RCUSA=Refugee Council USA. That is the consortium of Leftwing Open Borders groups, led by the nine refugee contractors, headquartered in Washington DC.
It is not a surprise that they are ramping up their political agitation in August when Congress is in recess and as the September deadline approaches for the President to consult with Congress about his “Determination” for how many refugees could be ‘welcomed’ to America in FY19 which begins on October 1, 2018.
Here is a screenshot of a portion of thepage at their website giving their troops marching orders for August….
Where is Congress? The US taxpayer should not have to pay ‘non-profit’ groups who engage in Leftwing community agitation against the President!
Cut their funding, for goodness sake!
Adding insult to injury they are aligning themselves with the hardest of the Hard Left like CAIR, the ACLU, Indivisible, and Move-on.org. in the upcoming #NoMuslimBanEver event!
Just now I did my regular visit to the Refugee Council USA (lobbying consortium for refugee agencies) website and see this huge banner headline:
We told you about their anti-Trump rally last fall, here. Now they plan a week of it in various locations around the country.
And, RCUSAdirects people to thisACTION TOOLKIT.
You need to go to the toolkit and take action too—just use their model!
Also, see if a rally is being planned near you, if so, counter it in some way! The important thing, no matter how you do it, is to get the message to your fellow patriotic citizens that these groups (including many of your own faith-groups) do not speak for you! Here are the opening paragraphs of the toolkitthat is obviously supported by the nine federally funded refugee contractors*** that make up the guts of RCUSA. (Remember Church World Service is their piggy-bank)
I could be wrong, but as of this writing I think they have left this open in edit, if so, have fun! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uj1iUjNh-5QcJEaK9G4pP2k80Ef6EPzCC1X-GGHr7rw/edit
***The federal refugee contractors that are all members of the secretive RCUSA.
Readers, you have two choices: speak up or quit your church!
If you are a member of one of these faith groups (btw, many mainstream Protestant churches are member communions of Church World Service) and disagree with them joining CAIR etc. against the President, you must start to speak up in your church or synagogue! The cultural Marxists knew they had to get to the churches to change America and they are doing it!
The number in parenthesis after each is the amount of their income provided by you (from the US Treasury) in 2015. It must end! Are they going to be ‘humanitarian’ groups helping refugees or are they Leftwing community agitators? If Anti-Trump community organizers, cut them loose from the federal teat!
They can have their free speech, but not with our money!