Updates: Italy refuses another migrant ship; Germany's Merkel less popular, but holding on

The migrants “will only see Italy on a postcard.”

(Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini)

While many of us are fixated on our own migrant invasion at the border, Europe is in a tizzy as Italy refuses a docking request from a second migrant ferry (aka rescue boat) from Libya.
Continue reading “Updates: Italy refuses another migrant ship; Germany's Merkel less popular, but holding on”

US war ship picks up 40 migrants off coast of Libya, now what?

Overshadowed by the huge controversy surrounding the rescue boat Aquarius’ this past week, is the news that a US naval vessel has picked up 40 migrants off the coast of Libya, and as of this writing is stuck with them.
trenton caption
Other so-called ‘rescue boats’ won’t take them fearing that they will be blocked from landing in nearby European ports.

Could the illegal aliens be brought to the US?

Continue reading “US war ship picks up 40 migrants off coast of Libya, now what?”

'Aquarius' becomes the war cry of the Roman church against the new Italian government

Readers, when the Italian government held firm and sent the so-called ‘rescue ship’ Aquarius packing it drew the battle lines with the Italian Catholic Church—that is what the church is saying!

graph sea arrivals in italy
Hey Spain! You are next!

I’m writing about this story again today because it represents a critical juncture for the future of Europe.
There is hope (I think!) as I wrote a couple of days ago, here, for the survival of Western Civilization in its birthplace, but action to save it must be swift and happen NOW.
Here is the Crux headline (Taking the Catholic pulse):

Italian Church and new government finally face off over Aquarius

(The subtitle could be: The Catholic Church shows its daggers)
Continue reading “'Aquarius' becomes the war cry of the Roman church against the new Italian government”

Stalemate at sea ended: Spain welcomed over 600 migrants, mostly men, rejected by Italy, Malta

Yesterday I told you that the Italian government refused entry to a so-called “rescue ship” that had picked up over 600, mostly African illegal aliens, from waters off Libya.
Italy first!
These transport ships have had free passage to Italy for years, but all that is ending now that the Italians have elected a government willing to save Italy for Italians!
Continue reading “Stalemate at sea ended: Spain welcomed over 600 migrants, mostly men, rejected by Italy, Malta”

Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?

fake eyebrows
While the media is busy with the run-up to the show in Singapore, and prior to that the G7 in Canada that saw social media in a flutter over the failure of Justin’s fake eyebrow that came unglued in a presser attacking Trump (yes, apparently the prime minister of Canada augments his eyebrows with bushy black fake ones!), some monumental shift may have occurred in Europe in one week….
Is there still hope to stop the Invasion of Europe?
Here is what I see.
Continue reading “Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?”