Will refugee flood gates open even wider if Hillary elected on November 8th? Yes!

Yes, I believe they will!
Today, October 1, 2016 is the opening day of the last of Obama’s driving efforts to change America by changing its people.
A few weeks ago he presented to Congress his determination to admit 110,000 refugees from around the world over the next 12 months with the largest numbers coming from the Middle East and Muslim-controlled countries of Africa.

But, if Hillary is elected president on November 8th, Obama will look like a piker.

Could Hillary dramatically expand refugee admissions numbers? Yes, she can! Will she? I think so!

No where did Obama ever say he wanted 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US, but Hillary is on record (Face the Nation, September 2015) saying that, and I am guessing that will only be the beginning for her.
After all, she just this week said that the foreign leader she admired most is German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Merkel!!! who is widely believed to be destroying Germany and has thrown all of Europe in chaos with her ‘welcome’ of any refugee from Africa and the Middle East who can get there!
Remember the other day I wrote about the fact that the number determined by the President at the end of the fiscal year for the following year is a ceiling set by the President in consultation with Congress.
‘Consultation’ is a squishy term as we have seen for the last 35 years and is virtually non-existent (except for a brief chit chat between the Secretary of State and two key committees on the Hill).  Each September, the President sends up his refugee numbers for the upcoming year and for years Congress simply slipped his plan into a drawer somewhere and never even held hearings.  Senator Sessions’ hearing last fall (2015) was the first since 9/11.
The only real power the Congress has is to limit the funding for the federal agencies involved, something I have never seen done!
So, back to Hillary and the power of the Presidency as it relates to this law.
One of Hillary’s long time political allies is John Podesta, Chairman of her 2016 Presidential campaign. Do you know that his organization (an organization Hillary helped create with George Soros) proposed an AIRLIFT in 2009 of 100,000 Iraqis to America which they pushed on the new President Obama? He didn’t bite.
The plan called for Iraqis to be held offshore somewhere until they could be processed in to the US.  More recently Canada’s boy Trudeau airlifted tens of thousands of Syrians to Canada.  If President, could Hillary do this? Yes she can!

Refugee Act’s emergency provision

There is a very clear provision, which I don’t think has been used (the large crush of Vietnamese came before the Refugee Act of 1980 became law), but I think Hillary will use it.  By defeating Donald Trump, she will feel she has a mandate to open our borders. There definitely won’t be a border fence built and I predict she will use every lawful means available to admit as many migrants as she can, including the emergency provisions of the Refugee Act of 1980.
Could she add her 65,000 Syrians to the 110,000 refugees Obama proposed for FY2017, or could she go even higher?  Yes, she could knowing that the Congress, even if Republicans still hold the majority, is weak and will be further demoralized by her win.
Heck her role model, Mama Merkel, admitted over a million in the last year. Not to look ‘unwelcoming’ by comparison, Hillary could easily bump our numbers up to a quarter of a million!  (That would be in addition to the masses of asylum seekers—-phony refugees—now streaming across our southern border.)
See here (Refugee Act of 1980):
Consultation with Congress, big deal! No teeth! And, I expect no fight if Hillary is in the White House!
Will Hillary go there? Yes, I believe she will.

Obama's 110,000 refugee plan for 2017 is a CEILING! A Trump administration could turn off the spigot

For all the years I’ve been writing RRW (9 now), I’ve seen the Open Borders advocates and the Resettlement contractors*** try to make the President’s proposed numbers (his determination) for the upcoming fiscal year a REQUIRED GOAL.  It is not! It is a CEILING. There is no requirement that they must reach that number and in fact most times they don’t.

If Donald Trump is elected and uses his power by cutting refugee admissions, expect much wailing and gnashing of teeth from Senators Dick Durban and Patrick Leahy, two of the most important members of the Senate welcoming tens of thousands of Middle Eastern and African refugees to your towns.

I’ve posted a table below from the Refugee Processing Center so you will have some idea what the ceiling was each year since 2006 and the number they hit.
By the way, failure to reach that number can usually be attributed to not enough resettlement sites and capacity in those sites (very often a limiting factor is the availability of enough cheap housing), or it might simply be that the UNHCR hasn’t processed enough refugees for us that year.
However, I doubt that this administration in its waning months is going to be responsible and consider capacity. 

My guess is that the refugee flow is going to be on steroids for October and in to November.

If Trump is elected they will go completely insane pouring people in here before his inauguration (unless in December the lame duck Congress severely curtails their funding).
To accommodate these vast new numbers Obama has proposed, and because they are wearing out their welcome in existing resettlement sites, we are hearing that there  are as many as 47 new targeted towns to be seeded with mostly Middle Eastern and African refugees.

The Continuing Resolution, being voted on this week, will give them enough money (since the Republican leadership has failed us) to get that ball rolling in the first few months. In fact, that ball will get rolling in two days, on October first!
What about Hillary’s 65,000 Syrians?
In yesterday’s hearing someone (Sen. Sessions?) asked about Hillary’s proposed 65,000 Syrians and if there had to be any “consultation” with Congress if she is elected and wants to bring that many in the opening days of her administration. The answer is yes, probably, but what the hell is Congress going to do other than say, ‘thanks for stopping by and informing us!’  Congress’ only recourse is to stop the funding! Don’t hold your breath!
Conversely, because the Refugee Admissions Program is heavily weighted toward the President’s wishes, if Donald Trump should be elected, he has great leeway to cut back, or even propose a moratorium on Obama’s 110,000 goal. He does not have to reach the ceiling!
Of course, he would have to “consult” Congress too.  The likes of Senators Patrick Leahy and Dick Durban will be WAILING! (That would be fun to see!)
So, bottomline, Donald Trump must win the Presidency and Congress must cut the funding for the program, or we are finished.
Here is the table I mentioned above.  You will be looking at the columns labeled “ceiling” and “admitted.”
The table above is through August 31, 2016. As of today, September 29th, the FY 2016 admissions are at 84,870 with the Syrians at 12,571 (Refugee Processing Center). When you are looking at the table, note also how they completely stress-out towns (local health departments, schools, etc.) by bringing in large new batches of refugees in the last two months of the fiscal year in their zeal to hit that ceiling.
One more thing!  Do you see how far off the mark they were in 2011, that is because those two Iraqi refugee terrorists were discovered living in Kentucky and much security screening had to be repeated.
***For new readers these are the nine federal resettlement contractors who rely almost completely on funding from you, the taxpayer:

Senators Cruz and Sessions let loose in yesterday's Senate hearing on FY17 refugee plan

Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, grilled three members of the Obama Administration on the plan to admit 110,000 refugees to the US in the next fiscal year which begins on Saturday (Oct. 1).
This is a required hearing under the Refugee Act of 1980 and we will be looking for the House hearing (where are your Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy?).

Senators Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions were not happy (understatement!) when they heard details of so-called screening of refugees from the failed state of Syria.

Many issues were raised, but naturally the one that brought out the most angry exchanges involved the vetting process.
Leo Hohmann, of World Net Daily, watched and summarized those key points in his lengthy report, here.
This is how he begins:

President Obama’s top official responsible for vetting refugees testified before the Senate Wednesday that it’s possible for people from Syria and other terrorist-infested countries to have their refugee applications approved based simply on personal interviews with a “highly trained” immigration officer.

Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, could not deny that in many cases there is no data from the refugee’s home country that would corroborate or refute his story. He tried to reassure the committee by saying the screening process is lengthy and continuously being improved, noting that the United Nations pre-screens the refugees before his office even sees them.

Under questioning from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rodriguez at first avoided giving a direct answer on whether it was possible to gain admission as a refugee based solely on an interview. That infuriated Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who chairs the subcommittee on immigration and the national interest. His subcommittee conducted the hearing Wednesday on Obama’s refugee plans for fiscal year 2017, which begins Saturday, Oct. 1.

Obama plans to bring 110,000 refugees to the United States in 2017, up from 85,000 in 2016 and 70,000 in 2015.

The administration has exceeded its 2016 target on Syrian refugees by 30 percent, resettling 12,500 in dozens of U.S. cities and towns, rather than the 10,000 it had promised the U.N.

At Wednesday’s hearing, administration officials refused to say how many refugees they intend to bring in from Syria in fiscal 2017, only that it would likely exceed the 12,500 brought this year. (See my post on that portion of hearing, here.)

Nor did they say how many would come from Somalia, Iraq, Burma, Afghanistan and other hotbeds of Sunni radicalism.

When the subject turned to the process of “vetting” the refugees, sparks began to fly.

Continue reading and see embedded clips (sparks flying) from the hearing.

US State Department shoving refugees down their throats in Rutland, VT

After months and months of meetings and angry protests, the US State Department has decided to ignore the controversy and begin sending refugees to Rutland before the end of the year.
Just a reminder that the DOS told Senator Sessions subcommittee yesterday that they haven’t decided how many of the 110,000 refugees Obama wants admitted beginning Saturday will be in that number.  We recently reported that a contractor spilled the beans in California and said it would be 20,000-30,000.

This is the woman who will now be deciding Rutland’s demographic and cultural future. She is the CEO of USCRI and Stacie Blake’s boss. And, she is responsible for the troubles in Twin Falls, Idaho. Limon formerly headed the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement under Bill Clinton. Learn more about her here: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/05/twin-falls-refugee-crisis-clinton-appointee/

I predict there will be a wild orgy of resettlements across America in October, November and December and right up until inauguration day so that this administration can get as many ‘new Americans’ seeded before the start of a new presidency.
Of course, if Hillary wins we are done, and, with agreement from the Republican leadership (and the Chamber of Commerce), our gates will be thrown open.
Be sure to see our post yesterday where the embattled (now victorious) Rutland mayor was selling refugee resettlement to rural upstate New York.  He called his local opponents on the issue “ignorant by design.”
Here is the news from Vermont Digger:

RUTLAND — Rutland has been selected as a resettlement site for 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees, according to a State Department spokesperson. The announcement comes after five months of heated debate over whether this small city has the capacity to take in refugees fleeing violence in the Middle East.

“I’m delighted that the Department of State has the faith in our community to be a host city for refugee resettlement,” said Mayor Chris Louras after the announcement Wednesday. “We understand it’s not going to be easy, that there will be challenges, but this community is at its very best when it rises to the challenge.”

Stacie Blake, director of government and community relations for the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, said she believes the first families will arrive in mid-December or early January. Blake said USCRI will open an office in Rutland and have two full-time staff members. Staff will undergo an intensive training process that includes working in the agency’s Colchester office, Blake said.

A State Department spokesperson said that although the proposal for 100 refugees has been approved, the number is subject to change. Once refugees arrive in the United States they are free to live wherever they choose.

This is what they will do to any town that thinks it will only be 50 or 100 refugees. Next year it will be 150-200 and pretty soon Rutland will be Lancaster, PA with 700 a year and many many problems!
By the way, does Rutland have a mosque yet? Just asking.
If I lived in Rutland, although too late as your governor and Obama are shoving the refugees down your throats, I would do everything in my power to get rid of this mayor.

Rutland, VT mayor takes his refugee promotion show on the road to rural upstate New York

If you live in New York’s North Country, beware, because the great minds at the Adirondack North Country Association have invited Mayor Christopher Louras down from Rutland to tell them all about how to best get some refugees for themselves (for your towns!).

I’m sure the folks in Rutland will be tickled to see what their mayor says about them when he leaves home. “…ignorant by design!”

From The Sun:

KEESEVILLE — The outcry over Syrian refugees has shaped much of Rutland’s discourse this summer.

The dispute over whether to accept 100 asylum seekers has cleaved the city, pitting Mayor Chris Louras against constituents, city aldermen and other elected officials.

Gov. Peter Shumlin thanks seven of Vermont's eight mayors for supporting his re-election bid, in Montpelier, Vt., Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Behind Shumlin are, left to right: Barre Mayor Thom Lauzon, Republican; Montpelier Mayor John Hollar, Democrat; Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, Democrat; Gov. Shumlin; Rutland Mayor Christopher Louras, independent; Winooski Mayor Michael O'Brien, Democrat; St. Albans Mayor Elizabeth Gamache, Democrat; and Newport Mayor Paul Monette, independent. (AP Photo/Wilson Ring)
Rutland Mayor Louras told the gathering he got the idea to invite Syrians to Rutland from Gov. Peter Shumlin. Here the governor thanks seven of Vermont’s eight mayors for supporting his re-election bid, in Montpelier, Vt., Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. That is Rutland Mayor Christopher Louras to his immediate left. This photo identifies Louras as an Independent, but the Sun article says he is a Republican, which is it? Photo: http://bigstory.ap.org/photo/governor-mayors-1

As the five-term mayor waits for the Department of State to sign off on the expansion of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program into his city — a roadblock thrown up by peeved aldermen — Louras ventured to New York last week, where he briefed local leaders on his push to make the state’s third-largest city a host for escapees of the war-torn nation.

A decision may come as soon as 10 days, he said, with the first family arriving as early as December.

Bringing refugees into the city, he said, goes hand-in-hand with urban revitalization efforts.

Their entry, Louras believes, would breathe new life into an ailing city.


But the road to get here wasn’t easy. The mayor has come under fire for a perceived lack of transparency. Earlier this summer, city aldermen asked the department of state to examine the issue. A former political opponent also circulated a petition, which was nixed, asking the issue be brought to a vote.

Louras admitted he could have been more open.

“I keep trying to go back to the human element,” he said. [So is he saying secrecy and lying are o.k. if one is moved by one’s emotions to save the world’s downtrodden and in this case Syrian Sunni Muslims—ed]


The crowd at the Adirondack North Country Association’s annual meeting, the daylong workshop that acts as somewhat of an experimental laboratory for regional leaders to tinker with economic solutions to rural problems, was perhaps more receptive.

Louras joined other officials in Keeseville last week to share his experiences — and to offer advice for other communities exploring similar efforts.

When resettlement agencies zero in on a possible relocation site, they look at three main areas, Louras said:

Safe and sanitary housing, the availability of entry-level jobs and the English-language learning opportunities necessary to build skills.

Rutland, a city of about 16,500, has all three, the mayor said.

“We’ve got a workplace problem,” Louras said, “not a jobs problem. Our employers are looking for employees.”

There it is readers, once again, they hide under the humanitarian white hat, but it is all about labor (I’m guessing the Rutland Chamber of Commerce backs Louras?).
Beware residents of the North Country, you could be the next resettlement site:

Discussions on accepting refugees have percolated this year in the North Country, and a number of organizations have been formed to explore the feasibility of the concept, including several in Essex County.

Then you can’t make this up, we have an immigration lawyer, Anas Saleh, a Syracuse-based lawyer who works directly with asylum seekers, telling us that refugees pay more taxes than they get out of the system in the form of welfare.  Be sure to see this post from last year where we told you that a study by the Center for Immigration Studies tells us that each Middle Eastern refugee costs the US taxpayer over $64,000 per refugee over the first five years in the U.S.
The Sun continues:

Saleh said refugees don’t pluck jobs from Americans.

Contrary to public belief, immigrants actually pay into social welfare programs more than they receive, he said. [He is flat-out lying!—ed]

Louras then tells the gathering that he doesn’t want to get into politics, but proceeds to call other elected officials and citizens opposing him in Rutland “ignorant by design.”

While Louras said he wanted to avoid politics during the roundtable discussions, he admitted to taking hits and incurring damage from a “small-but-vocal” group of opponents on his home turf.

Expect the national negative discourse to be replicated at the local level, he said.

Could he have facilitated the discussions more transparently?

Sure, he admitted.

But some people are ignorant “by design,” he said, and would have sabotaged the process — including the city’s treasurer, who the mayor said circulated misleading information about the impact of asylum seekers on property values.

“She’s helping create that fake narrative,” Louras said.


The mayor, a Republican, said his greatest frustration surrounding the debate was what he referred to as a “dearth of empirical analysis” among refugee populations.  [We have some analysis, impact on taxpayers is $64,370 per Middle Eastern refugee over first five years in US. Middle Easterners use welfare at a higher rate then some from other regions of the world—-ed]

“Those numbers are validated through academia, but there’s not a lot of studies,” he said.

While his decision to make Rutland a beacon for Syrians stemmed from a discussion with Gov. Peter Shumlin following last year’s terrorist attacks in Paris — Louras said he was further miffed by a letter sent by 30 governors barring refugees from their states — he warned attendees that their efforts shouldn’t lean on the government, but rather a constellation of nonprofit agencies.

Grassroots efforts like Rutland Welcomes, the mayor said, were critical in laying down early infrastructure, creating “action-driven” plans that explored everything from transportation to language learning.

I urge all of you to visit The Sun article, especially all of you Vermonters and Upstate New Yorkers, it is really full of enlightening information that I couldn’t possibly analyze if I worked on this post all day.  They use the really refugee-overloaded/stressed cities of Syracuse and Utica as model cities even!  Sheesh!