UNHCR freak-out as Balkan states start to balk

Invasion of Europe news….
This story is confusing to me.  Actually it discusses THE big question I have, and I have not seen any good explanation for what could happen.
migrant route map
First, we hear reports that Sweden and Germany are closing their borders.  If that is so, and is happening already (or will happen), eventually what will become of all those migrants working their way northward?  Won’t they build up as water might behind a dam?
Maybe these Balkan states are getting ready for that inevitable outcome.
Earlier this morning I saw this confusing (to me) report at the UNHCR website, here.    So I looked for a more understandable news story and found this one at The Guardian.    It still doesn’t answer my question, but does help to lay out the problem.
Have a quick look at the UNHCR interactive map that shows the migrant flow on a daily basis (yesterday 4,499 new refugees arrived in Greece) and imagine if the spigot gets shut off at the German/Austrian border or the Austria/Slovenia border, then what?  All of those flowing northward will inevitably pile up in those states ‘downstream’ right?
And, I guess what those countries downstream are saying is that they don’t want thousands of economic migrants (they are NOT refugees) piled up in their countries.  But, they will get a logjam of legitimate asylum seekers anyway.  EU leaders should have stopped the boats months ago, it all seems too little too late to me!
Here is what The Guardian is reporting:

Countries along the Balkan migration trail have begun refusing to admit people of certain nationalities, amid a backlash against refugees in the aftermath of the Paris attacks last Friday.

Humanitarian workers active along the borders of Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia reported that refugees and migrants from countries other than Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq were now being stopped, raising the spectre of a migrant logjam in Greece.

The move comes after Slovenia, the most northerly country along the trail, suddenly tried to return 168 Moroccan migrants to Croatia on Thursday, in the first major development along the Balkan migration route since Hungary shut its border in September.  [Moroccan’s are not refugees, they are not being persecuted!—ed]

The decision sparked panic among the countries to Slovenia’s south, who feared that Slovenia was about to block access to anyone who could not easily prove their need for refugee status, and consequently turned back all migrants from Africa and southern Asia.

Slovenia said on Thursday afternoon it had not made any permanent decisions, and promised to admit refugees as long as Germany and Austria continued to subsequently take them. But a police spokesman confirmed that Slovenia would discuss with its Balkan neighbours how to limit the flow of so-called economic migrants in the future.

More here.
The great build up behind a dam seems inevitable to me.  One day Germany will stop the flow and surely Austria will too then and the pile up will happen in those countries less able to manage any of this invasion.  Is anyone planning for this likely outcome?
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Why is Obama so angry over the refugee issue?

A couple of thoughts as I was doing other-of-life’s duties this afternoon….
Obama has staked his Presidency on changing America and one important, and arguably the most fundamental way to do that, is by changing the people—remember his Task Force on New Americans plan to colonize, to “seed” American towns with diversity?  It is still going forward, but if those concerned with security succeed, that plan will be chilled somewhat as the numbers of ‘seedlings’ are reduced in this last full year of the scheme.

obama angry
Obama is very angry today because he is not going to be awarded humanitarian of the year. He was expected to deliver America to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees by leading the world in resettling huge numbers of Syrian Muslims to your towns and cities.  The way things are going, he could fail. See Unloading on Republicans: http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read-obama-unloads-gop-candidates-over-refugee-refusal-n465461

Indeed, the refugees aren’t even anywhere near the largest group of immigrants getting into the US these days, but their wide range of ethnic diversity makes them a critical part of the plan.
But that isn’t all of it…..

Obama must satisfy the United Nations

Obama must bring in a large number of Syrian refugees to carry out the United Nations agenda.  For decades, the US has admitted half (or more than half) of the world’s resettled refugees and the UN uses that number to pressure other countries to take more.  Oh, and when I say “resettled refugees” I don’t mean those migrants (and wannabe asylum seekers) on the move across Europe and elsewhere in the world.
I am talking about the refugees who are chosen by the United Nations which does the first screening and then persuades westernized countries to take them PERMANENTLY—to make them voting citizens of their new first-world country.
When the Syrian civil war began in earnest, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres told western countries that they must take-in for permanent resettlement 130,000 Syrians (again, these are mostly Syrians in UN camps, not those who have decided to move west—invasion-style—on their own).
And, so 65,000 became the magic number the US was expected to take.   All of that is chronicled in several posts here at RRW in the last two years. (I should have explained where the 65,000 came from when I wrote this post.)
The UNHCR fully expected the US to take that number—65,000—long before now because if the US took the lead and moved aggressively to do that, the UNHCR would use it as a pressure point on the other countries dragging their feet on making commitments.
In that recent Georgetown gig we attended, Guterres hinted at the importance of the US leading the world (sort of like a Judas goat).  Of course, Germany (and Merkel) are upstaging Obama now in the race for ‘humanitarian’ extraordinaire of the year and so….

Obama looks exceedingly weak for not being able to deliver America.

And, therefore he is really (really!) angry as he unloaded on GOP candidates’ earlier today, here.

One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece

Breaking news and lead on Drudge just now:  Two of the terrorists are refugees who came through Greece, here.
The Guardian is reporting the news with a caveat.

Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister told Reuters.

“The holder of the passport passed through the island of Leros on 3 October 2015, where he was identified according to EU rules,” said Nikos Toscas, Greece’s deputy minister in charge of policing.

A Greek police source told Reuters that European countries had been asked to check the passport holder to see if they had been registered.

The Guardian goes on to throw in some weasel words about how they aren’t sure yet that the dead man with the passport was the same man who crossed into Greece only a little over a month ago.

Is Antonio Guterres still laughing?

We told you here five days ago (when we learned of another refugee terrorist) that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees sent titters through the mostly young/naive audience at Georgetown Law school when he answered a questions from Jim Simpson and mocked anyone who fears just that—that terrorists would infiltrate the refugee flow to Europe (and America).
***Correction*** It wasn’t in response to one of Jim’s many good questions of the day, but actually at the end of Guterres prepared remarks in which he mocks the idea of terrorists coming in as refugees.
Go here to the video of the speech.  Go to about the 23:34 mark and listen to about 25:35 and hear him joke about the notion of terrorists in the refugee stream (you cannot hear the audience chuckling as I did sitting there).
We were there and heard it all!
Remember readers it is Guterres and his agency at the UN choosing our Syrian refugees and they have 20,000 picked out for us.
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts, click here.
Is Germany next?  Sweden? The UK?
Angry?  Go here to see what you can do.

Note to Antonio Guterres! Terrorists do use refugees as cover to get into Europe

When we attended the Georgetown gig the week before last, the UNHCR Antonio Guterres brought the audience to laughter as he went through a little pantomime about why on earth would an Islamic terrorist bother to get into the migrant stream flooding Europe when he might simply fly in, to say, Germany.

Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

Surprise! Not! We see that in fact an Al-Qaeda bigwig did attempt to get into Italy hidden among ‘refugees.’

Here is one of several accounts, this one from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily.
I want you to pay particular attention to the fact that only because he had been PREVIOUSLY FINGERPRINTED was he caught.  So the next time you hear a US State Department official say with all seriousness that refugees are screened using “biographic and biometric data” for security screening—remember if there is no database with names and fingerprints (the most common biometric information) they have no way of cross-checking anyone, let alone the hundreds of thousands of migrants on the move out of Africa and the Middle East.

Warnings about terrorists infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim boat people washing ashore daily on Europe’s beaches are no longer just warnings.

For the second time in the past few months, a known terrorist with direct ties to an international terror organization has been caught trying to enter Italy posing as an asylum seeker.

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi came to Italy on migrant boat from the failed state of Libya (thanks Hillary!).

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi was discovered among 200 refugees in a migrant boat off the coast of Sicily on Oct. 4. He was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with a group that has since been linked to ISIS. He tried to return to Italy last month in a boat that was attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

But authorities tried to hide the story, fearing their political opponents would use it to create “panic” among the population, the German channel n-tv reported. The story finally got out several weeks after Mehdi was detained last week.

“This is a totally predictable story to everyone but Angela Merkel and her supporters in Europe (which group includes most of the EU governments and media),” wrote blogger Thomas Lifson for the American Thinker.

Although he gave a false name, migration officers identified Mehdi through finger print records, according to the Independent.


If he had not already been arrested and convicted, he would not have had fingerprints in the terrorist database.

Continue reading here.
On October 29th, at Georgetown, wouldn’t Guterres already have been aware of the Italian arrest on October 4?  How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

UN Dispatch: Top 4 countries in the world for refugees

From the UN Dispatch last week:

What makes a country a ‘good’ country for refugee resettlement, fairly assuming their burden in the global community? Here are four countries on three continents that both quantitatively and qualitatively stand out.

Antonio Guterres has been the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for almost ten years. While he nags the western world (and particularly the US!) to take ever greater numbers of refugees, he hasn’t been able to persuade the country he once led as its Prime Minister to take more than a handful each year. In 2014 we learn Portugal took a whole 14 refugees!

With as many refugees arriving in Europe last month than all of last year, this question of where they can and should resettle is all the more urgent.What makes a country a ‘good’ country for refugee resettlement, fairly assuming their burden in the global community? Here are four countries on three continents that both quantitatively and qualitatively stand out.

With as many refugees arriving in Europe last month than all of last year, this question of where they can and should resettle is all the more urgent.

The UN goes on to say that the top 4 countries are (drum roll!):



United States 


Continue reading here to see the rationale.

US took 67% of the refugees resettled around the world in 2014!

If you haven’t yet had a chance to look at the State Department’s report on the Proposed Refugee Admissions for FY2016, I highly recommend it (as a matter of fact, I have to stop posting now so I have some time today to continue studying it).
In the report we learn that the US aims to take 50% of the refugees referred by the UN each year, but what a surprise, in calendar year 2014 (Table VIII p. 70) we took 67% which was 48,911 refugees!
Germany took 3,467 (4.7% of the total resettled)
Sweden took 1,497 (2.1%)
Brazil took 44 (.06%)
And, just for fun!  The UNHCR Antonio Guterres is the former Prime Minister of Portugal and that country took 14 refugees in 2014!  So he couldn’t convince his own home country to WELCOME more?  (Portugal has promised to take 23 Syrians!)
This post is filed in our ‘where to find information’ category.