Brits take a beating from “rights” group over decision to not fund rescue of migrant invaders from North Africa

Kate Allen, UK Director of Amnesty International: “….dark day for the moral standing of the UK.” Photo:

The UK attempts to slow invasion of Europe….

(See our entire ‘invasion of Europe’ series including posts on the boat people problem by clicking here.  Thousands of mostly Muslim aliens have been rescued by the Italian navy and then sneak out of Italy and spread throughout Europe.)

We reported the incredible news from brave Brits the other day—the UK does not want to participate in the rescue of illegal aliens who find themselves in trouble while attempting to break into Europe by sea.  They say that such efforts serve as a “pull factor” for more and more aliens to try to make the dangerous voyage.

But, they surely will be taking a drubbing from the ‘human rights industrial complex’ as we see just beginning here at the news site for the UNHCR:

Thousands more refugees are at risk of perishing in the Mediterranean, human rights groups have warned, as Italy cancels its emergency naval rescue operation.

Rome’s Mare Nostrum mission, which saved 150,000 people fleeing poverty and warzones in Africa in the past 12 months, will be wound down, its budget slashed by two thirds in the two-month phase-out period.

Instead, Europe’s border protection agency, Frontex, launches its Triton operation to help monitor and patrol the waters off the Italian coastline, with resources of just €3m a month – a third of what the Italian navy has been spending in the past year.

“No matter how it is dressed up, Triton is not a search and rescue operation,” said Nicolas Beger of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office. “As the world faces the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, the EU must urgently and collectively… plug the imminent gap in these life-saving operations.”

Britain’s refusal to contribute to the scaled-down replacement operation was also decried. “This is a very dark day for the moral standing of the UK,” said Amnesty UK Director Kate Allen. “The Italian navy’s… operation has saved thousands of lives and other European countries should now be stepping up to share that responsibility with them, not shirk it.”

There is more here.

US State Department’s Anne Richard in Berlin: We have 5,000 Syrians in the pipeline to America

The Obama Administration has been dancing around the issue of how many Syrians are on the way to your towns and cities and I suspect that is because they don’t need one more thing before Tuesday to rock the Democrats’ boat.

Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration Richard: 5,000 Syrians are being processed to arrive in the US soon (Not enough to satisfy the UN however).

Anne C. Richard is the Assistant Secretary of State who represented the US this week in Berlin, Germany where a confab was held to discuss what the heck the (western) world is going to do to help all those Syrian Muslims flooding UN camps.

Obama announced our refugee plan for FY2015 at the beginning of the month, but was pretty quiet about how many Syrians we are going to admit.  At about that time, it leaked out that the UNHCR had lined up 4,000 Syrians to arrive soon.  However, watch this news clip (just before the 3 minute mark) of Richard in Germany where she says we now have 5,000 in the pipeline.

Germany has accepted 70,000 Syrians (not clear if they are all in the country yet), but check out how the arrival of more Muslims is sitting with the German people as thousands rioted in Cologne last weekend.   See our post of a few days ago by clicking here.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society would like to see 30,000 real soon!  See our post of two days ago where we learned that HIAS (a federal refugee contractor*** being paid to resettle refugees) is getting up a petition to tell Obama to increase our total refugee quota for the year from 70,000 to 100,000.  Why HIAS wants more Muslims in America is beyond my understanding.

*** For new readers (we have many every day) here are the nine major federal refugee contractors (they then have 300 or so subcontractors spread out through America).   And, btw, Anne C. Richard was formerly the VP of one of them—the International Rescue Committee—and before that she worked at the US State Department.  She represents the classic case of the federal contractor/federal agency revolving door.  See also in her bio that she worked for the International Crisis Group which George Soros played an instrumental role in forming.

Are ISIS fighters sending their families to refugee camps?

That is what a representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government told a gathering of the Human Rights Commission in Spain yesterday.


DOMIZ, IRAQ: The UNHCR Domiz refugee camp in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. Housing ISIS families? Photo:

From Rudaw:

BARCELONA, Spain – Refugees from the war in Syria and Iraq include family members of Islamic State (ISIS) fighters, leading to security concerns among authorities, the Kurdistan Region’s representative in Spain said.

“Some of the refugees are families of members of the Islamic State,” said Daban Shadala, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) representative.

“They are sending their families (to the refugee camps) while they continue to fight us,” he said this week in a briefing to the Human Rights Commission of the Basque parliament in the city of Vitoria.

Shadala, whose comments in English were translated through an interpreter, was quoted as saying that weapons had been found in some of the houses where refugees were placed. He did not elaborate.

He said that, according to the last count, there were some 1.8 million refugees from Iraq and Syria in the Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq, and warned that another 500,000 refugees were still expected.

Shadala made an appeal for more humanitarian help, saying UN and international aid had not been enough to cope with the huge numbers of refugees.

“We have 26 refugee camps in the Kurdistan Region. It is very difficult to manage them… We are in a deep crisis but we want to continue being tolerant,” he told the MPs.

According to Sibel Kulaksiz, a senior economist at the World Bank who recently led a mission to the region, the influx of refugees and internally displaced people has seen Kurdistan’s population jump by around 17 per cent, putting severe strain on the local economy and public services.

Remember that the UN is picking our refugees  and that most Syrian refugees who will be admitted to the US by the thousands beginning this fiscal year will be from UN refugee camps.

Congolese refugee women in America need costly mental health care; 50,000 in the pipeline!

Coming to a town near you! Photo:


Your tax dollars:

We told you here in June of 2013 that the US was aiming to resettle 50,000 Congolese (DR Congo) refugees over the next few years and the US State Department has been busy, busy, busy getting the flow started.  Indeed this article tells us something we didn’t know—they want to get the 50,000 here by 2019!

If you visit the statistics at the Refugee Processing Center (US State Department) you will see that at the close of Fiscal year 2014 on September 30th, we resettled 4,540 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the year (Don’t look at the map where someone has left out DR Congo! or case numbers, look at individuals numbers listed for DR Congo in chart below map).

Apparently enough of them are here to begin studying their needs, in this case, their need for costly mental health treatment (also needed by the Bhutanese).  The report (partially funded by the UN) suggests “leveraging local resources.”  Of course that means the feds aren’t going to pay for it—state and local taxpayers will!  Wyoming are you listening!

Anne Richard, US State Department and Antonio Guterres head of UNHCR. The UN is calling the shots on Congolese resettlement to America. Richard to Socialist Guterres: Jump? How high?

From the University of Texas:

AUSTIN, Texas — The U.S. government must do more to address the needs of Congolese refugee “women at risk” through trauma-related services and social support, according to a report by the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA) at The University of Texas at Austin and the Department of Sociology & Social Work at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

The report issued recommendations for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which is responsible for resettling 50,000 Congolese refugees in the United States by 2019. The recommendations are based on a study of refugee women from the Democratic Republic of Congo who have resettled in the United States after decades of unrest in their homeland.

“The women who participated in our study experienced multiple traumas and hardship,” said Noël Busch-Armendariz, lead author of the report and director of IDVSA in The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work. “This study provides empirical evidence to inform the tremendous efforts already underway to meet the needs of Congolese female refugees.”

Although the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program emphasizes economic integration through job placement, the report finds that many refugee women had unmet needs for trauma-related services, social support and longer-time financial support, said IDVSA researcher and project director Karin Wachter. The study was partially funded by a $15,000 grant from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).  [So the UN is basically telling Americans to spend more money on this problem they created for us!—ed]

Leveraging and long-term service = your money!

Access to long-term services to address trauma and loss is essential for this population,” said Maura B. Nsonwu, the lead researcher from North Carolina A&T. “The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program could leverage local resources for these services, such as domestic violence and sexual assault centers in cities who receive Congolese refugees.”

So what does the US get out of this arrangement when mentally-impaired single mothers raise large numbers of children in your town?

See our ‘health issues’ category with more posts on the refugee health problems you pay for.

UNHCR: Europe has to take more Syrian refugees; rich Arab countries not criticized

Speaking in the United Arab Emirates (of all places), Socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees admonishes European nations (again)—allow more Syrian refugees into your countries!

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Guterres never demands that rich Arab countries take in their fellow Muslim refugees!

From the Associated Press:

SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates (AP) – The head of the United Nations refugee agency on Wednesday urged countries, particularly in Europe, to review their laws to allow entry to more Syrians fleeing their country’s civil war.

Antonio Guterres said on the sidelines of a conference in the United Arab Emirates that a refugee crisis across the Middle East is a global security threat. He urged more legal avenues for Syrian refugees to resettle in Europe, and avoid risking their lives with smugglers.

“This is not only the worst humanitarian crisis in the last decades, it is also the biggest threat to regional peace and security,” he said. “It’s a global threat.”

Blah, Blah, Blah…

Then near the end.  Remember that some wealthy Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, TAKE NO REFUGEES:

The conference was hosted by Sharjah ruler Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi and his wife Sheikha Jawaher.

The United Arab Emirates, along with the five other energy-rich nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council, have been criticized by rights groups for not opening their borders to refugees from the myriad of conflicts across the region.

Guterres said he is calling on all countries, everywhere, to do more.   [Maybe, but it is Europe, the US, Canada and Australia he chastises on a regular basis!—ed]

Is Guterres too chicken or is his goal to help spread the Muslim population worldwide?

End note:  RRW will be taking a break beginning today after we post a few more stories.  Be back on October 20th and will be able to post your comments then.