Seen around the world: Naive and ignorant Americans protest in New York City in June!
You’ve probably heard snatches of information about how some of the ‘parents’ of children separated as they crossed the US border illegally were not even the parents of the children too young to speak for themselves, but only snatches because the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear the truth.
So the White House has put out some data that you need to keep handy when discussing the issue with friends and family who are swallowing the Left’s talking points to paint the Trump Administration in the most evil terms.
From a publication called Truthout comes words of advice for open borders activists on how to think, organize and push back against the Trump Administration’s refugee admissions and travel pause Executive Order.
Entitled ‘A guide to resisting Muslim ban 2.0’
(Here are just a few snips of advice from author Hoda Katebi, emphasis is mine) Two big no-nos here according to author Katebi. Don’t pretend you are a Muslim, and for Muslims, don’t wrap yourselves in American flags! Reuters photo here:
….if national security is actually the problem — if the US government actually cares about ending the killing of American citizens — why does it not start with dismantling its own police forces? These forces comprise an armed, emboldened and deadly organization that receives training from a foreign apartheid state (Israel), and kills almost 1,000 people annually (including already over 200 people this year). United States law enforcement officers are a larger threat to the safety and security of individuals living in this country (particularly Black and Indigenous people) than “radical Islam” — whatever that means — ever will be. [Any sane person could see immediately the anarchy, looting and lawlessness that would engulf US cities in minutes if law enforcement officers stood down or were non-existent!—ed]
In fact, it is important to recognize that “national security” is only a code word for anti-Muslim policies domestically, as well as the justification for US military violence against Muslim communities internationally, which is often erased from public view.
Wherever you see it, challenge the normalization of bans on immigration and refugee resettlement. Do not ignore the rhetoric of the people around you. Do not think that this is OK. Do not think that this can go unchallenged. Here are some things to remember and steps to take as we move forward:
4. Do not make compromises. Do not compromise your values for the sake of having an extra white person join your protest.
6. As always, be intersectional. Half of the officially banned countries are Black-majority countries. Black, Muslim immigrants and refugees are oftentimes left out from both Black and Muslim spaces, so be intentional about centering those who are on the margins of the margins. Beyond making sure not to exclude your own people, keep in mind that Customs and Border Patrol, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, municipal law enforcement and other violent institutions that target people of color are just different enforcement mechanisms with the same goal: upholding white supremacy.You cannot succeed by ignoring those relationships.
And for our non-Muslim allies:
1. Show up. Support the ongoing efforts of Muslim-led organizing in resisting the ban. If you’re an immigration lawyer, volunteer. If you’re a teacher, connect your Muslim students to resources, and talk to your class about what is happening. If you’re a journalist, document the movement. Share the work of Muslim artists, writers, creators, organizers and scholars. Hold your racist friends and family accountable.
2. Do not claim an identity that is not yours. No, you are not #Muslimtoo — and claiming such only covers the voices of actual Muslims trying to share their real experiences.Rather, listen to the leadership, direction and experiences of Muslims who are speaking out and up. [Non-Muslim activists must listen to Muslims! Do what you are told!—ed]
3. Be careful not to perpetuate anti-Muslim undertones in your conversations. When talking about the Muslim ban, do not challenge it by saying there have been “no fatal attacks by immigrants from countries listed in the Muslim ban.”While that is true, this not only provides a justification for banning immigration from countries that have had someone commit violence, but also legitimizes collective punishment. Also, we are not all immigrants — that concept erases the histories of Indigenous people native to this land and Black people who were forcibly enslaved and brought here. Moreover, a Muslim refugee from a country the United States destabilized is not the same as an immigrant from the UK who is here getting a PhD. See Number. Another thing: Stop draping American flags over our hijabs.
The great to-do about nothing regarding Donald Trump’s decade-old locker room talk is really all about immigration.
South Dakota Senator John Thune is one of the weasels in the Senate who has come out of the closet today. This man will never support closing the border or slowing Muslim refugees to America because he doesn’t support the one man who can do it. Make it a habit to check their ‘Conservative scores’ here: Thune has an F grade.
And as such, perhaps the kerfuffle is actually a great benefit to us because it very clearly shows us those members of Congress, US Senators and a couple of governors who do not want to close our borders.
These are also the elected officials we can’t count on to slow the refugee flow into America because by opposing Trump they are supporting Hillary’s (tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims for your town) plan and inviting her Muslim Brotherhood pals to join her in the White House.
You know, bloggers like me have nothing to lose. I could care less if you read this blog or not! I don’t make a living doing this like some of those who write for National Review, so I’m calling the following elected officials traitors to America.
There is only one issue that matters for the future of this country and that is immigration. And, Trump is the first candidate at that level to know it and speak forcefully in favor of saving our unique American culture!
These Open Borders Republican globalists are out of the closet now!
This is from The Hill. Some of them were so chicken they said they weren’t voting for Hillary, but couldn’t vote for Trump. We are not stupid! A vote for anyone else is a vote for Hillary.
Some say that Mike Pence should go to the top of the ticket. Nice guy, great VP pick, but Hillary will win. This is asinine.
I suspect it is only a partial list because earlier in the day, I saw that Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) was now opposing Trump.
And, even before I posted, the news is out that Sen. John McCain has joined the list. Only surprise is why it took him so long when his protege Kelly Ayotte leads the list.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R)
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert
Rep. Frank Lo Biondo (R-N.J.)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ak.)
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)
Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala)
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo)
Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.)
Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)
Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Mo)
South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Az.)
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo)
Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev)
Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
Rep. Martha Roby (R-Ala)
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.):
Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah)
Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Ak)
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.)
There are probably more I haven’t seen yet. Send them along if you see them.
And, if anyone is going to be blamed for destroying the Republican Party it is this list! I recommend that if any of these are your representatives and you want to see the Donald Trump “movement” in the White House, you need to unload on them in the next couple of days.
Picket their homes if you must! But, don’t let them get off the hook.
Yesterday Ann Coulter tweeted this little walk down memory lane about the premiere (supposedly) conservative conclave held in Washington, DC each year known as CPAC.
For the record, we have written often on CPAC, but will not attend primarily because CPAC ‘leaders’ including Grover Norquist have worked hard for many years to keep discussions on immigration to a minimum and have outright banned those who want to discuss the Islamist threat to America. Go here for our archive of posts on Grover Norquist. BTW, while pushing his amnesty agenda, Norquist worked very closely with the office of Senator Marco Rubioin helping craft that now discredited ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill, but I’m digressing. Here is a piece (3/7/14) written by Jon Feere at the Center for Immigration Studies (tweeted by Ann Coulter yesterday) which chronicles how Trump was alone among a list of Republican leaders and Presidential wannabes in addressing immigration.
Trump was talking about our borders, our sovereignty and the future of the Republican Party long before he decided to jump into the Presidential race, and he must have been very unpopular (with the ‘leaders’ at CPAC) with this message!
From Feere at CIS (emphasis below is mine):
Nearly every speaker at the first day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) avoided any discussion of immigration or amnesty, a sign that Republican politicians are starting to understand that conservative voters have very little interest in doubling legal immigration and amnestying illegal aliens.
Of all speakers, which included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal, only one speaker spent any time on immigration policy: Donald Trump. He came out strong on sovereignty and garnered strong applause for noting “we’re either a country, or we’re not; we either have borders or we don’t.” Trump also noted that amnesty is a benefit for the Democratic Party, while calling out Rubio:
When you let the 11 million — which will grow to 30 million people — in, I don’t care who stands up, whether it’s Marco Rubio, and talks about letting everybody in, you won’t get one vote. Every one of those votes goes to the Democrats. You have to do what’s right; it’s not about the votes necessarily. But of those 11 million potential voters which will go to 30 million in a not too long future, you will not get any of those votes no matter what you do, no matter how nice you are, no matter how soft you are, no matter how many times you say ‘rip down the fence and let everybody in’ you’re not going to get the votes. So with immigration, you better be smart and you better be tough, and they’re taking your jobs, and you better be careful. You better be careful.
Is that CASA de Maryland we see rioting at Cantor headquarters on election night?
Wouldn’t it make more sense if they had stormed the Brat election-night party?
Our source on the ground suggests they were there because they had anticipated a Cantor victory!
From a Brat supporter:
At least they were honest about what a Cantor victory really meant.
Story at the Washington Post.Police were called in. Our post on the stunning Cantor defeat yesterday.
I wonder how much time the Sandinistas (aka CASA) spent in Richmond working on the Cantor campaign?
From at least last fall!
Be sure to see this story(The corruption of Eric Cantor) at Right Side News from September 2013, where Cantor staffers met with Open borders activists (including btw, the Virginia Council of Churches, a refugee contractor):
As the September 4, 2013, Richmond, Virginia TEA Party was holding its rally outside the locked doors of Mr. Cantor’s Richmond offices, Mr. Cantor’s staff, represented at the highest levels, was meeting – privately and very quietly – with far-left groups representing pro-Amnesty, pro-Obamacare and pro-entitlement groups.
These groups included:
*Central American Solidarity Association (CASA): A special interest group in favor of Progressive and Liberal policies promoting the expansion of rights for undocumented (read: illegal) aliens currently residing in the United States.