Germany: 'refugee' terrorist admits he was sent by ISIS and told to wait for instructions

You’ve probably seen the news, but I wanted to be sure it was in my archives and it fits with other news I have to share this morning.
Invasion of Europe news…..
From Breitbart (hat tip: Joanne, others):

Three Syrian migrants are currently on trial in Hamburg for being members of a terrorist cell and one of the men has admitted that the Islamic State terror organisation sent him to Germany telling him to disguise himself as a refugee.


German girls
Come on in say German girls in 2015. Big smooch!


The three Syrians, aged between 19 and 27, came to Germany during the migrant crisis in 2015 and were arrested in September of 2016 at asylum homes in Ahrensburg, Großhansdorf and Reinbek near Hamburg, Suddeutsche Zeitung reports.

For the last eight months, the judges in the court have tried to determine whether or not the men were sent by the Islamic State, or whether they were radicalised independently.

The eldest defendant, 27-year-old Mohamed A., confirmed to the judge that he had been commanded by the Islamic State terror group to infiltrate the wave of refugees and wait in Germany for further instructions.

The 27-year-old said that he trained with the terror group in its former capital of Raqqa for three months with four different weapons before heading to Europe. An Islamic State member also gave him a forged passport along with a sum of $1,500.

More here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here.  Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.

Syrian ‘asylum seeker’ regrets choosing Norway over Sweden

Readers, this is another story relating to refugees and asylum posted at The Muslim Issue, a blog I’ve been following lately and you should too!  The story is about a Syrian ‘shopping,’ with the help of traffickers, for a country to go to and appeal for status as a refugee from a war-torn country.

The story of ‘Nazim’ is an excellent example of the steps involved in the asylum racket.

From The Muslim Issue (translated from the original).  Emphasis below is mine:

(From Avpixlat) ASYLUM ABUSE: Nazim is one of the many Syrians who lack proper refugee reasons, but in the outside world sympathy to the victims of the ongoing civil war is seen an opportunity to gain a better life in Europe. Now however Nazim fumes that he chose to seek asylum in Norway instead of the naive Sweden.

Nazim left his wife and children in Syria, just a clear indication that there is an asylum scam. Would you leave the women and children on a battlefield where bullets fly and bombs fall to bring yourself to safety? Nazims family are most likely at a safe distance from the civil war horrors. Nazim went to Turkey. It was not a good enough country to flee to, he said, and chose not to try to bring his family. Instead, he contacted smugglers to get into Europe and managed to buy a fake Polish passport for $ 5,000, a sum that Nazim in spite of his alleged refugee status did not have any problems to procure.

[Readers this is a point to remember—asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East who arrive on our (US) border have spent a huge sum of money to get there, estimates are $10,000 and up.  These are not the starving and destitute people you envision.—ed]

Now remained only the question which country Nazim would choose for asylum where he had the best chance to obtain a residence permit. He chose Norway, on the recommendation of the people he bought the passport from. It would prove to be foolish. In Norway, they are namely sick of asylum seekers who pick and choose among the EU Schengen countries as on an a la carte menu rather than to seek asylum in the first country they come to, in accordance with the Dublin Regulation. They are also fed up with almost all asylum seekers arriving in Norway who carry false papers with accompanying false stories or no paper at all. Nazim has therefore not obtained the residency he so eagerly desires to be able to bring in his family from Syria.

[Readers, remember this point that legitimate refugees are required by international law to ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach, so anyone getting to our border should be asking for asylum in Canada or Mexico or any of the Central and South American countries they have already traversed.  This is also why the US State Department sanctioned Malta migration to America is such a travesty.  Those Somalis reaching Malta are Malta’s and the EU’s problem, not ours!—ed]

Nazim now complains in Norwegian press and says he should have chosen Sweden. All his Syrian friends who chose Sweden has received a residence permit a long time ago. Although this fact seems a little strange. That Nazim has such a good handle on how things have gone for all the others who fled from Syria suggest that this has hardly been a valid cause, but this is a network and a coordinated plan. But yes, Nazim is right, and he should have chosen Sweden. Here all the Syrians now get their residency permits automatically without any investigations or assessments of individual asylum claims being made.

Admittedly they get “only” a residence of three years in the first instance but if they have children or acquire such in Sweden and these children become rooted in Swedish society, he has very good prospects for permanent residency when the three years are over, even on the situation in Syria, if the situation requires no asylum rights. Moreover, almost all Syrians with a three-year residence permit in Sweden already appealed the decision in court and requested that it be granted a permanent residence permit – give someone a finger and he takes the whole hand, feels like a just saying.

Visit our ever-growing archive on Sweden, here, for more.

And, don’t forget—read about Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration!