Total chaos in US refugee flow; United Nations depends on US to take lion's share every year

Here is one of many stories about the impact of the cap reduction to 50,000 refugees for the US in FY17, a portion of the Trump EO not effected by court wrangling.

We learned here that the refugee resettlement contracting agencies were going to be working on placing sob stories (like this one) to sway public opinion against President Trump.
As you read this, remember that since 9/11 we have had 4 years under 50,000 (2003, 2004, 2006, 2007) and under Obama we had one year (2011) under 60,000 see here.

Joel Charny: “I expect the 50,000 cap to remain in place in subsequent years as well.” 50,000 is not that low! Photo and bio here:

So these whining contractors have often had lower numbers to resettle, but they were licking their chops for Obama’s proposed 110,000 paying refugee clients (they are paid by the head, by you, to resettle refugees in your towns and cities).
And, here, I argued that the Trump Administration should lower the cap to 35,000. Very few migrants from Syria, Somalia and Iraq get to the US outside of the refugee program so it would effectively slow the flow from terror hotspots. And, btw, we have been taking Somalis for 30 years—DOES IT EVER STOP!

***This morning we are already at 34,078 (1,953 since the EO was signed on 1/28) according to Wrapsnet.***

One more thing before I give you a few snips from the “chaos” news.  Don’t allow anyone to use the argument made at the end of this article that we only take a fraction compared to say Turkey or Pakistan. Our refugees become permanent citizens and those presently swamping those countries will not be accepted as citizens.  They will be expected to return to their own countries when the conflict ends.
Mark my words, if this flow from Syria to America gets going full steam, as it has for Somalia, we will still be taking Syrians for decades no matter what happens in their homeland.
Here is Devex:

President Donald Trump’s ban on refugees from entering the U.S. has — at least for now — been suspended. But the resulting scene for those involved in refugee resettlement is chaotic, exacerbated by concern about the longer term prospects of the United States’ role as a host country, according to several resettlement, legal aid and advocacy organizations. A cap on refugee arrivals at less than half the previous expected figure remains in place.

“We don’t know when people will be brought over, or how many those numbers will be. It’s very complicated — total chaos,” said Bill Swersey, senior director of communications and digital media at HIAS, one of the nine refugee resettlement organizations*** contracted by the U.S. federal government, in a phone interview early this week. “Everybody is confused. It is like we are riding a rollercoaster. First there is a ban, then it is rescinded… We don’t know when we will receive new people. Last week, there was one Syrian refugee family that arrived.”


…..some elements of the ban remain in place.

This includes a reduction of the number of refugees the U.S. will welcome — now curtailed to 50,000 per year, less than half of this year’s expected admission of 110,000.


“That is a huge concern. Over time we have incrementally worked up to more sufficient numbers and that is a highly discretionary thing the President sets a cap for every year,” said Kate Phillips-Barrasso, the International Rescue Committee’s senior director of policy and advocacy. “We worry if the caps are lower it just sets us back many, many years with the resettlement we are doing. [And, it means less $$$ and less staff for them!—ed]

The US takes the largest share by far of UN chosen refugees for permanent resettlement

The U.S. has historically been the largest participant in the U.N. refugee agency’s global resettlement program. Canada, Australia, Norway and the U.K. also take large numbers of refugees through this program.

“It is hard to see any countries being able to come forward and make up for this reduction,” Joel Charny, director of the Norwegian Refugee Council USA, wrote in an email to Devex. “I expect the 50,000 cap to remain in place in subsequent years as well.”

In 2016, a total of 114,916 refugees were resettled as part of the U.N. refugee agency’s program. The U.S. admitted 84,995 people during fiscal year 2016. The greatest number of refugees entering the U.S. came from the Democratic Republic of Congo, followed by Syria, Burma, Iraq and Somalia.

Continue reading here.
This reminds me, Trump could take us out of the UN program and we could pick our own refugees.  The fact that 98% of the Syrians entering the US right now are Muslims is because the UN makes the first cut.
Where is Congress? Hiding? Afraid of the Chamber of Commerce and big corporations needing cheap labor, like the meatpackers?
The present system of resettlement in America is so flawed that I believe the Refugee Act of 1980 must be trashed.
Congress could then write a new law, dumping the UN role in choosing refugees, if it was determined to be in America’s best interests to bring in a certain amount of third world poverty to our towns and cities.
***Nine major federal refugee contractors:

Another way to skin the cat: Starve the UN beast

Cut funding for the International Organization for Migration too!

Reportedly Donald Trump is working on an executive order to limit US funds to the United Nations and certain other international organizations.

Trump Watch!

Readers here know that the vast majority of our refugees are chosen at the direction of the United Nations and that processing (including handing out those US taxpayer-funded plane tickets) falls to a special branch of the UN—the International Organization for Migration which was not too long ago folded in to the United Nations.
Many recent media reports put US funding to the UN at 25% of the entire budget of the multi-billion dollar organization whose members are always ready and willing to criticize the US and Israel.
Here The Hill is rewriting a NYT piece about the possible executive order:

President Trump’s administration is crafting an executive order that will potentially reduce America’s role in global organizations like the United Nations, according to a new report.

2015: First (starving) Syrian refugees arrive in KY. Note the white bag with the letters IOM. Cut funding for IOM and cut refugee flow!

Trump’s draft order calls for enacting “at least a 40 percent overall decrease” in U.S. funding to international groups meeting any one of several criteria, The New York Times said Wednesday.


Trump’s draft order, which is titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations,” would establish a committee to recommend where such funding cuts should be made.Trump’s draft order, which is titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations,” would establish a committee to recommend where such funding cuts should be made.

Continue here.

I have a recommendation! Cut the funding to the IOM and it will result in a drastic cut to the number of refugees forced upon us!

Senator Lindsey Graham: Cut off UN funding!

Go Lindsey! Go! Cut them off!

Longtime readers know that the good Senator from South Carolina has not been a favorite here at RRW mostly because he has been an advocate for more Syrian refugees being admitted to the US.
Maybe the despicable hit by the outgoing Obama Administration (including by UN Ambassador Samantha Power***) against Israel in the UN on the eve of the Jewish holiday (and Christmas!) is a blessing in disguise, and will be looked upon as a major turning point in our involvement with the world body (what a joke it is!).
We should all use this opportunity to pound the incoming Trump team to cut our ties with the increasingly pro-Islam United Nations.
Outgoing Secretary General Ban Ki-moon admitted in his farewell speech tens days ago that the UN had become disproportionately anti-Israel and it would hurt efforts going forward to forge peace.
I predict that the bias will be getting worse under the leadership of Antonio Guterres.

Remember that the UN is responsible for choosing the vast majority of our refugees! That is why the Syrians entering the US are virtually all Muslims! This is a perfect time to cut them off!

(If we are going to admit refugees to the US, there is no reason we can’t pick our own!)
From CNN yesterday:

(CNN)Sen. Lindsey Graham will propose a measure to pull US funding for the United Nations unless the UN Security Council repeals the resolution it passed condemning Israeli settlements.

“It’s that important to me,” he told CNN. “This is a road we haven’t gone down before. If you can’t show the American people that international organizations can be more responsible, there is going to be a break. And I am going to lead that break.”


He later told CNN’s Dana Bash that US funding accounts for 22% of the UN’s budget.

Trump has tapped South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to replace Samantha Power. Maybe Graham can lead the charge to cut funding and Haley can preside over the effort to disentangle the US from the world body!  Wouldn’t that be fun to watch!  And, it would surely rehabilitate their images for me!
***If you want to know more about pro-Palestinian Samantha Power (may she disappear from the world stage), just search her name here at RRW. We have followed her career since she was named ‘Iraqi refugee czar’ by Obama when he first entered the White House.  She and Hillary were all for the overthrow of Col. Qaddafi which has directly led to the massive invasion of Europe from No. Africa.

At least four (more!) reasons SC Governor Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador makes me nervous

nikki-haley-hinduIn addition to the fact that Haley snubbed constituents worried about the newly expanded refugee resettlement program when it arrived in South Carolina two years ago, here is an article in the Post & Courier (Charleston, SC) about Haley arriving in DC to meet with many on the Hill who will have to confirm her as Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations. The article contains a bunch of red flags for me!
See my previous post, here.
***Update*** December 11, 2016. Keeping up with all things Haley. One advisor tells her not to fall into Trump’s “nationalist trap.”  What the h***! She will be working for Trump, she better not stray off the reservation! See here.

Yikes! She will be in DC to get the annual award at the Kemp Leadership Award dinner.

Post & Courier:

He [deputy chief of staff] said she would already be in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to attend the Kemp Leadership Award Dinner.

Haley is receiving the conservative organization’s annual award in recognition of “exceptional leadership in public policy or private enterprise in advancing the American Idea.”

Kemp, conservative on economics, was an open borders advocate.  See here at VDARE in 2014 ‘The Strange Rebirth of Jack Kemp Republicanism.’

Be sure to see Ann Coulter: Save us from Paul Ryan and the Kemp boys!

VDARE also tells us in that same article that Rep. Paul Ryan worked for a think-tank created to promote Kemp’s ideas and considered Kemp a mentor!

Rep. Paul Ryan is leading Republican efforts to pass Amnesty in the House of Representatives. Ryan actually worked for Kemp at Empower America (a now defunct and largely unremembered think-tank) and cites him as a mentor.

And, today! Haley is getting a big award in Kemp’s memory!

The Post & Courier goes on to report that she will visit with Tennessee Senator Bob Corker (Mr. Iran deal!) who (like Haley) has done nothing to slow the flow of refugees to his state and has also snubbed constituents concerned with the influx of Somali and other Muslim refugees to the state.

On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said he anticipated talking with Haley in the days ahead.

“I had a very constructive conversation with her when she was appointed and look forward to talking to her this week,” Corker said.

Continuing with the report in the Post & Courier, we learn she is meeting with the man she really preferred as President, Senator Marco Rubio, who we know will forever be known as one of the Gang of Eight which attempted to get amnesty through Congress while Obama was President.

During her visit this week, she will likely meet with other members of the Foreign Relations Committee, including U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who Haley endorsed for president during the Republican primary. She could also drop in on the offices of some Democrats, such as the committee’s ranking member, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland.

And, Cardin is about as far left as anyone in the Senate, what could she possibly say to him to make him not oppose her (that is what scares me, what will she say!).

Two Swamp Monster pals of Nikki Haley! Senators Rubio and Graham

And the final nail in her coffin from my point of view is her close relationship to Lindsey (Bring’em all in) Graham. In 2015, before Obama opened the Syrian floodgates, Graham was introducing legislation to do just that, see here.
Post & Courier continues:

Recently, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he looked forward to introducing Haley to his colleagues when the time came for her to come to Washington to make the rounds.

So much for draining the swamp!
I admit Trump is a lot smarter than I am, but I still don’t get this pick for the United Nations, unless reining-in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is NOT a top agenda item.
If Trump wanted a woman, two tough loyal candidates come to mind: Gov. Sarah Palin and former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who would not have taken one second of politically-correct crap from the likes of Antonio Guterres. Or, any pressure from the all powerful Organization of Islamic Cooperation!
One of my readers suggested this job is a “nothingburger” job, and I respectfully disagree!
We will be keeping a close watch on Turtle Bay when Haley gets there.

Big smooch from Obama to new UN Secretary General Guterres

Of course Obama would love him, they are both socialists who believe in distributing the world’s refugees throughout wealthy western countries.  (And redistributing your wealth to the third world!)

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) delivers remarks to reporters as he welcomes U.N. Secretary General-designate Antonio Guterres (C), of Portugal, in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S. December 2, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) delivers remarks to reporters as he welcomes U.N. Secretary General-designate Antonio Guterres (C), of Portugal, in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S. December 2, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Yesterday Obama welcomed Antonio Guterres to the White House, here at Reuters:

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said he was confident that United Nations secretary general-elect Antonio Guterres would be an effective leader of the international organization.

“He has an extraordinary reputation,” Obama told reporters ahead of his meeting at the White House with Guterres, a former prime minister of Portugal.


Obama and Guterres were expected to discuss cooperation between the United States and the United Nations.

Guterres said he was ready to forge a relationship with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s administration.

He said he was totally committed “to work closely with the United States in the present administration” and “also with the next administration.”

Trump, who takes office Jan. 20, has named South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who has relatively little foreign policy experience, as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Continue reading here.
We will try to stay on top of this, because as I said here, Nikki Haley has demonstrated weakness when it comes to refugees being admitted to the US.   Will she succumb to the arguments Guterres will surely make:  Gov. Haley your family benefited from immigration to America, are you going to deny that same privilege to _____ (pick an ethnic group!). And, I have a suspicion that Senator Lindsey (Open Borders) Graham will be hovering behind the curtain.
As UN High Commissioner for Refugees for the past ten years, we naturally followed Guterres’ career, go here for more.
Heard him speak in Washington, here, in 2015.