Senator Jeff Sessions (R) Alabama
Any of you reading this and still saying to anyone who will listen that “illegal immigration is bad, but legal is good,” please stop saying it because it shows you don’t know what you are talking about!
Our LEGAL immigration policies and programs are a disaster and this week’s Chattanooga slaughter should be a wake-up call to every sane citizen. Thank God, Senator Jeff Sessions is now saying what we have been saying for years!
His piece entitled, Homegrown Terrorism ‘Made Possible by Unwise Immigration Policy’, is posted hereat the Weekly Standard. After listing myriad cases of terrorism perpetrated by LEGAL refugees and immigrants he wraps up with this:
It is time to affirm some fundamental but forgotten principles that will enhance not only our security but also our social and economic well-being:
· We are under no obligation to admit anyone to the United States.
· The selection of new immigrants to the United States should be based on what’s in the best interests of the people already living inside the United States.
· Immigrants selected for admission should be expected to be financially self-sufficient and chosen because they are likely to succeed, thrive, and flourish in the United States.
· Assimilation is the best policy to ensure both the success of our country and the success of those who arrive in our country. We do both the country and those seeking to enter our country a disservice by failing to promote our language, our laws, and our political customs.
Call Senator Sessions and urge him to hold hearings on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program with an eye to throwing it out altogether.
He is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, here. I see Senator Ted Cruz is on this subcommittee, tell him he needs to get on this issue ASAP if he wants your support in his 2016 run for the Presidency.
Read the full Jordan report here:
As you watch Baltimore burn, think about the very real possibility that the rush to make Baltimore a multicultural immigrant ‘welcoming’ city is partially responsible for throwing gasoline on the fire as African Americans ask, where are the jobs?
Yesterday, Judy brought to our attention to this excellent article at National Review by John Fonte. It is long, but a must read.
We have been beating this same drum for years—refugees are being brought into the US in large numbers primarily to supply cheap, captive (they can’t easily go home!) labor for big industries such as meatpacking.
In the case of the meatpackers, they pay lower wages to the foreign workers, and, if the worker is a refugee, you, the American taxpayer supports the family’s other needs through myriad social welfare programs. It is a great business model, isn’t it!
The ‘religious’ resettlement contractors give the patina of humanitarianism to the program, but it is all about money and power!
The Chamber of Commerce cheers them on and Leftwing funders and foundations salivate over new Democrat voters flowing in to the country as they brainwash Americans into thinking that ‘diversity brings strength’ (just by saying it over and over again)!
Here (below) is Fonte at National Review. I’ve just snipped a little bit from many paragraphs in to the article. It is a shame that NR chose to put Governor Walker’s photo on the story since he does not (so far) have a deep connection to the ‘conservative populist movement’ on immigration.
In fact, if Walker came out strongly on the side of slowing LEGAL immigration to America his funding would dry up overnight! But, if he did, he would have the best chance of being elected the next President of the US because the issue of immigration is THE motivating issue of the average American voter—both because of their domestic economic concerns and their security worries.
On April 15th, the New York Times denounced Senator Jeff Sessions for his campaign to save the American worker. Getting flak like that is the greatest affirmation that he is ‘over the target.’
Emphasis below is mine:
“An absolutely crucial (in some ways, the most important) part of the emerging conservative populist coalition is the committed citizenswho spend hours directly contacting their elected representatives. A large number of Republicans in Congress are on the fence on immigration and will listen carefully to their most determined constituents. Grassroots conservatives are joined together in groups like Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, Numbers USA, Heritage Action, and the Tea Party Patriots. It is not an exaggeration to report that in congressional district after congressional district, conservative activists are fighting Big Business lobbyists,not just for the future of the Republican party but, more significantly, for the future of the American constitutional regime as a whole.
The immigration narrative articulated by conservative populists is winning more and more adherents. At the most fundamental level, this narrative argues that immigration policy should serve American national interests and the interests of American citizens — not the special interests of business, union, political, and ethnic elites. As will be discussed later, the populist narrative today bears striking similarities to the Barbara Jordan immigration plan of 20 years ago.”
I’ve wondered for the last nearly 8 years if the liberal local do-gooders who promote refugee resettlement understand that they are shilling for big business and Republican elites?
“Opposite the conservative populists stands a formidable elite coalition consisting of Big Business, Big Labor, the Obama administration, the entire liberal establishment, the Republican donor class, and the mainstream media. This coalition favors greatly increasing legal immigration for both low-skilled and high-skilled workers, as well as providing amnesty for illegal immigrants. The elite coalition claims that it is speaking for American interests in strengthening our economy, expanding economic growth, and creating jobs. The American economy, the elites tell us, needs massive infusions of both low- and high-skilled labor. Their core argument is that there is a “worker shortage” in America.”
A worker shortage? Do those Baltimore youths rioting in the streets think there is a worker shortage?
And, even if it doesn’t seem like anyone is listening, don’t be silenced! Keep pounding the message to your elected officials at all levels of government.
Thanks to Henry for sending this Breitbart News story. The lawlessness by the Administration was something we were trying to get across to viewers of Fox & Friends last week. And, certainly you have seen the newsthat a federal judge has halted (for now) Obama’s Executive Amnesty.
Want to see the Presidential electoral landscape blow up—urge Senator Sessions to put his hat in the ring for 2016. This immigration issue is the animating issue for real conservatives in America. It touches us all from jobs to the economy to national security!
Breitbart Newson the Senator’s 50-page time line of lawless acts by the Administration:
As Republicans work to overcome a Democratic filibuster of a House-passed Department of Homeland Security bill that blocks President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is highlighting the Obama administration’s long history of dismantling immigration laws.
In a lengthy timeline released Monday, Sessions — the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — lists every instance of the Obama administration ignoring, rewriting, delaying and breaking the nation’s immigration laws.
The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committee’s revelation that the administration included a “sneaky” avenue for illegal immigrants granted deferred status to be placed on a pathway to citizenship.
Here is the section of the report we were attempting to explain on Fox:
September 30, 2014: Obama Administration Circumvents Congress and Creates New Central American In-Country Refugee Program
The State Department announces that parents who are “lawfully present” in the U.S. who have children living in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras may request their child’s admission into the U.S. as a refugee—despite a lack of explanation as to how those children may constitute “refugees” as defined in the INA. Even when a child is not eligible for entry under the refugee program, they can still be considered for entry under a case-by-case parole program. Section 101 of the INA defines a refugee as a person “who has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Courts have held that persecution requires government action, and that general violence or poverty does not meet the requirements for refugee or asylee status. Parole, commonly referred to as “humanitarian parole,” is authorized by Section 212 of the INA. The statute grants the Executive Branch discretion to “parole into the United States temporarily under such conditions as [it] may prescribe only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” While the administration acknowledges in its release that parole, by definition, is temporary in nature, it says aliens granted parole from Central America would be allowed into the U.S. in two-year increments and allowed to renew their parole, apparently indefinitely. It is later revealed that those granted deferred action, deferred enforced departure, and withhold of removal, will be eligible to participate. In effect, the program will allow “illegals in the United States to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren, and even step-parents into the United States.”
Just as Congress (Kennedy and Biden) wrote the original refugee law, so must Congress re-write it!
Chris Chmielenski at NumbersUSA sent out this important announcement today:
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was named chairman of the Senate Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee this week, giving significant control over immigration legislation to Congress’ top champion of lower immigration levels and American workers.Sen. Sessions has already renamed the subcommittee “‘Immigration and the National Interest,’ as a declaration to the American people that this subcommittee belongs to them,” according to a statement on his website.
Congratulations Senator Sessions! Our first ray of hope in a very long time!
“The financial and political elite have been controlling this debate for years; this subcommittee will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out … the voice of all Americans who believe we must have a lawful system of immigration they can be proud of and that puts their interests first.”
— Sen. Sessions
Sen. Sessions’ record on immigration speaks for itself. He was the most ardent opponent of the Senate’s Gang of 8 mass amnesty bill in 2013 and has consistently spoken out against Pres. Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Earlier this month, his staff hand-delivered a 25-page memo he wrote to all House GOP in advance of their retreat, making the case for lower immigration levels and increased enforcement.
The appointment could prove to be extremely significant should new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stick to his pledge to return the Senate to “regular order”. It would mean that every immigration-related bill would have to pass through Sen. Sessions’ subcommittee before it could reach the Senate floor for a vote.
The subcommittee’s vice-chair will be another immigration-reduction champion, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.). Both Sessions and Vitter have NumbersUSA Career grades of A+.
Senate considers its options
Thank you to all of our activists who placed thousands of phone calls to Senate offices this week pushing for passage of the House-passed DHS spending bill that would defund most of Obama’s executive actions. Your calls reminded lawmakers of their midterm campaign promises and that voters won’t forget pledges to do everything in their power to stop Pres. Obama’s executive actions on immigration.
The Senate is not in session today, but will return on Monday. Debate over some bills is running longer than expected, so it’s still uncertai n when Sen. McConnell will bring the House-passed DHS spending bill to the Senate floor. But, Politico is reporting that GOP Leaders are looking for alternative solutions to stopping the President’s executive overreach should the DHS spending bill not pass.
“Top Republicans are exploring ways of escaping their political jam on immigration, with steps that could avoid a funding cutoff for the Department of Homeland Security while letting conservatives vent their anger at President Barack Obama.”
— Politico, “GOP seeking Plan B on immigration”, Jan. 21, 2015
NumbersUSA President Roy Beck protests that thinking:
We aren’t interested in venting anger; we’re interested in results that protect American workers and their families from the wage depression of Mr. Obama’s actions.
We can’t let Members of Congress off the hook! We’ll be coming to you next week with more phoning and faxing opportunities as we continue to pressure Congress to uphold its promise to stop Pres. Obama’s executive amnesties and work permits for millions of illegal aliens.
Border bill moving quickly through the House
Earlier this week, the House Homeland Security Committee passed an amended version of Rep. Michael McCaul’s (R-Texas) border bill, the Secure the Border First Act.
The bill purports to require completion of the 700-miles of double layered fencing that was authorized by the Secure the Fence Act of 2006, but in fact, counts vehicle barriers and single-layer fencing in the 700 miles, even though they don’t comply with the requirements of the law. It also requires implementation of the biometric entry/exit system that has been authorized by Congress and funded on at least six separate occasions and requires DHS to achieve “operational control” along the Southern border. But the bill allows 5-7 years for these provisions to take effect, letting the Obama Administration off the hook for its lack of enfo rcement over the last six years.
The bill’s title, however — the Secure the Border First Act — suggests that Congress should take no further actions on immigration, including guest worker programs and amnesty, until the provisions are implemented and the border secured.
It’s been pointed out by both Sen. Sessions and Jessica Vaughan at the Center for Immigration Studies that the bill throws lots of resources at the border but doesn’t actually change the current administration’s policies, including catch-and-release. Thus, this administration and future ones could intercept every person crossing the Southern border illegally, but if they’re simply issued notices to appear an d relocated to the interior of the country, it wouldn’t really stop future waves of illegal border crossings like the one last summer. So, in reality, the bill really doesn’t do anything to reduce illegal immigration.
The bill will come before the House Rules Committee on Monday and then move to the House floor during the week.
Maybe we can persuade the new Sessions subcommittee (Immigration and the National Interest) to have a look at the Refugee Resettlement Program! After three decades it needs a review!
I’m told that consideration of a bill by Rep. Robert Aderholt is moving fast, so I urge you to contact your member of Congress today in support of the Aderholtbill.
Thank goodness for Alabama, the home state of Senator Jeff Sessions. How about Sessions for President in 2016!
Republican Rep. Robert Aderholt wants to stop Obama from circumventing the Constitution!
On Tuesday Republican Rep. Martha Roby filed a bill, the “Prevention of Executive Amnesty Act of 2015,” to block President Obama’s unilateral action on immigration. Now, another House Republican has filed another proposal — this one more far-reaching — that would stop the president’s plan to offer quasi-legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.
The new bill, the “Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015,” is from Rep. Robert Aderholt, who, like Roby, is from Alabama. The 44-page measure “not only defunds the president’s actions towards amnesty but also removes the president’s discretion in the ability to grant work permits, Social Security, and other federal benefits that go along with his order,” Aderholt said in a press release Wednesday. In addition, the proposal will “put limits on the president’s future ability to enact such wide-reaching actions that circumvent the Constitution’s separation of powers,” Aderholt said.
Continue reading and learn more about the bills, here. Then this:
Finally, the bill would amend the 2008 law known as the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which allowed the relatively quick return of unaccompanied minors*** who enter the United States illegally from Canada or Mexico, but set up elaborate and lengthy procedures for children who come to the U.S. from non-contiguous countries. (Almost none of the children and adults who surged across the U.S. border illegally from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador last summer have been returned.) Under the Aderholt bill, they could be sent back to their home countries more quickly.
The Aderholt and Roby bills present the House Republican leadership with a choice. Should the GOP propose a limited, specific measure to rescind only the president’s action of last November? Or should it do that and in addition undo more of the damage the president has done to immigration enforcement during his six years in office? Right now, there’s no indication of the leadership’s preference.
Another test for Boehner and the boys!
NumbersUSA is urging action. See what they say here.
Call your Representative, tell your House Member to support the Aderholt Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015!
***See all of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ controversy, going back years, here.