Trump to Europeans: You are losing your culture!

I was telling a reporter just yesterday that perhaps one of Donald Trump’s greatest gifts to us is that, with his penchant for speaking his mind, he gives us permission to say what we believe in our hearts, but may fear saying.

So here he is in the UK speaking frankly to The Sun, as reported by The Hill:


Trump: Europe is ‘losing its culture’ because of immigration

President Trump is railing against what he described as the migration of “millions and millions of people” into Europe, declaring that the continent is “losing its culture” to refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

In an interview with the British tabloid The Sun published Thursday, Trump said that it is a “shame” that European leaders had allowed so many migrants to enter their countries’ borders.

President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Great Falls, Mont.

“Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,” the U.S. president told the tabloid, which his owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way,” he continued.

Trump’s publicized comments came shortly after he arrived in the U.K. for a long-awaited trip on the heels of a tense set of meetings at the annual NATO summit in Brussels, where he delivered a blistering criticism of European allies and demanded that member nations pay more for defense.

The president’s comments during his interview with The Sun, however, highlighted Trump’s deeply held skepticism of immigration and resurfaced a line of attack that he had used often on the campaign trail – that Europe was being overrun by non-Europeans and was quickly becoming a shell of what it once was.

“I think you are losing your culture,” he told the tabloid….

The Hill reporter goes on to say, but, but, but, the numbers coming in have slowed.

I have seen that talking point everywhere. So, even if the numbers of migrants have diminished somewhat in the last two years, the damage was done when hundreds of thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners previously got in and are still there roaming around Europe!

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive (which I have been adding to for years) by clicking here.

Endnote: As regular readers know, I watch CNN for a bit every morning to learn what has their panties-in-a-wad each day, and boy were they freaking out about The Sun interview, but not one word about this part of the interview—-the immigration/cultural destruction comments!

Refugee contractors begin political pressure to up refugee numbers for FY19; they want 75,000

We would sure like more in Kansas says refugee contractor—the International Rescue Committee (headed by moneybags Miliband).

Miliband in Manhattan
The IRC is headquartered in Manhattan where Brit David Miliband is pulling down an annual salary of nearly $700,000 as he places third world refugees in the heartland.

Here is the first news I’m seeing of the nine refugee contractors*** beginning their push to pressure the President to increase the ceiling for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2019 which begins on October 1, 2018.

Long time readers know that the President sets a CEILING for admission sometime in September and “consults” with Congress, but Congress, although it has the power to dole out money, has in the past just let the President pretty much do what he wants to do.

By demanding a ceiling that they know is unrealistic for this President, they will use the President’s ultimate number (likely low) to bludgeon him in the media yet again.

This revealing story is from KMUW in Wichita, Kansas:

Kansas Resettlement Agency Working To Increase Next Year’s Cap On Refugee Admissions

Continue reading “Refugee contractors begin political pressure to up refugee numbers for FY19; they want 75,000”

Open Borders Left dominates Episcopal Church meeting

It is Sunday morning, do you know what your church is doing?

dreamer Episcopal
An Episcopal priest and ‘dreamer’ spoke in Austin, TX yesterday.  Rev. Nancy Frausto

In June of last year, we learned that Episcopal Migration Ministries, which is not a separate non-profit organization but is embedded in the Episcopal Church itself, is 99.5% funded by the federal government—that would be you, the taxpayer.

The church receives millions of dollars annually from the US Treasury!

So, as you read the following news, keep in mind that your money pays for political activities of the Episcopal church.

The church (one of nine federal resettlement contractors***) held a regular gathering of the faithful in Austin, Texas and Trump immigration and refugee policy was the ‘premiero’ topic of discussion.

What a surprise!

If you are an Episcopalian, you might consider finding another church (just saying!).

Continue reading “Open Borders Left dominates Episcopal Church meeting”

The titans face off in Berlin (Orban vs. Merkel)

Invasion of Europe news…..

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Germany this week for a pow-wow with Angela (Mama) Merkel over, what else, migrants.


orban and merkel
Hey, Mr. President, you have had Merkel to the White House, it is now time to invite Orban. Ask him how well his border fence is working and watch media heads explode!


Here (below) is just one of many accounts of what happened.

Continue reading “The titans face off in Berlin (Orban vs. Merkel)”

Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city

Frankly, I don’t know why President Trump is even going to the UK next week.

But, my first thoughts, when I saw this story about the Lord Mayor of Sheffield telling Trump he is not welcome in his city, were……

Sheffield mayor
So this is how Somalis behave when they get some power?

So this is how Somalis behave when they get in positions of some authority?

Does Magid Magid really expect us to take him seriously as a political leader?

And, is this type of behavior why they couldn’t keep Somalia from becoming a hellhole?

From Newshub:

Sheffield’s Lord Mayor Magid Magid bans Donald Trump from visiting the city


The popular Lord Mayor of an English city has banned Donald Trump ahead of the US President’s visit to the UK on July 13.

Continue reading “Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city”