Asst. Sec. of State for PRM Anne Richard is a busy beaver, gotta keep the UN happy and get those Syrians in!

As Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard is the head honcho in the Obama/Kerry State Department responsible for the refugees admitted to the United States.

Richard and Guterres Kentucky post
Anne Richard (left) and UNHCR Antonio Guterres (former President of Socialists International): we both think that 18-24 months is too long for Syrians to wait to get into the US. NPR interview:

Tomorrow she is scheduled to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee (Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa).  See if your representative is a member of the subcommittee by clicking here.
If your ‘pocket of resistance’ is located in one of the districts represented on this subcommittee make sure your Representative knows how important this testimony is to you.
By the way, this reminds me that there is a lot of foot-dragging going on over in the House Judiciary Committee (Goodlatte and Gowdy) which has jurisdiction and a LEGAL requirement to review the President’s Determination for FY2016 that is now already going on 4 weeks old.   An oversight hearing had been planned weeks ago on the Refugee Admissions Program—what happened to it?
Late last week Ms. Richard was pushing the Syrian resettlement at a college in Kentucky (it is about the children!)
What you see happening here is that the US State Department is sending out big-wigs like Richard to help spread the propaganda (to head off the development of ‘pockets of resistance’) and say that everything is going to be just peachy as we admit 10,000 (or more!) Syrians who cannot be properly screened according to the FBI.
The Obama Administration is going to be having a tough time finding enough “welcoming” communities for Syrians so they must get out to states like Kentucky—we reported that Kentucky had gotten the most Syrians so far two weeks into the new fiscal year. Apparently Mitch and Rand are too busy to pay attention to the colonization of Kentucky with Muslim Syrians!  (See also first Syrians arrive in KY with help of Islamic charity.)

Senator Rand Paul’s home town!

See Richard at Western Kentucky University and right under Senator Rand Paul’s nose, here and here (at the Bowling Green Daily News—Rand Paul’s home town!***).  Hat tip: Robin.
And, here she is giving an interview to NPR this past week.  Be sure to see it because the interviewer says thousands of you are sending e-mails to “advocates” opposing the resettlement of more refugees.  That must be in reference to the ACT campaign, here.
You really need to know who these people are—-who are working to change America by changing the people.  Anne Richard is one of those who moves in and out of government from federal contracting agency and back in to government (and will move back out as an activist advancing mass migration to America).  See her bio here.
*** Bowling Green is also the location where the two Iraqi refugee terrorists were doing their ‘work.’  So how does Rand Paul propose to keep America safe if he isn’t watching what is going on in his own backyard!

It is official! Fiscal year 2015 Syrian resettlement: 97% Muslim

The federal fiscal year ended on September 30th.  We are now beginning FY 2016 (Obama says we will admit 10,000 Syrians who cannot be thoroughly screened according to the FBI).

That is UNHCR Antonio Guterres on the left. He chooses our refugees and Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM does what he says!

Because the UNHCR is choosing our Syrian refugees from its camps dominated by Sunni Muslims, you can expect the numbers (the percentage) of Muslim refugees to continue just about as they have been this past fiscal year.
I’m sorry if this news is repetitive for our regular readers, but I want the mainstream media to stop being so lazy (or duplicitous) when reporting on the Syrians who have come so far.

I repeat, these numbers will not change going forward unless we get the UN out of the business of picking refugees for us!

This data is directly from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.  I thought if I did the research maybe reporters wouldn’t be so lazy in reporting it!
In fiscal year 2015 we admitted 1,682 Syrians through the Refugee Admissions Program.  Religious affiliation is as follows:

Atheist (2)

Bahai (2)

Christian (29)

Moslem (53)

Moslem Shiite (10)

Moslem Suni (1,537)

No Religion (1)

Orthodox (1)

Other Religion (5)

Zorastrian (6)

That makes it 97% Muslim!

When you see politicians like Senators Mikulski, Cardin, Graham, Blumenthal and others we have mentioned this past week advocating for more Syrians, remember they are advocating for more MUSLIM Syrians to be admitted and placed in your towns, not truly persecuted Christians!

"Refugee Warriors" populate United Nations camps (where we get our refugees)

Last week the Washington Examiner published a lengthy piece by Jonathan Foreman entitled, ‘Does foreign aid really do good?’ It addresses in great detail what we already know—mostly ‘humanitarian aid’ is a waste of money!

Zaatari: A hotbed of radicalism and sinkhole of crime and violence. Is it any surprise that the UN isn’t providing enough security there.

We take the majority of our Syrian refugees from UN camps!

I urge you to read it all, however, here (below) is one section I wanted to highlight because: the US State Department is taking the vast majority of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refugee referrals from those camps—-Zaatari is one of them.
BTW, I see a lot of misunderstanding in the mainstream media. We will not be taking very many of the migrants who have invaded Europe (except perhaps a few from places like Malta where we are breaking the law by bringing their illegal aliens here).  The majority of our refugees are first “screened” by the UN elsewhere—like in Jordan.
Last I heard the UNHCR had 17,000 in a pipeline to America.
Remember, UN camps for Syrians are populated primarily by Sunni Muslims (ISIS and Al-Qaeda are Sunnis).  Therefore, we are taking mostly Muslim Syrians and not the Christians.
This is what caught my eye (emphasis is mine):

There are many other examples of conflict being fomented and prolonged by those housing and aiding refugees, accidentally or deliberately. Refugee warriors, as some have called them, operating from the sanctuary of camps established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and others, have created mayhem everywhere from the Thai-Cambodia border to Central America and the Middle East.

Sometimes aid agencies have allowed this to happen as a result of ignorance. Sometimes it’s a matter of Red-Cross-style humanitarian ideology taken to the edge: a conviction that even the guilty need to be fed or a belief that providing security in refugee camps would be an abandonment of neutrality. And sometimes it’s because those providing aid are supporting one side in a conflict. The U.S. and Western countries did so from Pakistan during the Soviet-Afghan war.

For decades, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan allowed or encouraged Palestinian refugee camps to become bases for guerrilla and terrorist activity. This should make it clear that the aid world’s traditional ways of dealing with refugee flows are inadequate. Even purely civilian camps such as Zaatari, the sea of tented misery in Jordan that houses a million Syrians, quickly became hotbeds of radicalism and sinkholes of crime and violence, not least because they are unpoliced and because they are filled with working age men with nothing to do.

Read it all here.

They are leaving Zaatari!

There is an AP story yesterday about how ‘refugees’ are leaving Zaatari.  Some are going back to Syria and some are headed to (you guessed it!) Europe.

Rohingya Muslims on the way to the US, many others already here

I thought I was done today.  I was just going to tackle my bulging e-mail in box when I came across an e-mail from reader Judith alerting me to this news from the Bangkok Post yesterday.

Rohingya boat
Rohingya are coming to the US. This group of young MEN was apprehended by the Malaysian government, a Muslim government, that doesn’t want the Rohingya. So we are taking them!

24 Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims are on the way to the US, but the article tells us that since right after 911 we have admitted 13,000 Burmese Muslims (how many are Rohingya?).
While we focus on the fact that Syrians can’t be screened, frankly neither can Muslims who get on boats in Southeast Asia (claiming to have been kidnapped) be properly screened!
New readers of RRW don’t know that we have an entire category on the very ‘observant’ followers of Islam that are known as the Rohingya.
We have 180 posts in our ‘Rohingya Reports’ category extending all the way back to 2007.  Back in 2007 and early 2008 there was no way the US State Dept. was going to admit Rohingya Muslims, but clearly all that has changed
Here is the story at the Bangkok Post (which won’t let me snip much, so please go read it yourself):

At 46 years old, Basamai, an ethnic Rohingya Muslim man, will for the first time obtain identity documents that will allow him to resettle in the United States next week, along with 23 other trafficking victims.

The 24 to be resettled follow four who left Thailand earlier this month, in a humanitarian programme that has resettled 13,000 Muslims from Myanmar since 2002, according to the US Department of State Refugee Processing Center.

They are not saying if they are coming to your town!

Following their arrival in the US — the exact location remains unknown — the Rohingya group will undergo Cultural Orientation Training before they can be resettled, said a source from the Ministry of…

Cultural Orientation Training, here? in the US?  That is a new one on me.
They were screened by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the star of this story hopes to bring his wife and 8 daughters to America real soon!

The truth is that Gulf Arab States do not resettle refugees (even Muslim ones)! US expected to take them PERMANENTLY

One of the top posts for the month so far was this one: Why should the US and Europe take Syrian refugees while the Gulf Arab States take ZERO?
And, since stories like those at Breitbart flew around the world, the Gulf Arab states have had to defend the charges by claiming they do ‘welcome’ Syrians to live in their wealthy countries—-as guest workers!

Refugees become permanent citizens, guest workers do not!

Readers, it is really important that you understand what is happening when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees puts demands on Western countries throughout Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand—it is telling us that we must PERMANENTLY resettle the ‘refugees’ with no expectation that they will ever go home even if the civil war in Syria ended next month!
The refugees we take in eventually become naturalized (voting!) citizens.  Not so for those Muslim guest workers going to Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East.
I think many Americans, who haven’t followed this complex issue, do not understand this concept.  Most assume that the ‘refugees’ will go home someday!  Paul Nachman, writing at VDARE, addressed this issue here last week.
This is a really good explanation from Deborah Amos at National Public Radio:

As the numbers mount, with Europe overwhelmed, the blame game has begun. Why don’t the richest Gulf Arab states — the diplomatic and financial sponsors of Syria’s rebel groups — resettle these desperate refugees?

Randa Slim, associated with the Rockefeller Bros. Fund AND The New America Foundation, two of those huge advocacy groups promoting more refugee resettlement to America says of the Gulf States: They can’t afford to bring in the Syrians because they “will bring their fight with them.” And, she says, they “can’t afford to do this.” But we can? See Slim’s bio here:

Even Gulf Arab citizens are raising the question: #ShameOnArabRulers is trending on Middle Eastern Twitter accounts.


Gulf officials are on the defensive and have been forced to address the issue publicly.


The Saudi Foreign Ministry challenged the charges by issuing official numbers that are impossible to verify independently, saying “the Kingdom has received around 2.5 million Syrians since the beginning of the conflict.”


While it’s true that the Gulf States have allowed thousands of Syrians to come on work visas, many Syrians say they face severe restrictions in these countries. Some have decided they would rather risk the difficult road to Europe.

“I will live here for five years, ten years, and then what?” says Dahlia, a Syrian who fled her home in Aleppo and joined relatives in the Gulf city-state of Dubai. “You never belong, you never feel you are safe, your residency can be canceled at any time and then what? Go where?”

Citizenship is not an option, even for workers who stay for decades.


The fact is that Gulf countries don’t accept refugees for resettlement because none of their governments officially recognize the legal concept. Even in Jordan, Syrians fleeing the civil war are called “guests,” the expectation being that they won’t stay.

Arab governments refused to sign the 1951 international convention on refugee rights, says Nadim Shehadi, head of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. “The convention gives a mandate to UNHCR to do permanent settlement in the host countries or resettlement in third-party states,” says Shehadi.

This was unacceptable to Arab governments 60 years ago — and still is today.

So much for Muslim charity toward fellow Muslims.  So, tell me again why the US must take mostly Muslim Syrians?
There is much more at NPR, continue reading here.
Go here to see who has signed on to the 1951 convention and who hasn’t.