I fear the Trump people don’t know all the questionable ethnic groups we are admitting!
Last night when Reutersreported that President Trump would sign an executive order restricting immigration from regions of the world known to be terror hotspots, the reporter listed these countries, or I assume they mean these nationalities (because many are no longer in their own countries but are spread out around the globe):
Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Libyans, Somalis, Sudanese and Yemenis.
The US admitted 13,500 Rohingya during the Obama years. Does anyone believe that the Muslim Rohingya boat people can be securely screened? Photo: http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2015/05/30/myanmar-finds-boat-727-migrants-south-coast
However, we must not leave off the list the thousands of devout Rohingya Muslims we are admitting from Burma and Bangladesh. There is no way they are being vetted properly as they wander around Southeast Asia, many by boat.
I have a whole category (194 previous posts) going back years on Burma’s ethnic minority Rohingya and since I am running out of time this morning (I will be away today), you might want to click hereand learn a bit more about them.
Also, see the discussion about their admission to the US in the most recent report from the President (Obama) here last September (search the report for ‘Rohingya’).
As an ethnic minority group of “special humanitarian concern” they do not have to prove individually that they would be persecuted if returned to Burma or Bangladesh, they need only say they are Rohingya and they are automatically assumed to be refugees. We pick them up in Thailand and Malaysia. Malaysia is a safe Muslim country so there is no reason they couldn’t just stay there!
We have taken thousands so far—13,500 during the Obama Administration! (Click here).
How many this fiscal year?
When I worked on numbers atWrapsnet this morning, I checked on Burmese Muslim numbers and was surprised to find that 26% of the Burmese people we were bringing in are Muslims. This data is just for this fiscal year (FY2017) up until today. Today’s report on Burmese Muslim refugees being placed in your towns and cities.
Again, this post is filed in our Rohingya Reports category, here.
And, I will try to tell you about other ethnic groups that must be subject to extreme vetting later or tomorrow.
After all we admitted 18,000 Burmese Muslims to the US since 2006!
(Well, no one said this guy was brilliant after all!)
This is my fourth post of the day on how the Somali Islamic terrorist attack on Monday has inspired the news media in so many different directions. See here, here, and here. Buddhist monks in Burma in 2012 made it pretty clear they didn’t want the Muslim Rohingya in their country. Gee, maybe the Somali slasher story confirms why the Buddhists are so worried about devout Rohingya populating Burma.
This is aReuters storythat reports that the Ohio State Somali slasher had reached a “boiling point.”
One thing he was angry about was what he claims is happening to Rohingya Muslims in Burma. So, of course the logical conclusion is to go out and try to mow down American students with your car and slash as many of them as you can. (I’m going to bet his victims have no clue who the Rohingya are!).
But we do! For over 8 years we have been trying to get the attention of some in government to question why we are bringing any Rohingya Muslims to the US. The Somali slasher should have thanked America because we have admitted over 18,000 of them to Anytown, US since 2006! The devout Rohingya have been wandering all over Southeast Asia for years and frankly they can’t be screened any better than the Syrians because the Buddhist government in Burma or the Muslim government in Bangladesh have few records (if any!) on them.
I predict that some of the ‘stateless’ migrants in the Australia deal are actually Rohingya.
For inquisitive minds! We have an entire category devoted to the Rohingya with 192 previous posts, see here. Don’t miss this early onewhere Time magazine warned that Rohingya were radicalized.
Here is what Reuters saidof the Somali slasher’s motives for trying to kill his fellow students:
Investigators were looking into a message posted on Facebook by Artan that contained inflammatory statements about being “sick and tired” of seeing Muslims killed and reaching a “boiling point,” a law enforcement source said.
“Stop the killing of the Muslims in Burma,” Artan said in the Facebook post.
Violence in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has sent Rohingya Muslims fleeing across the border to Bangladesh amid allegations of abuses by security forces.
I’m not going to rehash my Rohingya Reports archive. But, I do want to point you to this post from May 2013 in which we reported that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testified to the US State Department that the Bishops wanted more Rohingya placed in America (I was there in person to hear this!—ed)
Looking at the data at Wrapsnet (Refugee Processing Center) for the last ten years we note that there was a drop in Burmese Muslim resettlement in 2010, 2011 and 2012, but the resettlement picked up dramatically again beginning in 2013.
289 Burmese Muslims were resettled in America in the first 6 weeks of this fiscal year.
To the incoming Trump team: It is not only Syrians who can’t be thoroughly vetted, the Burmese/Bangladeshi Rohingya can’t be either!
This is the latest from Montana, a state which hasn’t had any refugee flow for a number of years, but is now about to get its first resettlement office. We have been following the controversy for months and urge you togo hereand review the political strife in Big Sky Country over the plan. IRC’s Bob Johnson said he was instructed by his superiors in New York to not discuss recent Islamic terror attack against gay night club in Orlando. Photo: http://www.rescue.org/blog/bob-johnson-refugee-resettlement-director-seattle
Early on, suggestions were made by the proponents and those carrying the water for the International Rescue Committee(the primary federal refugee resettlement company in charge of the office), that there probably wouldn’t be Syrians in the initial flow. But, it seems all that has changed and that most of the refugees that could be chosen for Montana are in fact Muslims.
Here is the news at the Missoulian:
Bob Johnson, a senior adviser for the IRC’s Seattle office, returned to Missoula this week to make preparations for the reopening of a refugee resettlement office. He said the agency for whom he’s worked 40 years instructed its people to abstain from commenting publicly in the wake of the Florida shootings.
Announcement of the Missoula office’s executive director is still a couple of weeks away, and it now looks like it’ll be August before the first refugees arrive in town. In March the IRC contracted with the U.S. State Department to resettle up to 100 refugees in Missoula in the first year, a figure that can be adjusted up or down in subsequent years.
The State Department approved a staff of 2 1/2 in Missoula – the executive director, a caseworker and a half-time finance manager. The latter two jobs are still being advertised.
The IRC says it will give from two weeks to two months notice of where the first refugees will come from,said Mary Poole of Soft Landing Missoula, the volunteer organization that successfully made the case to the IRC to open the Missoula office.
What is clear is there’s a better chance than first thought that some of the refugees will come from Syria. The U.S. has been slow to meet President Barack Obama’s pledge to resettle 10,000 displaced Syrians this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. National Public Radio reported this week that so far that number is just 2,800, but a White House National Security spokesman said the U.S. remains committed to the president’s plan.
An IRC official in April told a reception hosted by Soft Landing that because Missoula has no established nationality base of refugees, it’s likely that its first families will come from a population that has no family ties in the U.S. According to the Missoula Independent, those could be Syrian families of four to 10 members; Afghans; families and single-woman households from the Republic of Congo; or Rohingyas, an ethnic Muslim minority from Myanmar (Burma).
What a wonderful coincidence, the schools in Missoula have been teaching Arabic (the number one language of refugees entering the US) for a few years already!
The 6-year-old Arabic language and culture program in Missoula’s three public high schools was another unexpected asset to the IRC.
Continue reading here.
And, if you feel like it, visit reporter Jared Goyette’s piecefrom several weeks ago. It is a typical warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely discussion about how one opponent of the plan got friendly with a proponent of the plan. I have been meaning to write about it, but the only point I need to make is this: Mary and Drew are nice people, but don’t fall for the emotional stuff that Jared is peddling.
You have every right to question, in a clear-eyed unemotional way, public policy in your state that will effect your wallet, your safety, your health and the social cohesion of your community forever!
***Learn more about devout Rohingya Muslimshere. We have 189 posts on this ethnic group and only yesterday we mentioned that we are admitting them to our towns and cities now by the thousands. Remember this! The Rohingya are not our problem. They have been fighting for decades with the Buddhists in Burma. We did nothing to make the Rohingya our responsibility! (Not that any others are ours either. But, the Left loves to tell us we are responsible for wrecking Iraq and so those are ours!).
As you know the Obama Administration is aiming to bring in 85,000 refugees from around the world (many religions and nationalities) this fiscal year (FY 2016 ends on September 30th). So what do we know about thousands of Rohingya Muslims we are now picking up throughout this region of the world? No data bases there either! No criminal records to search. http://www.cfr.org/burmamyanmar/rohingya-migrant-crisis/p36651
And, yes, refugee resettlement supplies a small portion of the million or so ‘immigrants’ of all stripes we admit every year.
Our focus here at RRW is primarily (obviously) on the refugee portion or as the feds like to refer to them—humanitarian arrivals, which along with the refugees include a number of different categories of legal and illegal migrants (see a description here) that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement takes responsibility for. There has been so much news about the Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees entering the US this fiscal year and I wanted to see how those numbers compared with some other Muslim-sending countries (again this is for refugees!), and so I checked the State Department data base for this fiscal year (which began on Oct. 1, 2015) and up to June 15, 2016.
This is what I found (I did not check every country) and I want to emphasize that we really can’t properly vet any of these people especially the devout Rohingya Muslims coming from Burma that have been scattered throughout South East Asia.
Afghanistan (1,455) virtually all Muslims
Burma (8,693) with 2,102 of those being Muslims(this is very new, we only in the last year or so admitted large numbers of Rohingya Muslims)
Iraq (5,781), 4,722 of those are Muslims (mostly Sunni but a large number of Shiites as well).
Somalia (5,956) all Muslim and we pick them up around the world!
Syria (4,328) virtually all Muslims
There are also many Muslims from other Middle Eastern and African countries coming, I just checked the major ethnic groups.
Again! Security screening any of these refugees is almost impossible and certainly won’t stop the 2nd generation jihadi killers.
So, as you freak out over Syrians, consider that they aren’t the only Muslim ‘refugees’ being spread out through America this year. P.S. One day the Rohingya will be on the national news, so anyone interested in learning more about them can visit our Rohingya Reportscategory, here. It goes back to 2008 and has 188 posts in it!
While wefocus on Syrians, thousands upon thousands of equally questionable Muslim refugees are being admitted to the US—most notably Somalis, Iraqis, Uzbeks and now enough Rohingya Burmese Muslims to warrant a special “cultural” center for them! Explain to us again how we are security-screening the Rohingya who have fled Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh in boats and are scattered throughout Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
My! My! how times have changed. When I first began writing RRW, the US State Department would not admit Rohingya Muslims. Now thousands are here!
We have probably the largest archive anywhere on the Rohingya Muslim ‘refugee’ issue with 187 posts extending back to 2007 where we first learned from Time magazine about how Islamic terror groups had infiltrated the devout Rohingya population.
If someone wanted to write a book on how the ‘humanitarians’ and the international Leftists can wear down a country (the US) by creating a media drumbeat to the point where our leaders have now thrown previous caution to the wind and are admitting refugees who definitely cannot be properly screened, your research is done on these pages! (Unfortunately, most of our so-called leaders in Washington don’t even know this is happening!)
Here is one of many postsI wrote way back when. And this is what Time magazine said about the Rohingya in 2002!
Here is what Time magazine said about Rohingya on October 14, 2002 in an article entitled, ‘Deadly Cargo’ by Alex Perry.
Today, southern Bangladesh has become a haven for hundreds of jihadis on the lam. They find natural allies in Muslim guerrillas from India hiding out across the border, and in Muslim Rohingyas, tens of thousands of whom fled the ethnic and religious suppression of the Burmese military junta in the late 1970s and 1980s. Many Rohingyas are long-term refugees, but some are trained to cause trouble back home in camps tolerated by a succession of Bangladeshi governments. The original facilities date back to 1975, making them Asia’s oldest jihadi training camps. And one former Burmese guerrilla who visits the camps regularly describes three near Ukhia, south of the town of Cox’s Bazar, as able to accommodate a force of 2,500 between them.
This is the news today from Illinois (hat tip: domstudent11) from The Daily Northwestern:
Home to more than 2,400 new refugees from 29 nations that migrated in the past year, residents say Illinois has historically been an open and welcoming place for asylum-seekers and immigrants alike.
“Illinois is easier to resettle because it’s so diverse,” said Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, a Syrian refugee and founder of the Syrian Community Network. “It’s important to see people who are of different ethnic backgrounds because then that makes our transition a little bit easier.”
Rohingya Cultural Center to open in Chicago on Saturday. http://www.zakat.org/news/rohingya-cultural-center/
But following Governor Bruce Rauner’s call in November to halt the flow of Syrian refugees into Illinois and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants, including a proposal to temporarily bar all Muslims from entering the United States, some say the state may turn in a different direction. [Illinois is in the top five states for the resettlement of Syrian Muslims, see here.]
Muslim ‘charity’ to open cultural center just for Rohingya.
In the 2015 calendar year, Syrians made up about 6 percent of all refugees in Illinois, preceded by those from the Democratic Republic of Congo at 12 percent, Iraq at almost 20 percent and Myanmar at nearly 40 percent, according to U.S. Department of State data.
The Zakat Foundation of America, an organization that provides resources for low-income communities, plans on opening a culture center just outside of Evanston this weekend. The center, which has been in the works for six months, is the latest effort by the organization to provide resources for Rohingyan refugees fleeing Myanmar.
“There are two basic things motivating the project,” said Jamie Merchant, public relations coordinator at Zakat. “The specific problems of this uniquely disadvantaged community of the Rohingya and also trying to establish a new angle for approaching the general challenges of resettlement.”
Catholic Bishops lobbied for Rohingya!
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of the major lobbying groups to push for the seeding of America with Rohingya Muslims as we reported here in 2013. I was in attendance when the USCCB said we must bring more Rohingya to America.
One more thing….
Although there is no evidence any of your tax dollars are going to this group, but generally the federal government (with grants) encourages the establishment of cultural centers specifically for ethnic groups to be with their own kind of people, how does that help assimilation to America?