German official: Civil war coming to Europe, Breitbart journalist reports

Angela-Merkel-migrants-639762 (1)
What has she done to Germany?


James Delingpole writing at Breitbart tells us why he thinks the unnamed German official might very well be correct.

No time to snip much of it, so read it all here.

Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician

“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.

I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.

James Delingpole

But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.

Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.


Why is Germany inflicting this immigration on itself?

Apart from desperation to show itself in a good light to make amends for World War II and the Holocaust, there are two main reasons.

Economics: there is a view abroad, mostly promoted by the mainstream liberal-left but also by squishy conservatives, that Germany’s ageing population needs an influx of fresh blood. If native Germans won’t breed at replacement rates, then “guest-workers” must be imported to keep the economy going strong.


Anti-Nationalist, Post-Borders New World Order: this the world-view promoted and funded by George Soros and his acolytes, an article of faith for many on the hard left. Encouraging immigration from apparently inimical foreign cultures will ultimately make us better people. It will solve the disgusting problem of white privilege. We will interbreed and cross-pollinate and abandon our unhelpful nationalistic identities which have led to so much chauvinism and war in the past.

And here is his wrap-up:

I welcome articulate disagreement.

But in order for it to persuade me it will have to answer a simple question:

When there is such a huge and growing gulf between where our governing, globalist elites are on Islam and immigration – and where ordinary people are on Islam and immigration – how can there ever, possibly, be a happy ending?

Read Delingpole’s whole thesis here.

There is no comfortable middleground which leaves only a fight to the death (aka a civil war).

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Colorado: Meatpacker agrees to pay Somalis $1.5 million in prayer break dispute

I have no sympathy for giant globalist meatpackers because they brought this on themselves when they actively sought out (with the help of federal refugee contractors like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) Somali refugee workers.

However, what we increasingly see is an accommodation of Islamic religious practices in the workplace with this settlement and others like it.  CAIR is very happy!

Big Meat! Changing America, one meatpacking town at a time!



Ft. Morgan Somalis Islamic center
Ft. Morgan has a mosque now.


From the Greeley Tribune:

DENVER — A big U.S. meatpacker has agreed to pay $1.5 million to 138 Somali-American Muslim workers who were fired from their jobs at a Colorado plant after they were refused prayer breaks, a federal anti-discrimination agency said Friday.

Cargill Meat Solutions, a division of Minnesota-based agribusiness company Cargill Corp., also agreed to train managers and hourly workers in accommodating Muslim employees’ prayer breaks at its Fort Morgan beef processing plant, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said.

Wichita, Kansas-based Cargill denies wrongdoing but agreed to settle to avoid further litigation, the federal agency said. The dispute dates back to the firings of the workers in late 2016 after management rescinded policies allowing Muslim employees to take short breaks for prayer.

In 2017, the agency found that the workers had been harassed and discriminated against for protesting the unannounced policy change that denied them opportunities for obligatory prayer. Hundreds of Somali-Americans work at the plant in Fort Morgan, about 50 miles southeast of Greeley.

The Teamsters union also agreed to pay them, an admission that they too were not happy with the Somali workers and their religious demands.

In a related announcement, a Teamsters union local that was supposed to represent the workers will pay them $153,000 to settle discrimination complaints.

The federal agency said it determined that Teamsters Local Union No. 455, based in Denver and in Fort Morgan, failed to advocate for the Muslim workers in their dispute with Cargill and even harassed them because of their race, religion and national origin. The workers were dues-paying union members.

Union officials denied wrongdoing, but the local unit agreed to pay the workers, undergo training in handling grievances, and publicize employee rights to be free of discrimination based on race or national origin.


Like other U.S. firms that employ Muslim line workers at meatpacking and processing plants, Cargill managers must balance religious accommodations with demands of processing meat in an operation that frequently runs 24 hours.

Managing possible disruptions not only slow production but can create safety issues for line workers.

Here comes CAIR:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim advocacy group, and Qusair Mohamedbhai, a Denver attorney who represented the workers praised the settlement.

Much more here.

See my Fort Morgan file here.  I visited that small city on my tour of midwestern and western towns and cities disrupted by an influx of refugee workers. I spoke with residents who told me that at one time Cargill paid very good wages, but then discovered the ‘benefits’ of immigrants and refugees who would work for less.

You might want to search RRW for the word ‘meatpackers’ because I have dozens and dozens of posts going back ten years about how BIG MEAT is changing America.

Here is just one post you should see. It isn’t just meatpackers, but others in the food industry, the hospitality industry and other manufacturing companies that drive the US Refugee Admissions Program.

This post is filed in my category ‘Stealth jihad’ for obvious reasons.

Minnesota Muslims didn’t turn out 50,000 EID celebrants…

Update:  Matthew Vadum writing at Frontpage magazine has a piece today on the gathering.

I’ve been looking around for a story that might best summarize what happened yesterday when Muslims in a supposed demonstration of power held a ‘religious’ event at Vikings Stadium in Minnesota.

When I find more stories I’ll update this post, but here is a report by Pamela Geller re-posted at the DC Clothesline with lots of photos including this one—men in front and women behind as is the tradition in Islam.

Originally printed Tuesday August 21, 2018 at Geller Report


EID at Vikings stadium



How did Minnesota get so many Somalis?

For new readers and longtime readers who may have forgotten, go here to my 2011 post that answers the question—it is one of my top most-read posts of all time.  Three federal resettlement contractors got the ball rolling because cheap laborers were needed and because Minnesota was a generous welfare state.

Now Minnesota is the top secondary migration state for Somali refugees as they head there to be with their own kind of people and build a power base.

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update)

Leo Hohmann has penned a very thorough report on the secretive (outside the Somali Muslim community!) event to be held tomorrow in Minnesota.

Vikings stadium

We first reported it here last Thursday, but this is a must-read filled with details and expert translations of what one might expect to hear at the “one-of-a-kind Muslim event that’s never happened before on U.S. soil.”

Here are just some of Hohmann’s opening paragraphs:

The Minnesota Vikings’ US Bank Stadium seats 65,000 people for pro football but the state’s imams are hoping to fill those seats with more than 50,000-plus Muslims chanting “Allahu Akbar!” on Tuesday, Aug. 21, in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Ahda.

While the size and scope of the “Super Eid 2018” celebration is described by Muslim organizers as “unprecedented” for this country, it has attracted little media attention.

It might have attracted little mainstream media attention, but I can tell you it’s garnered tens of thousands of social media reads if my numbers here at RRW are any indicator.

Eid al-Ahda is one of the most important Islamic holidays and literally means “Festival of the Sacrifice” in Arabic. It involves the ritual slaughtering of domestic animals, typically goats or sheep, although stadium management has promised a group of concerned citizens in Minnesota that no animals will be killed inside the stadium.


Featured speaker DR. WALEED AL-MANEESE PH.D

While an event of this size takes at least a year to plan, details about the Super Eid have been held under wraps. The first visible sign that it would happen came in mid-July, when a website popped up under the registered domain name of

“Super Eid” was formally announced by a group of 13 imams during a cryptic 20-minute press conference outside the US Bank Stadium, aired Aug. 7 on Somali TV of Minnesota.

The imams, speaking mostly in Arabic and Somali, said they were inviting tens of thousands of Muslims to come together to celebrate an Islamic holiday that involves not only the slaughter of animals but three hours of chanting “Allahu Akbar,” followed by feasting, merrymaking and events for children.

One imam exclaimed at the Aug. 7 announcement that “Super Eid 2018” is being designed as a statement to America that the best Islamic teachers, imams and scholars will be “coming together and showing the unity and the power of our community.”

Continue reading here.

Don’t miss the discussion about what happened when concerned citizens attended a stadium board meeting last Friday.

We will be eager to hear how it goes—-presumably from the mainstream media which we expect will be giving it extensive coverage for such an important first-in-America Islamic show of power and unity!

Too funny!!!  

No sooner had I written those words when I saw that the Washington Post is down playing the event and calling it “not real news” by focusing only on the issue of animal slaughter that they say will not be happening!  Dear WaPo, you are missing the point (on purpose!).


Minnesota: Muslims say they will show their power next week at Vikings stadium

“There’s been nothing else like this, promoted anywhere in the United States which is a message in and of itself.”

(Minnesota resident Bob Carrillo)

But, it isn’t too late for Minnesotans and others to tell the powers-that-be at the US Bank Stadium that you object to the event—an event that celebrates the ritual slaughter of animals.

***Update*** See the latest news here!


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From Third Rail Talk:

The Secret Plan of Muslims to Sneak Tens of Thousands Into the U.S. Bank Stadium for a Historic “Show of Power” in Minnesota


There is a secret plan to literally sneak fifty thousand Muslims into the Minnesota Vikings US Bank Stadium.

Feast of the Sacrifice…at US Bank Stadium? Yup.

Their own words not mine: “to show our unity and power”.

What is the Islamic event about?

Well it’s called EID AL ADHA – Feast of the Sacrifice.

About a week and a half ago we discovered this program being sponsored by some very interesting people and organizations.

Fifty thousand people – two day event on the 21st and 22nd of August at our Minnesota Vikings US Bank Stadium. That folks is tantamount to two Super Bowls back to back. We just had a Super Bowl here recently and capacity is between 60 and 65 thousand people! These folks have, in a very stealth fashion, invited 50 thousand people to be in the stadium on the 21st and 22nd – both days.

With a list of who’s who in the Islamist world in terms of Imams from Minnesota and from around the country as presenters.


This is the first of its kind and it’s massive. And Minnesota residents Minneapolis St Paul and the surrounding area are not prepared for this.


Call the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority at 612-332-0386 and demand, the operative word there, demand its cancellation.


Come to the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority Board Meeting on Friday, August 17 at 9 am and voice your position together with other citizens.

More here.  See how secretive the organizers have been about the gathering.

See also the video accompanying the story.  Honestly I couldn’t watch because the ‘celebration’ is about brutally sacrificing animals. BTW, where is PETA?

Wonder where the organizers will find 50,000 celebrants?

Just have a look at the numbers Conservative Review put together yesterday. We are admitting Muslims to the US by the tens of thousands annually through a variety of LEGAL immigration programs. Expect the construction of more mosques and events like this one!