Germany: The demonstrators chanted, “Merkel muss weg” — “Merkel must go.”

Invasion of Europe news….


Violence erupted in Germany yesterday as demonstrators opposed to the migrant invasion of Germany clashed with police.
The Los Angeles Times has a good report from Cologne here.

Pitched battles erupted during an anti-immigration demonstration in Cologne on Saturday between the right-wing marchers and police as tensions in Germany remained high more than a week after hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed on New Year’s Eve.

Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

The mood had been tense since Friday when reports came out that recently arrived refugees were among the suspected assailants in the New Year’s Eve attacks. Women said they were were molested and groped by a mob of more than 1,000 men in Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city.

Police in Cologne, who withheld information for a week that some refugees were suspected, have been under intense pressure. Police chief Wolfgang Albers was fired on Friday for failing to inform Cologne’s mayor that refugees were suspected of being involved.  [See our earlier post where we learned the police covered-up the identities of the perps, here.]


Across Germany, authorities have received a total of 379 complaints of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve. The attacks have shocked Germany and eroded public support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policies that have so far allowed about 1.1 million refugees from Syria and other troubled countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa to pour into Germany in the last year.


The demonstrators chanted, “Merkel muss weg” — “Merkel must go.”

Yes, she must!
There is more, continue reading here.
I have to laugh, every time the ‘refugees’ misbehave, whether they are arrested on terrorism charges or are involved in crimes like this (sex crimes), I wonder if George Soros and his gang (including Hillary) say, ‘darn, I wish they could control themselves, until we can get these borders erased!’  
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ reports here.  And, there is much more on the suicide of Germany, here.

Germany: New Years Eve sexual assaults much worse than previously reported; involved Syrian refugees

Invasion of Europe news…..

The news is slowly coming out about the horrific events of one week ago as New Years revelers in Cologne, Germany were assaulted by 1,000 men of “immigrant backgrounds.”  Our first story on the events of that evening is here (Merkel: Don’t blame refugees).
Who hushed all this up (we know why!), and who is now leaking police reports that describe the drunk and lewd men as “immigrants” including some from Syria and Afghanistan?  We were earlier told that there were no arrests, but apparently some were detained so the authorities do know who is responsible.
Could this be it for the German people—time for Merkel to go?

refugee with photo of Merkel
They love Mama Merkel!

The UK Telegraph has a lengthy and revealing report:

Some of those involved in a series of sexual assaults against women in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve claimed to be Syrian refugees, according to a leaked police report.

The outbreak of violence was also far more serious than previously thought, and at one point senior police officers feared “there could have been fatalities”.

Two publications have released what they claim is an internal report by a senior officer who was at the scene.

If confirmed, the report could have far-reaching consequences for Angela Merkel’s government as it tries to deal with the aftermath of the assaults.

Ministers have said there is no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.

But the leaked police report, published in Bild newspaper and Spiegel, a news magazine, claims that one of those involved told officers:

“I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”

Continue reading here—many details and photos.
Friend Cathy asked this probing question:  Where were the German men while all of this was happening?  Weren’t they coming to the defense of their women?
We live in interesting times and one of the great mysteries of history will be what possessed Angela Merkel to precipitate the suicide of Germany?  Oh, they could still turn this around by beginning to deport thousands upon thousands of invaders, but Germany’s leaders don’t seem to have the will to live.

Merkel on Cologne sex assaults: don't blame refugees

Invasion of Europe news….
Update January 7th: It is a much bigger story now as leaked police reports reveal Syrian refugees were detained and it was hushed-up! Click here.
I wasn’t planning to write about the New Years eve sexual assaults of dozens of women in the German city of Cologne because it is being widely reported, but a couple of things that are so outrageous about it are worth mentioning.  By the way, I am sure the news was no great surprise to you!

Merkel selfie
Demonstrators: “Mrs. Merkel where are you?” I’m here getting my picture taken! Photo:

First, the full import of what happened only seems to have reached the wider mainstream media days after it happened.  Why? Were many just hoping no one would notice.  I think it’s a wonderful example of the great service alternative media plays because after days of its obvious news value, I’m guessing the bigger western media was finally shamed into reporting it. (I happened to see the story on CNN this morning no less!)
Clearly Mama Merkel is now desperate to tone it down because she has hundreds of thousands of loose young men in Germany just like those accused of the violence against women as the new year dawned (and she invited them to Germany!).

But, what I found most worthy of reporting is that police obviously saw it happening and did nothing and made no arrests.

Here is a story from the BBC just this morning about a protest that occurred there yesterday, and see what the police said,

Hundreds of people have protested in the German city of Cologne over sexual assaults and thefts carried out by groups of men on New Year’s Eve.

Some held up signs demanding action from Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Mrs Merkel has expressed outrage over the “disgusting attacks” and said everything must be done to find those responsible.

Witnesses and police said that the men involved were of Arab or North African appearance.

Political leaders have warned Germans not to link the violence to the influx of more than one million refugees and migrants in the past year.

The police were able to describe the assailants, but arrested no one!

“All we know is that the police at the scene perceived that it was mostly young men aged 18 to 35 from the Arab or North African region.”

The only possible answer to this dereliction of duty is that political correctness, and fear for the wider implications for Germany, caused the police to stand down. This should scare the you-know-what out of German citizens.
See our complete archive on the Invasion of Europe by clicking here (it goes back for years!) and go here for more on Germany.
Just as I have been saying at my new blog American Resistance 2016′ that it is do-or-die for America this year, so it is for Germany (although Merkel’s decisions of 2015 may have already sealed Germany’s fate).

Migrants v. Germans; migrants v. migrants as the joys of diversity arrive in Germany

Invasion of Europe news….

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s migrant fans…..

It had to happen.  You knew it would.
From Breitbart London:

Migrants and locals got into a fight in a restaurant in Bavaria on Sunday, resulting in a 50-year-old German man receiving serious head injuries.

The brawl, which began as an argument between a small group of migrants and local residents eating at a restaurant in the town of Velden, started in the early hours of Sunday morning, according to Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The situation appeared to calm down when the migrants left, but they soon returned with reinforcements.

Around 15 people from the local asylum centre had joined them, with witnesses reporting fist fights and glass bottles being thrown. One witness said the square in front of the restaurant resembled a battlefield, covered in blood.

Six people were injured in the fight, with one 50-year-old German man needing hospital treatment for serious head injuries.

Police arrested a 25-year-old Syrian migrant, but later released him. The investigation continues.

And the brawling wasn’t just migrants v. Germans, but the various diverse ethnic factions entering the country are brawling with each other. Any predictions about where all this will end?

Germany’s police union has previously called for migrants to be separated by country of origin to minimise the risk of inter-ethnic tension.

Coming to a town near you?
More here.
All of our coverage of the ‘Invasion of Europe’ extending back several years may be found by clicking here.  There was time to stop it if there had been a will!

Be sure to see Gates of Vienna yesterday on Islam’s European Offensive, here.

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Photo of the day!

Invasion of Europe news……
(Photo taken on turkey day!)

Merkel selfie
German Chancellor Angela Merkel selfie with refugee. I’ll bet a buck that this photo will be in European history books someday (the history books written by the Islamists).  They love Merkel!

Afterthought!  Someone clever with graphics should put a thought bubble next to the refugee (or Merkel).  Wouldn’t that be fun to fill in the bubble!
Send a comment and tell us what you suggest they are thinking!