Bishops suck-up to the media at US border to promote amnesty

Cardinal Sean O’Malley offers communion to people on the Mexican side of the international border, Tuesday, April 1, 2014, in Nogales, Ariz. Matt York / AP

Brenda Walker writing at VDARE gives us a thorough report on the US Catholic Bishops’ publicity stunt at the Mexican border yesterday.

Calling Rush Limbaugh, read this!  The only issues where Catholic leaders are on the supposed ‘conservative’ side are abortion and gay marriage, for everything else they are the far Left! Obama does not need to win them over!

Walker (Conspirators in Cassocks) begins (emphasis mine):

Catholic bishops have accelerated their anti-American Open Borders crusade to fluff up their scandal-scarred morality cred in the Main Stream Media and to nudge “immigrants” (legality immaterial) to attend the church that supports ethnic separatism and disdains assimilation. Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley and several bishops celebrated a photo-op Mass near the border today (April 1) to underline their dedication to “immigrants.” These conspirators in cassocks were also scheduled to tour a local shelter and visit with the Border Patrol.

Then she asks the questions MOST Americans ask:

They emphasized the suffering of the illegal invaders—with no recognition that successful invaders steal jobs that should by law go to Americans; and no mention of America’s 20+ million unemployed.

O’Malley et al.’s deeply selfish and solipsistic view of morality: Hispanic foreigners (Catholic) should be cut extra slack—even though their law-breaking hurts innocent Americans.

Why is the American taxpayer*** supposed to support law-breaking just because the perps are poor foreigners? We have plenty of homegrown folks in poverty.

Read it all, it is a very complete accounting of the Bishops’ key role in opening US borders to legal and illegal migrants.  Walker also mentions the sad story in Syracuse (25,784 people saw this post on our facebook page—wow!).

Rush read this, conservatives do not suck from the government teat!

***American taxpayers are footing the bill for almost the entire Bishops’ migration fund (here).

This is where the USCCB Migration and Refugee Services gets its money—mostly from the US taxpayer!  From their most recent published annual report, here (p.11).  The USCCB is effectively a federal agency!  They are the largest of the nine major federal refugee contractors.

Revenue (in rounded numbers)

Federal grants/contracts:  $66 million

Refugee travel loans (your tax dollars too):  $3.6 million

Total revenue:  $71 million (which leaves less than $1.5 million from private charitable giving)

If  ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’ should get through Congress, the Bishops federal take will quadruple as they become the “service provider” for the millions of newly amnestied.

Rush Limbaugh is wrong about Catholic Church

Limbaugh gets-it on immigration, so he now needs to modify what he says about the Catholic Church!

The other day I happened to catch a bit of Rush Limbaugh’s radio program and for the first time in over twenty years found myself shouting at the radio.  

If I understood him correctly in the portion of the show I heard, Limbaugh was pretty much saying that the Catholic Church/Pope was a paragon of conservatism and nothing anyone (especially Obama and pals!) could say would cause them to waver on issues such as abortion and gay marriage and for that the Left is p*****-off.

Is Rush ignorant of the role played by the hard left Catholic church in Obama’s rise in Chicago politics?

The Catholic Bishops stand to benefit financially from ‘immigration reform!’

It may be so (that the Church won’t be swayed) on those social issues, but Limbaugh apparently has no idea about how important the Catholic Church is, and especially the Bishops, on the issue of immigration and open borders.  They are as far-Left on that issue as they come, and it has little to do with compassion and everything to do with cold hard cash!

Come to think of it, I can’t really blame Limbaugh for not knowing that the Bishops are deep into the taxpayers’ wallets since the mainstream media NEVER mentions it.

The Bishops would be broke without the millions of dollars they get from US taxpayers. Then there is the taxpayer funding they get for some of the 120 illegal alien “kids” crossing the border each day. The Bishops have a contract with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement for their care.

And, don’t forget the church helped bring the thousands of Muslims to Syracuse, NY which has now resulted in the travesty of a historic Catholic Church being converted to a mosque.

To illustrate where the Bishops are on open borders, this story from the Washington Post on Friday entitled, ‘US Catholic leaders hope church’s actions can revive immigration reform,’  pretty much says it all.

The news-hook is Obama’s visit with the Pope, but it’s all about the church’s lobbying efforts to bring about so-called ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’ which (if passed and signed into law) will benefit the Bishops financially as they will get more ‘clients’ (millions of clients) in need of ‘services’ (showing them how to get their welfare benefits) to add to the tens of thousands of refugees they now have on their client roster.

Read the WaPo article yourself and remember these deportation numbers are B.S. as Senator Sessions reported last week (it must be maddening for the Senator to see this propaganda).  ***Update*** More evidence that Obama is not deporting large numbers of aliens.

And, get ready for the Bishops publicity stunt at the border this week where they plan to mimic the Pope’s visit last summer to the beleaguered Italian island of Lampedusa.

Hey Rush, how about putting some qualifiers in when you praise the Bishops the next time!

Syracuse: Refugee group buys Catholic Church, will be converted to a mosque

….because Muslim refugee population is growing.

Holy Trinity’s last mass was held in February 2010.

It is a cold and rainy Sunday morning and I’m not easily discouraged, but I have to say this story is depressing.  Most people don’t understand that Islam marks its victories by turning Christian churches into mosques.  Surely there are other buildings available in Syracuse.

***Update*** American Thinker has published a post on this travesty today as well.  Thanks to Judy for bringing it to my attention.

***Update April 4*** Landmark Preservation Board wimps out—crosses to be removed, here.  Hat tip: Caroline

From CNYCentral:

For close to six decades, Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church on Syracuse’s north side was Anna Giannantomio’s church. She fought the Catholic Diocese decision to close it in 2010. While she believes everyone should be free to practice the religion they choose – she doesn’t understand why a new Islamic society wants to remove the crosses and move into the historic catholic church.

“This place was put into historical preservation and rightfully so,” said Giannantomio.

Crosses to be removed:

Holy Trinity was recently purchased by the North Side Learning Center, a volunteer group that assists refugees and immigrants. North Side Learning Center will lease the church to an Islamic society which would rename it Mosque Of Jesus The Son Of Mary. The North Side Learning Center has also filed a request with the Landmark Preservation Board to remove the crosses on the steeples and grounds.  [Those who care in Syracuse should file a protest with the Preservation Board—ed]

Professor Margaret Thompson from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School says nearly 75% of refugees settling in Syracuse are Muslim and that religious freedom has been bringing immigrants to America for hundreds of years.

“Holy Trinity was founded to welcome German immigrants to Syracuse when it was originally built and now its welcoming a new cohort of immigrants,” said Thompson.

Anna Giannantomio wants everyone to have a place to worship. She immigrated from Italy as a teenager and understands the discrimination many Muslims face in America but Giannantomio wishes the church that welcomed her to the U.S. would stay a Catholic church.

“I don’t want to hurt anybody but the building should remain as it is,” said Giannantomio.

The North Side Learning Center is now making repairs to the buildings. They hope the mosque will be ready to open in June.

Syracuse refugee program is changing and we recommend if you live there you need to start researching and reporting to your local community. The Northside Learning Center is probably operating on taxpayer dollars so you have a right to demand more information about their activities.

Syracuse is a preferred resettlement site chosen by the US State Department, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) and the contractors.

New York is one of the top states with a large African and Middle Eastern Muslim population, here.  Demographic change is what it’s all about.  Once they get the population numbers almost nothing else matters.

Ironically the largest resettlement contractor, bringing the most Muslims to your towns and cities, is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Obama push for amnesty responsible for flood of “unaccompanied minors’ into US

They are coming in at the rate of 120 a day!

And, immigration lawyers stand ready to smooth their way!   Senator Jeff Sessions was right when he said it’s all over, amnesty is effectively here.

Attorney Felice Schonfeld advises two undocumented minors Denis Girón, 17, left, and Javier Girón, 14, brothers who crossed the Mexican border unaccompanied by adults and are now in South Florida seeking a green card. Photo: Miami Herald

From the Miami Herald (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’).  The story begins with the usual stars of the story and their tales of woe!

Irene Granados celebrated her 16th birthday while walking through the desert two years ago trying to reach the United States — and safety.

Brothers Javier and Denis Girón, 13 and 17, floated on a raft across the Rio Grande last year — also in a bid to reach safety.

Granados and the Girón brothers were fleeing their native Central American countries where gang violence is spreading. The three are part of a surge in unaccompanied children and teenagers flowing across the Mexican border to the United States.

Numbers, of “kids” coming alone to the US, are on the rise according to the Catholic Bishops.  We told you about the USCCB report here and reminded readers that the Bishops are making big bucks as Office of Refugee Resettlement contractors to care for some of the “kids.”

The USCCB (in their report) denied the “kids” were coming due to the lure of Obama policies; this article puts a lie to that assertion.

A report issued in November by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) showed the sharp increase. Every fiscal year between 2004 and 2011, the report said, the number of children detained by immigration authorities averaged about 6,800. But apprehensions jumped to more than 13,000 children in fiscal year 2012 and to more than 24,000 in fiscal year 2013.

Up to 120 unaccompanied youths are arriving each day, and some estimates suggest that the annual number could soon reach 60,000, according to a Feb. 21 story in the Los Angeles Times.

The “kids” expect amnesty to pass Congress and be signed into law!  Gang violence back home just the excuse!

Immigrant-rights activists say more and more unaccompanied minors are arriving for various reasons. Many are fleeing gang violence, like Granados and the Girón brothers. But children are also being sent by families who believe they could qualify for immigration reform — if Congress ever acts on it — or for President Barack Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program known as DACA.  [The article goes on to explain that the stars of this story do not qualify as “dreamers.”—ed]

If they are too old to be “dreamers,” the “kids” in this story do qualify for green cards with the help of immigration lawyers waiting to serve them!

But some of the children arriving now can qualify for a green card if it can be demonstrated in juvenile court that the child has been abandoned, abused, or neglected. By demonstrating any of those three elements, the court can issue a dependency order. When children are adjudicated as dependent, the court assumes jurisdiction over them and that qualifies them to be considered for green-card status.

Please continue reading the article because it gives a detailed account of how the “kids” get through the legal system and will likely never leave again.

Obama has put the screws to the Republicans who will not have the fortitude to deport the 120 “kids” arriving in America every day!

And, LOL! check out that Ms. Granados says she wants to be a doctor.  I would like to have a buck for every time I’ve heard an illegal alien “kid” say they want to be a doctor—could they have been coached?

Amarillo, TX: Refugee kids living in poverty, homeless, sleep in cars

A few weeks ago we reported that Amarillo, once a “welcoming” community, is now in refugee-overload and asking the federal government to give them a break and slow the flow of refugees.  Amarillo is a ‘pocket of resistance.’

Somali women learning English in Amarillo.

Now, here is a story that all Wyomingites should note, poverty is increasing in Potter County with the increase in refugees arriving there and there is a cost to the local taxpayer and a social cost to the community.

From ABC News Amarillo (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

AMARILLO, TEXAS — Over the years, Amarillo Independent School District has seen an influx of students who live in poverty, many refugees. Studies show when a child is food insecure and tired, they can’t learn. That’s why the district has employed social workers to make sure their students have basic necessities.

Sabre McLean was hired by AISD 12-years ago to work at San Jacinto and Margaret Wills Elementary when the principals at the time noticed they were spending a lot of time working on social issues with struggling families instead of educating their students.

“Amarillo has a lot of homeless families, families that sleep in cars, families that stay in shelters. And every night we have kiddos that are in those situations,” said social worker, Sabre McLean.

In fact, more than 23% of Potter County families are living in poverty, that’s according to the Census Bureau. A number that’s growing along with the refugee population. Studies show when kids are food insecure, tired, and embarrassed over worn out clothes, they’re not learning.

“When kids come in and they’re dirty, they haven’t had a good nights sleep and they’re hungry. My job is to provide those services so they can be in their chair doing their job and learning,” said McLean.

She works with the students and their families making sure they’re fed, clothed, and getting help with basic needs. But the only dollars spent AISD is on these social workers salary, everything else is donation based.

Does your community have a taxpayer-funded social worker to help poor refugee kids get through a school day?

Check this out!

I visited Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle, one of the primary contractors resettling refugees in Amarillo and they have this handy flow chart entitled, ‘Report on Refugee Resettlement in Amarillo’, which shows exactly what we have been saying for years—the program is so complex (they need a flow chart!) that the average concerned citizen of Amarillo could not possibly sort this out without spending many long hours in research.

LOL! Of course the UN is at the top of the flow chart!