“Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel

Here is an idea for Donald Trump today (the master at making Leftwing media heads explode).

Just as everyone is going crazy over Trump’s summit with Putin, he could invite Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House to discuss big beautiful border walls!


orban and Netanyahu
Haaretz calls them “soulmates.” Last year France 24 called them “spiritual brothers.”   http://www.france24.com/en/20170718-spiritual-brothers-netanyahu-orban-meet-budapest


I can dream, can’t I!


israeli border wall
Israel’s border wall with Egypt


Today Orban will be in Israel meeting with Netanyahu and the far Left publication Haaretz gives us an idea of the magnitude of the media meltdown the US press would have if an Orban/Netanyahu/Trump event was scheduled!

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As refugee numbers drop, resettlement contractors shrink and change focus

According to the LA Times, as paying refugee clients decline, refugee NGOs are now focusing on helping immigrants of all stripes on a longer term basis, presumably by raising private money!  Could this be a reawakening of real Christian charity?

I’m really sick of these stories.  I see them all over the country (this is the PR run-up to the President’s decision on how many refugees the US will take in FY19, a decision expected to be made public in September).

However, this story did have a few bits of information that are useful and make it worth posting.

Arrivals of refugees have hit historic lows. To stay afloat, resettlement agencies re-brand

The door to the nonprofit World Relief, tucked between a dance studio and a tutoring company on the second floor of a Garden Grove strip mall, still says “refugee resettlement services.”

world relief garden grove 2
In 2015, we obtained a World Relief internal letter instructing staff to not read Ann Corcoran’s blog!   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/10/31/former-refugee-contractor-ceo-america-needs-refugees-to-teach-us-how-to-love-one-another/

But it’s been nearly a year since a new refugee has walked through it. 

The number of refugees admitted to the U.S. since President Trump took office has dropped to its lowest level in decades. As a result, the office and dozens of other refugee resettlement operations across the country have been forced to close, shift their resources or re-brand.

One of the advances I’ve seen over the last decade is that the media now reports that the contractors*** are paid by the US taxpayers on a per refugee basis.

Nine nonprofits across the country are federally approved to resettle refugees and receive government funding for each case they handle. Until last year, each of them had an office in Southern California.

But World Relief and four others have shut down in the region, suspended operations, laid off staff or reduced their hours.


The office closed its refugee operation last July and shifted its resources to helping immigrants, which had long been a sideline of its operation.


The declines [in refugee admissions] left many agencies depleted of federal funding and struggling to survive.

Even in places where new refugees are still arriving, changes are afoot. The International Rescue Committee office in Glendale, which once resettled more than a thousand refugees each year, has received only about 100 people this year.

“The need just isn’t there in the same way anymore,” said Martin Zogg, the group’s executive director. “So we have to give people other jobs to do.”

More here.

I would like to think that the nine resettlement contractors listed below have seen the light and are raising private money and not depending on the money trees growing in Washington, DC for their charitable ‘good works,’ but my cynical side says they are just trying to stay in business until Trump is no longer President and the refugee spigot opens again.

Sorry if you are sick of me saying it, but there will be no long term change to our refugee policy and program as long as there are no changes in the law during the Trump years.

***I post these as often as I can because new readers need to know that these quasi-government groups (funded with taxpayer dollars) are also politically pushing for more immigration of all sorts in Washington—they are not simply refugee advocates.

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

Trump Administration is protecting child border-crossers, as Dems demand they be reunited with crooks and liars

naive Americans
Seen around the world: Naive and ignorant Americans protest in New York City in June!   https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/nearly-2-000-children-have-been-separated-from-parents-at-us-border-in-six-weeks/story-gyE9i6QatYEQt6O79UJybM.html


You’ve probably heard snatches of information about how some of the ‘parents’ of children separated as they crossed the US border illegally were not even the parents of the children too young to speak for themselves, but only snatches because the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear the truth.

So the White House has put out some data that you need to keep handy when discussing the issue with friends and family who are swallowing the Left’s talking points to paint the Trump Administration in the most evil terms.

Continue reading “Trump Administration is protecting child border-crossers, as Dems demand they be reunited with crooks and liars”

Lastest migrant ships stopped by Italy, Italian PM calls on other EU countries to take them

Invasion of Europe news…..

He is calling their bluff!

Other European countries agreed just recently to share the burden with an invasion weary Italy, let’s see how many keep their word.

Italian Coast Guard ship Diciotti with migrants arrives in Trapani
Some of the latest batch of African men ‘rescued’ at sea.

So far Germany, France and Malta have agreed to 50 each which means 300 (of the original 450) are still in limbo.

I was looking for any mention of where the 450 are at right now.

Let me know if you see that important bit of information.

From The Local:

France, Germany, Malta will take 50 rescued migrants each: Italian PM

Continue reading “Lastest migrant ships stopped by Italy, Italian PM calls on other EU countries to take them”

White House aide fired after reportedly clashing with Stephen Miller over refugee numbers

“This is a disaster for the bureau. She is really a good ally.”

(Anonymous State Department official)

That quote above is all you need to know!  If the Deep-staters at the US State Department consider her an ally, then she needed to go.

stephen miller serious
She reportedly butted heads with Stephen Millier

As I’ve been mentioning, this is the time of the year when Administration wrangling over refugees really begins to heat up.  That is because the President submits his determination to Congress in September in which he tells them how many refugees and from where they will come when the feds begin to admit the next batch of refugees for the next fiscal year (FY19 begins October 1).

I told you here that State Department resettlement contractors want 75,000 in the coming year. It looks like this year will barely break the 20,000 mark setting a record for the least number of refugees entering the US since the Refugee Act of 1980 was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.***

For new readers, the contractors are paid on a per refugee head basis, so there is never any incentive for them to take a breather and agree to slow the flow.

The article at Foreign Policy says that the ousted staffer was a Trumper since the campaign days. But, then I wonder why she was so cozy with the career professional resettlers in the State Department who are working to undermine (through leaks to contractors and the media) the President’s policy on refugees.

Continue reading “White House aide fired after reportedly clashing with Stephen Miller over refugee numbers”