Egyptian wanted in Tennessee for questioning in murder of wife

Subheading #1: Meat packer brings the joys of multiculturalism to small town America!

Subheading #2: Nashville famous for its diversity.

Subheading #3: Did David Lubell and the folks at ‘Welcoming Tennessee’ know this creep?

Subheading #4: The murdered wife worked at a Nashville hotel—surely it wasn’t Loews Vanderbilt? (just wondering!)

Alaa Youssef went to Egypt with his young daughters after allegedly depositing his wife’s body to rot along a highway in Kentucky.

Diversity is strength alert! Youssef is suspected of killing his wife with blunt force trauma to the head and fleeing to Egypt with young daughters.

He worked in Shelbyville, TN  at Tyson Foods (although most news accounts are leaving out the Shelbyville/Tyson Foods connection).  Hmmmm!

For longtime readers of RRW, do you remember the controversy back in February 2009 when Egyptian diversity visa lottery winners were being bused from Nashville to compete for jobs with Americans lined up at Tyson Foods?  When I saw this AP story (thanks to a friend from Tennessee), I wondered if he was one of the winners (or perhaps the now dead wife was the lottery winner).

Here is the AP story at

 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Nashville man who fled to Egypt with his two children was charged on Thursday with criminal homicide in the death of his wife.

The body of 27-year-old Madiha Roshdy was found last month by a highway mowing crew in Kentucky, but authorities were unable to identify her until this week.

She was not reported missing until June 20 after a friend learned that family members in Egypt were worried about her.

Police searched the couple’s Nashville apartment and the car belonging to the husband, 39-year-old Alaa Youssef. Police believe it is likely that Roshdy was killed at the apartment a few days before her body was found May 29 along the northbound lanes of Interstate 65, north of Elizabethtown, Ky. That is some 115 miles north of Nashville.

She died of blunt force trauma to the head.

Roshdy last reported for work at a Nashville hotel on May 25. She was last seen by neighbors on May 26.

Youssef, who worked for Tyson Foods in Shelbyville, flew out of Nashville with the couple’s two young daughters on June 7. They arrived in Cairo on June 8.

Police have begun preliminary discussions with the U.S. Justice Department about the international issues presented by the case.

Nashville Police spokesman Don Aaron said he did not know whether Roshdy and Youssef were Egyptian citizens.

They are not likely refugees (they could be asylees), but apparently gained entry to the US through some LEGAL immigration program—diversity visa lottery is a possibility, but surely Tyson Foods has some record of Youssef’s immigration papers!  Or, didn’t they even ask.

Changing the subject (slightly!)—be sure to see Senator Jeff Sessions calls out the meat packers as major players behind-the-scenes on amnesty bill (S.744).

Meatpackers changing small town America (and you have no say in the process)

The importation of refugee labor is how it is being done.

Here is one more story about Tyson Foods (or it could be Swift & Co, or perhaps Perdue) attracting refugee laborers to a meatpacking town—this time Columbus Junction, Iowa. Hat tip to one of our friends from Tennessee.

Downtown Columbus Junction, Iowa.

I first really began to understand this driver of the State Department’s Refugee Resettlement program here in 2008 when I read about Bill Clinton importing Bosnian so-called “refugees” for meatpackers in Iowa in the mid-1990s.

You see, readers, the meatpackers had discovered cheap immigrant labor from south of the border, but the enterprise became too risky as the feds began busting them in some highly publicized ICE raids. So, where did they turn…to refugees of course. 

Heck they are legal workers and they are basically captive labor—they can’t go home (although some very unhappy ones do find the money to return to their homeland).  In addition, you, the taxpayers, help to subsidize them with ‘social services’ while the meatpacker reaps the rewards—quite a business model!

For awhile the meatpacking giants were enthralled with the Somalis, but they came with one serious problem—they are Muslim and they began demanding workplace accommodation for their Islamic religious practices.  We have a whole category entitled, Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy with 87 posts in it (here) for your further edification.  However, in the story I am about to relate, they wouldn’t have hired Somalis anyway—it’s a pork processing plant.

What to do?  What to do?  We will tell the State Department to bring us some docile workers like the Christian Chin or Karen, or the Bhutanese/Nepalese who don’t complain so much.  And, I’m convinced that somewhere in the bowels of Washington there was such a conversation between big business lobbyists and the federal government.

My scenario is not so farfetched when you see what is going on with the Gang of Eight being driven by Big Business and Grover Norquist,  and you know this immigrant legalization push is not about “humanitarianism!”

Here is the AP story at the Tampa Tribune:

 COLUMBUS JUNCTION, Iowa (AP) — The first Chin Burmese student arrived at Wilma Sime Roundy Elementary School three years ago, a smiling preschooler whose father often checked on his progress.

The school had long been accustomed to educating the children of the Mexicans, Hondurans and Salvadorans who came to work at the sprawling Tyson Foods pork processing plant that sits outside this town of 2,000. But then, principal Shane Rosenberg recalled, Tyson informed school leaders that a new group of workers was coming – the Chin, a largely Christian ethnic minority who were fleeing their homeland in western Myanmar to avoid persecution.

Readers keep reading through all the paragraphs about how wonderful the newcomers are (and surely many are nice people).  Everything is just great don’t ya’ know!  Then we get to the problems …

Tyson spokesman:  Nah! We don’t favor refugees (tell that to the Hispanics!)

Tyson and other meatpacking companies have increasingly recruited non-Latino workers in recent years, including Burmese, Sudanese and others, said Mark Grey, director of the Iowa Center for Immigrant Leadership and Integration at University of Northern Iowa. Since a 2008 raid of a Postville, Iowa, slaughterhouse, where 389 immigrants were arrested, companies have become more careful to avoid hiring employees who may have entered the country illegally, he said.

Refugees are in the country legally and may apply for citizenship within five years.

Tyson spokesman Gary Mickelson denied the company was favoring refugees over others, saying the industry has long attracted immigrants for entry-level jobs that do not require experience or English skills. The makeup of its workforce shifts as new immigrant groups come to the U.S., he said.  [There is also a tax break for hiring certain immigrant workers that no one is willing to talk about!—ed]

A little multi-culti friction has developed:

But in town, both the Chin and Spanish-speaking communities feel that more Chin are being hired at the expense of Latinos, which has caused some friction, said Cristina Ortiz, a doctoral student in anthropology who moved to Columbus Junction four years ago to study the town.

“Latinos and Chin people recognize they both have the same goals in life,” she says. “That is to make their lives better and provide for their families and live a tranquil life. But in a certain sense, they are in competition with each other. They are applying for the same jobs. They have the same skills. And that’s tricky. Obviously there is some tension there.”

Burmese Chin are arriving from other states where it’s tough to get a job (But wait!  Isn’t the Gang of Eight telling us we need millions more low-skilled laborers).

In Columbus Junction, Mickelson said, the first five Burmese workers were hired as part of a recruitment effort in Illinois and later encouraged friends and relatives to apply. Burmese started arriving from Indiana, Texas, Florida and other states where they say jobs were harder to come by.

Problems at first with drunk driving, public urination, a few suicides, but once the women got there things calmed down.  Now it’s just a housing shortage.  But, AP wants you to know that Columbus Junction will be just fine.

City officials say some of the first arrivals abused alcohol, which had previously not been as cheap or available to them. Public urination and intoxication and drunken driving were common. But the police chief and other officials warned community leaders about their expectations, and as more women and children arrived, the problems have dissipated.

Two refugees have committed suicide and a third was found drowned in a river near the Tyson plant, said police Chief Donnie Orr. A shortage of mental health and substance abuse treatment is a problem, Ortiz said.

But refugees and city leaders agree the biggest challenge now is finding housing for the newcomers. City officials say there are hardly any available rental apartments, which go for about $450 a month for three bedrooms.

Hey, here is an idea!  How about if Tyson Foods build some housing out of their profits and not with taxpayer money.  And. while they are at it they could kick in the money for the school system to pay for the ESL teachers.

University of Kansas professor to study Garden City, KS adjustment to demographic change

…But even before his research of the educational system and the challenges of a diverse student population it faces begins, he is prejudiced in favor of a positive report.

Here is how the story in the Garden City Telegram wraps up:

Stull [Don Stull professor of anthropology] said that in contrast to many other demographically similar communities that he has studied, Garden City is one of only a few that views diversity as something positive.

“Not everybody is happy about it, certainly, but Garden City, as a whole, has met those challenges head on and has seen the growing cultural and linguistic diversity as something to be valued and celebrated,” he said.

Got a hint now of the tone of the final report on this town in the heartland that has been transformed over three decades of immigrants arriving there to supply the cheap labor needs of Tyson Foods!

Before I launch into the rest of this very informative piece in the Garden City Telegram, check out our archives on Garden City.  We have written many posts about the problems there with the burgeoning immigrant population thanks to readers from Garden City who are the unhappy ones Stull refers to above.

One of my all time favorite stories from Garden City is when members of the Somali community demanded their own publicly funded section of the Cemetery so they didn’t need to be near the infidels even in death.  No assimilation even in death.   For our lengthy archive on Garden City, go here.

Another city in Kansas, Emporia, couldn’t take it when Tysons brought in hundreds of Somali workers, much controversy ensued and ultimately Tysons closed the Emporia plant and moved those workers to towns, like Garden City, that “celebrate” diversity.  See our whole category on what happened in Emporia (there are other posts in that category about how meatpackers are changing towns).  Other struggling meatpacking towns with immigrant controversies may be found in our category, Greeley/Swift Somali controversy.*

Here is the Garden City Telegram story from earlier this month (emphasis mine):

Because of its diversity, Garden City will be the focus of a research study conducted by the University of Kansas, beginning in January.

KU researchers recently were awarded a grant that will allow them to study the impact 30 years of continuous population changes in Garden City have had on local schools, and what that could teach educators in other communities nationwide.

“Garden City was at the forefront of that changing demographic and has been an exemplar, not only of what has happened, but what will continue to happen,” Don Stull, KU professor of anthropology, said. “Schools are one of the places in any community where everyone comes together. That’s not necessarily true of work, recreation, religion or similar institutions. We’ll be able to look at that intersection of school and community and learn a great deal.”

Stull has done research about Garden City for the past 25 years, contributing to his expertise about the impact meat and poultry industries have on communities.

Apparently Stull plans to report that Garden City is an “exemplar” that other cities should follow.  His report will then be used to guilt-trip other overloaded meatpacking towns to not complain about the immigrant labor flowing in and out of their towns.

American blacks have high unemployment rates.

By the way, just this morning Roy Beck of NumbersUSA sent out an e-mail stating that the media is starting to pay attention to the high unemployment numbers for black Americans.  Here is one paragraph from his e-mail:

As has happened in every great wave of immigration, the nation’s employers have eliminated channels of recruitment into poor Black communities. Employers don’t need Black American workers for construction, manufacturing, service and transportation because the government provides masses of new immigrant workers every year who, as the Post noted, have built-in job networks and a rootlessness that give them advantages for the scarce jobs of this economy.  [Additionally, the immigrant workers, esp. the refugees, are taking advantage of the social safety net so that meatpacking wages can be kept low.—ed]

I digressed!  Back to Garden City….

Since Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) opened in December 1980 in Holcomb (now Tyson Fresh Meats), immigrants from Latin America, southeast Asia and, more recently, Somalia, Ethiopia and Myanmar have relocated to Garden City.

The $40,000 grant awarded by the Spencer Foundation will allow professors Stull and Jennifer Ng, KU associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies, to conduct interviews with teachers, administrators, parents and students, to see how they have approached the cultural shift in terms of meeting the educational needs of Garden City’s migrant and refugee students, who collectively speak 21 languages other than English.

“The Spencer Foundation research will afford me the opportunity, along with Jennifer, to spend quite a bit of time in Garden City, focusing specifically on the schools and how administrators, teachers and other staff — how they really are dealing with that growing diversity,” Stull said.

The professors’ research will enable them to compile and share data with other communities in the nation and Canada that are experiencing similar change.

Stull:  Garden City is a “micropolitan” community!   Bet you wish you had one of these!

Micropolitan communities are rural, small towns, based largely on agricultural economies, but they experience the kind of social and cultural challenges that metropolitan areas face. So one of the attractive things about Garden City, to researchers like myself, is that there are a lot of really interesting things happening, but they’re happening on a scale small enough that you can kind of get your mind around it, you can see it,” he said.

Readers might want to visit this post from 2010 where another professor in Kansas (Kansas State) wrote not so favorably about the refugees being delivered into the hands of meatpackers by the government (and the NGOs!) to Kansas towns and leaving the problems of assimilation to the towns to cope with!

* I have a theory that when the Somalis caused such problems a few years ago in meatpacking plants with their lawsuits and religious demands, that the big boys in the meat industry said to the State Department—bring us refugee laborers that are more docile!  Thus the Burmese Karen and Bhutanese/Nepalis began being resettled in huge numbers.  Legal and trapped labor is just the ticket for the meat giants!

Trapped?  Refugees can’t go home unless they can scrounge up money for a return flight.  Some have managed to do that.