European Nationalist parties convene in Milan: mass migration greatest threat to Europe

More Invasion of Europe news….

French far right leader Marine Le Pen, left, and Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders attend the press conference of the second day of a 2-day convention of European nationalists, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. The rally is being billed by organizers as the first congress of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
AP photo caption: French far right leader Marine Le Pen, left, and Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders attend the press conference of the second day of a 2-day convention of European nationalists, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. The rally is being billed by organizers as the first congress of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

The Associated Press reported yesterday on a meeting in Italy of Europe’s so-called “Far Right” parties.
Here is what AP reports (emphasis is mine):

MILAN (AP) — Sharing the stage with leaders of other European populist parties, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said Friday that Europe’s nationalist parties are ready to step in and clean up when European structures fail under current immigration and monetary policies.

Le Pen spoke at the end of the first meeting of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last summer. The 36-member parliamentary group is the smallest in the European Parliament, but includes some parties gaining strength in the polls in their home countries.

At a news conference, Le Pen along with populist leaders from host Italy, the Netherlands and Austria expressed their common view that Europe’s borders must be closed to mass migration from the Middle East and Africa and said that sovereignty over such policies must be restored to nations. They cited both the threat of terrorism and the strain on budgets.


Also attending the Milan event Thursday and Friday were leaders of nationalist parties from the United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic.

Le Pen said the parties represented on the stage in Milan “are part of the future”….

Blankley book

Tony Blankley was prescient….

Tony Blankley, God rest his soul, predicted this in his 2005 book, ‘The West’s Last Chance.’  He said the day would come when famous nude statues across Europe would be covered so as not to insult Islam.

She (Le Pen) also said a decision by Italian officials to cover ancient statues depicting nude figures in deference to the visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was “ridiculous.”

More at AP here.
Click here for our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
See my previous post about angry Swedes taking revenge….

Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!

Invasion of Europe news…..

Geert Wilders is right, Europe is being invaded and it looks like the average Dutchman is going to stand and fight.  The latest riot is over the Dutch government’s decision to give housing to refugees before Dutch citizens.  Here Wilders warns the Dutch Parliament about the Hijra—the Islamic migration to Europe.

Here is news from Michael van der Galien writing at Pajamas Media yesterday (hat tip: Judy):

Hundreds of thousands of self-proclaimed refugees from the Middle East (many of them are actually gold diggers who are coming to Europa in order to live off the government’s dime) have arrived in Europe in recent months. This mass exodus out of especially Syria has been partially fueled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s promise that her country would take in all the refugees it had to take in.

The only problem? She got more than she bargained for. Much more. And the same goes for the rest of Europe.

In fact, so many “refugees” have made their way to the Old Continent that West European governments are having a hard time dealing with them. In the Netherlands alone, refugee centers are overwhelmed. As a result, the Dutch government has now announced that many refugees with a residence permit will be moved into normal homes. This means that these newly arrived immigrants will live in houses originally meant for Dutch citizens. The latter may have been waiting on waiting lists for years, but to no avail; refugees are given priority.

Read it all, it is quite extraordinary!
And, btw, refugees in America are gobbling up government subsidized housing at a rapid rate leaving low income Americans and the disabled on long waiting lists for help.
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.

Muslim immigration to America must be 2016 Presidential campaign issue!

Update: FBI: Thousands of ISIS followers in US, here.  Hat tip: Diane

Breitbart News, which has been doing a lot of good work on the issue of immigration generally, has posted a review of how much Muslim LEGAL immigration of one sort or another is occurring in the US.  The news hook is that Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders, one of the world’s top targets for assassination by the Islamists, was in Garland, Texas for the ‘draw Mohammad’ competition.  And, he has called for a halt to Muslim immigration to the Netherlands.

wilders-markedHere are just a few nuggets that I thought were the most interesting.   There is some blah-blah-blah by politicians saying the problem is lack of “assimilation” which just shows how deep their heads are in the sand.  The word “assimilation” has been banned from our vocabulary going back to the Bush years!

From Alex Swoyer at Breitbart:

The Muslim immigration warnings offered by Dutch politician Geert Wilders—who was in the facility in Garland, Texas, that was attacked by terrorists last weekend—seem to be coming true.


Immigrants from the Middle East are currently the fastest growing immigration demographic coming into the U.S., a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows. America in just three years imported more immigrants from the Middle East than from Mexico and Central America combined.


In fact, the United Nations is currently planning to settle roughly one million refugees – mostly Muslims – in western countries, Fox News reports.


Census data reveals roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants are admitted to the United States each year. Immigrants who enter the U.S. legally are entitled to welfare, U.S. jobs and to vote.  [Refugees get everything, but some other classes of legal immigration do not, and that is why everyone wants to be a refugee.—ed]


The Washington Post reported that immigration from Africa is a contributing factor to the increased Muslim immigrant population: “The number of African-born residents in the United States has doubled every decade since the 1970s, with the greater Washington region remaining among the most popular areas for them to live, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday.”


In addition to the immigration from the African Continent, the nation’s student visas program also contributes to the growing number of Islamic immigrants. “Nearly 81,000 subjects of the Saudi kingdom are studying in the U.S. this school year, up from about 5,000 in 2000-01,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Muslim immigration a major issue for 2016? Let’s help it ‘burst on the scene!’

Few candidates or potential candidates have zeroed in on the issue yet, but with terrorism and national security concerns on the rise—heading into an election season where immigration is a top-tier issue according to every honest pollster—this is likely to burst onto the scene as a major 2016 front burner issue.

There is more, including lots of links, click here.

Every time you meet a Presidential candidate over the next year ask them how they feel about Muslim immigration and the Refugee Admissions Program.  I’ll bet they won’t have a clue about what you are talking about, so educate them!

It is my opinion that there is no greater issue for America’s survival going forward than how we handle immigration, and especially immigration from the Muslim world.

Check out my little book at AmazonRefugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America. Hijra is the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

UN wants the West to take in one million refugees over 5 years; Wilders calls it invitation to Jihadist infiltrators

Update April 30th:  Two Muslim Congressmen try to block Geert Wilders appearance in America, here.

I’m off again today, this time to DC and, alas, have no time to post much, but wanted to get this excellent article from Fox News posted before I catch the train.   Hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum.

Thank goodness some sane heads are quoted throughout.  Australia’s success in turning back the invaders is mentioned.   And, the only thing missing is any mention of how Libya became a launching pad for the invasion with Hillary’s help.

Fox News:

Geert Wilders: The “Islamicization” of Europe is well underway.

 The humanitarian disaster unfolding on the Mediterranean is likely already providing a “shield” for Islamist terrorists to infiltrate waves of migrants attempting the perilous crossing from North Africa to Europe, terrorism experts and other strategic observers are warning. And they say a UN plan to resettle 1 million refugees in Western nations would turn the situation into a full-blown security crisis.

The exodus now unfolding, as well as the UN call to take in refugees from war-torn Middle Eastern and African nations over the next five years, is providing a “shield for the passage of jihadists to Europe,” said one analyst. Once absorbed into the societies of Europe and other rich countries such as the United States, ISIS operatives would be set to eventually gain all the freedoms of other citizens of those countries – including the freedom to travel, often without having to go through the extra scrutiny involved in obtaining a passport visa.

“ISIS has threatened to [infiltrate the migrants] and German intelligence already said that this is a real threat,” Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders told from The Netherlands. “An open door policy would – both for the USA and Europe – mean that the threat of Islamists and terrorists entering our countries would increase to a very dangerous level.”

Read it all here.

Just a reminder that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees already has 11,000 Syrian refugees picked out for your home towns.  Tell your Member of Congress and your US Senators—NO resettlement in your town!

Wilders speaks in Vienna, calls again for a halt to Muslim immigration to the West

There is one brave political leader shouting from the roof tops across Europe that citizens must speak up and demand a halt to the Hijrah, the migration of Muslims to the West, whose goal is simply-put: to destroy the West from within.

From (appropriately) the Gates of Vienna blog (Geert Wilders speech in Vienna last week):

Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom and Heinz-Christian Strache of the Austrian Freedom Party.

In his speech (held in German — the full English text has been posted here), Wilders stressed that the threat of Islamization is by no means being stopped by ostrich-like tactics of the leaders of the European Union, but is actually proceeding at a frightening pace. Wilders quoted statistics about the proliferation of Salafist Islamic organisations, about the number of Muslims supporting violence against non-Muslims, and the threat by the Islamic State to place large numbers of terrorists among asylum seekers entering Europe.

For these reasons and more, Geert Wilders demands that immigration from Islamic countries be halted immediately, that no more mosques should be built, and that we must take control of what is being taught in Islamic schools.

Islam cannot be reformed, he stressed, and for the simple reason that we cannot separate Islam from the Koran, neither can we take Muhammad out of Islam. Therefore there can never be a moderate Islam, Wilders said in his speech.

Wilders is steadfast that our Western culture, based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism, is categorically superior to the Islamic culture. In the interest of everyone, immigrants should adopt our values, not the other way around.

For those who want to join ISIS:  Let them go!***

In the current confrontation with the Islamic State and the problem of those wishing to leave their countries to join it, he has one thing to say: “Let them go, but never let them return.” Take away their passport and citizenship. Once these young people have been radicalized, no amount of intervention or counselling is going to change their minds. So rather bid them goodbye and good riddance, for the West is not their home.

Time is running out and it is up to everyone to speak up!

His resistance against Islamization, mass immigration, lying media (Lügenpresse) and hostile EU elites cannot be left to politicians alone. Wilders emphasizes that preserving our liberties is a responsibility for every citizen because, as he says, “time is running out for the West.”

Visit Gates of Vienna for more and for links.

By the way, my little booklet written for the Center for Security Policy is being reprinted with a forward and some small changes to the format, so look for the newest edition which should be out soon.   It will also have a slightly different title:  ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijrah to America.’

***Just this morning we see news that five Dutch Nationals were apprehended on their way through Turkey to join ISIS.  Wilders is right! We are raising jihadists in our immigrant communities (and paying for their welfare!).  Then when these five are returned to the Netherlands, as they surely will, they will still be in the care of the Dutch taxpayers while in prison.