Rutland Board of Aldermen to vote Tuesday on allowing refugee referendum on ballot

The citizens of Rutland, VT who have expressed anger at their mayor for secretly working with a federal refugee resettlement contractor to bring 100 Syrians to the small city, have been busy.  They garnered enough signatures on a petition to put the issue on the ballot, but the Mayor and Board of Alderman will have the final say (this Tuesday) on whether it can be put before the voters.
(Of course the feds can shove the refugees down their throats anyway, but that is besides the point!)

Matt Bloomer
Rutland City Alderman Matt Bloomer frets in an op-ed about the really tough decision he has to make on Tuesday. Oh well, isn’t that what leaders have to do—make tough decisions!

Not unlike the issue surrounding resettlement of refugees in Twin Falls, Idaho where the controversy has been swirling for years (by the way, it is the same federal contractor making $$$ on a per head basis in Vermont and Idaho—US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants), the citizens in both places are demanding full public debate on the “plans” for the new (Rutland) or continued (Twin Falls) resettlement of third worlders to their communities.
But, therein lies the rub, the feds and their contractors have no plans as such. In Athens, GA in 2014 the Democratic Mayor said give me a plan—-where will the refugees work, and live?  Does Athens have adequate subsidized housing, can our schools handle large numbers of illiterate children?  How about our health department, is it ready for communicable diseases and parasites not often seen in American cities?
In other words, she was asking for the feds and the contractor to essentially prepare an economic and social impact statement before giving a green light to the arrival of refugees.
I don’t know if things have changed since I learned this past April that Athens still has no resettlement office. Why? My guess is that the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement(in HHS) don’t want to set a precedent and prepare a plan (with public hearings etc.) because secrecy has worked so well for the last 30 plus years to slip refugees into unsuspecting towns, why change anything now!
Sorry to go on so long. To catch up on Rutland, go here  and here. Don’t forget our previous post on Tuberculosis in Vermont.  Our previous posts on Rutland are here.

A vote on refugees would screw-up the “positive narrative about our county.”

Then see where one Alderman (Matt Bloomer a Rutland Young Professional) says he plans to vote against placing a referendum on the ballot, here.  His biggest fear isn’t who might come into Rutland, what poverty or diseases they might bring in, whether the town could afford the costs necessary to educate the refugee children, whether there are security worries or increased crime, etc.
He is worried that, by simply voting, Rutland might get a bad reputation!


People from around the state and country will be left with the perception that we are a closed and unfeeling community, rather than the welcoming and compassionate community that we actually are.

These misconceptions would be spread at a time when many dedicated people have worked hard to build positive momentum for our community. They would be spread at a time when we’ve recognized the need to proactively recruit people and businesses in order to sustain the size of our community and the quality of life we enjoy. Rutland County legislators from both sides of the aisle have told us that these misconceptions would set back their successful efforts in creating a positive narrative in Montpelier about our county.

Readers ask me all the time what can they do to stop this.  You can be sure Washington isn’t going to help you. Besides what you are already doing—demanding transparency and thoughtful deliberation—I’ve come to the conclusion that as much as you don’t want to do it, you will have to change your local elected officials, maybe run for public office yourself.  Even if you can’t win the first time, you will help raise the issue before voters.
Endnote: Has USCRI ever given the Mayor and Aldermen the R & P Abstract which they surely prepared for the US State Department?  Just wondering! (See the one they prepared for Reno, here. There is one for Rutland!).

Vermont Health Dept. hiding data on active TB cases in refugee population there had to use public information request laws to try to get the information, but the effort by the Health Dept. to not answer the request is revealing and perhaps worse than just biting the bullet and supplying the information!

The public everywhere is sick of the secrecy surrounding the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and this is one more reason why!

patrick Leahy
The buck stops with Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy who has been one of the chief architects and ardent supporters of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for decades in Washington.

By the way, we have known for years that refugees were permitted entry into the US with latent TB.  In fact in our early months writing this blog in 2007, we were stunned to learn about how the large number of TB cases among refugees in Fort Wayne, Indiana were swamping the Allen County Health Dept.  However, we, like you, are shocked now to learn that refugees with ACTIVE TB are being permitted entry and quietly treated with your tax dollars.
Here is the latest on the Tuberculosis controversy in Vermont (hat tip: Joanne):

BURLINGTON, Vt. — Epidemiologists at the Vermont Department of Health are concealing the number of refugees with contagious active tuberculosis nearly a month after Watchdog reported that more than one-third of Vermont’s resettled refugees test positive for TB.

Earlier this month, Watchdog revealed that 35 percent of Vermont’s incoming refugees in the past four years tested positive for tuberculosis. How many of those cases are contagious and symptomatic, however, remains a secret, as state epidemiologists and top officials at the Health Department have spent weeks blocking efforts to obtain the data.

Refugees brought to the United States take TB tests as part of comprehensive health screening. For refugees resettled in Vermont, the Department of Health’s Refugee Health Program monitors test results and treats patients who have active TB disease. Unlike latent tuberculosis infection, active TB disease is contagious, symptomatic and even deadly.

According to documents obtained through a public records request, the evasions began May 27, when Watchdog contacted the Health Department to learn how many refugees tested positive for TB in recent years. The inquiry sparked private meetings among state epidemiologists, public health nurses and office staff, who proceeded to conceal the number of contagious active TB disease cases brought to Vermont through the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program.

Continue reading here to see the degree to which these health officials charged (presumably) with keeping all Vermonters safe and healthy are attempting to hide data on active TB in the state.

What has done here is a model for what you should be doing where you live, not just on the subject of refugee health, but also investigate who is pushing resettlement and why among your elected officials (Twin Falls!) and expose them!  Find out who is benefiting FINANCIALLY in your town or city!

See our ‘health issues’ category by clicking here.  We have hundreds of posts there on issues of immigrant and refugee health (including the refugee mental health treatment you pay for).

Lack of transparency got citizens steamed in Rutland, VT in the first place

Vermont citizens, who are not happy that they were blindsided by their mayor who quietly invited 100 Syrians to resettle in the small city, have succeeded in getting enough signatures on a petition to bring the issue before voters…but get this!
The mayor says he isn’t sure he will put it on the ballot!  I don’t know enough about Vermont election laws, but I do know a bit about the secrecy surrounding refugee resettlement in almost any city in America where refugees are resettled or where the feds are targeting next, and I know that time and time again arrogant politicians thumb their noses at voters (at their peril!) and that the paid federal contractors sneak refugees into towns with only refugee advocates in on the plan.

Vermont meeting
Stacie Blake (right) representing the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (the major federal refugee contractor working in VT) attempts to place blame on citizens with concerns—that they are sending an ‘unwelcoming’ message to immigrants. This is however, your fault Ms. Blake because your organization chose to proceed with this plan and willfully kept information from citizens for months! It is about secrecy coming from Washington, not about the refugees themselves!

For background for new readers, visit our previous posts on the escalating controversy in Rutland, VT by clicking here.
From WAMC Public Radio:

Some residents in the city of Rutland were blindsided when the mayor and the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program announced in April that 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees would be coming to the city in October. Now, a petition seeking to put the issue before voters has been validated.

Concerned citizens have appeared repeatedly before the Board of Aldermen seeking information on the resettlement plan. But little information has been made public. A group called Rutland First circulated a petition and collected more than 1,200 signatures asking the mayor and Board of Aldermen to put a proposition before the voters.


Despite the demand that the refugee resettlement plan be placed before city voters, Mayor Christopher Louras has been quoted that he’s “not inclined at this time to put it on the ballot.” Calls to the mayor were not returned.

Continue reading here.
Have you been noticing a trend?  Small town newspapers (owned by big media corporations) are skewing stories to put concerned citizens in the worst light, while there appears to be some efforts still going on at TV and radio stations to give a more balanced report on the latest news about immigration/refugees.
For new readers, find out if your town is already getting refugees by clicking here.
The following cities are ones that are newly targeted.  There could be many more, but these are the ones we have reported on so far (in addition to Rutland): Reno, NV, Ithaca, NY, Missoula, MT, Charleston, WV, and Fayetteville, AR.  Again, I believe there are dozens more. Let me know if you suspect something is up where you live!

Rutland, VT refugee plan kept secret from the public, only a few business people in on it

This is a long article at Seven Days all about the mayor on the hotseat in Rutland, VT.  If you are following the story closely you might want to wade through the whole thing, but below are some snips that jumped out at me.

Rutland’s Mayor Louras is looking to bring cheap labor to the city. Get over the idea that this is all about humanitarianism.

I’m particularly interested this morning in two important points you should consider as your town is targeted and this article tells us about both.

First, the US State Department and its contractors operate in SECRECY! They don’t want the public to know what they are planning until they have literally brought in the first families. Why? Because they know that they can’t sell it to communities when the people know the facts!
Secondly, don’t get bogged down in the ‘humanitarian mushy stuff!’ Resettlement is largely driven by those who have a financial interest in cheap labor, landlords looking to fill their apartments, and members of Chambers of Commerce looking to sell used cars (etc.) to the new consumers.
Federal welfare follows the refugees and thus more welfare dollars enter the local economy. Remember when Nancy Pelosi famously said that food stamps grow the economy! (Nevermind that you are paying for it!).
From Seven Days: Wade through many column inches telling us about Mayor Chris Louras (will he fall on his sword for 100 Syrians?).
(Emphasis below is mine.)
Then here is how Louras sees himself:

Concluding that he’s a “technocrat, not a politician,” he returned to Rutland and rebranded himself as a nonpartisan fixer.

For new readers here is some of the background:

This year, there will be an estimated 60 million refugees and displaced people worldwide. The United States has agreed to take in 85,000, including 10,000 Syrians, though the country has fallen behind on its schedule to fulfill that pledge. VRRP, the organization tasked [stop the BS, not tasked, they are paid by the head!—ed] by the U.S. Department of State with settling refugees in the state, usually accepts 300 refugees a year. With the crisis in war-torn Syria, which has prompted millions of displaced people to flee to Europe, the VRRP is upping that number to 400.

It has quietly funneled most refugees who arrived in Vermont — Bosnians, Somalians, Bhutanese, Congolese, Burmese and Iraqis — to Burlington and Winooski. Burlington’s Old North End is full of restaurants and shops opened by refugees. More than 30 languages are spoken in Winooski, and more than 40 percent of Winooski High School students were born outside the U.S.

But the resettlement agency has long wanted to open up a second refugee hub in Vermont to be able to serve more people.

Last November, after the Paris terrorist attacks, several Republican governors across the country declared they would not welcome refugees fleeing Syria into their states, citing concerns about possible terrorist infiltration. Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin was among the first to declare that his state would welcome the Syrians.

Soon afterward, officials from Middlebury, Woodstock, Warren, Waitsfield, Brattleboro, Bennington and other communities reached out to VRRP, offering to help. Louras got in line.

The organization knew little about Rutland, and had never considered the city as a possible destination, director Amila Merdzanovic said.

In Rutland, refugees can do the dirty, grungy jobs:

“There’s a potential workforce here, not unlike lots of places, that isn’t interested in the sort of grungy, dirty, hardworking, entry-level jobs that are the sort of thing you will do because you’re glad for a fresh start,” said Notte. [ Board of Alderman President William Notte]

Vermont refugee contractor, Amila Merdzanovic (left) with VT Senator Patrick Leahy one of the leading US Senators in support of more Muslim refugee resettlement in the US. We have a lot on Leahy here at RRW. This is just one post for your review:

Huebner [Tom Huebner, president of Rutland Regional Medical Center] said he has 120 vacancies at Rutland Regional Medical Center, from entry-level housekeepers and cleaners to nurses and technicians. [I guarantee there will be no nurses and technicians ready to go to work in the ‘refugee’ flow coming from the Middle East and Africa—ed]

“Ask any employer in town. They’d say their greatest problem is finding enough workers,” Huebner said. “When these folks start coming into our community … we’d love to work with them. We’ll see what skills they bring, but even if they don’t have English yet and don’t have health care skills, we would still work with them.”

With so many employers promising jobs, Rutland became Merdzanovic’s top choice. “And there’s ample housing,” she added, in contrast to the real estate markets in Burlington and Winooski. [We’ve been telling you that housing is a primary limiting factor in finding ‘welcoming’ towns—ed]

The ‘non-partisan fixer’ mayor didn’t tell the public (only a few business leaders!) what he was doing as he held private meetings and conversations with the federal resettlement contractor.  So much for the humanitarian mush. If this were all about welcoming the poor war refugees to town, wouldn’t he have included the do-gooder community from the beginning?
His actions also indicate he has zero concerns for the security of his constituents.  It is all about the money!
Seven Days continues:

It’s a moving message, but Louras didn’t think it would play well with the public. He told Notte and a few local business leaders about the refugees but left the rest of the board, along with the city’s legislative delegation and his constituents, in the dark.

Emails from a public records request show Louras and Merdzanovic considered announcing it but nixed the idea.

They engaged in secrecy for one simple reason — they feared that involving the public sooner would derail the effort. VRRP never announces refugee arrivals in Burlington or Winooski.

Continue reading here where (near the end) Louras takes a whack at Jim Simpson.

Then don’t miss Simpson’s Breitbart article on Rutland and Louras’s secrecy, here.

See our previous posts on Rutland here.

Rutland, VT expert on mixed drinks weighs in on RRW and opposition to Syrian refugee resettlement

I had a good laugh last night when I spotted this piece on Rutland that is your classic Leftwing tactic to smear the critics (with the racist, Islamophobic label) and divide the local critics of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program from the national movement (pockets of resistance***) by smearing yours truly and Jim Simpson at the Center for Security Policy.

Jim Sabataso
Rutland writer, guitarist, mixed-drink expert, Jim Sabataso says his “soul hurts” when he reads about criticism of the refugee admissions program of the UN/US State Department.

First here (at the Times Argus) is what the poor baby who felt he had to take a shower (after reading their facebook pages) says of the local groups in opposition to Syrian resettlement for Rutland:

This week, against my better judgment, I decided to wade into the muck to explore what those opposed to Syrian refugee resettlement in Rutland are saying on social media. I say muck, because, holy hell, my curious clicking took me to a dark, dark corner of the local Facebook community.

Opponents to resettlement have expressed consternation about being painted as uneducated bigots. While I understand the frustration of those who feel that they are being unfairly characterized as intolerant for their dissent — indeed, some folks have managed to express their opposition intelligently and eloquently — it’s hard not to draw that conclusion based on the rhetoric coming out of that camp.

Hosting extremist speakers such as James Simpson to discuss, as the Rutland Herald put it, “the coming plague of sex crimes, diseases such as latent tuberculosis and mosques led by radical imams preaching jihad,” makes it difficult not to paint the opposition as paranoid and dangerously misinformed. When the individual spearheading the effort to put the refugee issue to a city-wide vote suggests that Muslim lives are not as valuable as those of Christians, it’s hard not to dismiss the whole group as narrow-minded, Islamophobic bigots.

Besides Simpson, who the mayor calls the leader of a hate group and champion of “pockets of resistance” herelocal musician, writer and self-proclaimed mixed drink (alcoholic beverage) expert Jim Sabataso weighs in on Refugee Resettlement Watch as a hate group leader having an unduly large influence on the local people suggesting that they don’t have intelligence of their own to sort through the facts and make judgments about what is good for their own community.

Refugee Resettlement Watch: Founded by Ann Corcoran, a major voice in the anti-refugee, anti-Muslim community. The blog is also monitored by the SPLC for its extremist content.

I love it actually!  For eight or so, of the nearly 9 years, I’ve been writing about this issue, I was looking forward to the day I would be “monitored” by the SPLC because if they were truly monitoring my work they might learn something. They might learn that refugees are exploited for cheap labor and that Chambers of Commerce want refugees to buy used cars and rent Section 8 housing.
Clearly young Jim Sabataso hasn’t read many of the 7,623 posts we have written or he wouldn’t be telling local concerned citizens to stay away from RRW.
All of the issues he mentions below have been reported at RRW for nearly 9 years.  These are the primary issues we report here every day!

So there you have it. Absent from these two groups is any substantial or grounded discussion of issues of government transparency, employment, housing, education, economic impacts or support for veterans and homeless Vermonters — issues, which those in opposition have said are at the root of their dissent. “We need to look out for our own first” has been a common rallying cry, but that talking point was nowhere to be found in my search. If those opposed to refugee resettlement in Rutland want to be taken seriously and not dismissed as ignorant bigots, they best reconsider the company they keep.

Here is what young Jim, writer/bartender/cocktail explorer (he plays guitar for money!), newly-minted expert on refugee resettlement, said on twitter a few days ago:

I just spent the last three hours reading through Rutland’s anti-refugee Facebook groups. I need a shower. Also, my soul hurts.

Continue reading here about what the sensitive soul, Jim, has to say about us.  Having read some of his other work, he does have a fear of “dark” places.  And, by the way, I probably have now read more of Jim’s work than he has of mine (yet he describes RRW as a hate group).
A couple of related nuggets:
Be sure to read the supposed news article from the Rutland Herald last week that reads like an op-ed and also mentions the haters and extremists at RRW and the Center for Security Policy.

The article scoffs at the notion that tuberculosis could come in with the refugees, but guess what?  It is already in Vermont as we learned here this morning from the media expert (Michael Patrick Leahy) on TB in refugee populations in the US.  

Go here for our ‘Health issues’ category (300 posts) for all of the recent shocking news about ACTIVE TB in US refugees.
*** The ‘pockets of resistance’ label was originally used by the federal government to help create a propaganda campaign (the ORR actually hired a contractor to create the campaign) against any community that might question the placement of large numbers of refugees secretly in to their towns and cities. We first heard about it from federal officials in PA in 2013.  The three ‘pockets’ the feds named at that time were in New Hampshire, Tennessee and Georgia. Some of us liked the label and now there are dozens and dozens of ‘pockets of resistance’ that have grown up spontaneously throughout the US.  Welcome Rutland, VT!