I’ll be reporting the news below, but I first want to make my key points up front so that you don’t fall for the pity-party news story.
“Some call it charity!” Here is a charitable idea, some of those bringing in fat pay checks, like IRC CEO David Miliband, could send some of their boodle to staff in Kansas!
~The International Rescue Committee is ostensibly a private non-profit group and therefore the US State Department can’t dictate that it must close offices (supposedly they will be closing 3 of 28).
They might not be getting new refugees at the office in GC that was set up only 4 years ago at the heyday of Obama’s presidency, but they surely could pay for some staff and a small office to help those they already dropped off in the town whose major employer is Tyson Foods!
~The IRC is a financial giant as non-profits go. From its 2016 Form 990 we know they had revenue that year of $736 million and that $494 million was provided to them by you—-the US taxpayers!
~Some of their top expenses were salaries ($244 million), grants and other assistance to foreign organizations, foreign governments, and foreign individuals ($296 million) and office expenses ($20 million).
Their headquarters are in Manhattan, New York (not Manhattan, KS). I mention this because I wonder: how much could a small office to aid struggling refugees cost in Garden City, KS? (You will see that the GC Telegram story is all about how refugees will be left in the lurch.)
~Salaries of top staff we have reported previously are here:
The point I am making is that the IRC could very well have kept its Garden City office open even if new refugees (new paying clients) were not being sent there by the State Department. They could have continued to help the refugees they brought in during the first 4 years with other money from their ginormous pot of money.
But, instead, this news will be used as one more bit of media fodder to blast President Donald Trump.
This story from Garden City, Kansas makes me wonder—-who is deciding the future for your meatpacking town, the citizens, or Tyson Foods? Tyson Foods in Garden City, Kansas
I have a pretty largearchive on Garden City which is one more heartland city that has been changed by the arrival of US State Department-planted third world refugee workers over the last decade or so.
The story leads me to believe that everything is not peace and love when diversity comes to town….
….and that Tyson Foods has a huge stake in keeping the immigrant worker supply train on the tracks!
If you’ve been reading RRW for a bunch of years, you probably heard about the propaganda film featuring Shelbyville, TN that a left-wing-funded media outfit did back in 2007. The film was a whitewashed look at the turmoil created in the town when Tyson Foods ‘welcomed’ refugee (mostly Somali labor) to Shelbyville.
In the Shelbyville flick a local newspaper reporter who wrote a series of stories about the disruption the Somalis had brought to town was the villain in the film that was ultimately shown around the world about how great it was that the locals finally accepted their African brothers. (Here is one of many postsI wrote about the Shelbyville propaganda film.) Now, check this out, a new propaganda film (actually two of them) are being filmed this summer in Garden City, Kansas. (That Shelbyville film is too old now, they need something new for the Trump-era.) Somali workers attend new employee orientation at the Tyson beef meat packing plant outside of Garden City, Kansas. http://100percentfedup.com/how-tyson-foods-is-spreading-islam-in-u-s-forcing-taxpayers-to-pick-up-housing-healthcare-costs-for-refugees-and-destroying-local-towns/
They have villains too! You will see them discussed in the opening paragraphs here at The Garden City Telegram (read about them yourselves).
Just like the Shelbyville film, the Garden City film(s) will be used to shame other towns in to accepting a flood of third world diversity. What a coincidence…..
Here (below) are a few snips from this latest news. Guess what? It is Tyson Foods that brought the ready supply of cheap refugee labor to Garden City too! What are the odds that this film company will bring up the issue of low wage (cheap!) immigrant labor? Zip! Zero! Nada! I was going to visit Garden City last summer on my 6000-mile trip to see some of America’s meatpacking towns that have been changed by BIG MEAT, but my local contact (not happy with what has happened to G-C) had a family emergency, so I went to Nebraska instead.
Maybe I should resuscitate my idea about a book that shows how major global corporations, like the meat and poultry industry, are changing America for one reason—Low wage workers means PROFITS for them!
And, then along come these Leftwing film makers to shut up any citizen opposition and help BIG MEAT get its laborers for decades to come! Makes me wonder if Tyson Foods is helping pay for the project! Hmmmm! The Garden City Telegram:
When Lawrence-based documentary filmmakers Tess Banion and Bob Hurst heard this news [about villains in western Kansas—ed], they decided their next project was going to take place in Garden City.
Their documentary will be a feature length film, so 90 to 100 minutes, and will try to illustrate how Garden City’s diverse culture works by diving deep into immigrants’ stories. [These leftwingers love their “stories,” we need to get better at telling ours!—ed]
“This is not going to be a journalistic piece,” Hurst said. “It’s more of a portrait. I think it’s more personal and more in depth about the lives of particular individuals who have come to Garden City and have been there for a long time, or new arrivals and what they have gone through personally and what their stories are.”
Hurst said their goal for their new film is for viewers to reflect on the lives of others, and find that every resident of Garden City is working toward the same goals. [Fascinating admission that they are trying to bend minds—ed]
To help understand the mindset of long-term Garden City residents, Hurst and Banion have enlisted the help of Nancy Harness, former mayor and longtime resident of Garden City.Harness said she is excited to be a part of the film and hopes that the documentary can serve to be an ambassador for the town.
“I think that the community is unique in how we dealt with the diversity of cultures, and it’s nice to have that be recognized by people from outside the community,” Harness said. “ I think part of my job here is to be an ambassador for Garden City and western Kansas. It’s an intriguing place and interesting community. To be part of the crew to introduce that community to a larger audience is cool.”
Harness said she hopes that residents who are hesitant of immigrants watch the film and reflect on why Garden City has welcomed immigrants in the past.
BIG MEAT changed Garden City!
“Part of what happened was that in 1980, we opened the world’s largest beef packing plant,” she said. “They needed 3,000 folks to just keep the plant running. Well, where are those workers going to come from? When the community decided that’s how they wanted to move forward economically, we basically said as a community we will open our doors to new people because that’s the only way this will work. I hope that this film gives the life-long locals who might be hesitant to this immigrant change a moment to stop and think about how the only reason Garden works is that everybody feels some ownership to it.”
Obviously that is not true—that everybody feels some ownership of the meat industry’s need for cheap labor and its role in changing the demographics of American heartland towns.
And, btw, in case you are wondering, the meat industry once paid wages that were very attractive to AMERICAN workers. It is only when they discovered first the illegal aliens willing to work for less, and then ultimately the refugee laborers whose low wages you subsidize with your welfare support, were they able to keep wages low.
Continue reading here. Here is a lengthy story from the Wichita Eagle in 2010 with more background on Garden City and Tyson Foods.
One of my favorite stories about Garden City (and Harness role) was this one from 2010 where we learned that Somalis in Garden City wanted their own (separate) publicly funded cemetery. No association with infidels even in death!
Another controversy long-time readers might remember is the one about Emporia, Kansas and how the arrival of the Somali labor force there for, yes, another Tyson Foods plant, roiled the town so much so that Tyson closed the plant! Don’t miss this post: Trump refugee number reduction could hurt BIG MEAT (at Bloomberg no less!). Here is one of about 20 posts I wrote on the controversy in Emporia. Unfortunately most of the links are now dead, so it’s a good thing I did snip articles throughout the period back in 2008. Some of those Emporia Somalis moved to Garden City.
It is really too bad that there aren’t documentary film makers with some cash to tell the other side of the ‘diversity is beautiful’ story to balance the Garden City films in the works.
Is it time for a modern day version of The Jungle?
If Trump doesn’t turn off the spigot, both of refugees and funding/regulations for low income housing (Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing!), then expect refugee contractors to find your town!
Changing the heartland one town at a time!
Tyson Foods is the top employer in Garden City, Kansas and the primary reason Somalis and other refugees move there. If you have a Tyson Foods plant (or any BIG MEAT plant near where you live, you will have refugees too. Here we have news from Kansas where a federal refugee contractor crows about all the new housing that could be available for refugees in Liberal, Dodge and Garden City, Kansas. Governor Brownback recently withdrew the state from the Refugee Admissions Program, but that means nothing unless he is willing to sue the federal government on states’ rights grounds.
His withdrawal means that contractors, like the International Rescue Committee,will move in to run the program with Washington. As we said here, Brownback cannot be trusted on this issue!
From KSN.com(Refugees may double for southwest Kansas in 2017):
GARDEN CITY, Kan. (KSNW) — Southwest Kansas welcomed 67 new refugees to the area in 2016, just shy of the 80 the International Rescue Commission [Committee—ed] was authorized to re-settle, but that number could soar this year.
Any Longa, director of the International Rescue Committee office in Garden City, says she is working to expand housing opportunities for refugees. http://www.gctelegram.com/news/local/ugandan-natives-share-sorrows-humor-of-moving-to-america/article_0639af00-30b8-55c9-9028-5c39ede42b6b.html
“We do have the capacity to settle 140,” said Amy Longa, who manages the southwest Kansas site of the Commission. “I do not know how many we’ll end up settling by the end of the fiscal year.”
It depends on many factors at play in the international resettlement efforts, but the number of new refugees settling in Dodge, Liberal, and Garden could potentially double this year over last year.
The housing shortage in the region is an obstacle, but it is being addressed.
“We’re now seeing a little more opportunity with the recent building,” said Carol Davidson with Garden City Community Development, “and we also have plans in the future, this next year 2017, we do have a development that’s going in.”
“19 duplexes, 12 fourplexes, and five 36-unit apartment complexes,” said Cory Hodapp, who owns the company building a new housing complex in Garden City. “We’ll have half of the duplexes and half of the fourplexes complete this year.”
Good news for the IRC and Tyson Foods!
It’s good news for the IRC, which competes with the market to help find homes for refugees.
“What we have been working on the past two years is reaching out to landlords and creating partnerships with landlords to create housing,” said Longa. “Not only in Garden City, but in Dodge and Liberal as well.”
As we have reported on many previous occasions, the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program works closely with large companies like Tyson Foods and others to supply them with cheap immigrant labor. Those laborers are further subsidized by your tax dollars including those used to expand low-income housing.
So, don’t fall for the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo! Refugee resettlement is an industry! Chambers of Commerce want it, housing developers want it, big industries want it for cheap labor, local mosque leaders want it, politicians want it (money!), and the resettlement contractors get jobs and nice salaries all while pretending to wear a white hat of humanitarianism!
We have many previous posts going back several years on Garden City,click here. And, see Garden City’s wikipedia pagewhere someone had to be sure that the recent arrest of three Kansans who allegedly planned to blow up one of the Somali apartment complexes has been added to the page.
There is another article about Kansas and refugees, here, in recent days. You might want to have a look at.
Here is the AP storyfrom Saturday published at the Eagle Tribune.
The timing of the arrest is suspicious (is the FBI helping Hillary again, will she bring it up in the debate on Wednesday as an example of right wing extremism?), but otherwise we will wait and see what comes of this. Tyson Foods Garden City, KS: Wherever you have Tyson Foods you will find cheap refugee labor. I didn’t make it to Garden City this summer on my tour of mostly American meatpacking towns, but visited many others with large numbers of Somali and other immigrants fueling ethnic tensions as the US Dept. of State provides refugee labor for BIG MEAT.
For background, you might want to see our archive on Garden City, KS (click here) where Tyson Foods has long been a draw for cheap refugee laborers. For more information on refugee resettlement in Kansas generally, go here.
One of my all-time favorite posts on Garden City is one from 2010 where Somali Muslims wanted a taxpayer supported cemetery to set aside a section just for Muslims so they wouldn’t have to be with infidels even after death.
For serious students of the history of Somalis and Tyson Foods in Kansas see our entire category on Emporia, KS by clicking here. It is a classic case of how a flood of refugees pushed a town over the edge. (Tyson ultimately closed the plant and moved refugees elsewhere.)
This is a bit of the AP story from over the weekend.
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Three members of a Kansas militia group were charged Friday with plotting to bomb an apartment complex that’s home to Somali immigrants in the western Kansas meatpacking town of Garden City, a thwarted attack prosecutors say was planned for the day after the November election.
The arrests were the culmination of an eight-month FBI investigation [suspicious timing?—ed] that took agents “deep into a hidden culture of hatred and violence,” Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said.
A complaint unsealed Friday charges Curtis Wayne Allen, 49; Patrick Eugene Stein, 47; and Gavin Wayne Wright, 49, with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction. Their first court appearance is Monday.
Prosecutors said the men don’t yet have attorneys. Publicly listed phone numbers for the men couldn’t immediately be found.
The men are members of a small militia group that calls itself “the Crusaders,” and whose members espouse sovereign citizen, anti-government, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant extremist beliefs, according to the complaint.
Continue reading here.
It looks like it is Catholic Charities that is resettling refugees (including many Muslims) in to Garden City. See here.