Never mind that no one really knows what it was about yet.
Update August 8th: Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s detailed account of the story (so far), here. And, here, another story about the mosque and questionable activities there.
Minneapolis (AP) — The Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in suburban Minneapolis, like other U.S. mosques, occasionally receives threatening calls and emails. But leaders say they’re more frightened after a weekend attack in which an explosive shattered windows and damaged a room as worshippers prepared for morning prayers.
Gov. Dayton visited the Somali mosque yesterday. The story gives me the opportunity to tell new readers that the gov will be remembered for his 2015 admonition that if you don’t like the new (refugee-infused) Minnesota, get out!
“We feel like it’s much deeper and scarier than like something random,” Mohamed Omar, the center’s executive director, said Sunday. “It’s so scary.”
No one was hurt in the blast, which happened around 5 a.m. Saturday. Windows of the imam’s office were shattered, either by the blast or by an object thrown through them. The FBI is seeking suspects and trying to determine whether the incident was a hate crime.
Not Minnesota? Or, maybe the new Minnesota?
Gov. Mark Dayton, who joined other public officials and community leaders for a meeting inside the building Sunday, described the bombing as “so wretched” and “not Minnesota.”
“This is an act of terrorism. This is against the law in America,” Dayton said at a news conference afterward, the Star Tribune reported .
In a story about the bombing in the Africa Times we are reminded by the reporter that there is a large Oromo population there too. I wonder why they brought that up?
Minneapolis-St. Paul is home to the greatest concentration of Somali immigrants in the United States. It also has a large Oromo population, among significant communities coming from Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia and Sudan.
As soon as the feds catch the perp, we will let you know. Or, if you see the news before I do, let me know!
You know I get alerts each day on a variety of news involving refugees around the world. Honestly I wasn’t planning to post on this news simply because it is frankly ho-hum. But, for some reason the story of the North Dakota legislature’s effort to get to the bottom of the question of what it costs taxpayers to ‘welcome’ refugees, including many Somalis to the state, is being reported all over the place, so I thought I better mention it too!
Lutheran Social Service’s director, Shirley Dykshoorn, testified on Wednesday. Did she turn over important information like how many refugee children entered the school system and how many refugees use Medicaid or public housing?
Here is a report in the Bismark Tribune. If nothing else, the legislature’s effort has an important educational value.
Eight days after a racially fueled confrontation in a Fargo parking lot, North Dakota lawmakers began examining the state’s refugee resettlement program Wednesday.
The interim Human Services Committee’s study was prompted by legislation passed earlier this year that sought an examination of various aspects of resettlement, and the committee was tasked with reviewing the impact on workforce, government services, human services, education and health care.
The study bill received some backlash during the legislative session over concerns it singled out refugees, and didn’t account for the economic and cultural benefit they bring to their new communities. Committee Chairwoman Rep. Kathy Hogan, D-Fargo, said the panel should weigh the costs and benefits of resettlement, although some data may be hard to come by.
The number of refugees resettled in North Dakota every year has roughly tripled over the past decade, according to a Legislative Council memo. Last year, 558 refugees were resettled in the state, down from a recent high of 590 in 2014. In 2006, there were just 182.
Lutheran Social Services runs the show in ND:
The state Department of Human Services moved most refugee-related services to Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota under then-Gov. John Hoeven in July 2010, according to the Legislative Council. LSS is the only federally recognized and approved refugee resettlement organization in the state.
Wednesday’s meeting came about a week after a confrontation between three Somali-American women and a white woman at a Fargo Walmart parking lot, where a parking dispute descended into an anti-Muslim outburst that went viral. The two sides later made up after Fargo Police Chief David Todd brought them together.
Now, this is what I want to address—the community organizers!
“The state and the city asking for how much it costs to have refugees in the community, while a sensible question from the financial standpoint, it has negatively impacted our image in the community,” Hukun Abdullahi, the head of the Afro American Development Association, said at the Fargo City Commission’s meeting on Monday. “And it also has increased the number of hostile incidents against the refugees.” [Does he have data to back that up?—ed]
I think North Dakota’s Somali community track record with crimes and terrorism might have more to do with the public attitude toward refugees than some financial study!
Here is Abdullahi apparently being guided by some white guy community organizers on what to say at that demonstration against a local TV station’s report (May 2016) on TB in the immigrant population in ND.
Here we have one Somali guy (some media reports put him at 21 years old), Hukun Abdullahi, who runs an organization incorporated in 2014 (basically a one man show it appears) that has virtually no funding and he becomes the spokesman for the “community.”
Most people on the conservative side of the political spectrum don’t do this, something George Soros has promoted—create many ‘groups,’ with a handful of people in each one, making it appear that there is widespread support for whatever it is they are promoting.
And, of course, when it comes to Somalis and Muslims generally, there is always a victim theme to their organizing. Simply wanting more answers about the cost of the US Refugee Admissions Program makes one a racist, xenophobic Islamophobe!
Has anyone in the mainstream media ever looked into ‘groups’ like Abdullahi’s to see who is behind it, who helped him incorporate as a 501(c)3? Someone had to pay for the legal work to set up the ‘non-profit’ group.
When I attempted to search for background and a website (I didn’t find one) all I got was this, from Tax Exempt World.
He has no requirement to file a Form 990 because he takes in less than $25,000 a year.
People ask me all the time what they can do—-spend a few hours at your computer and research community organizing ‘groups’ like this one.
You can find their incorporation papers on line, their board members’ names, figure out who was behind creating the ‘organization.’ Research their finances, are any local businesses contributing? Any government funding? And, most of all expose them as Leftwing community organizing grievance ‘groups,’ just so the average taxpaying citizen knows who is being promoted by the media as the voice of the “community.”
I have written many posts on North Dakota, see here.
It was also on my 2016 summer roadtrip to see refugee controversy hotspots firsthand.
Another knife-wielding Somali arrested in Minnesota. I missed this news and so I thought you might have as well.
It occurred to me when reading this latest Somali news from Little Mogadishu atWorld Net Daily, that besides a possible proclivity toward violence, maybe a lot of these young Somalis are enjoying their drug of choice—khat.
I wonder if the Justice Department is going after khat dealers as they are the heroin dealers? Does anyone know?
Another Somali “refugee” has managed to strike fear into the hearts of Minnesotans by threatening to kill townspeople with a knife. [Were there calls for more laws restricting knife ownership?—ed]
This time, it was the small town of Faribault, population 23,000 about 50 miles south of Minneapolis, that was terrorized.
Faribault is a direct resettlement site in MN—is there a poultry processor there? A window company? A meatpacker?
Farah was charged with two counts of second-degree assault and threatening violence, all felonies, and fourth-degree damage to property.
Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services resettle the majority of Somalis in Minnesota, working as contractors for the U.S. State Department.
Minneapolis is home to the nation’s largest enclave of Somali refugees, with estimates putting their numbers at between 40,000 and 50,000. They control the city’s sixth ward politics and have a member of their community on the city council, with the possibility of a second council seat going to a Somali in this fall’s elections.
Almost all refugees to the United States are hand-selected by the United Nations, which has been picking U.S.-bound refugees since the 1980s.
Continue herebecause Hohmann has done us a great service by listing many other Somali refugee crime and terror cases.
The refugee family had been in the US for a year, but apparently still had poor English language skills.
I’m posting this story just so readers in present and future ‘welcoming’ towns in America know what they have to get ready for—the cost of interpretation services.
And, I think this is being set up as a possible lawsuit against a police department for failing to provide proper language translation in an emergency.
I’ve heard about these costly services that local taxpayers must pay for, but hadn’t seen any discussion on how the system works.
A Clinton-era Executive Order requires interpretation services be supplied by local and state governments in all sorts of situations—legal, medical, criminal—involving, as they call them in this story, New Americans. I wonder for how many years are taxpayers on the hook for such services for individual refugees (forever?).
When rescuers converged on the banks of the Winooski River on July 11 to search for Ali Muhina, they faced darkness, racing waters and a language barrier in their efforts to find the missing boy, believed to have fallen into the river.
The dead boy’s father (right) talks to the media. See video:
Later that night, after the search had been halted until morning, Police Chief Rick Hebert would tell reporters that the language barrier had caused some issues. The next morning, friends and relatives of Ali told reporters that the family had struggled to understand police procedures and ask questions. A relative told reporters the family speaks Swahili.
Ali’s family originated from Somalia, though the boy was born in a refugee camp in Kenya. They had lived in the United States for a year when tragedy struck.
A police translator during the initial hours of the search did not speak Swahili, but instead spoke an African language which Ali’s father could understand but not speak himself, according to Mohamed Noor, who identified himself as a relative of the Muhinas.
The Winooski Police Department has the use of “Enabling Language Services Anywhere” devices. The device is a small box that can be worn on an officer’s body. When an officer pushes the button, he’s automatically connected to an interpretation center open 24 hours a day seven days a week.
The officer is connected with a translator in one of over 180 languages, who can interpret remotely. If the officer doesn’t know the language being spoken, a linguist can come on the line to help identify it, according to RLL Mobile Interpretation’s website.
When the search resumed on July 12, representatives from organizations like the Association of Africans Living in Vermont and the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program were at the riverbank to support the family. [The Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program is a subcontractor to primary contractor*** USCRI and is the organization behind all the controversy about starting a program in Rutland.—ed]
The day after Ali’s body had been recovered, Hebert acknowledged that “it has been a real challenge to engage our new Americans in meaningful relationship building,” and he said he would welcome any ideas on how to improve.
Someone with some time should look into this group ‘Africans Living in Vermont‘ (see here where one of their employees was accused of embezzling).
For new readers, type the name of your state in my search window. Hereyou can see all of our previous posts on Vermont.
***Federal contractors/middlemen/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizerspaid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors like this one in Vermont.
Their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US. Here they will act as advocates for justice for the refugees they placed in your towns while you pay their salaries.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors/propagandists from the process.
Apparently Mohamed Noor still won’t talk to police investigators in the wake of the worst disaster for advocates of ‘diversity hires’ in America—the shooting by a Somali former refugee of an unarmed woman, an immigrant, who had called 911 looking for help.
Former presidential candidate Rep.Michele Bachmann, not silent in her home state: Where is the grand jury? And, could this have been a hate crime?
Not only has the police chief resigned, announced by the mayor at a tempestuous press conference, but the people of Minneapolis are out for the mayor’s head as well. Here is one report from The Guardian (foreign press isnt’ giving up on the story!).
A day before submitting her resignation, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in her first public statement on the killing nearly a week ago of an unarmed woman by a Somali refugee cop, called her death “unnecessary” and said it went against the protocol and training given to her officers.
“Justine [Damond] didn’t have to die,” Harteau, the city’s first openly lesbian police chief, said at a press conference Thursday night. Harteau had been hiking in Colorado all week in the aftermath of the shooting.
Harteau said based on current information about the case, there was no justification for officer Mohamed Noor’s decision to shoot Damond, a 40-year-old bride-to-be and yoga instructor who had moved to the U.S. from Australia to be with her fiancée.
Harteau submitted her resignation Friday in the wake of the fatal shooting at the request of Mayor Betsy Hodges, according to a statement from the city.
Noor has refused to talk with police investigators since the July 15 incident.
Noor is not talking (to investigators) but he has reportedly talked to friends in the Somali community. Time for a grand jury! Sure hope they keep him under surveillance. Too many Somalis simply disappear before they can appear in court when in legal trouble.
Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Harteau has to accept a large part of the blame for putting an unqualified officer on the street.
“Finally the female chief of Minneapolis police came out and said Justine Damond should still be alive. She said Mohammad Noor had no reason to shoot Justine,” Bachmann told WND. “He violated police policy and training. Noor refuses to cooperate with investigators. He refuses to give a statement.
“Firing him isn’t enough, the question is whether a grand jury will be impaneled.Manslaughter charges should be considered,” she added.
“Again, will the prosecutor and police department work to determine whether this was in fact a hate crime. Clearly it wasn’t premeditated, but was it a gut reaction of Mohammad Noor resulting from his cultural beliefs? What mosque did he attend? What are his beliefs?”
Another mystery about what happened last Saturday night involves a missing two minutes from the official police log of the incident.
Hohmann continues:
As noted by a media outlet in Damond’s native Australia, the 9-1-1 tape reveals a “critical missing two minutes.”
A timeline pieced together through the bride-to-be’s 911 calls and a newly released police incident report shows Damond was shot two minutes after police officers arrived at the alleyway behind her home.
“What it doesn’t explain is what happened in those two crucial minutes that prompted officer Mohamed Noor to draw his gun, reach over his partner and discharge his weapon through the open window, delivering a fatal shot to Ms Damond’s abdomen,” reports, an Australian outlet.
Go here for the rest of the story and the actual time line.
For new readers!
Don’t miss this post from 2011 where we first learned how so many Somalis ‘found their way’ to Minnesota. Hint! The US State Department hired Catholic, Lutheran and evangelical contractors*** to place them there because the welfare was so generous and as I later learned, some big industries needed cheap labor including a window company in Owatonna and poultry plants scattered around the state including near St. Cloud and Wilmer.
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizerspaid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. At this minute they are sending ‘abstracts’to Washington which are their personal wish lists and plans for who will be ‘welcomed’ to your towns for the upcoming fiscal year that begins October 1, 2017.
Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.