…..Not to mention the fact that the Bishops are also being paid millions of tax dollars to colonize American towns with refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries which hate us!
The NYT admitted yesterday that the Bishops are choosing the towns, see here.
Reader ‘Tomasrose’ just directed us to the Oscar winning film“Spotlight” with this comment:
“Everyone should see the movie Spotlight. I was surprised it got ‘best film’ award.I had expected it to be swept under the rug. Worth seeing and you will see some of the same cover-up methods that are used by the US refugee program today – also pretty much the same cast of characters!”
Watch the trailer here:
Checking my local theater to see if it’s still showing!
So where is the brave investigative reporting team on the refugee scam on America!
B is for bigot! R is for racist! X is for xenophobe! (S is for silly!)
We are all xenophobes now—any governors with concerns about a state’s right to control the resettlement of expensive (and potentially dangerous) refugees to their states, you, me, and of course Donald Trump. So, when did the Founding Fathers approve of Bishop Eusebio Elizondo (as chairman of the USCCB Committee on Migration) receiving millions of your tax dollars to make decisions about which third world migrants are placed in your states? Bio and photo: http://www.seattlearchdiocese.org/archdiocese/auxiliaries.aspx
You can read the whole thingyourself, that is not why I’m posting it—the No Borders Left, including the NYT editorial board, continues their tired old name calling, ho hum (not worth mentioning).
But there is one little line in the editorial that I found interesting, but apparently the great minds at the NYT have no concern for the FACT that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is deciding which refugees go where.
Who ELECTED the Bishops?
Obviously the Times doesn’t give a flying c*** about States’ Rights or what governors think, but how can they justify the fact that NO elected official or legislative body is making a decision to foist expenses on state and local taxpayers, change the cultural make-up of American towns and possibly endanger people.
Here is the line I found so troubling, but apparently theNYT does not:
….in fact resettlement decisions are made by mainstream social agencies like the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and its subsidiaries (Catholic Charities) arefederal contractors paid millions upon millions every year by YOU to resettle refugees in your communities with no opportunity for you to question those decisions.
The Founding Fathers could not have imagined such a thing when crafting our Constitution.
Have a look at a2014 Annual Reportfor the USCCB Migration Fund. Citizen taxpayers are paying the majority of the Bishops’ budget. And note that, in addition to the $79.5 million in federal grants and contracts, that the over $3 million in ‘travel loan collection fees’ is also your money (in a budget of $85.9 million). They could not exist without their hands in your wallets!
By the way, if the lawsuit against the governor in Indiana (which the NYTcrows about) is dead, there is a potentially very successful States’ Rights lawsuit that will soon (we hope) come out of Tennessee. More here.
There is no way that the US Supreme Court could ever find this arrangement ‘Constitutional’ if a case could get there. In fact, I wonder if there is any case challenging the power of federal contractors generally on Constitutional grounds?
If this whole federal contracting business was blown to bits, we would all be a lot better off!
If you are saying to yourself, ho hum, this doesn’t affect me, think again!
Rohingya Muslims by the tens of thousands are piling up in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia (both safe Muslim countries!) and we end up bringing thousands to America.
It isn’t just Syrians we should worry about. Rescued Rohingya are being resettled in the US by the thousands. They can’t possibly be screened any better than Syrians!
You don’t hear much about it because the Rohingya are slipped into your towns and cities right along with the Burmese Christians and other ethnic minorities and all are labelled simply Burmese. Last fall we learned that 13,000 Burmese Muslims were already in the US.
This is the rescue ship story which is really a ho hum story, but I’m mentioning it since we haven’t talked much about Rohingya lately, although we have an entire category,here (185 previous posts), devoted to the subject.
From the International Business Times:
A rescue ship credited with saving thousands of migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea is to embark on a new mission in south-east Asia. The MY Phoenix, owned by charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), has been used to rescue almost 13,000 people making the perilous journey from north Africa and the Middle East to Europe.
But now its crew is sailing the 40-foot vessel to the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, where it will spend four weeks helping rescue Rohingya refugees. Last year tens of thousands of migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh attempted dangerous sea crossings to reach Malaysia and Indonesia.
By all means, save them at sea, but resettle them in Muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia! About the photo: It ishere in a story from May 2015. The story tells us about the latest round of violence between the Rohingya and the Buddhist Burmese and leaves you with this line (below) that gives the impression that all the deaths and displacement were on the Rohingya side of the ledger. It just isn’t true!
We followed the conflict as it boiled up in 2012 and it started when Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl! But, in the retelling, the pro-Muslim propagandists never tell you that! Buddhists were among the dead and homeless!
Clashes in 2012 between the state’s Buddhist community and Rohingya Muslims, a long-oppressed linguistic and ethnic minority in this majority Buddhist country, left hundreds dead and more than 140,000 people homeless.
Visit our ‘Rohingya Reports’category. In 2013 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (testimony here) asked the US State Department to bring in more Rohingya (it is only ‘fair,’ they imply, since we have resettled so many Christians!). Doesn’t it make enormous sense to bring in the centuries-old warring factions? Not!
I have to admit this is some great reporting at the Huffington Post.
It adds considerable detail to a dispute we knew a little about, but more importantly it is a window into the ‘souls’ of the ‘humanitarian’ refugee contractors. We have been telling readers for years that resettling refugees, and in this case taking care of the so-called Unaccompanied Alien Children, is all about MONEY. It is about competition between contractors and it is about the revolving door as contractors become political appointees then return to their former boss (the contractor) as recipients of lucrative government contracts.
This is a complicated story and I’m going to urge you to read it all, but here is what you need to know about a couple of the key players in this drama.
And, let me ask at the outset! Where is Congress?
Eskinder Negash (left) and Lavinia Limon (second from right).
Some of the players (we have many posts here at RRW on these characters, search their names): Lavinia Limonwas Bill Clinton’s head of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and now heads the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). Eskinder Negashwas a Vice President at USCRI before he was chosen to head the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Obama Administration. Negash resigned suddenly in December of 2014. No one ever publicly explained his sudden departure. And, then eventually he returned to USCRI. Bob Carey is now the head of ORR (replacing Negash) and he comes to the government job from yet another contractor, the International Rescue Committee. And, although not mentioned here, the person in charge of refugees at the US State Department, Anne Richard, came to her perch there from, you guessed it, the International Rescue Committee. So, the IRC has two former employees heading the two major agencies involved with resettling refugees. But, that is a story for another day!
The arrival of tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children in the summer of 2014, and many thousands before and since, unleashed gobs of government grant and contract money to the same agencies (the nine big refugee contractors and two other newer contractors) not only for the care of the ‘children’ which they are pretending are legitimate refugees/asylum seekers, but also for their legal fees in their attempts to keep them here in America by transforming them into legal immigrants. The ‘children’ represent cold hard cash for non-government refugee contractors.
Which brings us to this incredible piece of reporting!
Of course, the spin here is that the children are suffering (and the legal system will be bogged down), but readers take note: this report raises questions about alleged corruption in the entire grants and contracts system run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Dept. of Health and Human Services.
The tip-off that there is a problem comes when the Catholic Bishops get mad that USCRI is getting some boodle unfairly when they want the boodle!
Bizarre Contract Dispute Putting Thousands Of Migrant Children At Risk, by Ryan Grim, begins:
WASHINGTON — Thousands of unaccompanied minors who came across the U.S. border as part of the migrant crisis are at risk of being deported without due process, the archbishop of Miami has warned the Obama administration.
Although the law dictates that these children must be given legal services, recent moves by the Office of Refugee Resettlement have thrown that into doubt. ORR, which is an agency under the umbrella of Health and Human Services, awarded the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants a contract to represent the children. USCRI in turn planned to subcontract with a social services firm that employed zero attorneys at the time.
I want you toread it all. It is complicated, but oh so juicy!
Did USCRI get the contract because Negash was the head of ORR? Is this why Negash resigned so suddenly back in December of 2014? Shouldn’t there be a law that contractors cannot move in and out of government positions where they are in a position to award grants and contracts to their former bosses? Where is Trey Gowdy (chairman of the committee responsible for refugees in the House of Representatives)? Does he know about this? Is his committee investigating? If you are as outraged as I am by the allegations raised in the Huffington Post story, please send the article to your member of Congress and US Senators and demand they get to the bottom of this because after all it is YOUR money!
Just a quick update on where we are with Obama’s promised 10,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in FY 2016. They are off to a slow start diversifying your towns and expanding the Democrat voter base, that is for sure. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Kentucky is the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and is advocating for 100,000 Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees to be placed in your parishes! Of the 674 Syrians so far this year, 3 are Catholics.
I’m thinking there are two factors involved: First, they can’t get them through security screening at anywhere near the numbers they need to make that 10,000 goal (and remember the resettlement contractors are still yammering for 100,000 this year).
And, two, maybe they are running into the same problem that Canada is having—they can’t find enough who want to move permanently to N. America. Why? Because they really want to go home!
The slow pace has nothing to do with grandstanding by the governors which we will tell you about shortly.
According to the US State Department data base we have admitted 674 Syrians in the first three months of the fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015). At that rate the feds will get 2,696 here by Sept. 30th, 2016 (obviously far short of 10,000).
99% of the 674 are Muslims (660 are Sunni Muslims).
Here are the top five states “welcoming” Syrians: