And, there is an update here of the post we wroteabout Dutch plans to put an asylum center near a heavily Jewish neighborhood. Plans for that location have been cancelled. Putting “haters” in perspective. How ISIS executes homosexuals. Photo:
AMSTERDAM — Reported abuse of homosexuals at refugee centers shows the need for educating refugees to tolerance as soon as possible, Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs said.
Jacobs’ statement Friday followed an expose aired the previous day by the Dutch broadcaster NOS. In it, the country’s main advocacy group for homosexuals, COC, revealed that over the past two weeks, it has received reports of 10 cases of harassment and intimidation of gays at the Netherlands’ dozen-odd facilities housing refugees from Syria and Iraq.
The report, which included interviews with gay refugees who said they feared they would be murdered by other refugees who were threatening them, came days after the Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands advised against a plan to open a refugee center in Amstelveen. Opening a center in the southern suburb of the Dutch capital was deemed risky by the board because it is the only place in the Netherlands with a Jewish community infrastructure and a large number of recognizably Jewish community members.
Got hate?
Jacobs said he supported helping refugees, but added they “were brought up with fierce anti-Semitism and other forms of hate and intolerance. As a result some of them harbor those hatreds.”
Diversity is soooo beautiful! Click herefor our massive ‘Invasion of Europe’ news.
Ho hum! So we are bringing refugees from the highly touted welcoming-to-all “Rainbow Nation” of South Africa, dropping them off in San Francisco and now whining about how there isn’t enough housing for them. Maybe one of the well-paid staffers at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) might welcome this gay refugee to their home!
A long sob story at the Bay Area Reporter: Isn’t HIAS PAID to take care of the refugees it resettles? Why is San Francisco gay refugee saying this: “In the U.S. I am facing homelessness,” Mayema told the Bay Area Reporter in a recent interview. “I don’t want to end up on the streets.”
“Our biggest challenge in helping these people is to find housing for them,” said Amy Weiss, the director of refugee and immigrant services at Jewish Family and Children’s Services of the East Bay. “They come with no employment history and no housing history. San Francisco is hard enough to find housing if you have an income. It is a huge problem for us and for them and to anybody resettling refugees.”
The agency is believed to be the only one in the country that has developed a specific program to work with LGBT refugees. It began four years ago when a number of Iranian LGBT refugees, who had fled to Turkey, needed help resettling in the U.S.
Since then the agency has worked with a number of LGBT refugees, mostly gay men from Africa and the Middle East. In November Junior Mayema arrived from Capetown, South Africa, where he had fled five years ago from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Then look at this, even the UN High Commissioner for Refugees refers to the attack (the star of this story claimed he suffered) as an “alleged attack.” So, he was resettled in America even though it was never proven he was attacked in S. Africa?
UNHCR staff, after learning about Mayema’s alleged attack, referred his case for resettlement last summer. Four months later, according to the account, he was granted refugee status and, in November, arrived in the Bay Area where he received assistance from the Jewish agency and a local church-sponsored group in acclimating to his new surroundings.
And, by the way, as we admit hundreds of refugees from the supposedly welcoming country of South Africa, you can bet there are few if any persecuted white people in the group. I wonder if a white person pretended to be gay or lesbian and said he or she was attacked, could they get in to the US from South Africa?
The sob story goes on and on, continue reading here. It is largely a play for more taxpayer money!
We have written on this topic occasionally over the years. Although the feds never say it, gays are persecuted throughout the Middle East and Africa by adherents of the ‘religion of peace,’ and as we learned just this weekend they are also not given special rights in Obama’s ancestral country of Kenya.
Meanwhile Russian gays are flooding to the US and seeking asylum (see our previous posts here).
It should be no surprise then that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has published guidance on how to decide where to send them in the US.
From CNS News:
( – The Obama administration has introduced homosexual rights policies across federal agencies, including at the Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement website, which links to a guide that rates placement providers and communities on LGBT-friendly services, including having “culturally competent mental health providers” and “LGBT-affirming places of worship.”
The eight-page guide — published by the homosexual refugee advocacy organization Heartland Alliance International in 2013 and entitled the “Rainbow Welcome Initiative” — is designed like a scorecard that allows agencies and service providers to use a point system to rate refugee programs and communities on acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle.
Continue herefor more information and to follow links.
See more about ORR’s ‘Rainbow Welcome Initiative’here.
As we have reported on several previous occasions, one of the categories of refugees we are taking now are gay men and lesbian women (Bi’s and Trannies too) who have been persecuted by their fellow Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere. Here is news, with no further comment, from Boise State Public Radio (emphasis mine):
The US Department of State pledged to lead the world in accepting refugees from Syria at a meeting in Geneva this month. The organization says it is currently reviewing about 9,000 UNHCR referrals from Syria and is receiving approximately a thousand new referrals each month. A Boise refugee support organization anticipates many of those people will come to Idaho.
Shadi Ismail will help the Syrians who are coming soon to Boise. Says he will tell them to go home if they don’t accept homosexuals. Photo: Jodie Martinson Boise State Public Radio
But one Syrian man has already arrived as a refugee and believes he’s uniquely positioned to help the incoming population of people from his home country — even though the reason he left Syria is different from why many people are leaving now.
Shadi Ismail fled the region about two-and-a-half-years ago because he feared his family would kill him for being gay. He says he always knew he liked boys.
“I see a friend take shirt off or something,” he explains. “It’s like ‘Oof!'”
Ismail says being gay was unacceptable in Syria, especially in his family.
What follows is a long discussion of the abuses he suffered at the hands of his family and the Muslim community. However, another gay man suggested he apply to America as a refugee, and here he is.
After many months of waiting, Ismail was accepted as a refugee and sent on his way to Boise, Idaho.
He plans to help his fellow countrymen (and give them a message) when they start arriving real soon in Idaho:
The Syrians coming to Idaho as refugees escaping the war will have very different reasons to flee than Ismail. But Ismail is the only Syrian refugee he knows of in the Boise area. So he feels a duty to help newcomers fit into their fresh American lives. He plans to explain to them how life works, and he knows what he’ll tell them about how they should treat lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people.
“You have to accept me [in] America,” he said. “I left everything to be who I am. If you want to still have your mind crazy [about sexual intolerance], go back to your country. Do your thing there.”
For more on the booming resettlement state of Idaho…
Go herefor a map of the US and links to federal refugee contractor offices including those in Boise.
Here (all states listed) are the resettlement contractors in the State of Idaho (a Wilson-Fish state which means the contractors and the feds run the program with no state government control):
DFMS (Episcopal Migration Ministries)
ID-DFMS-01: Agency For New Americans
1614 West Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83701
Phone: 208-338-0033-X25
IRC (International Rescue Committee)
ID-IRC-01: International Rescue Committee
7188 W. Potomac Drive
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: 208-344-1792
WR (World Relief)
ID-WR-01: World Relief Treasure Valley
6702 Fairview Avenue
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: 208-323-4964
USCRI (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants)
ID-USCRI-01: College Of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs
1526 Highland Ave E
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Phone: 208-736-2166
Here is Yahoo News filling us in on one of the latest projects of the Open Borders movement—getting Russian gays accepted in the US as refugees.
We have written about this ‘project’ previously here and here.
Aaron Morris, Legal Director Immigration Equality says his legal team has been very successful in getting grants of asylum for their Russian clients. Photo and bio:
There are no firm statistics on the number of gay Russian asylum seekers; U.S. government agencies that handle applications do not report such details. However, the Department of Homeland Security’s latest figures show that overall applications for asylum by Russians totaled 969 in the 2014 fiscal year, up 34 percent from 2012.
To get an application approved, an asylum seeker must present a convincing case that he or she has a “well-founded fear of persecution” in their home country. Russia’s anti-gay policies and its record of anti-gay violence are factors that could strengthen an individual’s case.
Aaron Morris, Immigration Equality’s legal director, said most of the recent asylum inquiries came from gay men in their 20s and 30s who had been targeted by anti-gay attacks, while only a handful have come from gays or lesbians raising children.
We learn that in a small number of cities there are programs in place to help the Russian LGBT visa-holders submit their claims for asylum with lots of lawyers ready to help. However, since the asylum seekers can’t legally work, obtaining housing and other living expenses is a problem.
The article does mention that lobbying efforts are underway at the US State Department to get Russian gays and lesbians designated as a refugee class which would mean we would go fetch them and bring them to the US rather than the present situation where they must get themselves here and apply for asylum. If they were refugees chosen abroad, they would get all sorts of social services right off the bat.