As we told you the other day, the Trump Administration has closed a completely illegal program at the US State Department that was created out of thin air by Obama’s team in 2014.
Obama had taken it upon himself to simply write refugee law!
Besides the fact that youths (mostly male teens) flooding north from Central America are economic migrants and in some cases escaping violence, they are NOT refugees who must prove they were being persecuted for race, religion, political persuasion etc. to be legitimate refugees.Escaping violence is not a criteria in the internationally understood definition of a ‘refugee.’
Vasquez: Ending the program perpetuates family breakdown, never mind that the parents didn’t stay home with their children! And, the parents can go home to embrace their children at any time!
And, of course, no where in thiswhiny article at Catholic News Service does it mention that the Bishops Migration Fund is nearly 100% funded by taxpayer dollars. See here.
They NEVER mention their federal funding to take care of the “children.”
Here is Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin, head of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration:
Vasquez offered prayers for those affected.
“We continue to pray and express our support for parents who endure anxiety and emotional hardship knowing their children will continue to languish in violence; and to the children themselves, who will not be able to reunite and embrace their parents,” he said.
The next time someone says something like this in your presence ask, so if that parent was so concerned about the welfare of his or her children, why did they leave the child in a hell hole and illegally go to the US for a better life for themselves?
And, if they are so worried now they could reunite easily—in their home country.
The illegal parent here in America is responsible for reuniting his own family by going home!
It is over the issue of abortions for illegal alien teens in the care of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement that Lloyd oversees. Apparently Lloyd is not approving those abortions and the leftwingers want the young girls to have a Constitutional right to kill their babies here in America (they could go back to where they came from and kill their babies at home!).
Deer in the headlights! ORR Director Lloyd at the House hearing. He should have been ready for the harangue from three Democrat women.
I don’t know enough about Lloyd to get into this fight***, but I just want you to know what is going on.
Frankly, I don’t know how it came to be that the Office of Refugee Resettlement got so deeply involved with the care of tens of thousands of so-called ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ in the first place. They are NOT refugees! They are here illegally!
It might be because at least two ‘religious’ refugee contractors working for ORR get paid to take care of some of the ‘children’ —-US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Note the big jump in the latter’s federal funding—was it more contracts for the kids?
You can see what I said aboutLloyd trying to defend himself here at the House hearing that was supposed to be on the refugee program, but turned into an attack on Lloyd (then they didn’t have to talk about the malfunctioning US Refugee Program!).
You can read it yourself. Lloyd will have to be one tough hombre to take what the Left has aimed at him.
I’m guessing when it comes to anchor babies (as these teens’ children would be) versus abortion rights, the Left comes down on the side of the “right” to kill the babies (with your money!).
***As Director of ORR, Lloyd would normally have the refugee contractors backing him, including the Catholic ones, but on this I don’t see where even the Bishops are going to help him. I could be wrong, but they will be more worried about angering their groupies on the Left and possibly jeopardizing their federal payola. We will see.
And, if Trump wants to succeed, he needs to be putting some mean (and loyal to him) SOBs in these top jobs. Nice guys finish last as the saying goes….
We are disturbed and deeply disappointed by the proposed presidential determination number of 45,000,” said Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, who is chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops insisted that Trump admit 75,000 paying refugee clients to the US beginning October 1. But, not a word at Crux that they receive millions of tax payer dollars for their Christian charity as the largest of nine federal refugee contractors.***
During his weekly audience on September 27, Pope Francis will kick off a two-year “Share the Journey” campaign aimed to encourage Catholics to “encounter” migrants and refugees. In response, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is calling for a National Week of Prayer and Action, scheduled from October 7-13.
The new campaign is focused on providing practical ways for Catholics to break down barriers of fear and build bridges with migrants and refugees.
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the USCCB are part of a global network of organizations participating in the campaign organized by Caritas Internationalis.
Pope Francis invited the invasion of Italy:
Throughout his papacy, Francis has made the cause of refugees and migrants one of special concern to him. His first trip outside Rome as pope was a day trip to the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, where he celebrated mass to memorialize the thousands of refugees that had died there trying to reach Europe.
Pope Francis welcomes migrants to Lampedusa Italy in 2013, see what happened:
The National Week of Prayer and Action comes at a time when many leaders of the U.S. Church have clashed with the Trump administration over its policies toward migrants and refugees.
Earlier this month, the administration announced that it would be ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program known as DACA, which provides protection from deportation for qualified immigrants. This decision prompted widespread outrage among members of the U.S. church hierarchy.
In the coming days, the president is also expected to set a ceiling on the number of refugees the U.S. will accept. Administration officials have suggested a limit of 50,000, while the USCCB is advocating for at least 75,000 to be welcomed.
(This story was posted at Crux before the final decision was announced. We know now that Trump came in at 45,000.)
Trump’s 45,000 capon refugees has the Bishops hopping mad, see here. (Not a word there either that the number admitted will affect the Bishop’s bottom line!)
***The UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed as long as these nine federal contractors are allowed to accept federal funds and then lobby and otherwise community organize in order to keep the taxpayer-funded gravy train rolling.
Yesterday I said that it is time for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to add one important detail to every press release or news story where they lecture us (or Donald Trump) about humanitarianism, about social justice, about “welcoming the stranger.”
That important missing piece of information is how much of your money (not freely given) goes to them directly from the US Treasury.
Thanks to reader Joanne for pointing us to recent audited financial reports for the Bishops, here. And, specifically the most recent oneavailable.
As you look at the numbers, don’t miss the millions going to the Bishops for the Unaccompanied Alien Children!
For fun I went back to the 2010 report for comparison. Wow!
During Obama’s time in office they went from $58 million to $95 million!
You need to know too, that individual Catholic Charities (usually through the local diocese) are also getting money separately from the feds for many activities. Use USASpending.govto research your local “charities.”
As we have said repeatedly: refugee resettlement is a business!
In 2013 the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (57 Muslim countries), which has a powerful UN presence, wanted to open an office in Burma to ‘aid’ the Rohingya. Here fearless Buddhist monks said ‘no way.’ Read those signs!
Maybe you haven’t noticed yet, but Syrian refugees are last years’ refugee poster children.
Now the media is moving on to the Rohingya (click here for what I think is the best pronunciation). Everywhere I turn there is media coverage of the Burmese Buddhist government attempting to limit the expansion and disruptive influence of its Muslim minority population.
I want to move on to other topics this morning, so I can’t possibly fill you in on ten years of posts I’ve written (203 so far) on the Rohingya problem. Someone should write a book and I’ve done a lot of research for wannabe authors in my category called Rohingya Reports, here.
But, I want you to know this morning that the strife in Burma (aka Myanmar) with the Muslim Rohingya (fleeing to Bangladesh, a Muslim country) is being placed front and center at the UN just as President Trump speaks there today.
Hereis Amnesty Internationaltaking its whack. Surprisingly, there is one little line in this article that you don’t usually see as most reports depict the Rohingya as pure as the driven snow. And, of course, it is ALL Trump’s fault!
“The USA’s policy towards refugees has to be viewed in a global context. In the shadow of Trump’s cruel policies, other countries around the world have continued to dehumanize refugees and turn their backs on them,” said Salil Shetty.
Salil Shetty: “…Trump’s cruel policies…”
“Whether it’s the EU condemning refugees to abuse and exploitation at the hands of criminal gangs in Libya, or Australia subjecting refugees to severe physical and psychological damage in its offshore detention centers, rich countries have contributed substantially to the alarming deterioration of refugee rights.
“It is against this backdrop of governments’ callous treatment of people fleeing conflict and violence that the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis is unfolding before our eyes in Bangladesh.”
Bangladesh is a Muslim country and most Burmese believe the Rohingya are just a Bangladeshi ethnic group that illegally inserted itself in Burma decades ago.
Trump is getting an earful in New York this week, but he likely will never be told about the last few words in this paragraph….
World leaders gathering in New York for this year’s UN General Assembly are expected to discuss the spiraling situation in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, from where the long-persecuted Rohingya population have been forced to flee because of an unlawful and totally disproportionate military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.
Gotta give Amnesty a little credit, they are at least reporting that the Rohingya have been agitators of recent waves of violence.
You need to know! This is not about some far off Asian country!
We have admitted 19,110 Burmese Muslims to the US since FY07 (according to Wrapsnet).
One of the contractors welcoming the devout Rohingya to your towns and cities is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. See my story, here, in 2013.