Crooks, thieves and fraudsters: You will never be told their immigration status

I get questions almost daily from readers who would like statistics on immigrant criminals, specifically they want data on crimes committed by refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied alien children, other legals and illegals.  As far as I know, no such data is available to the public and I doubt it is being maintained by law enforcement either.

In the case of convicted murderer Esar Met, the Salt Lake Tribune actually did a lot of work sorting out how he came to America as a refugee.

Only in extreme cases, like the murder of that poor Muslim girl in Virginia will anyone report immigration status and in that case, although local media reported the alleged killer’s status, most mainstream media did not.  Look, even the Washington Post (motto ‘Democracy dies in darkness’, no joke!) in this article called the alleged killer a “construction worker” without mentioning his illegal presence in the country.
So, although the media might name the perps, you are left to guess by their names how they might be here. Rarely ever do you hear about their immigration status.
This could be a great area for reform! The Trump Administration could go on the offense and send some legislative proposals to the Hill—require immigration status in arrest reports available to the public!

Let’s find out which avenues (legal and illegal) are available for criminals to enter the US.

What got me thinking about this today is this article from last month about convenience store fraud arrests.
Here is the story (’35 St. Louis-area convenience store owners indicted following federal raids‘)  (hat tip: Judy) and here (below) are the names of those indicted.
Wouldn’t you love to know which of our immigration programs ‘welcomed’ them to America!  If we knew which programs were responsible for the most crooks and criminals maybe we could eliminate that method of entry to the US!

The list of defendants include:

Mohammed Almuttan, aka Abu Ali, 35, St. Louis, MO

Rami Almuttan, aka Abu Louay, 33, St. Louis, MO

Hisham Mutan, aka Abu Mohamed, 41, St. Louis, MO

Saddam Mutan, aka Abu Ali, 24, St. Louis, MO

Mazin Abdelsalam, aka Abu Mohammad, 38, St. Louis, MO

Najeh Muhana, aka Abu Yazan, 41, Fairview, NJ

Fares Muhana, aka Abu Yamama, 40, Cliffside Park, NJ

Ayoub Qaiymah, aka Abu Faysal, 23, Richmond, VA

Naser Abid, 23, Chicago, IL

Yadgar Barzanji, aka Abu Siver, 47, St. Louis, MO

Wafaa Alwan, 50, St. Louis, MO

Ahmed Abuali, aka Bazilla, 31, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammed Kayed, aka Mohammed Fayez, 21, Clifton, NJ

Momen Abuali, 20, Little Ferry, NJ

Firat Sevindik, 42, Cliffside Park, NJ

Mohammed Mustafa, 30, North Bergen, NJ

Mohammad Karashqah, Abu Yazid, 47, North Bergen, NJ

Fayez Sheikha, 46, Mishawaka, IN

Jihad Shihadeh, Abu Malik, 58, Chicago Ridge, IL

Ismael Abadi, 57, Carol Stream, IL

Abed Hamed, Abed Fawzan, 39, Greenville, NC

Maher Hamed, Abu Alazara, 33, Swansea, IL

Abdel Adi, 25, Oak Lawn, IL

Muhanad Khatib, Abu Alamin, 36, Chicago, IL

Eyad Awad, 38, Chicago, IL

Dale Garbin, 60, Kankakee, IL

Hayder Al Fatli, 40, St. Louis, MO

Kutlay Guvener, 35, Chicago, IL

Saad Al Mallak, 30, Dittmer, MO

Hassan Abdelatif, 29, Collinsville, IL

Mahajir Naz, 32, St. Louis, MO

Talal Abuajaj, 23, St. Louis, MO

Basem Hamdan, aka Abu Ramiz, 57, St. Louis, MO

Zainal Saleh, 29, St. Louis, MO and

Ibrahim Awad, 39, St. Louis, MO

So, next question! If found guilty, will any deported?

Call your member of Congress/Senators to put brakes on refugee resettlement program

Thanks to reader Denise for making a very cool flyer to remind you to call your Washington representatives to counter the lobbying campaign by the refugee industry this week.  They are ginning-up thousands of calls to Congress in advance of World Refugee Day tomorrow.

This is a very handy way to get the phone numbers for your representatives.  I just tried it, and in addition to my reps in Washington, I received phone numbers for my state reps too!
Post is filed in ‘What can you do’ because you asked!

117 Leftwing groups/refugee contractors oppose bill to BEGIN to reform refugee program

I haven’t said much about this bill re-introduced in Congress last week mostly because it doesn’t go far enough to really reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
In my view anything that leaves the United Nations choosing our refugees and the non-profit ‘religious’ (and secular) charities being paid by the head to place those third world people secretly into unsuspecting towns and cities doesn’t go far enough.

U.S. Reps. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., reintroduced the Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act on Thursday. Source:

The financial incentive (that per head payment) to unelected non-profit groups (who then lobby Congress) for more and more paying clients (aka refugees) must be completely abolished.
Halfway measures, as this bill represents, if it ever even got through Congress and to the President’s desk would take away any incentive for abolishing the Refugee Act of 1980 and rewriting the whole thing, so I’m not a believer in taking the ‘first steps’ as I am sure the advocates of this bill are calling it.
Read the text yourself, here, there are some bones thrown to states/communities to have some say in whether they will ‘welcome’ refugees or not, and there is some effort made to get at the fraud that we know is rampant overseas.
The only hope for real reform is if the Trump Administration has the guts to send a determination of ZERO (refugees) in September for FY18 with the proviso that Congress undertake total reform of our refugee admissions policy before any more are admitted!

President Trump or Congress won’t have guts unless you bombard them!

That is what the well-organized and well-financed Open Borders crowd does all the time! See here…..
Here is what the contractors*** and the Leftwing/social justice crowd are telling Congress about HR. 2826:

“….it would remove presidential authority to set the number of refugees who may enter the country per year.”

That last line of my screenshot (of a portion of the letter) made me laugh.  So, they are worried about the President losing his authority to set the CEILING—any President other than Donald Trump I presume! So far they have made it clear that Trump is not permitted to have that power!

Quick! tell the Supreme Court! They are admitting that the President  has the authority to set the number to be admitted to the US each year!

The letter continues…
Then here (below) are the groups that signed it.  If you are involved in any of these groups/churches etc. let them know what you think. 
Many of the federal contractors paid to place refugees in your towns are on this letter.  The Ethiopian Community Development Council is not here nor is World Relief. Episcopal Migration Ministries is represented by the Episcopal Church (we learned here the other day that they are one and the same).
Also not here is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. I have noticed lately that they aren’t signing on to this type of joint political letter.  Maybe you have gotten to them through your parishes?
LOL! You can tell how far Left this list is by the fact that SEIU signed it!

This post is filed in my relatively new category ‘what you can do’ in response to so many readers asking the question.
You can bombard your member of Congress, your US Senators, and the White House about what you think should be done about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Then tell your church leaders what you think if your church signed on to this letter in your name!
*** This is the list of the nine federal contractors being paid by the head to place refugees in towns across America. Those in red below signed this letter of opposition to the House Judiciary Committee.

If you want to (really) do something? Call your Member of Congress!

Tell him or her that you want the Refugee Act of 1980 scrapped and the program defunded because it has been a boondoggle for supposed ‘religious’ charities who secretly place refugees (chosen first by the United Nations) in your towns while their salaries/offices/travel and lobbying you pay for with your tax dollars!
They spend your money while putting your security in jeopardy!

President Trump can’t protect you all by himself. You need to let Congress know that the UN/US Refugee Admissions program must be defunded!

Every day I get comments and e-mails from readers with a plea—tell me what I can do!

I’ve told you this before many times—you must make your members of Congress lives miserable no matter who they are—Left, Right or Center!
Clearly Donald Trump can’t do this alone!  It is Congress that must change the law and it is Congress that appropriates the money.
And, I don’t want to hear you say—they don’t listen!  Enough of you obviously aren’t demanding that they listen.

Guess who knows the value of Congress—-the refugee industry lobbyists and the contractors spending your money! They are all calling Congress this week because they get it!

World Refugee Day is June 20th and in advance of that the industry has gone into high gear with a grassroots lobbying campaign—-“stand with refugees” is a euphemism for give us more money to move more third world poverty to American towns!

See the e-mail I just received (below). Before you read it, I must emphasize that one call from you won’t change a thing, you need to call again and again.  Stand outside their district offices too if necessary, visit their offices in Washington, DC—make  your presence known!
This is what the refugee contracting industry is telling their members to do (probably by the tens of thousands), so you need to make sure Congress hears your side of the story too! This is from World Relief (Evangelicals!)….

Very organized aren’t they!


Starting today, and every day this week, make a phone call to your Member of Congress to tell them that you want the United States to be a welcoming country for refugees.
We’ve made it easy for you to join us:

  1. Call 1-844-4STAND5 (1-844-478-2635) to connect to your Members of Congress. Please call this number three times to connect to your two Senators and Representative. Tell them you want the U.S. to be a welcoming country for refugees.
  2. Ask your friends and your family to join in calling this week!
  3. Check out and share these videos of Hillsong United, Ann Voskamp, Jeremy Courtney and others asking us to call to stand with refugees.

We hope you join the movement and get your friends to do the same!


This post is filed in my ‘What can you do’ category, here.  I’ll soon be posting more ideas on what you can and MUST do!

Pipeline disruption? LA Times adds a bit more information to the Trump refugee admission reversal

Go here to see what the LA Times is reporting about the stunning reversal on Thursday by the Trump State Department on refugee admissions where we learned that by September 30th we could see 70,000 refugees admitted to the US, in a year Trump initially said we would see a MORATORIUM. 70,000 is a number higher than five of Obama’s eight years!

Worried about not enough paying ‘clients’ in the pipeline to America! See how much of your money they get here:

Be sure to take note that it is Congress that is shoving money (your money) for refugees down the throats of the Administration.  I contend that the Administration has the power (but no will!) to reject it and tell Congress to rescind it (but that is a story for another day).
This is the bit of the LA Times story I wanted you to see. The refugee resettlement contractors are complaining that the “pipeline” abroad has been so severely interrupted that they might not get even 50,000 in FY18. Only urgent cases are being interviewed! Isn’t that what should be done?  Why are US taxpayers responsible for non-urgent cases?

“I worry the damage has been done internationally,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service. “Agencies that do refugee processing have been so severely cut [including] staff laid off that even if the money is made available, it will take time.”


Experts are also concerned about the near-complete halt in interviews and screenings by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security, which is required for refugees to complete the application process.

“Only people with urgent cases are being screened and interviewed,” Kekic said. “Unless we continue to add people to the pipeline, we aren’t certain if we will be able to even meet the level of 50,000 refugees entering the U.S. for fiscal year 2018.”

There is more here.

This entire system of refugee resettlement set up by the Refugee Act of 1980 should be scrapped.  Contractors like Kekic’s Church World Service are worried because they are paid by the head and must build their entire budgets (since it is largely funded by you) around the number of refugee clients in a “pipeline” to America.

There is never any incentive to moderate the flow when nine contractors are ‘bidding for bodies!’

My disappointment at the news, that Trump’s State Department has apparently caved to pressure and is opening the spigot wide for the remainder of the fiscal year, is primarily because this move signals that the Administration has no plans to lead a reform of the program in Congress.
Congress is never going to review, in any serious way, the program and change it significantly without leadership from the White House.
What can the White House do? The White House could have continued on its earlier course. A MORATORIUM placed on the program would be a strong incentive for Congress to finally, after 35 years, review the original law and scrap or re-write it.
And, remember this in the first EO, see here?

It is Section 5 (g):

(g) It is the policy of the executive branch that, to the extent permitted by law and as practicable, State and local jurisdictions be granted a role in the process of determining the placement or settlement in their jurisdictions of aliens eligible to be admitted to the United States as refugees. To that end, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall examine existing law to determine the extent to which, consistent with applicable law, State and local jurisdictions may have greater involvement in the process of determining the placement or resettlement of refugees in their jurisdictions, and shall devise a proposal to lawfully promote such involvement.

There is no longer any mention of impact on communities, states rights, cost to taxpayers, public health concerns, crime, security concerns, transparency, nothing!—nothing that motivated voters to work their butts off for Trump.
Sadly, we have been dragged into a debate framed solely on numbers.  Will it be 50,000, 60,000, 75,000, 100,000, more?