We are still taking ‘refugees’ from safe countries

Every so often I check out the Processing Country data at the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) maintained by the US State Department.


More frequently I report to you about the nationalities entering the US, but processing country data is very different.

From processing country data, we learn in which countries supposed ‘refugees’ are processed in to the US, but we don’t learn where they came from before they arrived in that country.

I first became aware of this about ten years ago when I noticed that illegal aliens, who arrived by boat at the tiny island nation of Malta in the Mediterranean, were being sent to the US as refugees. (See my explanation of refugees vs. asylum here yesterday.)

What!!!  Malta is a safe country in the EU, anyone arriving there claiming to be a refugee by seeking asylum must apply there, not be packed off to the US.

I have a huge file on Malta where this legally questionable movement of mostly Africans to your towns was put in place during the administration of George W. Bush and continues through today.

We are doing the same with Israel and South Africa where migrants get in to those countries from elsewhere (seeking asylum) and we help those governments out by taking some of their excess off their hands.

Heck, we have our own problem on our southern border where illegal aliens cross by the tens of thousands and then ask for asylum.

Are we going to ask Malta, South Africa and Israel to take a few of our excess asylum seekers?  (Don’t laugh!)

Here (below) is the end of the fiscal year data table for Processing Country.  I’m posting this now because it will disappear by the beginning of November.

Again, just so you know we are not taking Maltese people, South Africans or Israelis to America, the numbers represented here are people from elsewhere who got in to those three countries and are unwanted by those three countries.


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Notice the numbers for Papua New Guinea and Nauru.  Those are the Australian rejected asylum seekers we are taking off Australia’s hands in the same possibly illegal manner.

There are probably other questionable processing countries above, but the three I have highlighted are countries which I have followed closely over the years.

The Trump Administration could stop this possibly illegal use of the refugee admissions process in a heartbeat if they wanted to!  Congress would not have to be involved!

If you haven’t noticed, I have a link in the right hand corner of RRW for the White House contact information.  Please take time to express your opinion to the President.

Trump Administration wants to end special UN agency just for Palestinian so-called “refugees”

“It is important to have an honest and sincere effort to disrupt UNRWA”

(Jared Kushner)


And, doing so would save the US a whole heck of a lot of money! (See chart below)

Kushner and Haley
Jared Kushner and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley have a tough job ahead! It is worth the fight!

I’ve written about the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) over the years. It was specially set up in 1949 to care for the Palestinians displaced from what became the state of Israel.

However, unlike every other refugee situation under the UN umbrella, these ‘refugees’ are never permanently resettled and serve only one purpose—they perpetuate the Middle East hatred of Israel.

If they were legitimate refugees they should have long ago been taken care of by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

In fact, as you read this, the key thing you need to remember is that NO Muslim country wants to permanently resettle Palestinians and the UN never pressures those countries to take in their co-religionists as permanent citizens.

The other Muslim countries are perfectly happy to let the angry Palestinians create generation after generation of so-called ‘refugees’ on Israel’s border.

Continue reading “Trump Administration wants to end special UN agency just for Palestinian so-called “refugees””

“Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel

Here is an idea for Donald Trump today (the master at making Leftwing media heads explode).

Just as everyone is going crazy over Trump’s summit with Putin, he could invite Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House to discuss big beautiful border walls!


orban and Netanyahu
Haaretz calls them “soulmates.” Last year France 24 called them “spiritual brothers.”   http://www.france24.com/en/20170718-spiritual-brothers-netanyahu-orban-meet-budapest


I can dream, can’t I!


israeli border wall
Israel’s border wall with Egypt


Today Orban will be in Israel meeting with Netanyahu and the far Left publication Haaretz gives us an idea of the magnitude of the media meltdown the US press would have if an Orban/Netanyahu/Trump event was scheduled!

Continue reading ““Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel”

UN: Israel to send its illegal aliens to Western countries (oops! cancel that)

This is what Israel has been contending with for years. Some of these migrant activists are already coming to the US!

It seems that Israeli Prime Minister nixed his own deal with the UN before the ink was dry on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (aka HIAS)‘s crowing e-mail to its followers.
I received Mark Hetfield’s e-mail at 3:28 p.m. yesterday, but sometime later yesterday the New York Times reported that the deal was off.
I was planning to post on the Hetfield e-mail anyway this morning, but now the story gets even juicier.  My focus would have been on the outrageous idea that 16,000 Africans who broke in to Israel over the years would be resettled as refugees in WESTERN COUNTRIES. Which countries? The US!  Surely Europe can’t handle one more needy African!
***Update*** Canada in the cross hairs, see here.
(Readers need to know that we (the US) are already bringing rejected asylum seekers from Israel to be placed in Anytown, USA.  71 arrived between Oct. 1, 2017 and February, 28, 2018. Hundreds more have come in recent years probably all resettled by HIAS.)
Below is Mark Hetfield, CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society yesterday. We previously questioned why HIAS, one of nine major federal resettlement contractors, was mucking around in Israel’s business in the first place.
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Then here is the New York Times sometime after that e-mail went out.
By the way, after the original flood of illegal aliens entering Israel, the Israelis built a very successful wall.

JERUSALEM — In a head-spinning turnaround, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel announced on Monday that he had reached an extraordinary deal with the United Nations refugee agency to resettle thousands of African asylum seekers in Western countries. Within hours Mr. Netanyahu suspended the deal after coming under heavy criticism from his coalition partners.

The flip-flop appeared to reflect Mr. Netanyahu’s fear of losing support from those partners or from his right-wing constituency, who call the asylum seekers infiltrators and want them gone. His opponents on the left described the prime minister’s behavior as an embarrassing and cowardly surrender under pressure.

African protesters in Tel Aviv in 2014.   https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/10556609/African-refugees-plan-march-on-Jerusalem-amid-anger-at-Israeli-dentention-plans.html

Mr. Netanyahu, who is battling for his political future under the cloud of multiple corruption scandals and faces possible charges of bribery, had apparently failed to consult with most of his own conservative Likud Party colleagues or coalition allies before announcing the migrant deal.


The agreement with the United Nations was meant to replace a contentious Israeli plan that had offered the migrants a stark choice: forced deportation to Africa or prison. That plan fell through after Rwanda, the African country meant to receive the deportees, announced that it would accept only those who left Israel voluntarily.

In the afternoon, in a televised news conference, Mr. Netanyahu triumphantly announced the new deal, under which the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees committed to persuading countries in the West to take at least 16,250 migrants over five years, while Israel would grant official status as temporary residents to most who remained.

Estimates of the population of African asylum seekers in Israel, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan, range from 35,000 to 39,000.

But the agreement to let many stay in Israel drew harsh criticism from some of Mr. Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition allies, who were taken by surprise. Naftali Bennett, the education minister and leader of the far-right Jewish Home party, said the deal would “turn Israel into an infiltrator’s paradise.”

Mr. Netanyahu backtracked.


The plan was to be carried out in three phases, with the first 6,000 migrants expected to leave over the next 18 months.

William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency in Geneva, said there was no agreement in place with other countries to take any of them. He said that the agency would need countries to come forward with offers, but that “we are confident we will be able to find places for these 16,000 people.”

More here.
The UN is confident! I’m not!  A major part of the deal requires WESTERN COUNTRIES to take 16,000 —- which countries?
And, why should Israel’s, or Malta’s, or Australia’s illegal aliens be our problem!
Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants are the problem of the country they have escaped to—-they are not the US’s problem—and if the President is serious about reforming the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, simply disallowing resettlement from first world countries is something he can do at the State Department level!
See my category, ‘Israel and refugees’ with 169 previous posts archived here.
I’ll try to remember to put this at the end of every post….

Contact the President by clicking here.

Dear Donald, give Bibi a gift today, cut federal funding to HIAS….

…..and help yourself too!

[On refugees] right now we’re setting a very bad example.

(HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield told the Israeli press last month)

It really is outrageous.  Taxpayers shelled out $24,493,743 in federal grants to the ‘non-profit’ Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society according to its most recent Form 990 available and the group is in Israel community agitating and badmouthing the Trump Admin at the same time.

HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield at the White House last month protesting the Trump Administration refugee policy which reduces his organization’s income.   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/02/17/australian-christian-magazine-goes-to-bat-for-us-refugee-resettlement-contractors/

HIAS (they changed their name a few years ago, dropped the Hebrew) is helping organize protests in Israel against the deportation of illegal aliens.
I’m not challenging their right to free speech elsewhere in the world, but shouldn’t there be some law against using taxpayer dollars to do it!
I’m sure they will say they have great bookkeepers working to keep their pots of money separate.  However, their taxpayer funding makes up half of their budget each year and they couldn’t exist without it (and they sure couldn’t pay these huge salaries, below).
Here is news directly from the HIAS horse’s mouth:

The diverse coalition of Israeli and North American groups calling for more humane treatment of asylum seekers is gathering momentum at a critical juncture, with the first wave of deportations scheduled to begin in April.


While in Israel for a visit, HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that he felt encouraged the narrative was finally beginning to shift back in favor of the asylum seekers.

“Israelis are beginning to realize these are people with asylum claims, and they should be given a fair asylum hearing,” he said.

“If the government is unable to set up a system that is fair, it should give these people social and economic rights until it is safe for them to go back home. We’re not talking about a lot of people anymore.” [Last figure I saw was 37,000, a very high number for a small country to absorb—-ed]


HIAS, along with partners at the New Israel Fund, T’ruah, and Right Now, organized a call-in day last week in coordination with the #LetUsHelp Campaign, urging North Americans to call their local Israeli consulates and ask them to stop the deportation plans.

In his interview with Haaretz, Hetfield spoke about the relationship between Israel’s policies and attitudes back home in the United States.

“In the eyes of the American-Jewish community – particularly the younger generation – this is very upsetting and it’s just going to cause further alienation from Israel,” he warned. [He hopes it will!—ed]

Hetfield also noted that Trump Administration’s policies may be playing a role.

“The United States often sets examples for how refugees and asylum seekers should be treated, and that’s what’s happening now. We either set a good example or a bad example – and right now we’re setting a very bad example.

And, to think that we help pay his exorbitant salary!
From that recent Form 990:
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Come on Mr. President, turn off their pipeline to the US Treasury!

Looking for something to do? Contact the White House and tell the President to cut HIAS loose!
For new readers:
HIAS is one of nine federal resettlement contractors.
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.