Refugees stranded outside gates of Baghdad; fears of ISIS Trojan Horse

ISIS on the move!

The Daily Mail reported yesterday (hat tip: Kyle) that thousands of Iraqi refugees fleeing Ramadi are now trapped between the ISIS-controlled city and the safety of Baghdad.  (BTW, pundits speculate that Baghdad will fall too.)

 Over 20,000 innocent Iraqis are stranded in a deadly no man’s land between ISIS militants in Ramadi and potential safety in Baghdad 60 miles to the east, where they are cruelly being refused entry.

The terror group slaughtered over 500 people over the last few days to seize control of Ramadi – their biggest military victory in over a year – before holding a a twisted celebratory parade on its blood-stained streets.

The thousands who were forced from their homes are now living in the open – many without shelter and dwindling aid – in small towns like Amiriyat Fallujah on the outskirts of Baghdad.

Iraq’s military will not allow them to cross the Euphrates river and into the city because it can not confirm they are not ISIS militants, aid agencies in Baghdad have told MailOnline.

Kind of ironic isn’t it?

The US is bringing Iraqis to your towns and cities at the rate of 1,175 a MONTH at the moment.  But, we dare not mention the Trojan Horse analogy and are told to welcome them with open arms.

Where is the UN?  Isn’t it their job to go into these danger zones and help the people?
There is much more, with lots of photos, go here.
Related!  Tomorrow the House Homeland Security Committee (subcommittee chaired by Rep. Peter King) will hold a hearing on the security concerns many have about the admission of Syrian refugees to the US.  Go here for more.  Update: hearing postponed!

UNHCR blasts Hungary for consulting its citizens about illegal migrants entering the country

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the US government sent out a questionnaire to ask us how we felt about admitting (and keeping) asylum seekers, economic migrants, and unaccompanied alien children who enter the US illegally!  Apparently that is what the government of Hungary has done and the move, to CONSULT its citizens, has the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in a tizzy.

Update:  Here is Reuters on this news.

From UNHCR News:

08 May 2015, BUDAPEST (UNHCR) – The UN Refugee Agency on Friday spoke out against a growing expression of xenophobia in Hungary. It raised concerns over efforts by the Hungarian government to paint refugees as a threat to the country in leading questions being asked during a so-called national consultation.

UNHCR Antonio Guterres to the Hungarian government: We don’t like the tone of your questionnaire!

“We are deeply concerned by the way the government increasingly vilifies people who have fled from war zones like Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq and who desperately need safety and protection in Hungary,” said Montserrat Feixas Vihé, UNHCR Regional Representative for Central Europe based in Budapest.

While UNHCR respects the right of every country to consult its citizens in any way it chooses, the refugee agency is concerned about the wording of a questionnaire that is being sent to eight million Hungarians over the age of 18 in a process announced in late April. UNHCR believes the questions intentionally attempt to confuse refugees and asylum-seekers with so-called “economic migrants” and wrongly blame refugees for a number of purported threats to Hungary and Europe.

For example, question nine of the national consultation suggests that Hungary should be allowed to return people to their countries immediately if they entered Hungary irregularly. It is very important to remember that among the people who enter Hungary – in whatever manner — are refugees whose lives are in danger in their own countries.

Remember readers, the United Nations would love to see the borders of the world dissolved!  Or, at least that is what their actions point to.

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

Previous posts on Hungary are here.

To date, 815 Syrian refugees admitted to US; 92% are Muslim

Since yesterday was the end of the month, I thought it was time to check out the government data bases to see how many Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US over the last few years (I went back to January 1, 2012).  Remember that the UN has 11,000 Syrians picked out for us and that the FBI testified in February that they cannot be screened because there are no records available on these people who fled Syria and are mostly living in UN camps.

Deciding the future for your towns and cities: Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM and Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. She is under pressure to keep Guterres happy!

The US State Department is on a push to get 2,000 to your towns by September 30th (the end of FY2015).  That is not nearly what the UN wants, but is the result of the difficult security screening process that the FBI told Congress about.

This is what I learned:

Since 2012 we admitted 815 Syrian refugees through the Refugee Admissions Program.  On April 4th, I reported 682

They are on a roll now—133 admitted in the last few weeks.

The top five states receiving Syrians are:

California (103)

Texas (100)

Illinois (87)

Arizona (64)

Pennsylvania (51)

36 states received some Syrians.

Of the 815 Syrians, 749 are Muslims of some sort with the vast majority (701) being Sunni Muslims That means 92% are Muslim.

If you are being told in your town that you are going to get mostly Christians, don’t believe it.  Only 43 self-identified ‘Christians’ (that includes 1 Catholic) have been admitted.  That is 5% of the total.

Don’t forget!  The contractors are pushing for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US by the time Obama leaves office!

By the way, if you are saying to yourself that there are a lot more than 815 Syrians around, remember that there are other legal programs that have admitted, or allowed Syrians to stay in the US , and also some very likely illegal alien Syrians in the mix as well.

UN wants the West to take in one million refugees over 5 years; Wilders calls it invitation to Jihadist infiltrators

Update April 30th:  Two Muslim Congressmen try to block Geert Wilders appearance in America, here.

I’m off again today, this time to DC and, alas, have no time to post much, but wanted to get this excellent article from Fox News posted before I catch the train.   Hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum.

Thank goodness some sane heads are quoted throughout.  Australia’s success in turning back the invaders is mentioned.   And, the only thing missing is any mention of how Libya became a launching pad for the invasion with Hillary’s help.

Fox News:

Geert Wilders: The “Islamicization” of Europe is well underway.

 The humanitarian disaster unfolding on the Mediterranean is likely already providing a “shield” for Islamist terrorists to infiltrate waves of migrants attempting the perilous crossing from North Africa to Europe, terrorism experts and other strategic observers are warning. And they say a UN plan to resettle 1 million refugees in Western nations would turn the situation into a full-blown security crisis.

The exodus now unfolding, as well as the UN call to take in refugees from war-torn Middle Eastern and African nations over the next five years, is providing a “shield for the passage of jihadists to Europe,” said one analyst. Once absorbed into the societies of Europe and other rich countries such as the United States, ISIS operatives would be set to eventually gain all the freedoms of other citizens of those countries – including the freedom to travel, often without having to go through the extra scrutiny involved in obtaining a passport visa.

“ISIS has threatened to [infiltrate the migrants] and German intelligence already said that this is a real threat,” Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders told from The Netherlands. “An open door policy would – both for the USA and Europe – mean that the threat of Islamists and terrorists entering our countries would increase to a very dangerous level.”

Read it all here.

Just a reminder that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees already has 11,000 Syrian refugees picked out for your home towns.  Tell your Member of Congress and your US Senators—NO resettlement in your town!

UNHCR putting pressure on US to take in more Syrians; security concerns still the hold-up

There is nothing much new in here that we haven’t already reported, but I want readers to know that the UN is agitating for us to get moving on allowing in what will amount to be 90% or so new Muslim migrants from Syria.

Do you trust this man? Antonio Guterres, the socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees has selected 11,000 Syrians to send to your towns and cities. 90% of the Syrians who have arrived so far are Sunni Muslims.

Because the UNHCR got ahead of itself and pre-selected 11,000 Syrians for America, those 11,000 will be used to put public relations pressure on the security-minded Republicans who are holding a finger in the dyke right now.

Here is the New York Times (via the Telegram):

The United States is scheduled to take in its largest tranche of Syrian refugees to date — up to 2,000 by this fall, compared with a total of about 700 since the civil war in Syria began four years ago, according to the State Department.

The U.S. decision to accept more refugees reflects how swiftly the Syrian civil war has morphed into the most pressing humanitarian crisis in recent years. Generally, resettling large numbers of refugees happens long after other options are exhausted, like the possibility of displaced people eventually returning home.

Will terrorists enter the US among refugees chosen by UN?

But just as refugee admissions have faced political resistance in Europe, the plan to step up Syrian refugee resettlement in the United States has stirred pushback from Republican lawmakers in Congress, who are increasingly vocal about the fear that terrorists may sneak in with the refugees.

While the Republicans have not called for a full-on moratorium on Syrian refugee admissions, they have urged the Obama administration to go slow, until the United States can be assured that all applicants are properly screened. A congressional hearing is due in the coming weeks.

“In the case of Syrian refugees, our intelligence on the ground is alarmingly slim, making it harder to identify extremists,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in an emailed statement.

“As we have heard from intelligence officials, we do not have enough information to confidently screen these individuals,” he said. “We need to put our foot on the brakes until we have more certainty that terrorist won’t slip through our fingers.” In February, McCaul wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding details about refugees who have been admitted or are in the pipeline, including their ages, ethnicities and religion. He also wanted to know how U.S. officials are screening Syrians.

A State Department official said refugees applying for resettlement to the United States are “the most carefully vetted of all travelers to the United States,” with security checks by a host of U.S. agencies, including the National Counterterrorism Center and the Defense Department.

“Accepting refugees is an American tradition with bipartisan support in Congress,” said Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary at the State Department. “The question is not whether we take them in, but ensuring that we admit refugees in a way that is safe and consistent with our national security interests.”

The UN has 11,000 they have picked for your towns!

The United Nations has a list of more than 11,000 people who are waiting to be screened by U.S. officials for possible resettlement.

The U.N. refugee agency, which does the first round of vetting, says the people on the list are among the most vulnerable, including single mothers and their children, victims of torture and people with special medical needs. But few of them will be accepted anytime soon. Henshaw said the reason the United States is admitting fewer than 2,000 this year is “to make sure we’ve got the process right.”

You gotta laugh, even if the women, children and sick people aren’t terrorists they will be VERY EXPENSIVE for the US taxpayer to care for!

“Aid groups” want 65,000 Syrians before Obama leaves office. 

But, the damn NYT can’t bring itself to mention that these are not ‘charities’ but in fact are largely paid by the taxpayer to resettle refugees—there is money in it for them!

At the same time, the administration is facing pressure from aid groups that want the United States to increase the numbers of refugee admissions significantly, and to let them in much faster.

They contend that the United States should take in at least half the people the U.N. refugee agency wants to resettle in the West, which would amount to about 65,000 Syrians in the next two years.   [See former British Foreign Secretary pushing the 65,000 demand, here.—ed]