Resettlement industry wants 100,000 Syrians in FY17, 210,000 total refugees and billions more from Congress

Just to recap, Obama’s final ‘determination’ sent to Capitol Hill a week ago calls for a ceiling*** of 110,000 refugees from all over the world for Fiscal year 2017 which begins in 8 days.  He did not indicate how many of those would be Syrians but recently we learned that 20,000-30,000 would likely be Syrian Muslims.

the National Clean Energy Summit 7.0 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on September 4, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Political and economic leaders are attending the summit to discuss a domestic policy agenda to advance alternative energy for the country's future.
Hillary and John Podesta (working for George Soros) started the Center for American Progress and you can bet if she gets in the White House, the two of them will open the floodgates to the third world.

Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum for spotting this story at the Center for American Progress (CAP) where the resettlement contractors and their friends spell out what they really want. 
They want the 110,000 to be a floor and not a ceiling and they want 100,000 Syrian Muslims on top of 110,000 other refugees.
They also drop some astounding numbers about how many billions of dollars they want from the REPUBLICAN Congress.
Here is the story from earlier in the week:

After a slow start in fiscal year 2016—in which, by the end of May, the United States had only resettled one-quarter of its stated commitment of 10,000 Syrian refugees—the administration announced on August 29 that it had hit its target. According to the administration’s report to Congress laying out its 2017 resettlement goals—the “Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2017”—the administration now believes it will surpass its original goal, bringing in up to 13,000 Syrians by the end of September.

Most importantly, the report to Congress makes clear that the United States will surpass even the commitment made by Secretary of State John Kerry in September 2015 to bring in 100,000 refugees in FY 2017: It raises the target for resettlement in FY 2017 to 110,000 refugees.


Human Rights First, for example, has called for the administration to admit 100,000 Syrians next year in addition to 100,000 refugees from the rest of the world.

Whatever number of Syrians the administration ultimately decides to admit, it should view the commitment to resettling 110,000 total refugees in FY 2017 as a floor, rather than a ceiling, and should do everything in its power to increase the number of refugees admitted.

They know what we have been trying to say for weeks! Congress has the power to slow the invasion if they want to because the resettlement contractors have virtually no money of their own. 

They need your money to change your towns!

CAP continues:

Funding is critical, and the ball is in Congress’ court

While the Obama administration has stepped up to raise the numbers of refugees to be resettled, Congress has not, to date, provided a corresponding increase in the funds available to ensure that these individuals are able to resettle smoothly, find livelihoods, and become self-sufficient soon after arrival—a key goal of the U.S. refugee program.

The funding Congress appropriated for FY 2016 was based on an estimate of only 75,000 refugees being resettled. When the administration raised its target to 85,000 refugees, Congress did not increase the funding to match. This means that over the past year, the government has had to resettle more refugees with fewer funds. To make matters worse, Congress will most likely only fund the government for the remainder of the calendar year using a continuing resolution—a stopgap, short-term funding bill rather than a full-year appropriation—likely holding the amount of funding for resettlement to FY 2016 levels. This will become all the more difficult to sustain as the number of refugees admitted grows to 110,000.

Take the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or ORR, as an example. This agency helps integrate newly arrived refugees into American life and society, providing financial and medical assistance, social work and case management, and language and job training programs. It also has primary responsibility for the housing and care of unaccompanied children who arrive in the United States. In FY 2016, the ORR received a little less than $1.7 billion to accomplish these tasks. With an increase in the numbers of both refugees being resettled and unaccompanied children arriving, however, ORR’s budget is stretched thin.

The Refugee Council USA (mentioned below) is the lobbying arm of the resettlement industry in Washington.

The administration’s FY 2017 budget, based on the original goal of resettling 100,000 refugees, calls for the ORR to receive about $2.2 billion, while Refugee Council USA—the main umbrella group for organizations working to resettle and protect refugees—has called for the ORR to receive $2.95 billion. Either way, Congress must come together to provide more funding to the agency.

The Continuing Budget Resolution as it now stands has barely half that much and we are urging Congress to cut even more deeply.
Keep calling them and tell them that you know they, the Republican leadership, hold the cards—not Obama!
We have written a lot about the Refugee Council USA and also about the Center for American Progress, so please use our search function if you want to learn more.
***On this ‘ceiling’ issue: for all the time I have been writing this blog, the industry has been working to make sure the ceiling is met. But, it is only a ceiling.  The President can, during the course of the year, go below the ceiling and in some earlier years a president has.  So it strikes me that if Donald Trump is elected, he could very well just (at minimum) go way below the ‘ceiling’ (tell his Secretary of State to slow it down) after he is inaugurated without even initiating a battle (over Obama’s last determination) in the opening months of his administration.

California World Relief refugee contractor lets cat out of bag: next year 20,000-30,000 Syrians will arrive

And, no doubt they will be at least 95% Syrian Sunni Muslims.

Kirt Lewis: Yippee! Sacramento could get 2,000-3,000 Syrian Muslims! Photo:

When the Obama Administration went to Congress last week with its official “determination” for FY2017 which begins in 11 days (on October 1) and said that they want 110,000 refugees from all over the world admitted in FY17, they very pointedly made no mention of how many Syrians would be in that huge flow.
But, here, at the end of a story about the cost of educating refugees in California, a World Relief spokesman tells us what they all know on the inside (but are keeping secret from you!). (Hat tip: Joanne)

Early indicators suggest the U.S. is going to see more Syrian refugees next year–probably between 20,000 and 30,000,” Kirt Lewis, director of the Sacramento field office for World Relief, said in an interview. “As a rule of thumb, about 10 percent of those will end up settling in Northern California, and especially in Sacramento.”

To heck with Obama, it is the Republican Congress that will be responsible if this happens because they control the purse strings.  Contractors like World Relief have virtually NO MONEY unless they have yours—your taxpayer dollars!
Call your member of Congress today!  See here.  But call yours even if he/she is not on the Freedom Caucus.

Find your member of Congress by clicking here.

Lesson from Missoula, Montana: They will lie to you!

It couldn’t be a clearer demonstration of what I’ve been saying for years.

Pay attention prospective ‘welcoming’ communities!

Once a federal contractor gets an office established, your town will have NO CONTROL over how many will come and where they will come from.

Activist Mary Poole got the ball rolling and invited the International Rescue Committee to set up an office in Missoula. The rumor is that Mary is taking one, maybe two, families to live at her house to save taxpayers having to care for them (joking of course!)

And, LOL!, for all of you getting a run-around from your contractor office about the Abstract (what abstract? we don’t know what you are talking about?), well now we learn they sure did know what you were asking, but they wanted to make you feel dumb and uninformed.  The arrogance of these federal contractors is stunning!
Here is the latest from Missoula where the commissioners said they would “welcome” one hundred, well, oopsy now they will get 150—including Syrian and Iraqi Muslims among many ethnic groups.

(When your community gets a smattering of everything, it may sound cool to get all the “international flavor,” but be ready for a lot of extra taxpayer-funded costs in the local school system to accommodate myriad languages and levels of learning .)
Before you continue reading, be sure to see this post where we reported that the first Congolese families arriving in Missoula were homeless.
From The Missoulian:

Four families of Congolese have arrived in Missoula in the past month, but resettlement here will soon take on a more international flavor.


Carr, executive director of the Missoula International Rescue Committee (IRC) office, said some of the millions who have fled civil war in Syria will land in Missoula after going through an international screening process and orientation.

“There will maybe be Iraqi refugees who will come. There may be refugees who come from Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan, Burma, Bhutan, Latin America,” she told about 30 people Tuesday night at a meeting of the Missoula County Democratic Central Committee in City Council chambers.

Obama is keeping the number of Syrians in the 2017 flow a secret!

Mayor John Engen: So how many refugees will he take to live at his house?

While a target for Syrian resettlements in fiscal year 2017 hasn’t been announced, Obama’s refugee plan is expected to welcome even more.

That’s been a topic of debate among presidential candidates and in Montana, where Missoula opened the lone resettlement office in the state just two months ago.

Carr said the abstract proposal for Missoula now calls for 150 refugees in the next year. That’s up from “approximately 100 per year” that Missoula County Commissioners said they would welcome in a January letter to Anne Richard, assistant secretary of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugee and Migration.

The bureau cited the support of the commissioners, Mayor John Engen and most of the Missoula City Council in agreeing to reopen an IRC resettlement office in Missoula. Soft Landing Missoula, which formed a year ago in response to the refugee crisis in Syria, has marshaled local support and continues to provide resources and manpower as the Congolese arrive.

Continue reading here.

Montanans there are 3 things to remember:

~The new year begins in 2 weeks (not in January), so Syrians could be there in October!

~They can distribute them within a hundred miles of Missoula especially if they are looking for cheap housing!

~The REPUBLICAN Congress could stop the whole thing from happening before October 1 by defunding the program in the Continuing Resolution (if they wanted to!).

See our complete archive on Montana by clicking here.  Colonizing Wyoming should be next!

Senator Sessions schedules hearing in Judiciary subcommittee for Wednesday 9/21

Senator Sessions is an advisor to Donald Trump on national security and immigration.

We have no other details at this time, but the hearing will be at 2:30 p.m. in the Dirksen Senate Office Building room 226.  Visit the Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee (of the Judiciary Committee) for more information early next week, by clicking here.
See our post of last year about the hearing that is a requirement under the Refugee Act of 1980.
Go here to see if your Senator is on this all-important subcommittee.
Sessions counterpart in the House, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, is Rep. Trey Gowdy.  We will be looking for a hearing to follow there before the new fiscal year begins on October 1.
See (click here) if your Member of Congress is on Gowdy’s subcommittee.  If he is then be sure to contact him and tell him how you feel about the Refugee Admissions Program.
Remember, it will be the Republicans in Congress who determine in the end how many refugees will be placed in your towns beginning in two weeks from tomorrow (NOT Obama!). No money=no refugees!