Tyson Foods bringing "ethnic empowerment network" to a town near you

This story from Garden City, Kansas makes me wonder—-who is deciding the future for your meatpacking town, the citizens, or Tyson Foods?

Tyson Foods in Garden City, Kansas

I have a pretty large archive on Garden City which is one more heartland city that has been changed by the arrival of US State Department-planted third world refugee workers over the last decade or so.

The story leads me to believe that everything is not peace and love when diversity comes to town….

….and that Tyson Foods has a huge stake in keeping the immigrant worker supply train on the tracks!

Continue reading “Tyson Foods bringing "ethnic empowerment network" to a town near you”

Harrisonburg, Virginia: Perdue admits that they are hiring locally as refugee arrival numbers 'plummet'

When I saw this story yesterday at WMRA Radio , I figured it was one more of dozens of stories I mentioned here and here recently.  Talking points have obviously gone out to the gullible/biased media about the mean Trump Administration and its plummeting refugee admission numbers. I wasn’t going to bother posting it until I came to the juicy bit near the end.
Forget the humanitarian mumbo-jumbo, refugee resettlement is about finding cheap labor (supported with your tax dollars) for big corporations especially BIG MEAT and BIG CHICKEN!  And, the next time you hear about the bipartisan support for the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program remember the R’s are looking for laborers for their big business pals and Chamber of Commerce lobbyists.

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BIG CHICKEN companies like Perdue are being questioned about working conditions in plants around the country.  And, Church World Service brings them more refugee workers! Photo and story:   https://news.vice.com/article/chicken-industry-workers-wear-diapers-because-bosses-allow-no-breaks-ngo-says

From WMRA Radio:

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

Before I give you the rest of the story, you should know that Harrisonburg is in the heart of House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s district.  The Judiciary Committee is responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program. I’d like to know if Perdue is the reason Goodlatte has never made any significant move to reform the refugee program!
Now here is the rest of the boo-hoo story.  At least WMRA Radio tells listeners that Church World Service is being paid by the feds (by you!) for their ‘religious’ charity!

Trump’s Policy Sharply Reduces Refugee Flow to Harrisonburg

Following President Trump’s decision to sharply restrict the number of refugees allowed into the United States, the State Department has informed refugee resettlement offices nationwide to trim operations or even close. One of those offices is in Harrisonburg, which has a long history of refugee resettlement.

Harrisonburg’s general open-mindedness, low cost of living and high employment in industries that don’t demand English, such as food production, have allowed the city to resettle from 175 to 200 refugees every year.

But the feds recently informed some 40 refugee resettlement offices nationwide to cut back their operations, according to Reuters. Twenty are expected to close.


Church World Service at White House
Church World Service protesting against Donald Trump at White House.   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/01/28/church-world-service-and-hias-join-cair-to-protest-at-white-house/

Jim Hershberger runs the resettlement office for Church World Service in Harrisonburg. Church World Service is one of nine agencies*** nationwide that contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees. He says ten branches of those agencies nationwide have already closed. Although there are no plans for the Harrisonburg office to close as of yet, it hasn’t had a single refugee arrival in two months since mid-February.


I am worried that we won’t have the money to continue to offer services to refugees like we like to do. [How about doing the hard work of raising PRIVATE money!—-ed]


Church World Service is funded by the federal government to help recent arrivals find jobs and apartments, and to enroll them in English classes, driving classes, and their children into school.

In fact, according to our most recent accounting, Church World Service is 71% funded out of your taxpayer wallets!
Here it comes! Slaughterhouse workers needed!
WMRA Radio continues…..

The changes are being felt at the poultry plants too. Poultry is a big industry in Rockingham County and long considered a pipeline for immigrants and refugees.

Perdue’s Kenneth Lambert. It’s a great business model for Perdue. Federally-funded Church World Service finds them workers and the taxpayers subsidize the other needs of refugee workers with food stamps, low income housing, medical care, etc.

Two years ago, the workforce at the Perdue plant in Bridgewater was 42 percent immigrant, according to its Director of Operations Kenneth Lambert.

KENNETH LAMBERT: Our countries are made up of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Bosnia, Russia, Kenya and right now we have a couple of people from Uganda.

But last month, a Perdue spokesman confirmed that refugee applicants to the Bridgewater plant have dwindled significantly, and that the company is filling positions from the local community.

No comment from school officials regarding the refugee slowdown.  Gee, I wonder why?

Fewer refugee arrivals may impact local schools as well.

It’s really where the city’s status as a melting pot comes to life. Students in city public schools come from 51 foreign countries and speak more than 56 languages.

Because Harrisonburg High has long been overcrowded, plans are underway for a second high school. But when asked if fewer refugees arrivals have eased the overcrowding, school administrators didn’t want to comment.

More here.
Next up: Catholic Bishops (big business headhunters) whine too!
***These are the nine supposed non-profit groups (LOL! Six are ‘religious charities’) that act as headhunters for big business which welcomes the cheap, compliant labor (refugees can’t go home and don’t know how to complain!).
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services!  From most recent accounting, here.

Trial for Kansas men charged with planning to bomb Somali housing complex begins today

Reporter Frank Morris

I’m posting this news, just so you are aware of it.
The men apparently called themselves the “crusaders” and lived in what is known as the Kansas Meatpacking Triangle where the big slaughterhouses, like Tyson Foods, are bringing in immigrant and refugee labor to do the “dirty work” for low wages.
Here is an AP story.  And of course NPR is busy on it too.  There is a suggestion at the NPR story that “the men were lured into the bomb plot by FBI agents.”
KCUR reporter/editor Frank Morris is hot on the case as a reporter for NPR.
I’ll try to post more links (at this post) as I see them here during the trial.

St. Cloud city councilman Jeff Johnson to speak in Washington

Update March 24th:  You can see a video of the panel discussion here at CIS.
And, the St. Cloud Times once again shows how biased it is against anyone who challenges the power in that city and state that is hauling in third world workers for the slaughterhouse industry ( while faking humanitarian concern!) by falling for the Southern Poverty Law Centers‘ shoddy research.

Stephanie Dickrell
St. Cloud Times reporter shows her bias (again). Stephanie Dickrell

(RRW is listed as a “hate group” as well, and as you know I’m a single blogger/journalist with NO group—so much for their research.)
And, by the way,  Breitbart has a big story on Friday entitled:

Disgraced Media Already Hit with Massive Layoffs in 2018

Newspapers are going down and sloppy work and biased reporting by the likes of the St. Cloud Times will eventually bring it down too!
This is what I mean….
In large type, reporter Stephanie Dickrell and her editor post this subheadline so as to bias readers right up front.

Group hosting panel was labeled an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2016

Here is some of Dickrell’s story:

Jeff Johnson
Councilman Jeff Johnson

A St. Cloud City Council member will travel to the nation’s capital this week to discuss the local impact of refugee resettlement.

Jeff Johnson will be part of a panel Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., discussing whether states should be able to opt out of the federal Refugee Resettlement Program.

The host of the panel, the Center for Immigration Studies, says its agenda is pro-immigrant but for low immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center listed it as an anti-immigrant hate group in 2016.

Last fall Johnson proposed a moratorium on refugee resettlement in St. Cloud. The motion failed and an ensuing council vote declared St. Cloud a welcoming city.

Don Barnett 2
Don Barnett

The National Press Club panel discussion — “Should States Be Able to Opt Out of the Refugee Resettlement Program?” — will use a January report by center fellow Don Barnett as a starting point. He outlined what say states have in refugee resettlement, highlighting “federal overreach.”

He includes a history of the states’ interactions with the refugee program and recommendations for better defining the state role. It also includes a case study of a recent federal lawsuit filed by the state of Tennessee which claims the refugee resettlement program was an imposition by Washington over which the state had no control.

In addition to Johnson and Barnett, the panel will include Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, which represented Tennessee in the lawsuit. Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian will serve as moderator.

More here.
Minnesotans, this is the time to develop more alternative media in the state.
Papers like the St. Cloud Times (which swallows the lies of Leftwing money-grubbing groups like SPLC) will die and you need to be ready with other sources of news that support your interests and concerns.  And, the more the merrier!
See my ever-expanding archive on St. Cloud by clicking here.

Cut to the chase—refugee labor is cheap labor

For goodness sake, let’s have the debate.

Do we need more low wage labor? 

That should be the debate.  Anything else is just mud being thrown around to confuse the taxpaying public and make people feel guilty about questioning our LEGAL immigration programs.
For instance, this story at something called ‘Workforce’ posits that refugees’ greatest contributions are that their hiring brings much-needed diversity to the work place—WTH!
Diversity! Like the diversity Muslim refugees bring when they file lawsuits against meatpackers for special prayer privileges in slaughter plants?  

And, just forget the notion that the US Refugee Admissions Program is a solely humanitarian effort on the part of the US—it is about the movement of labor around the world (and about Democrat voters), but not first about welcoming the stranger!

Let me repeat! If America needs cheap (compliant immigrant) labor, have that debate and leave the diversity/humanitarian mumbo-jumbo out of it!
Here is Workforce:

As immigration issues swirl around businesses seeking to hire foreign talent, a new guide published by the Tent Foundation is still touting the benefits of hiring refugees.


Ulukaya and Soros
Hamdi Ulukaya the CEO of Chobani Yogurt, here with George Soros discussing refugees, founded the Tent Foundation.


The “U.S. Employers’ Guide to Hiring Refugees” highlights the positive aspects businesses reap when hiring refugees. Diversity tops the list of what refugees bring to the workplace, according to Gideon Maltz, executive director of Tent Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works with businesses to help them integrate refugee workers into their workplace. Whether it’s experience or language, refugees can provide new insights from their respective countries.

The guide is here, written by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service!

“A more diverse workforce fosters new ideas and innovations, which is necessary in our more competitive, global market,” Maltz said.

Finding those refugee workers poses a challenge, based on recent statistics.


Based on the Tent Foundation guide, a refugee is “an individual who is unable to return to his or her home country due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group.”

Employers have options beyond refugees if they want to diversify their workforce with foreign workers. Immigrants on an H-1B visa, which allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations, also bring with them their foreign experiences and knowledge.  [I’ve skipped most of the discussion about other legal immigration programs to bring in foreign workers. The reporter seems to be mixing them up with the refugee program anyway. Most refugees don’t come in with special skills.—ed]


Burke [Richard Burke, CEO of Envoy Global, an enterprise platform that works with companies to make the hiring and managing process of a global workforce easier]  reasoned that businesses could be putting more of an effort into introducing more immigrants because they see the benefit diversity brings to a company’s culture.

“To address the supply and demand imbalance employers are saying, ‘We have opportunities, we want to grow, we want to contribute to the economy,’ ” said Burke.

“But to do that we need the talent and the workers to do it. And the only way to do it is through foreign national talent.”


Envoy Global’s “2018 Immigration Trends Report” looks at opinions of employers on immigration and their hiring process. Based on the report, businesses that would like to implement this strategy are finding it difficult to do so in the face of the tougher immigration standards.

“Eighty-five percent of respondents say the U.S immigration program policies have impacted their ability to hire,” said Burke.

Contact the refugee contractors!

hartke with logo
It was the recently ousted Lutheran CEO Hartke who signed the deal with the Tent Foundation to write their hiring guide.

We already know from past reporting that some of the usual gang of nine refugee contractors***are working with global meat companies to help them find and retain cheap (compliant because they can’t go home!) refugee labor.
Workforce continues….

For potential employers that want to hire refugees, Maltz advises them to reach out to their local resettlement agency since those organizations can help with logistical details. Managers should also prepare to spend extra money on English as second language courses and other programs to help new workers acclimate to their new home.

“[It] may require some upfront investments but these are small in relation to the benefits refugees will bring to your company,” Maltz said.

Yup! They mention the “higher retention rates” of refugee laborers. Of course, because again, they can’t go home and are dependent on their handlers at the refugee contracting agencies for their other needs.
See more on the Tent Foundation, here.  And, I wrote about it here (working with Lutheran head hunters at LIRS)! 
So cut the crap, stop throwing the mud around, and have the debate about US labor shortages (does it exist and what is the best way to deal with it, if it is even true)!
***Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined during the Trump Administration.  They pretend their sole mission is humanitarian, but they work closely and receive funding from big global corporations in addition to their generous contributions from you—the taxpayer!
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program. Congress must reform the program and get these supposedly non-profit middlemen out of the process.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.