with third world replacements! At the heart of it, this is what it is all about—replacing you!
We all know that Europe is in trouble because Europeans are not having enough children to replace themselves and most countries have opted for the migrant solution by welcoming the more fecund Africans and Middle Easterners to live in their countries expecting those younger ‘workers’ to care for the European old folks! (They really believe that!).
The Poles have taken another tack and needless to say, the PC police are hopping mad!
A still from the Polish health ministry video encouraging people to ‘breed like rabbits’. Photograph: Youtube
The Polish government is encouraging citizens to go forth and multiply – like rabbits.
The health ministry of Poland, which has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe, has put out a short video praising rabbits for producing a lot of offspring.
The link to the youtube video embedded didn’t open, but you can search for the Polish language public service announcement and get the gist, even if you don’t speak Polish!
Where are you Miranda Blue of Right Wing Watch! She didn’t like me giving this solution either back in June, here.
Go here to see my Poland archive. The Poles saved Christian Europe once, maybe they can do it again!
He’s baaaaack! Dr. Luke Tripp of St. Cloud State is once again accusing “white conservatives” of stirring up St. Cloud racial tensions as he does it himself! And, he clearly is fixated on former Rep. Michele Bachmannwho we first noticed he targeted in 2010 and reported on these pages.
This man is not a peacemaker!
Tripp went to Colorado in February. See what they said about him (taxpayers of MN pay his salary!): “In honor of Black History Month, Adams State University will host “Then and Now: The Revolutionary Workers League in Detroit and Black Lives Matter,” a lecture by Dr. Luke Trip [Tripp-ed] A longtime activist and educator, Trip is currently professor of African American Studies at St. Cloud State University. He holds degrees from St. Benedict College, Wayne State University, and the University of Michigan. He was among the founders of the League of Revolutionary Workers in Detroit and served as the first Minister of Education of the Detroit Chapter of the Black Panther Party. He was chair of UHURU (Freedom in Swahili), a black student lead organization active in the liberation movement of the 1960s. https://www.adams.edu/news/feb1705.phpBut, before I get to Dr. Tripp’s latest tirade…
I’ll remind readers of the chaos going on in St. Cloud as the next City Council meeting is to be held tomorrow evening and that Councilman Jeff Johnson, we hear, is planning to introduce his resolution seeking more transparency and economic analysis of the impact of Somali refugee resettlement on that community.
See my ever-expanding St. Cloud archive here(the city I call the canary in the coal mine!).
I first wrote about Tripp,the former Detroit revolutionary and Black Panther organizer,here in January 2010.
In that article we reported on his efforts to ‘get’ then Rep. Michele Bachmann. Frankly the African Muslim migrants require the leadership of, shall we say the communist/socialist, Leftwing community organizers like Tripp.
You should have heard about the concept either from James Simpson’s‘Red-Green Axis’writing or perhaps you have heard him speak! Tripp is the personification of the concept.
Editor: Knowledge is power! For all of you trying to understand what is going on in St. Cloud, it is important for you to know who the ‘community agitators’ are. Tripp is one. He may in fact be the leader. But, I haven’t the time or energy to summarize all of my previous writing on Tripp and his Somali legions. I expect you to do your homework! As the old saying goes—you must know your enemy. And, read! Read! Read!
Before I get to Dr. Tripp’s lastest blast (still focusing on the departed Michele Bachmann), here is another post on Tripp from April 2010. Go here for other mentions here at RRW. Don’t miss Tripp’s involvement with the Somalis who successfully sued a local meat plant. (Special accommodation for Islamic prayer times = shariah law!).
Now here is Tripp’s salvo from last Thursday at the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorderwhere he is wearing his “women’s studies” hat:
(Sounds pretty racist to me, what do you think?)
I witnessed and experienced how St. Cloud earned the dubious reputation of “White Cloud.”
Go here and see Tripp talking about his Marxist activities in Detroit. Did they destroy the auto industry? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yyZz8k3k4E
I believe that Jeff Johnson’s resolution calling for a temporary ban on resettlement of refugees in St. Cloud is aimed at Somalis who are under attack in St. Cloud because of their race (they are Black), their religion (they are Muslims), and their immigration/refugee status (they are perceived to be untrustworthy aliens).
The City of St. Cloud, historically a very conservative White town, has only recently become home to a significant population of about 6,000 Somalis who represented about eight percent of St. Cloud’s population of 68,000 people in 2013. There has been a series of hateful attacks against the growing Somali community since they began arriving here in the 1990s.
The animosity against Somalisreflects the sentiments of a significant segment of conservative White residents in the city of St. Cloudwhose views were politically expressed by their right-wing extremist ex-congresswoman, Michele Bachmann,who represented Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District from 2007 to 2015. Bachmann was a staunch advocate of barriers against immigrants and their culture. Her voting record on anti-immigration legislation is graded A+.
There is more. But, this is the funny part: I thought I recognized those words! Check out what he said in 2010. In addition to sounding racist he must be lazy! Throughout the above tirade he simply rehashed his many tired old charges from 2010! (I’ve highlighted one of those rehashed paragraphs in red—one from last week above and the other from 2010 below–this is hilarious!)
This is the same paragraph in a February 2010 rant (and why the fixation on Bachmann? Alinsky rule***):
The animosity against Somalis reflects the sentiments of a significant segment of conservative White residents in the city of St. Cloudwhose views are politically expressed by their right-wing extremist congresswoman, Michele Bachmann, who represents Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District.Bachmann is a staunch advocate of barriers against immigrants and their culture. Her voting record on anti-immigration legislation is graded A+.
***This is Alinsky Rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” He is making Bachmann the face of the problem. He is sending a message to the Mayor and Council of St. Cloud—we (bullies) will do this to you too if you go against us!
Bottomline readers, please listen!
You will continue to lose if your elected officials are more afraid of trained agitators like Luke Tripp and his legions (which includes the Islamic supremacists) than they are of you—American citizens who want answers and demand a right to help decide the future of your communities!
I know it is uncomfortable, but get over it! You (conservatives of whatever color) need to fight the way they fight! Make your elected officials more uncomfortable than they do!
Start by picking a target and steal yourselves for the anger, the chaos and the controversy that is happening and will happen—saving western civilization isn’t for the faint-hearted!
The idea that in order for growth (why is that a good thing?) to continue, an aging population in western countries must be replaced by younger, mostly Muslim migrants, is what has destroyed France, Germany, Belgium etc.
Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s first Somali immigration minister with the boy wonder.
Now Canada is falling for it.
Does anyone really think that the migrants from the Middle East and Africa are going to work hard, pay taxes, and lovingly pay to care for us in nursing homes in the west in a couple of decades? I don’t.
You probably saw the news already. It is from last week.
Canada will welcome nearly one million immigrants over the next three years, according to the multi-year strategy tabled by the Liberal government today in what it calls “the most ambitious immigration levels in recent history.”
The number of economic migrants, family reunifications and refugees will climb to 310,000 in 2018, up from 300,000 this year. That number will rise to 330,000 in 2019 then 340,000 in 2020.
The targets for economic migrants, refugees and family members was tabled in the House of Commons Wednesday afternoon.
Hussen said the new targets will bring Canada’s immigration to nearly one per cent of the population by 2020, which will help offset an aging demographic. He called it a historic and responsible plan and “the most ambitious” in recent history.
“Our government believes that newcomers play a vital role in our society,” Hussen said. “Five million Canadians are set to retire by 2035 and we have fewer people working to support seniors and retirees.”
So they think that there will be enough workers to support Canadian citizen seniors and the new impoverished migrants on welfare too!
If they are looking for so many immigrants why has Trudeau been squawking about all those ‘refugees’ flooding in to Canada from the US. Don’t they count toward the 300,000 for 2017?
See my Canada category here. What happens when Canada is overloaded? You guessed it, there will be migration southward!
The Pew Research Center, which has the money and time, has put together a handy interactive map to show which ethnic groups were placed in which states since fiscal year 2002.
This is the 2017 map (FY17 ended on September 30th, 2017). Of course it can be deceptive because it doesn’t show the numbers.
Take Hawaii for instance that shows Burmese predominated in the refugee flow to that state, but it doesn’t tell you that the flow was probably a whole 3 Burmese refugees (maybe 5 or 6, I was too lazy to look up the number).
The nationalities change over the years as the US jumps to the United Nations’ tune and follows its dictates as to what groups to further diversify America with (that are in vogue at the moment). DR Congo is a hit-cause right now, but watch for movement to the Burmese Rohingya. Iraqis had their hay-day. Bhutan chic is fading, and Syrians are oh-so-yesterday. Somalis remain a reliably cool choice year after year.
In case you are wondering, Wyoming wisely stayed out of the whole mess over decades. However, a couple of years ago the Republican governor there proposed setting up a refugee office in the state with the help of the Lutheran contractor out of its Rocky Mountain office. There was a robust citizens’ uprising that ended that idea for now. (See my Wyoming archive.)
Author Jynnah Radford tells us this at the end (a refresher for new readers).
Generally, refugee populations are dispersed across the U.S. based on local community resources, efforts to reunite families and the ability of nonprofit organizations to resettle refugees. Nine voluntary agencies share the national resettlement workload and determine where refugees will settle. (These agencies maintain a nationwide network of 309 affiliated offices in 180 locations to provide services.)
In other words…
“Local community resources” = welfare, good medical care including mental health care and available housing, etc. And, LOL! global companies looking for cheap and compliant labor!
“Efforts to reunite families” = once they have established a seed community of a particular ethnic group in your town or city, they will bring in the extended family and that is part of the trick on you! Population gets too large and you are labeled a hate monger and racist for denying ‘family’ reunification if you ask for a slowdown.
“Ability of the nonprofit organizations to resettle refugees” = do the members of the big nine*** have a subcontractor group/other citizens’ group up and running.
“Nine share the workload” = those nine have a monopolyon the resettlement process, they bid for bodies (paying clients) among the incoming refugee cases.
(Nine) “determine where refugees will resettle” = you and your community have no say, they are deciding the future of your town in secretive weekly meetings in DC.
***These are the big nine quasi-government agencies, run by no one elected by you, that make the decisions about how to change your town by changing the people (with the help of the Podesta Group and themeatpackers!).