“Small ghettos” of competing ethnic groups have developed!
We have been writing about Amarillo, Texas (a ‘pocket of resistance’) for a couple of years (see our complete archive by clicking here). Like so many meatpacking towns in America, federal refugee resettlement contractors*** got a foot hold there years ago (mostly working as ‘head hunters’ for the meatpacking industry) and have continued to pour third-worlders into Amarillo despite pleas by elected officials to STOP! (See our post just yesterday, here, about BIG MEAT). ***Update***See more about Cargill, the meat giant, here. ***Update Jan. 15th***For some reason this post went viral, please take a minute to read the comments esp. ‘7delta’s’ response to reader Keith Jones who said that sharia law is no threat to us. Omar Jamal meets with Somali workers from Cargill after van rollover accident in 2012. http://amarillo.com/news/local-news/2012-01-05/missed-work-medical-bills-worry-somalis
From Watchdog.org (hat tip: Robin):
As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim “ghettos.”
Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants – giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.
“Our education system is overloaded with kids who can’t speak English. We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools,” said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.
City Commissioner Randy Burkett is considering a plan to halt further refugee settlements. Burkett could not be reached, but Mayor Paul Harpole isn’t optimistic about the city’s authority to push back.
“We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos,” Harpole told Watchdog.org.
Why do Somalis need their own government within American cities? It is about Sharia Law! This is how it begins!
“A group of Somalis came in to say they had elected a mayor of their community,” Harpole related. “Then another faction claimed they had their own leader. We come to find out that rival tribes — slaves and masters — were being settled together.”
Mayor Harpole said the city’s schools are particularly hard hit.
“We have 660 (refugee) kids who don’t speak English and the U.S. Department of Education says they have to be at grade level within one year. It’s a ludicrous requirement — they don’t even know how to use the bathroom,” Harpole said. Washington pays schools $100 per refugee student per year.
There is much more at Watchdog.org.
See also our three part series on Texas, here, from last year.
And, here is a recent post aboutCargill caving to Somali demands regarding prayer break times. Cargill is one of four meat giants destroying America towns and cities as they lure cheap refugee labor to your community. Photo: I can’t believe it, Omar Jamal, was acting once again like the Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ here in 2012. I bet we have mentioned Jamal in 50 posts (more!) here at RRW over the years. He was originally an illegal alien, but was never deported and he manages to get to every hot spot in America as the voice of Somalis.
***Click hereand scroll down to Texas to see which Refugee Resettlement contractors are working there.
The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractorsoffer American businesses. I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work?
Everyone working in‘pockets of resistance’ must begin to expose the businesses in your city and state that work with refugee contractors to displace American workers. And, don’t forget the Chamber of Commerce! It is all about keeping wages low! David Miliband, the former British Foreign Secretary (bff Hillary) is changing America by changing the people as CEO of the financially largest US refugee resettlement contractor. He wants 100,000 Syrians in here by the end of Obama’s term.
And, then be sure to find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those same businesses—expose them!
You also must check out the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s micro-enterprise loan program which gives grants to contractors like the International Rescue Committeeso they can be big shots and hand those loans out to their refugee ‘clients.’ The story says that the IRC is dishing out $4 million in loans to refugees, but if you could ever get to the bottom line, I will bet you find that most of the $4 million comes through federal and state taxpayers’ pockets. See the story at the Wall Street Journal and take note of the businesses in Ohio and Kentucky that are working with a federal resettlement contractor to get the cheap refugee labor. It is all the more galling when you know the cheap hourly wages are being supplemented with your welfare dollars in the form of subsidized housing, Medicaid, and food stamps.
Jordan mentions JBS Swift & Co. hiring refugees in the Louisville, KY area. Swift is a Brazilian-owned company. Swift CEO is Andre Nogueira a Brazilian, changing America by changing the people! See all others who are helping bring refugee laborers to your towns. http://jbssa.com/about/leadership/ Think about it, a Brazilian company is changing your American town by bringing in cheap immigrant/refugee laborers with the help of federal government supposedly ‘religious’ refugee contractors! Click here to see where Swift & Co. is operating (and changing your community).
We first learned about the impact of meat packing in conjunction with the refugee industry here in 2008 when we learned about Bill Clinton bringing Bosnian ‘refugee’ labor to Iowa!
I was told repeatedly for years that meatpacking wages were excellent and American workers were very happy with the work until the industry discovered first cheap illegal immigrant labor and then legal immigrant labor, so I took a few minutes (and it only took a few!) to find out that it is factual—wages in meatpacking were excellent BEFORE the 1980’s.
(Related? Remember Hillary’s special little gig involving Tyson Foods)
Really someone should write a book:
How the meatpacking industry demographically destroyed America!
So check this out. Here is some information (and I will bet there is much more if someone really looked into it!) about how wages declined when the industry (now monopolized by four major companies) discovered CHEAP immigrant labor.
The average wage of animal slaughterers and processors remained comparatively strong from the 1960s through the early 1980s. The average wage earned by a meat packing employee during the 60s and 70s was 14-18 percent higher than their counterpart in the larger U.S. manufacturing sector. The peak average hourly wage of a meat packing employee during this period was nearly $20 an hour when adjusted for inflation. [Remember Jordan reports that the refugees in KY are making about $10 an hour today—ed]
The 1980s were a transitional decade for America’s meat packing industry. Developments such as improved distribution channels allowed meat packing companies to move out of urban, union-dominated centers and relocate to rural areas closer to livestock feedlots. New industry powerhouses like Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) sought to undercut the competition by operating on slim profit margins, increasing worker speed and productivity, and cutting labor costs.
Please remember readers that this is all about MONEY (Democrat voters, and erasing borders)!
Forget the BS about how bringing refugees to America is all about humanitarianism!
Update! A reader suggests you contact Cargill and complain about their accommodation of Islamic demands. Tell them to hire Americans while you are at it! http://www.cargill.com/contact-us/
It all boils down to the fact that ‘Big Meat’ doesn’t want to pay higher wages and so they have become completely dependent on refugee labor. In the meantime, they are changing the face of rural America. Fired Somali workers could soon be back on the Job as CAIR has Cargill by the short hairs. We reported the Ft. Morgan Cargill plant’s woes hereas Somalis walked off the job with demands for special accommodation for prayer breaks.
Now here is the news that Cargill has changed its re-hiring policy to get many of those fired Somalis back to work. (While having given CAIR an opportunity to press for sharia workplace compliance!).
From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
Cargill will change its hiring policy — allowing employees to be potentially rehired 30 days after termination, not 180 days — in response to a walkout by Somali workers in Colorado.
After a dispute over Muslim prayer time, about 150 employees at Cargill’s sprawling Fort Morgan, Colo., plant didn’t show up for work for three days — grounds for termination. They were fired. Some of those workers claimed they weren’t allowed to take prayer breaks, while Cargill claimed that it was still following its policy allowing the breaks.
Minnetonka-based Cargill said in a statement Friday that it will change the hiring policy at all of its North American beef plants, allowing former employees terminated for “attendance violation or job abandonment” to be considered for rehiring 30 days after being fired. The workers would have to reapply for their jobs.
“We believe the change in our beef business policy related to how quickly a former employee may be eligible to reapply for positions at our beef plants is a reasonable update to something that’s been in place for quite a few years,” Cargill Beef President John Keating said in a statement.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been representing many terminated Somali workers, said it welcomed Cargill’s change in hiring policy, though it criticized Cargill’s prayer break policy as ambiguous.
Now see at the very end, the admission that ‘Big Meat’ is changing America by changing the people.
They can get away with cheap wages as long as the federal government (and their resettlement contractors) continue to bring them fresh refugee laborers every year. While they get away with paying low wages, you supplement the refugee family’s income with welfare payments! What a business model for the meatpacking industry.
Over the past few decades, U.S. meatpacking plants — including in Minnesota — have increasingly relied on immigrant communities for labor. About one-third of Cargill’s workers at Fort Morgan are immigrants, or come from immigrant families from Africa, and are predominantly Muslim. Much of the rest of the workforce there is of Hispanic descent.
Read it all here. Here is an interesting map showing Cargill meatpacking and other facilities in North America.
To learn more about how refugees have changed Fort Morgan, click here where we have an extensive archive going back several years.
Oh boy, I get to use that wonderful German word – schadenfreude!
I first wrote about “WELCOMING” Ft. Morgan in 2008, go here to see many pages of posts on how the town opened its arms to Somalis being brought there through a refugee contractor for employment at Cargill Meat Solutions. Cargill, by seeking out immigrant labor (including cheap Somali refugee labor), is one of the corporations directly responsible for destroying the cultural cohesiveness of your towns and cities often followed by the introduction of shariah law. Demanding special treatment in the workplace for Islamic prayer is bringing shariah law to your community! Refugees from Somalia fill their place of worship on Friday afternoons for prayer in the rented back rooms of a main street business in Fort Morgan. Joe Amon, The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/islam/ci_18692211
(Lutheran Social Services of Rocky Mountains is largely responsible along with Cargill. That is the same contractor that wants to seed Wyoming with Somalis).
See also, ‘Meatpackers changing small town America,’ here.
The Denver Post tells us the seeding of Ft. Morgan began in 2005.
Don’t miss one of my favorite posts of all time. I reported on the Editor of the Ft. Morgan Times calling me out (I don’t know who else he could have meant at the time). I’ve been waiting since 2008 to use this!
Of course, if it were up to some people, Somali refugees would not have a chance to resettle anywhere in the U.S. There is even a Web site devoted to teaching Americans how to chase refugees of various sorts out of town.
This is a kind of insanity, since everyone except Native Americans are immigrants. Unfortunately, it shows the dark, ugly underside of our great country.
Now, here is the newsyesterday from Reuters. Will there now be 200 unemployed Somalis hanging around Ft. Morgan?
Nearly 200 workers, mostly Somali immigrants, have been fired from a meat-packing plant in Colorado after staging a walkout to protest what they said were insufficient prayer accommodations, the company and Islamic advocacy groups said on Thursday.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the workers were treated in a “discriminatory manner” by managers at the Cargill Meat Solutions [CARGIL.UL] facility in Fort Morgan, about 75 miles northeast of Denver.
I’m not shedding any tears for Cargill, but I am for America! Continue reading hereand see that the ‘Somali Jesse Jackson’ (Omar Jamal) has inserted himself into the controversy. I bet we have nearly 100 posts on Jamal who entered the US illegally more than a decade ago and was never deported! Editor:This will be cross-posted at my new blog ‘American Resistance 2016’ because it makes a major point the we are covering there.
One of the citizens concerned about what is happening in Twin Falls, Idaho had an ‘opportunity’ to meet with three of the big players who flew out from Washington for astacked public “forum” last week to try to tamp down the growing controversy about more refugees arriving in Twin Falls—more refugees than many in the town believe the town can handle.
The issue started boiling in earnest here in April when the local refugee subcontractor (financially entwined with a public junior college—very fishy arrangement) bragged that Syrians were on the way to Twin Falls. By the way, Syrians have already been resettled in Boise (see all the cities where Syrians have been resettled so far). Is the US Chamber of Commerce, which supports so-called immigration reform, happy to see third world refugees resettled in your city? Yes! And, we believe they play a huge role in silencing Republican elected officials on the refugee issue.
Here Vicky Davis, who attended a pre-meeting with three of the Washington men in charge of changing communities through refugee resettlement, reports on what was said.
From TVOI News:
The three from Washington included:
Larry Bartlett, director of the U.S. State Department’s Office on Refugee Admissions, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
Ken Tota, deputy director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement
Lee Williams, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). [USCRI is the Arlington, VA based contractor which subcontracts to CSI Refugee Program in Twin Falls.—ed]
Ms. Davis continues (emphasis is mine):
Larry Bartlett’s focus was primarily on the security issue. He talked about their system for checking on people declared to be refugees. They are interviewed, fingerprinted, photographed, etc. The government also has computer systems for several agencies – DOD, DOJ, DHS, etc. that have – data bases of known or suspected terrorists and criminals. Apparently the system worked reasonably well for Iraqi refugees because when Iraq was captured, all of their records were found intact. However, some terrorists did slip through because they didn’t have police records but the DOD did have their fingerprints on some IEDs that they set up for American soldiers to “find”. Those Iraqi “refugees” were found living on the public dole in Kentucky.
Of course we know that Syria is a failed state so there are no records for Syrians but that little detail did not diminish Bartlett’s optimism that their system is working. The interview combined with the running of searches on virtually empty databases is the process. If they don’t get a hit on the search (as would be expected in an empty database), the refugee is good to go. In fact, Bartlett wasn’t worried at all about the security of Americans. His concern is for the safety of the refugees. [Safety of the refugees! What a direct slap in the faces of anyone who has questions about refugee resettlement—he is implying we are violent people!—ed]
When I watched the videotape of the evening meeting,here, I was surprised to hear Bartlett referring to a two hour interview with the prospective refugee that was supposed to determine their legitimate status as a refugee. That’s it? That is the security screening when data is not available? Come on! We aren’t that naive! What prospective refugee is going to let on in any way (in an interview) that he/she might be inclined toward Islamic extremism? Has Bartlett never heard of taqiyya (lying to infidels is permitted in Islam)?
Davis’s narrative continues:
One of the most revealing things that Bartlett talked about was supply chain for refugee resettlement. Of course he didn’t use the term supply chain but that’s what he was talking about – a steady stream of refugee inputs to keep the refugee resettlement network intact and growing. That should scare the hell out of any red-blooded American because the resettlement network is a function of the United Nations and the Socialist International and they are deeply embedded in our government at this point.
Bartlett brings up Tyson Foods! Readers might want to visit this post from 2008 where we learned that Bill Clinton brought in thousands of Bosnian ‘refugees’ to Iowa for meatpacker labor. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2008/05/17/bosnians-iowa-meatpackers-and-more/
Cheap labor, money, Chamber of Commerce, money, meatpackers, money!
I have been for years maintaining that a major driving force behind refugee resettlement in America is that big businesses, like BIG MEAT, need a steady stream of cheap and reliable immigrant labor and here Bartlett appears to confirm that.
For all of you wondering why your RINO Republican elected officials are not up in arms about the impoverished people pouring into ‘red’ states this is the explanation! It is all about MONEY!
Davis continues (sorry to snip so much, but this is so important!):
Jobs Americans Won’t do
The most important question in the afternoon meeting from this writer’s point of view was “how many of these refugees are economic migrants?” Bartlett assured us that none of them are economic migrants. They all fled their countries for fear of persecution. Interestingly, then Bartlett mentioned that we need the labor anyway. He mentioned Tyson Foods (chickens) and “jobs Americans won’t do”. That was the wrong thing to say to this writer. That statement alone told me everything I needed to know about this refugee program and the U.S. State Department. The State Department has become nothing more than front men for big business.
[See our many many posts here at RRW on Tyson Foods, refugees, and changing American towns here.—ed]
“Jobs Americans Won’t Do” is a propaganda slogan promoted by the Chamber of Commerce and other big businesses that profit from cheap labor. Tyson apparently has switched from using illegal labor to using “refugees”. Destroying the country and the lives of American citizens isn’t even a consideration. The entire global system is about nothing but global labor arbitrage – exploitation of working people for high profits for the businesses of the few.
I did a search on ‘Chamber of Commerce’ and ‘refugees’ and here you go… Refugee Crisis – Corporate Aid Tracker. It’s a program of the Chamber of Commerce Foundation – a non-profit for a non-profit that serves profit.
Open for Business… The Chamber of Commerce. Note one name on the list: Jan Reeves, Idaho Office for Refugees. The Idaho Office for Refugees made their website look like it was an agency of the Idaho State government, but in fact, they are a business unit of the Jannus Group, the “non-profit” agency that serves as the Public Health system in Idaho and that operates the ratline for “refugees” who are cheap labor for business and soldiers for the Chamber of Commerce program of economic warfare on the American people.
The refugee resettlement program is a racket backed by the Chamber of Commerce.
Hiding under the white hat of humanitarianism!
I can’t emphasize enough that as we face charges of being racists, xenophobes and just plain unkind to suffering humanity, stand firm! This is not about humanitarianism it is about MONEY straight up—cheap immigrant labor where our welfare system supports the refugees (the pawns!) while industry gets away with offering low-paying jobs. Indeed a great business model helped by the power of the federal government (and its resettlement contractors!).
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