Tom Tancredo: In wake of Chattanooga, we need moratorium on Muslim immigration to America

Yikes! I hadn’t seen this, but apparently Tancredo told Trump to tone it down on immigration rhetoric recently.

Former Congressman and former Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo writing at Breitbart says it is time for a moratorium because we are at war:

Okay, “Muslim immigration halted in wake of Chattanooga terrorism attack” isn’t today’s newspaper headline. But it ought to be.

We ought to halt all legal immigration and refugee resettlement from Muslim-majority countries and declare an indefinite moratorium — until two changes occur. First, we must devise a better way to identify and deny admission not only to terrorists but also to persons who sympathize with radical Islamism. It will surprise the average American to learn we are not capable of doing that today.

The need for those new rules is highlighted by a recent poll showing more than 40 percent of Muslims in the U.S. would like to see Sharia law imposed, and an alarming number admit a sympathy for ISIS and radical jihadists.

Second, we must change naturalization laws to create a 7-year probationary period during which any new citizen of any religion or national origin can be stripped of citizenship and deported easily if the person demonstrates any support for radical Islamists.

Why do this? Because we are at war with radical Islam. It is time we started acting like we understand that reality.

There is more, continue reading here.

I maintain that it isn’t just terrorism, or the threat of terrorism, we should fear. It is colonization!

It is the Hijra, the migration of sharia-loving Muslims which will overwhelm us someday with their sheer numbers alone we should fear.  Look to Europe!  It only takes a small percentage of the population to be Muslim and the pressure begins for the indigenous population to change to accommodate Islam.  It begins with just the smallest of demands: halal food in school cafeterias, special prayer breaks in the workplace, no alcohol or dogs in taxi cabs, a bending of certain laws to accommodate religious practices for family matters and women’s rights, etc.
As tragic as the terror attacks are for American victims, the greater tragedy is the expansion of an Islamic caliphate worldwide.

Migrant “integration” vs. “assimilation,” how the Obama Administration is changing the language with devastating results

….But, it wasn’t just Obama, according to the prescient Tom Tancredo, writing here in 2013, the subtle change in what we expect of immigrants to America has been going on for more than a decade.

Author, and former Congressman Tom Tancredo saw it all coming while “good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.” How frustrating it must be to know Americans weren’t listening (and still aren’t!).

In revelations about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans, that we first mentioned here (and noted the love affair with the word “integration”), we begin to see the full-flowering of how Obama and the Socialist Left is changing (or planning to change) every town in America! by planting “seedling” immigrants who will replace you some day.

Another word for what they are doing is “colonizing” America—start using that word!

(Also you will see in my next two posts how they are already out in the country “integrating” your towns and cities, and the new integration means getting the New Americans signed up for their welfare goodies!).

Before I get to Tancredo’s piece, reader Julia sent us these definitions for the words “integration” and “assimilation.”  Do you see the important difference?

By the way, the average American (or dumb Member of Congress, or dumb Republican Party leader) is going to hear the Obama propaganda about “integration” and think that sounds just peachy.

(n) integration, integrating, desegregation (the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community)

(n) assimilation (the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family)

Note that “integration” implies the community must do the the work, must change (you know the focus on soil!) while assimilation implies the work falls on the immigrant to change!

From World Net Daily (hat tip: Julia):

We haven’t heard much about assimilation of immigrants lately. If that seems odd, there is a reason for the silence.

There is no “assimilation debate” because assimilation as a policy goal of our civic culture has already been abandoned.

The new watchword is “integration.” The integration of immigrants has replaced assimilation in the lexicon of not only the United States government but the private-sector institutions dealing with immigration.


Yet, this makeover is not something that was started by the Obama administration. It has been under way for more than a decade, promoted by first multiculturalists in the universities, followed by foundations and immigration attorneys. The process went unnoticed because good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.

No one protested this amazingly seamless transition, and no one has protested that the standards for the successful “integration” of immigrants into American society are very different from the old standards for measuring the success of assimilation. The result is that today, it is nearly impossible to question the status or success of assimilation.

 Read it all.

Everyone reading this piece needs to start demanding that immigrants ASSIMILATE!  Use the word!  Better still, it is time to demand a MORATORIUM!

Endnote:  Ever since we began writing RRW in 2007, we had a category called ‘community destabilization’ to archive posts like this one.  It has 928 posts in it, as of this writing.  Today we are adding a new category called ‘Colonization’ in addition to the milder-sounding destabilization.