You know what “streamline” means! It is the acceptable way to say “lessen” the security screening for the UN-chosen, mostly Muslim Syrians we are admitting to the US.
UNHCR Antonio Guterres (left) tells US Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard (right) who we are going to admit to the US as refugees to colonize your towns and cities. Here is Reuters reporting on Richard’s NPR interview yesterday:
A State Department refugee official said on Saturday that U.S. leaders are committed to bringing more Syrian refugees to the United States and that she would like to see a steep increase in their numbers in 2017.
Anne Richard, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, told National Public Radio the Obama administration would like to see the refugee process move more quickly and is trying to streamline the vetting process without cutting corners on security.
The United States has taken in 1,500 refugees since the start of the Syrian war in 2011, and President Barack Obama last week committed to accepting 10,000 more over the coming year.
“I think that the most senior leadership at the State Department, the National Security Council and the White House want to bring more refugees and so that’s something that we’re very focused on right now,” Richard told NPR.
“Well, next year the president has said we will bring 10,000. So the year after that I’d like to see a steep ramp up,” she said.
Obama will have one more shot at swamping your towns with Syrian refugees in September of 2016 when he submits his determination for FY2017, but he can’t dictate those numbers now. Richard is probably saying 2017 should be a better year to get the human rights industrial complex agitators off her back (and Obama’s back).
More confirmation of what I have been saying, the UNHCR is dictating which Syrians we take! Thus we are getting mostly Muslim Syrians!
Refugee applications referred to the United States by the U.N. refugee agency undergo multiple security checks by several federal agencies.
There is more, click here.
See my previous post, it seems that Canadian immigration is going to try to circumvent the UNHCR.
And, that is because, as we have told readers before, the United Nations refugee camps are housing Muslim Syrians and NOT Christians. The US and now, according to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Great Britain, are only taking the UN-chosen refugees from UN camps! Another Christian leader gets it! Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: US and UK Syrian refugee policy discriminates against Christian Syrians!
Why aren’t the Christians in the camps? Because the Muslims “attack and target” the Christians in the camps run by the UNHCR.
If, during Sunday worship today, you hear from your pastor or priest about Syrian refugees (remember the Leftwing campaign we told you about yesterday), you must ask what the plan is for truly persecuted Christians and let your fellow congregants know that the US State Department has almost exclusively brought in Sunni Muslims so far!
The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned David Cameron that his Government’s refugee policy is discriminating against Christians facing oppression in Syria.
The Most Rev Justin Welby is understood to have met the prime minister last week amid growing concerns that Christians in Syria will be largely excluded from the 20,000 refugees due to come to the UK over the next five years.
Archbishop Welby raised the issue with Mr Cameron at a private meeting last week, according to a well placed source, over concerns that Christians in Syria will not be given the opportunity to come to the UK.
The Government, in line with European Union policy, is committed to taking in refugees from UN camps in Syria and neighbouring countries. It cannot discriminate in favour of any one religious group.
But the Archbishop has raised concerns that Christians have avoided refugee camps because of fears of persecution from rogue Islamist groups operating inside refugee camps.
In a speech in the House of Lords last Monday, Archbishop Welby said that “within the camps there is significant intimidation and radicalisation, and many particularly of the Christian population who have been forced to flee are unable to be in the camps.”
“Christians are not to be found in the UN camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbours and family.”
A coalition of faith groups from 14 organisations has issued a statement accusing the US and UK governments of ignoring the plight of Christians and other ethnic minority groupsby effectively failing to discriminate positively in their favour.
The coalition of groups said; “Many governments, including the US and UK, have proved unwilling to make provision for endangered religious minorities to be evacuated, despite private individuals, charities and churches offering to cover the costs of the resettlement.
“Government plans, including those of the UK, to accept refugees from UN camps in Syria will not address the problem, because Christians, and other minorities do not dare to live in those camps.”
Why are US government-affiliated “religious charities” remaining silent on Christian persecution?
First, be sure to read about the brave Catholic Bishop in Hungary who is sounding the alarm about the Muslim invasion, here! It is such a relief to know that not all Christian leaders have sold out to the Islamist agenda.
I know we can’t take in the whole world because even the US can’t afford it, but we are a Christian nation and Christians should be at the top of our priority list, don’t you think?
The so-called religious charities among our nine major resettlement contractorshave never (to my knowledge in the last 8 years) ever expressed a concern for the Christians of the Middle East. If they had any guts they would say out loud to the Obama Administration—put the Christians (and other non-Muslim minorities) at the top of the list of those to be resettled in America.
One more thing! If you are asked to open your home to a refugee or refugee family, remember, it will be a Muslim family (unless US resettlement policy changes) and expect to take care of them for a very long time at your personal expense! Update: More hereon the Left using the Pope’s upcoming US visit as PR opportunity.
And, of course the majority (95% since January 2012) of Syrians arriving in the US right now are Syrian Muslims, because we take what the UN has chosen for us!
UNHCR refugee camp in Jordan is populated by mostly Sunni Muslims
As the debate heats up in Congress about the number of Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US, some elected officials in Washington need to grow a spine and start distinguishing between the truly persecuted Syrian Christians/other religious minorities and the Muslims who could be going towealthy Muslim countries for resettlement.
Here is more evidence that the UN camps are populated by mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ and that Christians fear to go there.
From World Net Daily (Christians left out!):
As U.S. and European leaders reach out with open arms to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe, the groans of persecuted Christians in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan are increasingly drowned out.
A starving Syrian Muslim arrives in Kentucky in February.
President Obama announced Thursday that the U.S. will accept at an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, on top of the 1,600 that have already arrived.
The Syrian arrivals coming from United Nations refugee camps to date have been 95 percent Muslim.
When it comes to the plight of Christians, most of the voices of concern for “refugees” – whether they come from the EU, the White House, the Congress or in the media – fall silent, says a spokesman for the International Christian Concern.
The ICC posted an alert on its website Thursday that an estimated 30,000 Pakistani Christians have been forced to flee their homeland due to persecution from the Muslim majority in Pakistan. They are living in crude conditions in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with little help from the United Nations or various international aid agencies.
According to the Barnabas Fund, which recently resettled some 50 Syrian Christian families in Poland, “Cameron’s policy [presumably a reference to taking refugees the UN has chosen, or who have arrived illegally in Europe.–ed] inadvertently discriminates against the very Christian communities most victimized by the inhuman butchers of the so-called Islamic State,” Carey writes.
“Christians are not to be found in the U.N. camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbors and family.”
This confirms reports that WND has previously published about the dangers Christians face in U.N. refugee camps.
As usual, reporter Leo Hohmann has a jam-packed report on the situation. Go herefor more.
This is a handy flow chartI came across some time ago. It is published by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in the Dept. of Health and Human Services).
Do you see where it says “war” in step 1? A legitimate refugee still must prove that he or she is being persecuted or has a legitimate fear of persecution even if running from a war zone. One cannot simply be fearful of war, or in the case of the Syrians, a civil war, persecution must still be proven (for such things as race, religion, political views and so forth). Many of the so-called ‘refugees’ arriving in Europe are really economic migrants, not legitimate refugees.
And, do you see Step 2? Refugees are required to file for asylum protection in the first safe country they get to. It is not supposed to be a shopping spree opportunity as is happening in Europe now as migrants move from country to country looking for the best welfare deals.
This whole ‘journey’, if done carefully, takes a couple of years.
Note the significant role the UN High Commissioner for Refugees plays in the processing of US-bound refugees.
***Update*** November 17: this was a screenshot of the UNHCR percentages of men as of this date. One of our lurkers has suggested we lied. The percentage has fluctuated over time.
We mentioned recently that it appears from some photos that the invaders of Europe are mostly fighting age young men.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees does not tell us their ages, but does tell us that 75% are men. (Germans hide your daughters!)
Only 51% are Syrians, the rest are from all over the Middle East and Africa. So, did the men abandon their women and children back home (in an unsafe country)? What sort of men are these?
See the numbers from the horse’s mouth, here. Hat tip: Mark
For our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ going back several years, click here.