We wish there were more hours in a day to write about other legal immigration programs that are changing the demographics of America and swamping our culture besides refugee resettlement, but alas there are not.
Here are reports on two Visa programs for you to watch. Both offer opportunities for massive immigration fraud.

The first is the Investor Visa, as described in this article from Michigan Live (Hat tip: Dianne):
Michigan luring “entrepreneur aliens” from Asia and the Middle East!
LANSING, MI — Michigan’s new status as a federally designated center for an increasingly popular investor visa program — just the second of its kind in the nation — will uniquely position the state to attract foreign capital and create local jobs, according to experts and stakeholders.
United States Customs and Immigration expedited and approved Michigan’s application to run its own EB-5 Regional Center, the Snyder administration announced this week, citing support from the governor, the state’s entire Congressional delegation and Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan.
The federal EB-5 visa program is designed to attract “entrepreneur aliens” by offering them a green card in exchange for domestic investments that produce at least 10 new jobs in the U.S.
Read it all. The Center for Immigration Studies has done a lot of reporting on problems with this program, here. Michelle Malkin calls it the “cash-for-visas racket,” here.
Religious workers Visa
This isn’t just for the Imams, Priests, Ministers, but for “religious workers” supposedly needed to back-up the leaders. Rep. Honda wants to make the program permanent so Congress doesn’t have to revisit it every few years with the possibility each time of killing it!
From ZeeNewsIndia:
Washington: Aimed at facilitating immigration of religious workers including those of Hindu and Sikh faith, a US lawmaker has introduced a legislation in the House of Representatives.
Introduced yesterday by Congressman Mike Honda, the Freedom of Faith Act (HR 4460), will make permanent the special immigrant provision for non-minister religious workers.
The current religious workers programme is set to expire in 2015.
When passed by the Congress, the Act would cover religious workers, who provide a variety of services, such as translating for Korean Presbyterian churches, singing as cantors in Jewish temples, delivering sermons as mullahs (clerics) in Muslim mosques, and helping with Hindu pujas during Dussehra, Naimittika, Shivaratri, and Sikh ceremonies such as Akhandpath. [What! We don’t have enough religious workers here already? If not, how about training some right here—ed]
Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Jain, Mormon, Catholic, Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim workers would benefit from this.
“For over two decades, Congress has reauthorised this programme time and time again,” Honda said.
Can you just imagine how broadly the “workers” definition is being interpreted!
The next time you hear someone say: ‘I don’t like illegal immigration, but we welcome legal immigration!’ Think about these kinds of LEGAL immigration and give them a bop over the head!