Is Obama testing the waters with latest—10,000 Syrians to US in FY2016

The human rights industrial complex must be going nuts right now with the number being tossed out this afternoon from the White House of Syrian refugees that could be admitted to the US starting in 3 weeks (FY2016 starts October 1).
Is your head starting to spin with all the numbers being thrown around?  Join the club!

Merkel angry
Surely “mama Merkel” and papa Francis will not be happy.

Assuming they will be mostly Muslim Syrians like those already admitted, 10,000 is many more than most Americans want to take care of, but it is still a minuscule number compared with the 65,000-100,000 that the refugee contractors in America are asking for.
And, I bet that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (we will take 500,000 a year!) and the Pope are seeing red!
Someone suggested to me that this latest from the White House is simply to test the waters by dropping the number 10,000 and that makes sense.  He still has a couple of weeks before a number for 2016 is due in Congress.
The number is also far short of the number the UN has already placed in a pipeline to America—17,000.
By the way, when you check out this ABC News piece  from a few hours ago on the number 10,000, note that Obama is putting it all off on the US State Department, but this decision is all his in the end!  Emphasis is mine:
ABC News:

President Obama has directed his administration to accept at least 10,000 more Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said today.

“The president has directed his team to consider how we can further scale up our response and one thing that the United States can do is to begin to admit more Syrian refugees into the United States,” Earnest told reporters. “The president has directed his team to scale up that number next year and he’s informed his team that he would like them to accept, at least make preparations to accept at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year.


Obama, acknowledging the crisis today during a conference call with U.S. rabbis ahead of the Jewish New Year, said, “We’ve got to do more.” The president said some of the challenges the United States is confronting are bureaucratic, legal and statutory issues.

Earnest’s announcement came a day after Secretary of State John Kerry proposed that the United States admit an additional 5,000 refugees from across the globe next year, which would increase the total number of refugees allowed in the country to 75,000 in 2016.


Earnest said the State Department has long considered raising the overall cap on refugees from throughout the globe, but it’s unclear how high that cap may be raised next year.

The current cap on refugees the United States accepts annually from all countries is 70,000, and it’s also unclear whether the 10,000 Syrians next year would be within that cap or in addition to it.

Either way, the nonprofit Human Rights First slammed the numbers as insufficient. “This is not leadership, it is barely a token contribution given the size and scale of the global emergency,” the New York-based advocacy group said in a statement. “The administration’s announcement that it will commit to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees is far too little. Resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees is only a drop in the bucket toward providing protection to the more than 4 million Syrians who have fled their country due to horrific violence and persecution.”

The organization urged Obama to commit to resettling at least 100,000 Syrian refugees during the next fiscal year.

I’ll have more tomorrow as we have a look at the reaction and what else is happening on the Syrian refugee invasion of Europe.

Germany: Surprise! (not!) ISIS fighter caught posing as asylum seeker

Invasion of Europe news…..

Well, here you go, you knew it had to happen.  At least they caught this one!  I wonder how many more there are?

Germany refugees
German politicians (and industrialists?) optimistic that they can handle hundreds of thousands of young men seeking asylum.

From The New Observer (hat tip: Joanne):

An ISIS terrorist posing as an “asylum seeker” has been arrested by German police in a “refugee” center in Stuttgart, and German customs officers have seized boxes containing Syrian passports being smuggled into Europe.

According to a report carried by RTL’s German language service, the terrorist is a 21-year-old Moroccan using a “false identity” who had registered as an asylum seeker in the district of Ludwigsburg. He was identified after police linked him to a European arrest warrant issued by the Spanish authorities. He is accused of recruiting fighters for ISIS, where he acted as a contact person for fighters who wanted to travel to Syria or Iraq.

Fake Syrian passports seized!

This first confirmed arrest of a bogus “asylum seeker” came simultaneously with the admission by a German finance ministry spokesman that “boxes” of fake Syrian passports, destined for sale and distribution to the hordes of nonwhite invaders seeking to settle in Europe as bogus “war refugees,” had been seized.

That news, carried in a report by the German Tagespiegel newspaper, also revealed that 10,000 fake Syrian passports were seized by police in Bulgaria, on their way to Germany.

The finance ministry official said both genuine and forged passports were in the packets intercepted in the post. Possession of these passports is a vital part of claiming “asylum” as “war refugees.”

Do you know that in the process of “screening” Syrians and others from the Middle East destined for America, prospective refugees are asked if they have ever been involved in terrorist activities.  So what do you think they are going to answer—a big fat NO!

Take action!

Every one reading these pages must contact your Member of Congress and US Senators and tell them ‘no’ to admitting Syrian Muslim refugees!  Time is of the essence because Obama could announce any day now that he will be opening the floodgates to Syrians.

You don’t think he is going to let Merkel, Cameron and the Pope be the humanitarian big shots do you?
While you are talking to your elected officials tell them that we have had enough Iraqi, Somali, Uzbek, Burmese, and Afghan Muslim refugees as well.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  Our archive on Germany (aka ‘New Syria!’) is here.

Trying to reach the welcoming arms of "Mama Merkel," migrants are buying fake Syrian passports

There is so much ‘Invasion of Europe’ news now that I’ll post just those stories that strike my fancy.
First, I would be remiss in not telling you that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being called “Mama Merkel” by migrants anxious to get to the good life in Germany, see here.  (Psst! Don’t tell Obama, he will be wantin’ some of the lovin’!)

Mama Merkel
“We love you”

Then this is from ABC News (hat tip: Joanne) yesterday.
What a headache Europe has ahead sorting through the tens of thousands of migrants and trying to figure out who fits the definition of refugee (refugees must prove they are PERSECUTED, but Syrians are automatically assumed to be no matter which side of the conflict they are on!).

A number of migrants arriving in Turkey hoping to reach Europe are purchasing fake Syrian passports in order to claim asylum at the end of their journey, the head of the European border management agency Frontex told French radio today.

“There is a traffic of Syrian passports,” Fabrice Leggeri told Europe 1, “because it’s extremely lucrative for smugglers.”

Syrian citizens are legally entitled to refugee status in any European country because of the civil war in their country.

Those using fake passports, Leggeri said, are mainly from North Africa or the Middle East, migrating for economic reasons. But he admitted that authorities do not have a complete picture of those migrating to Europe.

“We have an idea of nationalities but we don’t have full profiles,” Leggeri said.

Asked by the radio host whether terrorists could be reaching Europe, Leggeri said “it is not impossible but we are extremely vigilant.”

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, go here.  For more on Germany, go here.

'Germany loves refugees' say demonstrators…..

……but the Dutch and the Finns are not so thrilled.  My suggestion: send them all to Germany where we are told 60% of Germans welcome the migrants.

Invasion of Europe news…..

From The Guardian:

Dresden demo
Demonstrators in Dresden on Saturday—come on in! Germany is rich! Photo: The Guardian

Thousands of people took to the streets of the German city of Dresden on Saturday to send a message of welcome to refugees after a string of violent anti-migrant protests in the region.

Led by protesters holding a huge banner that read “Prevent the pogroms of tomorrow today”, the crowds marched peacefully through the eastern city under the watch of police in riot gear.

“Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here,” they chanted.

Police said 1,000 people took part in the protest, which was called by the Anti-Nazi Alliance, while organisers put the numbers at 5,000.


Public opinion is largely behind her [Chancellor Angela Merkel–ed] with 60% of Germans polled by public broadcaster ZDF saying that Europe’s biggest economy is capable of hosting the asylum seekers.

Maybe Merkel isn’t mad, maybe a majority of Germans are!
Now see what is happening in the Netherlands, here and in Finland here.  Load up the buses and send them to Germany!
BTW, the EU has called an emergency meeting for mid-September to discuss the migrant crisis, here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Merkel has gone mad!

Invasion of Europe news….

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that any Syrian who gets to Germany can apply for asylum there.  Of course this is going to be great news for Italy and Greece in particular which are now bearing the greatest burden in the invasion by mostly Middle Easterners and Africans.
Gee, Germany might someday be called the New Syria!

Angela Merkel Austerity Europe Germany
Angela Merkel invites all Syrians to come on in!

This brief article at Time magazine reminds us that the present EU rule on asylum is that those who claim to be persecuted must apply for asylum in the first country they reach on the continent.  They are not permitted to “asylum shop” for a better country, but of course they already are and that is what the pile-up is at Calais.   Those migrants don’t want to apply to stay in France they want to get to the UK where they see they have better prospects for social services.
Merkel is reportedly getting love letters from Syrians.  I fear that Obama will get jealous and want some for himself, love that is.  So watch for it—-65,000 Syrians by the end of his term in office?  See Obama praising Merkel, here.
Here is Time:

The new rule comes as Germany is witnessing a surge in attacks on refugee shelters.

In a move that will affect tens of thousands, Germany will now allow Syrian refugees to stay and apply for asylum instead of deporting them back to their country of arrival.

The Washington Post reports the country has decided to suspend a European Union rule, called the the Dublin Regulation, which says refugees are supposed to stay in the first European country of arrival until their asylum claims are processed. This rule places an unequal burden on Southern European countries like Greece and Italy, which are amongst the easiest to reach by boat from across the Mediterranean. Both Italy and Greece have faced unprecedented levels of migrant inflow this past year.

Under the new policy, even if the refugees first arrive in Greece or Italy but travel northwards to Germany, they will not be deported back to their first country of contact.

Can you hear the sound of marching feet toward the German border?  Italy and Greece will likely soon be sending busloads northward!
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Related update:  The Irish government apparently has some good sense and Merkel doesn’t like it!