There is a concerted PR campaign going on to get your minds right on the issue of flooding America with illegal and LEGAL migrants so that you will shut up about the rapidly changing demographic make-up of America.
Federal contractor and head honcho of ‘Welcoming America’ David Lubell (right) with the mayor of Atlanta (center).
One of the leaders of the PR campaign is ‘Welcoming America.’ We first learned about the Office of Refugee Resettlement CONTRACTOR here in June of 2013 when we attended a refugee pow-wow in overloaded Lancaster, PA.
It was announced that this new hire was in response to “pockets of resistance” to more refugee resettlement popping up around the country. (They are running out of cities willing to be overloaded!)
Let me repeat, Welcoming Americais being paid by US taxpayers (and George Soros! among others) to gin up a PR campaign to try to keep you quiet about the demographic change (and more Democrat voters!) they are bringing to your towns and cities.
Now to the dirty dozen (of course they are not dirty to Welcoming America, that is what I am calling them!).
Surely this letter is timed to coincide with Obama’s decision to create a new refugee classfrom Central America. After all, ‘Welcoming America’ is a federal contractorso it’s pretty easy to coordinate PR with your federal bosses.
A dozen U.S. mayors have agreed to support immigrant children from Central American seeking refuge.
Welcoming America, a nonprofit organization that promotes cooperation between foreign-born and U.S.-born Americans, released a lettersigned by 12 mayors and a county executive promising to “compassionately support and welcome the young children from Central America seeking refuge in the U.S.”
“As we reflect back on the initial concerns raised around children fleeing violence, we see that our values have prevailed,” said Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell. “These leaders are demonstrating that communities have responded with compassion, and can successfully help children in need, now and into the future.”
Blah, Blah, Blah…..
Go here for the whole letter. Below is the dirty dozen plus Isiah Leggett County Executive of my old home county—Montgomery County, MD.
(LOL! I betcha we could come up with our own 12 (maybe more!) Mayors who oppose more immigrant drop-offs in their towns and cities!)
Mayor Kasim Reed
City of Atlanta, Georgia
Mayor Martin J. Walsh
City of Boston, Massachusetts
Mayor Rahm Emanuel
City of Chicago, Illinois
Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin
City of Columbia, South Carolina
Mayor Michael B. Hancock
City of Denver, Colorado
Mayor Eric Garcetti
City of Los Angeles, California
County Executive Isiah Leggett
Montgomery County, Maryland
Mayor Michael A. Nutter
City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mayor William Peduto
City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi
City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mayor Edward B. Murray
City of Seattle, Washington
Mayor Francis G. Slay
City of St. Louis, Missouri
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild
City of Tucson, Arizona
All of our posts on ‘Unaccompanied minors’ extending back several years are archived here.
And, this time he has a bigger megaphone—The Wall Street Journal which is well-known for its position that businesses need cheap immigrant labor.
Republican Governor Matt Mead wrote to the Office of Refugee Resettlement last September inviting them to set up shop in Wyoming.
Sheesh, I thought they had enough sense in Wyoming to bring Mead’s misguided plan to a halt!
Remember it was one year ago that Republican Governor Matt Mead wrote to the federal governmentand invited them in to begin a resettlement program for the only state in the Nation wise enough (until now) to stay out of it!
And, get this, these Somali women arriving in Wyoming as secondary migrants are not shy about saying, if they don’t get more “services” they are moving on to a state that is more generous!
Before I launch into the story, readers need to know there is a big difference between secondary migrants who have already been hooked up with their social services in another state by one of the nine major federal resettlement contractorsor their 300 plus subcontractors. They have gotten their job counseling, their kids enrolled in schools, their welfare goodies, their health care.
The secondary migrants have chosen, in our free country! to move on after being acclimated (at taxpayer expense) in another state. That does not mean we have to follow them with goodies (holding their hands) as they shop for new cities and states over the years.
However, setting up a resettlement office in Wyoming, is a whole other matter. It means that refugees will be resettled in Wyoming directly from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
By the way, check out the statistics here (page 9), according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, zero secondary migrants entered Wyoming in 2013 (so much for their statistics!).
CHEYENNE, Wyo.—Draped in a brightly hued robe and veil, Amal Hassan certainly stands out from the locals as she walks along the outskirts of this high-plains city, pickup trucks rumbling by.
Somali refugees such as Ms. Hassan are becoming a more common sight here in the nation’s least populous state, the only one without a refugee-resettlement program. Such initiatives provide social and financial services to refugees such as Ms. Hassan, 29 years old, who were admitted legally into the U.S.
Now, with a hundred or so Somali refugees having arrived in Wyoming’s capital city in recent years, the state is wrestling with whether to create a resettlement program, which in other states is typically run jointly with the federal Administration for Children and Families. The idea, however, has stirred sharp criticism from some people, who have called and emailed state officials, expressing concern that crowds of refugees would flock to Wyoming, stretch resources and spread disease.
The issue repeatedly came up during last month’s Republican primary for November’s gubernatorial election, with one of Gov. Matt Mead’s opponents saying refugees would cause problems for Wyoming. The governor, who won the primary, said his administration is merely exploring a resettlement program.
“Unfortunately people don’t understand or deliberately distort what’s happening,” Mr. Mead said recently on a local radio station, dispelling a rumor that the state planned to set up refugee camps. [By continuing to use those inaccurate words—refugee camps—Mead is able to ridicule and denigrate critics.—ed]
Mr. Mead has said that refugees were coming to Wyoming regardless, and the state needed to know which services they were using. [You can see what welfare they are tapping without inviting more in!—ed].
Here the WSJ didn’t find the latest numbers—we have them here. In FY 2014 we have brought into the US 8,278 Somalis (in 11 months). The federal government and its contractors are scrambling to find new territory in which to resettle them as ‘pockets of resistance’have developed in some states—thus the Wyoming push!
According to federal data, 4,915 Somali refugees arrived in the U.S. during the 2012 fiscal year, the most recent information available. That figure represents the fourth highest total of refugees from any country to enter the U.S. that year, behind Bhutan, Myanmar and Iraq.
Housing is easier to get, but not enough welfare help in Wyoming!
Ms. Hassan, who lives in Cheyenne with her two young sons and is divorced, said she is considering leaving Wyoming if she can’t receive more help.
The Governor says he is still studying the idea, but this is what he wrote to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement last September (looks like an outright invite to the feds to me!):
If you live in Wyoming, you need to get on the governor or end up like Maine! Or worse, Minnesota! Never mind ‘Little Mogadishu’ Minneapolis, ask the people of St. Cloud, Minnesota what happened when a Lutheran federal contractor opened a resettlement office there!
See our entire archive on Wyoming Governor Matt Mead byclicking here.
In our earlier post this morning, we reported that the US State Department is going to begin bringing in Syrians (at the UN’s direction) on par with what we have done for Iraqis. That reminded me that I wanted to pull together the Iraqi resettlement data.
We are on our way, as this fiscal year ends in a few weeks, to 115,000 Iraqis admitted to the US since 9/11. Approximately 62% are Muslims (71,300). How do we know?
Recently a reader sent me some numbers for Iraqi refugees from a data base kept by the US State Department that only select people have access to. It was the data base of religions refugees bring to America. Our reader said that of 111,854 Iraqis admitted since 2003, 42,137 are Christians. (38%). I don’t have access to the religion data, but I did want to check the total numbers for myself.
I don’t come up with 111,854 (I get 111,731, but it’s close and we could easily reach 115,000 by the end of the fiscal year). This information below comes from data tables at the end of Annual Reports to Congress, here.
Iraqi refugees who were ultimately convicted on terrorism charges were arrested in KY and caused a dip in the numbers for 2011.
From 1983-2002: we resettled 41,549 Iraqis
From fiscal year 2003 to August 31, 2014:
2003: 294
2004: 65
2005: 186
2006: 189
2007: 1,605
2008: 13,775 (this was a George Bush year)
2009: 18,709
2010: 18,016
2011: 9,388 (Assume this dip is because of the Iraqi terrorists arrested in KY which resulted in a federal freak-out and a re-do on the security screening of Iraqis).
2012: 12,233
2013: 19,500
2014 (11 months of the fiscal year): 17,771
Bottom line is that we are approaching 115,000 Iraqis admitted to the US in the last 12 years (the State Dept. and contractors will make a big push this month to hit their targets and so I am guessing they will reach 115,000).
~The overall US unemployment rate that year was 7.6%, the Iraqi unemployment rate was 22.6% (but up from 40% or so in some previous years).
~Of those not looking for work, 33.6% had poor health or disabilities.
~The average hourly wage for Iraqis who were working was $9.79 per hour.
~ORR says that the goal is self-sufficiency in 3 months, but only 21% got their first job in 6 months and welfare continued.
~60% were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance.
~82% were receiving food stamps.
~58% were receiving some sort of cash assistance.
~36% were getting SSI (Supplemental Security Income).
The report tries to put a happy face on it, but the numbers are abysmal!
Sure looks like we are importing poverty and you can expect the Syrians to be in the same situation when they begin arriving at rates comparable to the Iraqis—from 10,000-20,000 a year!
Update: About the photo. The photo we placed in this post this morning disappeared. This is not the first time, that has happened with the official photo of this pair. Let’s see what happens with this one.
Secondary migrants are the refugees who were resettled in one state and decided within a few months that they want to move on to another more attractive state—the attraction is usually that they want to live with their kind of people (and have heard that jobs and welfare are good). That is something ethnic minorities can do and no one says boo—they can live with their people! But just imagine some white ethnic European saying ‘I want to live with my kind of people’ and all hell will break loose!
Minneapolis Somali neighbors listen to police statement on that mysterious New Years Day explosion and fire. So whatever happened with that investigation?
Anyway, as part of that Key Indicators for refugee placementthat the ORR is now spearheading (we mentioned the latest reporthere), they have a section on ‘secondary migrants’ and by a wide margin Minnesota leads the nation in attracting refugees who didn’t want to be where they were initially placed by the US State Department and its contractors.
These numbers are somewhat useful, but I doubt the feds can track the movements of the over 100,000 refugees/asylees etc. arriving in America each year.
They don’t give nationalities, but I will bet a buck that most of those heading to Minnesota are Somalis. (page 9)
Minnesota: 2,496
Ohio: 881
Florida: 603
Iowa: 381
Oklahoma: 235
So what states are refugees leaving? Arizona, Texas, New York, California and Georgia top the list. (page 9)
Minnesota topped the list last year as well, here.
Could Minnesota one day be the first Muslim-majority state in America?
New Somalis on the way from Africa: In ten months of fiscal year 2014 we have resettled another 7,326 Somalis to your towns and cities.
Or, in layman’s terms, does your town or city have the amenities required (social service goodies, jobs, healthcare, etc.) to become a refugee resettlement site?
A couple of years ago the US State Department (Population Refugees and Migration) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS decided they better have a more organized way of determining if your town or city has what it takes to “welcome” refugees (as opposed to a previous method that sure looked like throwing darts at a US map!).
For awhile they just kept overloading the established resettlement cities (and they still do), but now they are scouting for fresh territory as well!
Below is what they say at ORR (you might want to contact the lead person listed below and ask to be a ‘stakeholder‘) about their “Coordinated Placement” plan.
Here is what we said about Key Indicators for 2014. We have not yet even opened this 2015 report but remember in a few weeks Obama will announce his plans for how many refugees we will bring to America in 2015 (which begins October 1 of this year). Hat tip: Joanne.
By the way, they talk big about “capacity” but when a community screams that they are over capacity, they close their ears!
To facilitate the FY 2015 Refugee consolidated placement planning, ORR provides the attached “Statistical Abstract for Refugee Resettlement Stakeholders”document. This document contains critical information on the domestic refugee landscape for resettlement stakeholders to consider when making placement decisions, including a compilation of resources historically available to states for determination of the capacity of communities to serve the diverse needs of refugees.
This document is an additional key mechanism for ORR to share data and other critical information with PRM and resettlement stakeholders nationwide. The overall goal is to more effectively meet the needs of refugees while promoting their self-sufficiency and successful integration in the United States after their arrival.
Contact Information
Pierrot Rugaba
Program Analyst/Placement Liaison
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Administration for Children and Families
901 D Street SW – 8th Floor West
Washington DC 20447
Phone: 202-401-6891
Fax: 202-401-5772