Guatemalans must be lobbying for temporary refugee status

Your tax dollars!

I wrote a post back in February at Potomac Tea Party Report about how Guatemala’s Foreign Minister traveled to the US to lobby for Temporary Protected Status for ‘his people’ in the US.  Every day that post is still near the top of my list of most read posts, so I can only assume that there is a campaign on-going to get Obama to grant the backdoor amnesty for Guatemalans already in the US.

Here is what I said in February about the program that Mark Krikorian at the Center for Immigration Studies rightly pegs when he says there is nothing quite so permanent as temporary refugee status.

While we are all busy arguing over illegal immigration and how to combat it, the Obama administration is busy with backdoor amnesty.  One such program to legalize the illegals is quietly becoming increasingly popular— Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Just recently TPS was extended for Salvadorans who have been here illegally for more than a decade.  We’ve also extended TPS for Haitians who got here illegally prior to the earthquake.  And, now in light of the turmoil in Syria, an open borders cabal* is asking for TPS for Syrians.

The basic idea behind TPS is that those who are in the country illegally, or whose Visas might expire are allowed to stay and WORK in the US because it would be a hardship on their country (and the illegals themselves) to send them back to a country that is a mess for some reason.

However, the way things are going, this administration would have a good excuse not to deport illegals back to almost any country in the world for some reason.

Now we learn that Guatemala wants TPS for its people here too—because of heavy rains related to tropical storm Agatha nearly two years ago!

Read my whole post that is attracting so much attention.  The great benefit to Guatemala is that their nationals living in the US can readily send remittances back to their homeland without any legal hassles.

Flimsy excuses like this one—a two year old storm—have perverted what might have been a limited program for very rare circumstances, instead it is one more egregious misuse of the concept of “refugees.”   These are illegal aliens/economic migrants not true refugees.

What got me thinking about this again today was this story from North Carolina about one more taxpayer-funded benefit TPS “refugees” get—instate tuition.