Last Friday “faith based” groups huddled (virtually) with demented Joe‘s proposed head of Homeland Security and declared themselves “refreshed” by promises from their dear leader.
According to Religion News Service, here are the attendees, in addition to Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), who are especially thrilled at the prospect of more impoverished Muslims and other third worlders expected to arrive in the US beginning in January:
(I have highlighted some of my personal favorites)
According to a Biden transition official, the meeting also included representatives from Catholic Charities USA, Emgage, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[Mormons—ed], Code Legal Aid, Christian Churches Together, Jesuit Refugee Services USA, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Arab American Institute, Bridging Cultures Group, Esperanza, the Ismaili Council for the USA, the Secure Community Network, the Islamic Society of North America and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Those are ‘faith’ groups along with HIAS that DO NOT PUT AMERICANS FIRST.
As I told Neil Munro at Breitbart (and I plan to post this comment every time I write about the America Lasters, fake humanitarians):
There’s no sense trying to argue with [progressives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.
So here is what Religion News reported:
Biden DHS nominee has ‘refreshing’ meeting with faith groups about immigration, refugees
WASHINGTON (RNS) — President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security held a roundtable meeting with an array of faith groups on Friday (Dec. 18), a gathering participants described as “refreshing” and a shift away from the Trump administration’s combative relationship with religious organizations regarding immigration and refugee policy.
The long list of attendees huddled virtually with Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban American Sephardic Jew and former refugee Biden has tapped as his DHS nominee.
They are especially jazzed at Biden’s promise to open America’s gates to migrants from Muslim countries that hate us!
A Biden transition official noted there was significant energy at the meeting created by Biden’s promise to overturn President Donald Trump’s travel ban, which advocates characterize as a “Muslim ban.” They also discussed laws and regulations governing asylum claims.
Biden says he will one-up Obama!
Biden recently announced at a gathering of the Jesuit Refugee Service that he would raise the refugee ceiling to 125,000, above even the 110,000 cap former President Barack Obama set in his final year in office.
“The door just has not been open for discussion for the last four years for many of us in the human rights community,” Mark Hetfield of HIAS, formerly known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, told Religion News Service after the meeting. “It was nice to actually have a meeting where you can discuss issues — that’s a 180 degree change from what we’ve been enduring for the last four years.”
HIAS has been the ringleader of the anti-Trump ‘faith’ groups since before the President was elected in 2016. They sued the President over Trump’s attempt to give local governments a say in refugee placement. HIAS, Church World Service, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service want to decide if your town will be a resettlement site. They have been making those decisions for decades!
Last year, three faith-based groups, including HIAS, sued the Trump administration over an executive order granting state and local officials the authority to block refugee resettlement.
“I honestly feel there is no better person in the country to serve in this role than Alejandro,” Hetfield said of Mayorkas, who has served on HIAS’ board.
Speaking of the HIAS board….
You need to know a few other bits of information.
First, HIAS and the United Nations have formalized their relationship according to a press announcement from the UN yesterday. Supposedly it is the first ‘faith’ group to do so.
Zionists zing Hetfield!
Also, yesterday, a press release from the Zionist Organization of America trumpets that HIAS misleads its supporters and the public on several fronts:
ZOA Urges HIAS: Stop Misleading Statement That HIAS Is “Jewish Refugee Agency” and That “HIAS’ Board is 100% Jewish”
HIAS Falsely States Its Partner “Islamic Relief” Is “Apolitical Humanitarian Group” When IR Is On Israel’s and UAE’s Terrorist Lists
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) released the following statement:
The ZOA urges HIAS and HIAS’ President, CEO, and Board member Mark Joseph Hetfield to stop falsely stating that “HIAS’ Board is 100% Jewish”; to stop misleadingly implying that Hetfield is Jewish and speaks for Jews as a Jew; to stop misleadingly claiming that HIAS is a “Global Jewish Refugee Agency,” when in fact approximately 99% of HIAS’ refugee clients are non-Jews (largely Muslim); and to stop falsely stating that HIAS’ partner, “Islamic Relief,” is an “apolitical humanitarian group.” In fact, Israel, the UAE, and others designate Islamic Relief as a terror organization.
As Americans continue to struggle due to the Chinese virus, I figured it is time to highlight once again the salaries of those who are doing well by doing good.
Parents tell your children to grow up to be charity workers.
Here (below) is a screenshot of HIAS salaries from its most recent IRS Form 990(page 7).
Again, if HIAS was a legitimate private ‘charity’ it would be none of our business what they pay their employees. However, since they took in over $20 million in taxpayer dollars reported in this Form 990, nearly half of their income for the year, it is our business.
Of course these six digit salaries pale in comparison to those I reported recently at the IRC.
Think about it! Your tax dollars help pay the salaries of these political agitators who have worked tirelessly to defeat our President.