Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): hundreds of millions would immigrate to America if they could

…..but we don’t have the financial resources to accept the world’s immigrants!—not to mention the fact that we would be culturally finished as a country.

Six Members of Congress standing in Speaker Boehner’s way!

That is it in a nutshell!  That is the truth of it all—of the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill now before the Judiciary Committee of the US Senate and the Refugee and Asylum program, the diversity visa lottery, and the list goes on.  When I ask critics of my work here at RRW at what number would they stop before fully closing the borders, they can’t answer.

Six Members of Congress held a press conference on Tuesday maintaining their steadfast opposition to the amnesty plan being labored over in the Senate.  Rumblings on the Hill are that Speaker Boehner wants a bill, and these Members stand in his way of unifying the Republican caucus.

I visited Hill offices yesterday (with a request to strip all refugee and asylum changes from S.744) since I was in DC for the State Department hearing on refugee admissions for FY 2014.

One stop I made was to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s office.  I was surprised that the prominent member of the Tea Party caucus, was not on the steps with Rep. Steve King and the others since she was opposed one month ago!  Getting squishy?  Her new staff person on immigration is Javier Sanchez (, you might let him know where you stand.

Here is the NumbersUSA report on the press conference:

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) was joined by five other House Members on Tuesday denouncing the Senate Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill, S.744. Rep. King was joined on the steps of the Capitol by Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama, John Fleming of Louisiana, Paul Gosar of Arizona, and Steve Stockman and Louie Gohmert of Texas. The six Congressmen said they were concerned about the huge negative impact an amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens would have on the national debt, and they said they stood by the rule of law.

The press conference took place as the Senate Judiciary Committee was continuing its markup of the Gang of Eight’s bill.


“In each of the past five years, 620,000 to 1.05 million foreigners have been given American citizenship,” Rep. Brooks said. “No country on earth comes close to being as generous as America is with its citizenship.

“The immigration issue is not about whether America is compassionate and generous. We are. The immigration issue is about whether America has the financial resources to accept all the world’s immigrants into America. There are hundreds of millions of foreigners who, if they could, would immigrate to America.”

Readers, more soon on my trip to DC and the State Department hearing.  There is much to report.  But, I will leave you now with this—you came through with testimony and completely swamped the refugee contractors with the number of comments you sent in.  Thank you!

Human Rights Gang not happy with Senator Grassley

Senator Grassley has submitted amendments to the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill (S.744) regarding the loosening of our already pretty loose asylum system (remember Boston way back last month before all the latest crises of the Obama Administration have taken everyone’s eyes from it).  Grassley wants to dump some proposed provisions in the bill that will give more asylum seekers more time and an easier process to apply.

Human Rights First and its gang at the Refugee Council USA (lobbying arm for refugee contractors) are ginning up opposition to Grassley.

See all amendments here.

Here is the latest from the “humanitarians:”

Last week members of the Senate Judiciary Committee filed potential amendments to the bipartisan immigration bill (S. 744) negotiated by the “Gang of 8” – Senators Michael Bennet, Richard Durbin, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Robert Menendez, Marco Rubio and Charles Schumer.  Among the proposed amendments are two sponsored by Senator Grassley (Grassley 27 and Grassley 52) that would eliminate or substantially delay two targeted reforms to the U.S. asylum system included in the bipartisan bill:  section 3401 which would eliminate a filing deadline bar that prevents genuine refugees from receiving US asylum; and section 3404 which authorizes some asylum cases to be resolved through a full asylum office interview conducted by trained Department of Homeland Security –U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS-USCIS) asylum officers.

Refugee Council USA, a coalition of faith based and other organizations (including Human Rights First) ,  sent a letter on the amendments to the Senate Judiciary Committee members specifically asking them to oppose Grassley 27 and Grassley 52 as well as other amendments that would impact refugees and asylum seekers.

Grassley wants to delay changing the asylum program until he has a full accounting of what went wrong with our asylum system in Boston.  Sounds reasonable to me.  We don’t need any more murdering welfare moochers like the Tsarnaev family.

One of Senator Grassley’s amendments seeks to delay the reforms outlined in the Gang of 8 bill until a year after the Director of National Intelligence submits to Congress reports, and sub-reports, on the government’s handling of the Boston Marathon bombing.   The Boston bombing was a tragedy, and the government should certainly take steps to address and prevent another attack.  There is no reason to use the Boston tragedy to derail or delay reforms to strengthen the asylum system.

I’ll add Grassley’s office to my list of Hill visits today.  I want them to strip out all references to refugees and asylum from the Gang’s bill until there are full hearings on the whole refugee program.  Maybe we have to go back and re-write the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980.

Lindsey Graham looking for more security screening for certain aliens in S.744

Here is an amendment to S.744 that is probably sending the refugee industry into conniption-fits.  They don’t want any more security screening that slows the flow of third-worlders into the US.  If it fails to pass it will send yet another signal that S.744 will endanger our security.

Graham, Kirk, McCain and Rubio yukking it up in Libya (we did good!) one year before the murder of Americans at Benghazi. Photo perhaps unrelated to this post, but it’s here because it infuriates me!
Photo credit: AP

And, you have to laugh because, should it pass, half the countries we are importing refugees from now would have to be on the list—Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Russia, former Soviet Union countries, even Burma (Rohingya Muslims).

Be sure to see our previous post here about Graham’s other amendment that is clearly in response to the Boston Marathon bomber brothers’ faux asylum claim.

Go here to see the list of all the amendments (hat tip: John).  The list now has a notation about which have passed/failed or been withdrawn.

Here is Graham’s amendment #3:

Purpose: To require additional security screening for certain aliens.

Additional Security Screening

The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall establish and maintain a list of countries or regions that, in the Secretary’s opinion based upon information related to national security, represents a threat, or contains groups or organizations that represent a threat, to the national security of the United States.

Upon determining that any alien or alien dependent  spouse or child is or was a citizen or long-term resident of any such country or region, the Secretary shall conduct an additional security screening to ensure that the alien or alien dependent spouse or child is not a member of or otherwise affiliated with any terrorist or similar group or otherwise presents a threat to the national security of the United States.

We will be watching!

Lutherans/Interfaith group: Don’t break our rice bowls!

The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

The first time I heard that phrase I laughed and laughed.  If you don’t know it, it implies that someone wants to maintain their livelihood in a manner to which they are accustomed (and more and more these days that livelihood depends on the government).

Here we have the refugee resettlement contractors  ginning up the media in advance of the Senate mark-up of S. 744.

According to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (one of the top nine contractors that dominate resettlement) when the Senate begins mark-up (today?) on the massive Gang of Nine bill (Eight Senators and Grover Norquist) they imply here that somehow the refugee flow could be slowed and they might lose their federal dole.

In fact, the bill, as written with the help of groups like LIRS, will actually increase the number and variety of refugees and asylees the US taxpayer must support.  And, provides a slush fund for the NGOs.

Since the “religious” groups listed below have federal grants and contracts, they depend on the steady flow of your money to their coffers!  (Sheesh, They’ve turned me into such a cynic!)

Don’t believe me?  Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568.  Their CEO* makes $204,186 in salary and benefits.  Where is the ACLU?  No separation of church and state here!   The church is the state!  Just wait until CAIR figures all this out and starts demanding the Muslim share of your tax dollars!

96% of this “religious” group’s income came from government grants!  And, they are lobbying for more refugees and newly legalized immigrants to take care of at your expense in the Gang’s amnesty bill.

If you are a Lutheran, you should have a word with your pastor.

Here is a press release sent to me by a friend from Tennessee with a list of all the learned theologians with their hands out!

Diverse Group of Faith Leaders Urges Senators to Protect Refugee and Asylum Provisions in Immigration Bill

WASHINGTON, May 8, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On the eve of the Senate’s first markup of the bipartisan immigration reform bill, S.744, a wide array of faith leaders is urging legislators to ensure that comprehensive immigration reform upholds the United States’ proud history and tradition of protecting and welcoming refugees, asylum-seekers, and those fleeing persecution.

The following is being released by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service on behalf of an interfaith working group.

Rabbi Steve Gutow, President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs in New York said: “The United States has a great tradition of welcoming and embracing those fleeing from oppression. Judaism demands that we treat all people as if they are made in God’s image, which means we must treat them well. How can we possibly ill treat those who are oppressed or living under the yoke of tyranny? Right now, as our national leaders reform our immigration policies, we should also improve our refugee and asylum laws to ensure that those escaping persecution are respected and given the opportunity to breathe free.”

Bishop James Mathes of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, California said: “In opening our communities to refugees from persecution in other lands, our nation shows forth our core values of respecting human rights and dignity. As bishop of a community who has welcomed as friend and neighbor refugees from places as diverse as Sudan, Iraq, and Myanmar, I know first hand the gift of life that we provide as well as the great gift we receive from those who come to live among us.”

Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service in New York said: “As members of the Senate Judiciary Committee begin considering amendments to the bipartisan immigration reform bill, Church World Service urges them to protect provisions that would improve the lives of refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people. Throughout the CWS network of congregations and refugee resettlement offices, we know first-hand the importance of these provisions. It is our deep hope that immigration reform upholds the United States’ proud history of protecting and welcoming survivors of persecution.”

Rev. Peter Rogness, Bishop of Saint Paul Area Synod (Minnesota) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America said: “Lutherans and others in Minnesota have long been active in support of refugees and asylum seekers. Increasingly we find them now as leaders in our communities, members of our churches, and neighbors to us all. They contribute in numerous ways to the thriving and diverse culture of the Twin Cities. As we seek to reform our immigration laws, people of faith must ensure we enact laws that honor these contributions and uphold our biblical call to welcome the newcomer.”

Rev. Dr. Larry Stoterau, President of the Pacific Southwest District (Arizona, Southern California,Southern Nevada) of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod said: “As Congress considers comprehensive immigration reform, we must remember our commitment to serve the most vulnerable. Faith communities have a long history of welcoming those fleeing persecution and helping them adapt to life in a new land. In my service to Lutherans across southern California and Arizona, I am privileged to work with pastors and people who have come as refugees seeking safety and freedom and the joy of a new life. I have benefited personally from working with these wonderful people.”

Rev. Stephen S. Talmage, Bishop of Grand Canyon Synod (Arizona and Nevada) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America said: “The major religions of the world call for compassion, hospitality, and justice for the most vulnerable among us. Refugees and asylum seekers would fall in that category. Many find themselves displaced, living in fear, and desperate for assistance because of factors beyond their control, requiring people of faith along with legislative leaders, to work for ways to receive, integrate, and empower them for the common good.”

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami, Florida said: “The United States has always been a safe haven for the world’s persecuted and the legislation reflects American values by offering protections to the world’s most vulnerable. I commend the bipartisan group of senators, including Senator Rubio, for recognizing the needs of refugees in their bill.”

Bishop John Wester of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah said: “Refugees themselves are victims of terror. They understand on a daily basis the fear of being persecuted and threatened with the loss of their lives. The refugee provisions in the Senate bill recognize this reality and help protect these vulnerable persons.”

The Senate’s immigration bill, S.744, (The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013) includes several provisions that would protect refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people, while also increasing efficiency and supporting integration. The provisions would not reduce or circumvent the current numerous background checks for refugees and asylum seekers, or reduce the rigorous fraud detection mechanisms currently in place.  [Problem is that the present security screening system is not working and is filled with fraud!—ed]

The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin considering amendments to S.744 on Thursday, May 9 th, with additional considerations on May 14 th, 16th, and 20th-24th. The committee will then send its version of the bill to the full Senate for debate and consideration.

Jon Pattee, 202.591.5778

SOURCE Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

* Be sure to have a look at Linda Hartke’s post Boston statement about not jumping to conclusions or messing with our immigration system because of the Tsarnaev’s fraudulent grant of asylum.  I guess she is not thrilled then with Lindsey Graham’s amendment to the Gang’s bill, here.  I’ll tell you about another of Graham’s proposed amendments to tighten security in S.744 shortly.

About the photo:  LIRS used to have their grand building’s photo prominently displayed on their webpage, but I’ll be darned if I could find it there.  So it took me a few extra minutes with google images to locate the photo.

Update:  Ann Coulter has a zinger yesterday related to this story—Beware of liberals who come in Evangelicals’ clothing.

FAIR has a good legal analysis of S.744 as it relates to refugees/asylum seekers

More refugees, a potentially greater variety (whole classes of people would be eligible at the discretion of Homeland Security), easier asylum rules, etc. —all with no hearings.  As we said before, Congress should strip out all of the refugee/asylum sections from the monster Gang bill.

Federation for American Immigration Reform:

Title III Subtitle D of S. 744 undermines current asylum and refugee law by eliminating preexisting requirements aliens apply for asylum within a certain time frame of entering the U.S., allowing asylum officers to bypass immigration judges before granting asylum to unlawful aliens, and giving broad authority to the Administration to create new categories of refugees and stateless persons to be admitted into the country.

Click here and then follow link to their full report.