Nevermind that it is the United Nations that halted refugee travel due to the Chinese virus crisis.
Refugee contractors are trying to “chart a path forward” as refugee admissions this year are set to be the lowest they have ever been since Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter, created the US Refugee Admissions Program that became law in 1980.
But, oh how they love their sob stories featuring poor suffering families seeking to be reunited.
Sob story design and promotion is one of the Leftwing media’s greatest skills!
Sorry, no sympathy from me for a mother who leaves her INFANT daughter in a hellhole refugee camp to come to America with a supposedly sick husband expecting then to have the US government fly her daughter to her at a later date.
A family was set to be reunited after nearly four years apart. Then coronavirus struck.
(CNN) More than three years ago, Deman Aman Abshir, a Somali national, faced an impossible choice: leave behind her newborn daughter to come to the United States or watch as her husband’s health worsened.
She left behind an infant daughter, now three years old, to hop on that plane with a supposedly sick hubby. She had another choice!
Abshir and her husband, fleeing deteriorating conditions in Somalia, worried that any delay in leaving could hinder their chances to resettle in the US and get medical treatment, she said. So they left.
In 2011, amid an ongoing civil war in the country, Abshir decided to leave Somalia and fled to a refugee camp in Ethiopia.
“Life was hard and there was a lot of struggle,” she said.
Over the years, the health of Abshir’s husband, Mohamed Hussen Ibrahim, who was being treated for a neurologic condition that prevented him from walking and doing other daily activities, started to worsen.
His “neurologic condition” apparently didn’t prevent some daily activities!
And, he sure must have gotten some magical medical treatment in the US (on your dime!) because he got a job, but there is not one word in this story about his diagnosis, treatment or recovery.
In late 2016, more than a year after their case had been approved, the couple was ready to depart to the United States.
“Three different situations happened at the same time: my husband’s situation got worse; we had our newborn; we had the process approved,” Abshir recalled. “It was 2016 so Trump was getting elected, so we knew if we had to delay, the opportunity would never come so we had to choose sacrifice to be with our child or leave for the US with my husband to get better treatment.”
She had another choice: Let her husband go on to America (so you could pay for his medical care) and she could stay in Africa with her INFANT daughter!
Now we are expected to believe she is so emotional over the separation that she can’t work!
Abshir’s four-month-old daughter had not been part of the original case, therefore adding her would delay their departure and postpone obtaining medical treatment for her husband. Abshir called the decision to leave Nimco behind “painful,” recounting the difficulty she had in keeping jobs in the US because she was overwhelmed with emotions.
Plummer is described as the family’s lawyer, but she also happens to be the Executive Director of CRIS a Columbus, Ohio based subcontractor of Church World Service, facts not reported by CNN.
Since then, Plummer has tried to get Nimco’s case approved to reunite with the family. The nearly four-year uphill battle appeared to be reaching a conclusion when the coronavirus pandemic shut down arrivals.
Abshir, whose husband also lost his job because of the pandemic [“also”? weren’t we just old she couldn’t hold a job due to being emotionally distraught?—ed] has remained hopeful, but extended separations often weigh on families.
[He had a job, wow! He must have recovered from his serious health issue and inability to walk.—ed]
CNN continues….
“I see these cases and it’s joyful when a child reunites with a parent and it’s all wonderful superficially but you can’t get that time back. The child doesn’t know their parents … just the psychological impact to the family for as long as the delay continues,” Plummer said. [Taxpayer-funded counseling ahead?—ed]
All of that is to set the tone for the rest of the article that goes on to bash the Trump Administration.
We do learn that no date has been set to resume refugee resettlement.
Refugee arrivals to the US were suspended as of March 19, with the exception of certain emergency cases, a State Department spokesperson told CNN.
No date has been provided on when admissions will resume.The spokesperson said State “will seek to resume refugee arrivals when it is safe and logistically feasible to do so, subject to any travel restrictions in place at that time.”
You guessed it, the headline calls him a Vermont man, but it could have more accurately said: ‘Somali refugee lied to gain admission to the US, gets slap on wrist!’
Here is how the Lewiston Sun Journal titled its story I assume to make it sound as benign as possible (hat tip: Steven):
Vermont man gets two months and revoked citizenship for false claims
[What no deportation?—ed]
LEWISTON — A Vermont man with ties to Lewiston and Auburn was sentenced Wednesday for impersonating a Somali man.
Hussien Noor Hussien, 56, of Burlington, Vermont, appeared in U.S. District Court in Portland where a judge sentenced him to two months in prison for impersonating another in a naturalization proceeding, procuring naturalization contrary to law and making a false statement on a passport application, according to court records.
After he’s released from federal prison, Hussien will be on supervised release for three years, Judge George Z. Singal ordered.
Singal also ordered Hussien’s citizenship be revoked because he was naturalized illegally. [But I don’t see anything about deportation!—ed]
Hussien was convicted on the three charges after a three-day trial.
Hussien entered the United States in 2004 as a refugee under the name Abukar Hassan Abdule, along with the wife and children of the real Abukar Hassan Abdule. Three years later, Hussien obtained a driver’s license using that name. In 2011, Hussien applied for U.S. citizenship in Maine under that assumed name.
On his citizenship application and during a citizenship interview with federal officials, Hussien affirmed that his name was Abukar Hassan Abdule. He eventually was naturalized under that name.
Hussien applied for a U.S. passport in 2011 at a Lewiston post office under the assumed name using a Maine driver’s license as identification after he became a citizen. On his application, he listed the name of Abdule’s wife. In 2013, he renewed his U.S. passport under his real name. Also in 2013, he filed in a Vermont court to change his name legally from Abukar Noor Abdule to Hussien Noor Hussien.
But when Abukar Hassan Abdule’s children applied for passports, that triggered a fraud investigation.
“It was discovered that two individuals were using the Abukar Hassan Abdule identity,” according to a complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in federal court.
Hussien’s likeness in passport applications “did not match the individual pictured in the identification documents … submitted with the minor children’s passports,” according to the complaint.
“The documents submitted with his minor children’s passport applications were (Adule’s) refugee identity cards from Kenya issued in 2010 and 2015,” according to the complaint. “All of Abdule’s consent forms for his minor children’s passport applications were executed in Kenya, where he appears to reside,” the complaint says.
There is more as the wife admits lies she told!
I thought I recognized this story and yes, I wrote about it in May of 2018, see that post in which I went into greater detail about the lies Somali ‘families’ tell to get into the US.
I wrapped that post with this:
Hussien (or whatever his name is!) is only the tip of the iceberg!
Looking for something to do?
Contact the White House(contact link here) and tell the President to find and vigorously prosecute refugee fraud then broadcast the punishment widely around the world in the hope of deterring the ever-growing epidemic of refugee fraud, bribery and corruption.
The Justice Department’s September 11th press release is here.
See one of several posts on Somali refugee fraud at my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
Don’t miss this oneabout the fraud in United Nations camps in Kenya where most of our Somalis come from!
They got this liar, but how many more are out there—20,000 give or take another couple of thousand!
Leave it to the refugee industry’s public relations apparatus to get a story planted in the Kansas City Starjust as Donald Trump arrived in the state next door for a rally for Kansas Republican candidates including gubernatorial candidate, a leading immigration control advocate, Kris Kobach. One story is here.
(This Somali family lives in Kansas City, Missouri)
Here is the headlinewith the usual story line (family happy to be in America, only wish Dad was with them).
As Trump cuts refugee numbers, outlook dim for father to join KC Muslim family of 9
But, why wasn’t Dad with them and caring for them in Kenya (a safe country btw)?
The family arrived from Kenya in 2017 to cheers from local advocates for more refugee admissions.
Somali refugee Sahra Hassan Absuge and her eight children today enjoy what they could only dream of two years ago.
A two-story house. A couple of jobs. Schools. Donated appliances. [Food stamps and Medicaid fills the gap says the story.—-ed]
“I am so lucky,” Absuge said. “It’s by the grace of God that we are here.”
All that’s missing is her husband.
Also a refugee from Somalia, he seeks to one day join his Kansas City family after four years of being separated, trapped in another war zone. But chances for a reunion anytime soon appear slim, given ever-deepening cuts in the number of refugees allowed into the U.S.
Absuge and her children barely got in themselves.
Twenty months ago, dozens of cheering supporters at Kansas City International Airport greeted the family after they had squeezed through a tightening slipknot on refugee travel.
Continue here for all the happy talk and mention of their resettlement agency—Della Lamb—a Methodist group, a subcontractor of the Ethiopian Community Development Council (one of nine federal resettlement contractors that work for the US State Department).
Then a lament about a slowdown in family reunification:
At Della Lamb, Hyde and director of refugee resettlement Abdul Bakar could think of resettling only one Muslim on the Missouri side in the past year.
Absuge’s husband, the father of all eight of the children, is Muslim.
“There used to a good pipeline for family reunification,” said Judy Akers, Della Lamb’s executive director. “But there hasn’t been much spoken of that recently.”
Family reunification suspended in 2008 for Somalia….
Longtime readers may remember that the US State Department had to suspend the whole family reunification program for Somalis beginning in 2008 due to massive fraud in the P-3 (family reunification) program, see here. The suspension lasted several years.
I sure hope Homeland Security is doing some robust vetting of Dad. He left their Nairobi village in 2014? (Someone check the age of the youngest child!). But other news reports say they were living in a UN camp.
He went to Sudan looking for work in the middle of civil unrest there? And, then instead of returning to his family in a safe Kenya he ‘flees’ to Uganda. WTH!
Dad then ‘finds his family’ on YouTube videos?
He could have found them if he had returned to safe Kenya from his sojourn in Sudan instead of hotfooting it to Uganda!
KC Star continues….
….father left their Nairobi refugee village in 2014 to seek work in Sudan. He instead encountered homelessness, civil war and hunger before fleeing to Uganda. When his family resettled in America, his wife didn’t know if Abdullahi was alive or dead. [Really! Or did this family have a better shot of getting in to the US as women and children only?—ed]
Wow! Dad found after the family got to KC!
The father, through friends in Nairobi, learned of the family’s whereaboutswith the help of the internet and those YouTube videos. “Search ‘refugees’…and our family of nine pops up,” Absuge said through the interpreter.
For those who want to read the whole long (anti-Trump propaganda) story,click here.
That is what the Daily Caller has learned from the Dept. of Homeland Security, but I still have questions.
See my previous posts here and hereabout the violent attack on a Vermont woman at a hotel for the homeless.
But, first, in every community where a person commits a crime, all of you should be demanding that your local authorities and local media answer this question:
What is the immigration status of the alleged perp?
Citizens have a right to know if a violent “man” like this one is here legally or illegally, and, if legally, through which legal program he slipped in. As I enter my 11th year of writing about the refugee program, it is getting better and we are learning when the alleged criminal is a refugee, but it still is mostly a guessing game.
Here are a few snips about what reporters at the Daily Caller have learned about Abukar Ibrahim:
A man accused of violently assaulting an elderly volunteer worker with a machete outside a homeless shelter in Vermont earlier this month is the son of a Somali refugee, the Department of Homeland Security told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Abukar Ibrahim, a 32-year-old immigrant, assaulted 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer Johanne LaGrange with a machete outside Harbor Place in Burlington, Vt., in early January after vandalizing vehicles and threatening other individuals nearby. Ibrahim “willfully, deliberately and with premeditation, and with intent to kill” assaulted his victim, Shelburne News reported, citing charges detailed in the court records.
He then barricaded himself in a room for hours, reportedly threatening to slit the throats of the responding police officers. Ibrahim, who ultimately surrendered to authorities, has pleaded not guilty to the charge of attempted first-degree murder, which carries a life sentence. A local court judge has ordered that Ibrahim’s sanity be evaluated.
The violent incident in Vermont was widely reported by many different media outlets, but the attacker’s country of origin and immigration status were not included in the initial reports. Working with DHS, TheDCNF was able to obtain this information.
“DHS can confirm that Abukar Ibrahim is a foreign-born naturalized United States citizen who initially entered the United States as the derivative child of a Somali refugee,” a DHS spokesperson told TheDCNF….
The DHS spokesperson goes on to say this is why we need better screening. Mental health screening too we presume! Continue readingfor more details on Ibrahim’s rampage that day and mentions of Ibrahim’s previous run-in with law enforcement. And, inquiring minds want to know if he shouted Allahu Akbar when he was shouting at police during the stand-off.
Here are my additional questions and comments:
If he came as a “derivative” child then he would have been under 21 (and has been here a minimum of 11 years), so tell me why he still needs a costly court interpreter which we learned in previous reports?
US State Department (2008) closes all family reunification for Somalis!
But more importantly, I want to know if he was among the 20,000-30,000 ‘family reunification’ Somalis who got in to the US when they lied on admission applications for this form of chain migration. Longtime readers may remember that stunningly in 2008, the US State Department shut down all family reunification for Somalis when they did some random DNA testing and found that literally tens of thousands of Somalis, both here and abroad were lying about their family connections. The program was subsequently closed for years.
And, I remember very well hearing from an anonymous State Department employee who told me how stunned they were to find the fraud so widespread. Here is one of many reports at RRW about the family reunification fraud involving Somalis. The program was closed for 4 years and reopened with DNA testing. In 2010 the Open Borders Leftopposed DNA testing.
As far as I know, none of the tens of thousands of liars were rounded up and removed when the fraud was discovered.
Makes me wonder: Where is the ‘Dad’ or ‘Mom’ who helped the machete attacker get in? Maybe a little DNA testing is now in order!
After all, last November we learned that the Dept. of Justice was planning to deport some other Somali liars, see here. More cases to follow???
Their crime is that they pretended to be a family when one of the four won the Diversity Visa lottery!
Before I give you the story, the first thing I thought of was the huge family reunification fraud revealed back in 2008 when the State Department shut down the so-called P-3 programwhen they found as many as 20,000 Somalis got in to the US by lying about family connections. The program was on hold for 4 years but nothing happened to the cheaters!
Can we go back and find those liars too?
How many of Minnesota’s Somalis are here because they lied about family connections on refugee applications? State Dept. said as many as 20,000 got in to the US fraudulently.
Four individuals who pretended to be a family and arrived in the United States from Somalia through the controversial diversity visa program are now the subject of civil complaints seeking their denaturalization, the Department of Justice announced Monday.
The complaints were filed by the Department of Justice, Department of State, and Department of Homeland Security, challenging Fosia Abdi Adan, Ahmed Mohamed Warsame, Mustaf Abdi Adan, and Faysal Jama Mire. According to the Justice Department, the four came to the United States claiming to be part of a family, ultimately naturalizing on the basis of this apparently false contention.
The four coordinated after Fosia Adan, 51, received a diversity visa in January of 2001. Under fictional identities, Fosia and Ahmed, 54, claimed to be married, with Mustaf, 33, and Faysal, 31, pretending to be their children. Fosia and Ahmed subsequently obtained a divorce in Minnesota, maintaining their fictitious identities in the separation.
Both Fosia and Ahmed naturalized in 2006; Faysal and Mustaf naturalized in 2010 and 2013, respectively. If, as the Justice Department alleges, their naturalizations were predicated on lies, all four can be denaturalized in compliance with the Immigration and Nationality Act.
See more posts on ‘family reunification fraud’ by clicking here.
Maybe the Justice Department could set up a hotline where people can call in tips about those they know who scammed our welcoming country by lying about who they are (so much for security screening, right!).