Report: White House considering refugee cap of 25,000 for Fiscal Year 2019

It begins…..

The annual negotiating about how many refugees the President should aim to admit to the US in the coming fiscal year, which begins on October 1 of this year, is underway.

But the difference between those machinations for say 2016 when the refugee resettlement contractors***, which are paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities, were pushing for 200,000 and up and Obama set the ceiling for his final year at 110,000 and today demonstrate that the President, who ran on reducing the numbers, is keeping his word.

Stephen Miller has been with the President since early in the campaign. I had a laugh just now. When looking for a photo for this post I see that the vast majority of Miller’s media photos show him with a scowling expression on his face. 

The contractors have already staked out 75,000 as their top desired number and now comes word that the “evil” Stephen Miller, Trump’s right hand man on issues involving immigration, wants far less.

25,000 is the number being bandied about, but rumors persist that Miller continues to think that a cap of 15,000 would take care of the TRULY persecuted people.

The New York Times  has a very detailed report.  I can’t snip it all, but encourage you to read the whole thing.

Don’t lose sight of one important point: 

We have a backlog of 700,000 asylum claims to process. Those are people who got in to the US by some other means (mostly illegal) and claim they should be considered as refugees. If granted refugee status they become eligible for all the welfare goodies a UN-chosen refugee flown to the US gets.

Therefore as the refugee contractors help more and more migrants coming illegally across our borders file asylum claims, they are only making it worse (under this President) for refugees waiting abroad.

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Two months to go in fiscal year and Trump on target to admit lowest number of refugees to US in decades

As of August 1, the US admitted 18,251 refugees to the country with 48 states sharing the load.

Trump and Bush
George Bush previously held the record for low admission years following 9/11.

There are only two months left in the fiscal year (FY19 begins October first) and at the present rate, the Trump Administration should come in just over 22,000.

Previous low admission years came in the wake of 9/11 when President Bush dramatically slowed the program out of concerns for national security.

Here is a map from Wrapsnet of where the 18,251 have been placed thus far.

Note that Texas is the numero uno ‘welcoming’ state even though the governor officially withdrew the state from the program (shows how futile that was!).  Turning the red state blue!

(See my right hand sidebar where I have recorded each month’s number of ‘new Americans’ this fiscal year.)

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map august 2018
Wyoming has never had a refugee program and Hawaii (the state that loves diversity) rarely gets any!

RCUSA, lobbying arm of refugee industry, kicks off month of action tomorrow

RCUSA=Refugee Council USA.  That is the consortium of Leftwing Open Borders groups, led by the nine refugee contractors, headquartered in Washington DC.

It is not a surprise that they are ramping up their political agitation in August when Congress is in recess and as the September deadline approaches for the President to consult with Congress about his “Determination” for how many refugees could be ‘welcomed’ to America in FY19 which begins on October 1, 2018.

Here is a screenshot of a portion of the page at their website giving their troops marching orders for August….


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Continue reading “RCUSA, lobbying arm of refugee industry, kicks off month of action tomorrow”

UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims

Editor: I’m back and there is so much news I don’t know where to begin! I hope you have been able to follow my Twitter feed over the last ten days at Twitter, or here at RRW, where I posted the most interesting bits I came across while traveling.

This story is all over the internet, so I expect you have seen it already.  I’m posting it to make the point that although the story is about the UK, the US should be cutting the UN completely loose from our decision-making process when choosing refugees for America for FY19. The UN tells the US which refugees to accept and from where, but that is changing under this President.

(As we speak, the deep state and the White House are surely at loggerheads over numbers for the coming year.) 


Syrian christians

Continue reading “UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims”

Hungary joins US, gets out of UN Migration compact

No mention in UN compact of  “fundamental human rights of people who want nothing else than to be able to live in peace and security in their own homelands.”

(Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter Szijjarto)


Good for Hungary! Let’s hope other countries join them and the US in bailing out of the pact, whose work began at that Obama-led UN pow-wow in the fall of 2016.

From the New York Times:

Hungary Pulls Out of U.N. Global Migration Agreement

Hungary pulled out of a United Nations global agreement on migration on Wednesday, citing security concerns, just days after the accord was reached.

Trump and Orban
Come on Donald, what are you waiting for, invite Prime Minister Orban to Washington!

Peter Szijjarto, Hungary’s minister of foreign affairs and trade, announced the withdrawal at a news conference in Budapest, Hungary’s capital, saying the agreement was “in conflict with common sense and also with the intent to restore European security.”

Hungary joined the United States as one of two United Nations members that are not committing to the agreement, the first of its kind to lay out international standards for countries to address migration. The agreement — the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration — was announced on Friday.

United Nations officials say the accord is intended to preserve the human rights of all migrants by offering a framework for national governments devising their own policies on migration.

Hungary, which has long called for stricter policies on European migration, had expressed concerns over the agreement during negotiations. Mr. Szijjarto said the accord did not address the “fundamental human rights of people who want nothing else than to be able to live in peace and security in their own homelands.”


It is about global cooperation, yeh sure!

The compact itself was driven in part by the 2015 crisis that saw European nations struggle to cope with large numbers of migrants entering the Continent. While the number of new arrivals has dropped significantly, the debate about migration has grown heated in Europe. The rise of anti-immigration, populist governments in Italy, Austria and Hungary has added fuel to the debate.

Amina J. Mohammed, the United Nations deputy secretary general, speaking after the agreement was announced on Friday, said the compact was intended to foster global collaboration.


The agreement is expected to be formally adopted in December during a conference in Marrakesh, Morocco.

More here.

The last thing the UN wants is more governments standing up for their national sovereignty, for their own people!

Saying America First! Hungary First! is like waving a red cape before a bull!  And, I suspect that Trump’s America First message is at the root of why the Left and the media hate him so much.