No statutory authority underpinning refugee program in so-called Wilson-Fish states

The Refugee Act of 1980 does permit a state to withdraw from the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, but here is the catch: Back in 1984 Congress passed an amendment to the act that was then completely abused by the bureaucrats in the federal government who did not want to stop sending refugees to those states.  They came up with a program (created through regulations with no backing in the law) to pass the responsibility off to non-profit groups.
Here James Simpson writing at the Daily Caller tells us more about the illegal program.

The Thomas More Law Center has initiated a lawsuit on behalf of the Tennessee General Assembly. The suit charges that the government is violating both the U.S. Constitution’s Spending Clause and the 10th Amendment by forcing Tennessee to cover the costs of refugee resettlement in the state even though Tennessee dropped out of the program in 2008.

Under the 1980 Refugee Act, the federal government promised to provide 100 percent of the state share of refugee cash and medical welfare costs for the first 36 months of their resettlement. That constituted a significant savings for participating states, especially considering that refugees use welfare at very high rates. However, by 1991 the feds had stopped reimbursing states altogether. The refugee program has become an unfunded mandate.

Adding insult to injury, starting in 1995, the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), began assigning a private refugee resettlement contractor (called Voluntary Agency or VOLAG) to keep the resettlement program running in states that drop out. This would ensure a continual flow of refugees to the state.

In addition to welfare, refugees bring significant other costs, including interpreters, English classes for students, medical and other services. For example, in 2016, Amarillo, Texas Mayor Paul Harpole complained, “We have 660 (refugee) kids who don’t speak English and the U.S. Department of Education says they have to be at grade level within one year. It’s a ludicrous requirement — they don’t even know how to use the bathroom.”

Simpson then points out that states which withdrew, and which then were turned over to a non-profit group to run, received many more refugees after the non-profit (VOLAG) began calling the shots along with the feds. His table  at right shows the dramatic jump in numbers when unelected non-profit group leaders placed refugees in unwilling states and effectively began spending state tax dollars.
Continue reading to learn more about the illegal placement of refugees in states that have wished to not participate in the program.
BTW, Texas recently dropped out of the USRAP—will the governor join Tennessee lawsuit???  Will Maine’s governor join the suit? How about Christie in NJ or Brownback in Kansas? See here.
More on Simpson, here.

Texas immigration control citizen activists must lead!

Just now I saw this headline story at The Hill:
Sure we all agree that it makes sense that a mixture of measures be included in the border security plan, but Cornyn is chairman now of the subcommittee in the Senate that was so ably run by then Senator Jeff Sessions.
Sen. John Cornyn has been in the Senate for nearly 15 years, and apparently has never done anything of significance on the issue (please correct me if I am wrong!).

Cornyn in the catbird seat! If you want to see the Refugee Admissions Program reined-in and reformed, Texans need to pound Senator Cornyn!

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) is pushing back against the Trump administration’s call for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing in some areas it wouldn’t be the best option.

“There’s parts of our border which it makes absolutely no sense,” the Senate’s No. 2 Republican told a Texas ABC station on Wednesday. “But what is helpful [is] to have fencing, for example, is places like San Diego, it’s a large urban area.”

Cornyn added that he thought border security needed to include a mixture of personnel, technology and infrastructure.

There is more, but the border wall isn’t the point of this post.

The point is that if you want to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program (and control illegal immigration), Texas Washington Reps should be the focus.

We look to citizen activists in Texas to lead the charge.

Senator Cornyn as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee (now renamed Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration) is the key Senator to focus on.  Senator Sessions had called this same subcommittee—Immigration and the National Interest—which spoke volumes about what Senator Sessions was trying to accomplish.
See the makeup of the critical subcommittee below (Texas Senator Cruz is on it too!):
Donald Trump will not be able to get immigration/the refugee program under control without Senator Cornyn’s active involvement in a supporting role.
Then over in the House, Texans have Rep. Brian Babin, the chief architect of refugee reform legislation, who needs support.
And, Texas citizens have Rep. Michael McCaul as Chairman of Homeland Security and see that the House Appropriations Committee  has several Texans in key positions. Cutting funding for the USRAP is one way to skin the cat!
So, again, if Texans could get organized to focus on a couple of key representatives in Washington, you could not only save Texas, but all of America!
By the way, Texas Governor Abbott withdrew the state from the USRAP but it is pretty much a useless move since the program there is now run by private contractors. He could sue the feds on State’s Rights grounds, but so far there doesn’t seem to be the will.  (Even as Texas continues to vie with California as the number one resettlement state in the nation!)
This post is tagged ‘Where is Congress,’ see all of my posts on the subject.  By the way, for the most part members of Congress and Senators are hiding while Donald Trump gets beat up on the subject!

How many refugees so far in FY2017? Daily average has dropped

I just checked the Wrapsnet data base and see that since I wrote last week the daily average of arriving refugees has dropped. Either the data is not up to date as of yesterday (January 15th) or placement has necessarily slowed (we noted problems in Rochester with the huge flow coming in and suspect that could be happening everywhere).
Last week we reported an entry rate of 285 refugees a day (for the first 90 days) and these numbers tell us that the rate is now 257 per day (again assuming the data has been recorded up to yesterday).
Here are some screen shots of FY2017 overall numbers.  I laugh every time I see that Delaware has zero because sweet ol’ Joe Biden helped create the Refugee Act of 1980, yet somehow his home state of Delaware always dodges a bullet.

Florida is 873, Alaska 22, and Hawaii 3 (cut off my screenshot)

Then here is a shot of the top ten states at the moment. I am fascinated to see that Kentucky is increasingly one of the top ten when it never used to be—must mean that Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are fine with it!  And, we see how impotent Texas is at slowing the flow too!

Look for our Trump watch beginning on Saturday, January 21st! Will he or won’t he ‘pause’ the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program?

Texas AG makes stupid, uninformed comments about refugee program!

Approximately 6,000 refugees came to Texas in 2015 and 2016, but Texas never knew the extent of the program. (Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton)

Who is he trying to fool!

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Fox & Friends yesterday that the state never knew the extent of the refugee program in the state. OMG! The State had been paying a refugee coordinator for years and years and no one apparently at the governor’s level ever asked? What incompetence! Or was it?

Texas AG Ken Paxton. The real test for Texas comes after January.  Will they then sue the feds with a Wilson-Fish states’ rights suit? Or, are they all talk and no action!

If we knew that Texas was the number one state in the nation for refugee resettlement (it gained that distinction in 2011), why didn’t Texas leaders know?
By the way, the Texas governor pulled the state out of the program (officially in January the state will be out), but what did they expect was going to happen, that the refugee flow would be cut off?
Did no one investigate the Wilson-Fish program and how the feds will step in and simply appoint a non-profit contractor to run the program in the state?  This strikes me as sheer incompetence!
They still have a way out, or a possible way out! Once they are designated a Wilson-Fish state we will see if the governor and this Attorney General have the guts to sue the feds as Tennessee is doing!
From Newsmax:

Texans are “stuck with no control” over the refugees coming into their state, and Attorney General Ken Paxton said Thursday state leaders are concerned the same situation going on in Europe will happen in the United States.


Texas has sued the federal government to try to stop refugees from being placed in the state, but federal law controls the issue, Paxton said.  [Yes, but it was a dumb lawsuit!—ed]


Earlier this fall, Paxton warned Texas will pull out of the federal refugee-resettlement program in January unless major changes were made. Approximately 6,000 refugees*** came to Texas in 2015 and 2016, but Texas never knew the extent of the program.

Hey, Mr. Paxton, do you need a phone number for the Thomas Moore Law Center, or can you handle finding that yourself?
Paxton also told Fox that they were counting on Donald Trump to save their bacon.
See our complete Texas archive here, and don’t miss Austin mayor working against the state here two days ago.
***He doesn’t even have the numbers correct. Checking we learned that for calendar years 2015 and 2016 (until December 20th), the state of Texas admitted 15,681 refugees.

Austin, TX mayor works with White House to welcome Syrians against official state position

Before the Trump movement was born, I advocated that your grassroots efforts must focus on local initiatives to elect like-minded office holders (especially mayors seem to have been captured!) and defeat those working for Open Borders and increased refugee resettlement.
Now that the Trump movement is headed to the White House it is time for you to turn your efforts to getting mayors, like this one in Austin, TX, unelected.  This is not to say you can rest and assume that the Trump Administration will do everything right, they won’t (Establishment influence is on the rise we hear) and you have to be ready to tell Trump when he gets wobbly!
It is imperative that the Trump movement, the reason Trump was elected, must stay alive (no matter what Trump does!) in your towns, cities and states.

President Barack Obama is greeted by Austin, Texas Mayor Steve Adler on the tarmac upon his arrival on Air Force One, Friday, March 11, 2016, at Austin Bergstrom International Airport in Austin, Texas. Obama traveled to Austin, to speak at South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) and attend 2 Democratic National Committee fundraisers. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Mayor Steve Adler: Whatever you say man! See Adler bio, born in DC educated at Princeton. Come on Texans you can do better!

Here is what the ever vigilant Judicial Watch is reporting about collusion between Austin’s Democrat mayor and the White House behind the back of Republican Governor Abbott. (JW obtained this information because the organization is the leading expert on the Freedom of Information Act.)

After the governor of Texas announced that the state would stop accepting Syrian refugees, the Obama administration went behind his back secretly conferencing with a mayor that offers illegal immigrants sanctuary and Syrians a welcome mat. The plan, evidently, was to continue sending Syrian refugees to the Lone Star State, even as the governor initiated litigation to halt the flow. This week Judicial Watch obtained records of the administration’s behind-the-scenes efforts to keep sending Syrians to Texas despite fierce opposition from state officials over the security threats created by refugees from an Arab nation that’s a hotbed of terrorism.

The White House looked to Austin Mayor Steve Adler, going around the governor to confer with a city leader who espoused the controversial Syrian resettlements, the records show. Shortly after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the state wouldn’t accept any more Syrian refugees, the administration responded by colluding with Adler, according to records of a conference call between the mayor’s office and the White House. The administration also furnished Adler with “talking points” involving the refugee resettlement and the parties discussed Abbott’s lawsuit. It seems bizarre that the feds would discuss legal action with a town mayor operating in the state suing them.


While the legal process was taking place, the Obama administration reached out to a friendly official to assure the Syrian refugees would have a place to land in Texas. Adler, Austin’s mayor since 2014, had publicly proclaimed that Syrian refugees would be received in his city of about 900,000 residents. He even wrote a piece in a local publication last year titled “Syrian Refugees are Welcome in Austin.” Adler assures his constituents in the state’s capital city that “any Syrian refugee coming to the United States faces the most stringent background checks of anyone entering the country.” He proceeds to write that the U.S. only considers refugees screened by the United Nations (the famously corrupt world body) who are then vigorously vetted by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center and other federal agencies. Last month Adler participated in an immigration rally outside City Hall to reiterate his commitment to protecting illegal aliens.

More here.
And, by the way, Austin is a sanctuary city. President Trump must cut off federal funding to cities breaking federal law. After all, weren’t we beaten over the head a few years ago with the idea that immigration is a federal issue! The Open Borders cabal can’t have it both ways!

How many refugees has Austin been getting?

At, I went back to FY2007 and looked at the numbers up to December 15th (6 days ago).  The whole state of Texas took in 69,413 refugees in that time frame (they are trying to turn Texas blue!).
I’m not including in this list the smaller numbers of about a dozen other ethnic groups that went to Austin, but here are the major groups (FY 2007 to FY2017, so far):

Afghanistan (95)

Bhutan (589)

Burma (1,677)

Burundi (94)

Cuba (294)

DR Congo (427)

Eritrea (90)

Iran (191)

Iraq (1,775)

Somalia (278)

And, here is how the Syrians break down so far:

FY2015 (21)

FY2016 (161)

and so far in FY2017 (18)

We have a huge archive on Texas, click here for more information about the number-one state in the nation for resettlement of third worlders!
Update: Just looked at numbers again and TX has ‘welcomed’ a total of 2,217 refugees in the first 11 weeks of the fiscal year. That is a rate far and above anything they have ever seen, so clearly the feds are getting them seeded as fast as they can despite what the governor says!