Many of you have been directing me to look at the RAISE Act….
As time goes on we will need to talk about this legislation, assuming Senators Cotton and Perdue are able to move it!
Sorry I have not focused on it because on the issue of refugees it is inadequate. Simply placing a 50,000 cap on the program is meaningless if the program continues to run as it does with ‘non-profit’ (federal refugee contractors) groups acting in collusion with a secretive US State Department to place third world poverty in unsuspecting US towns and cities.
And, besides as I said here, the average refugee admission numbers for the years since 9/11/01 (including that high number for 2001) is 65,000. And, those years spanned both the Bush and Obama Administrations.
50,000 does not represent much of a drop.
If the Senators were seeking to cut legal immigration in half, the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program would require a ceiling of about 32,500, right!
Here is the text of the RAISE Act (“Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act”) (S.354).
There is lots of good stuff in the bill (see NumbersUSA here), but not on refugees.