He did it! President Donald Trump signed the executive order on refugees


I happened to catch him signing as I came in just before 5 p.m. today.  But, will have to wait for the exact details of the order’s text.
***Update January 28th*** Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart reported late last night about the details of the Executive Order, click here. Here is the language.
We believe it includes a 120-day moratorium, a cap on refugee resettlement for this fiscal year at 50,000 and some kind of inter-agency directive to improve the vetting process (the so-called extreme vetting).  Earlier today we pointed out that 50,000 was not that great a reduction, here.

Now the ball must be placed in Congress’ court!

Every effort must be made in those 120 days to pressure Congress to begin to reform the entire Refugee Admissions Program.
I suspect many members of Congress gave a sigh of relief that Donald Trump was going to take the heat (and oh, there will be heat, more on that later), so they can pretend something is being done and THEY DON’T HAVE TO DO IT.
Trump has taken the monkey off their backs, you must put it right back on!
I’m telling you that if the law is not changed we will be back to square one come the end of May!  The President’s pen and phone can only do so much. The next President can undo it all, if the law is not rewritten.
So Trump should threaten to extend that moratorium unless Congress begins the hard work of reevaluating and ultimately rewriting the Refugee Act of 1980.
And, if there are any brave Senators or Members of Congress willing to take the lead, that legislator should hold field hearings around the country to hear directly from citizens about the impact more immigrant labor is having on local workers, to hear about the economic challenges local and state governments are facing, and to assess the cultural upheaval communities are experiencing.

Do not stop doing whatever you are doing in your pockets of resistance, but make sure everything you do gets to the ears of your member of Congress and US Senators.

See our complete Trump Watch! archive here.

The Africans are coming! Close the border Donald!

Invasion of America news…..

Since when did Obamacare become President-elect Donald Trump’s #1 priority? That is all I hear now from the media.
Tens of thousands of people did not stand for hours in all sorts of weather to hear Trump talk about Obamacare. They came primarily because he said he would build the wall and stop immigration from terror-exporting countries!
We must secure our border with Mexico NOW!
Look at this article from the Saudi Gazette, and see how Mexico is facilitating African illegal aliens’ passage to our border:

As Europe tightens its borders to stem the influx of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, Hassan [the Somali star of this story.—ed] is part of a growing surge of people from African nations seeking new routes to flee poverty, war and persecution.

Tapachula is on the border of Mexico and Guatemala.

Hassan had paid a human smuggler $1,000 to guide him overland through Central America to reach Mexico in the hope of crossing into the United States.


The routes to Europe have become more difficult, said Claudette Walls, head of the field office for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mexico’s city of Tapachula.

“What’s happening in the Mediterranean is that it’s becoming more and more hazardous and difficult to take that route,” Walls said.

“Through Latin America coming all the way up to Mexico and then on to the U.S. has become another route,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Claudette Walls: It is getting harder to get into Europe so they are headed to the US through Mexico.

Many migrants from Africa fly to Ecuador and Brazil where few visa restrictions allow an easy point of entry into the Americas.


Immigration officials first noticed African migrants arriving in Mexico in 2013, when around six trickled in a day, mainly through Tapachula along Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala.

Hundreds now turn up every day. Last year between 150 to 700 African migrants arrived per day at Tapachula – with a total of 19,000 migrants arriving from Africa and Haiti in 2016 – according to Mexican government figures.

Mexico gives the invader a 20-day pass in order to cross Mexico and reach the US border!

With few diplomatic ties with African nations, it is difficult for the Mexican authorities to deport illegal migrants from Africa home.

As a result, many African migrants are given a temporary transit permit, giving them 20 days to leave Mexico. In practice this allows them to continue their journey towards the United States border without being detained by immigration officials.

The article is written in such a way as to make us feel sympathy for the aliens just because their trip was so difficult. A difficult trip does not transform an illegal alien into a ‘refugee.’

But, who is paying these supposedly impoverished Africans to make the trip! Hassan spent $10,000 to get to our border!

Hassan reached Mexico in December, after a four month journey that included a flight from Somalia to Brazil, and then across seven countries on bus, boat and foot. He has spent $10,000 so far, hiding dollar bills in his underwear and socks.

Continue reading here for more details.
We admit thousands of Somalis each year through the legal refugee process (which of course should be stopped). Why aren’t they in the legal flow to your towns? We can only assume there is something very undesirable about them!
Five years ago, in 2011, we urged Congress to investigate who is paying for and helping Africans and others from places like the Middle East reach our US border where they then meet up with immigration lawyers and begin the asylum process.
Europe made a huge mistake by not stopping the invasion years ago, see here.
 Where are you Congress?

Congress must tighten Tuberculosis testing and reporting requirements for refugee flow

Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart published one more report in his series that extensively analyzes the Tuberculosis problem in the US refugee population. Here we learn that in Illinois, 8 cases of ACTIVE TB were discovered in newly resettled refugees.

If you volunteer with a resettlement agency and spot any of these symptoms report it immediately and protect yourself.

This report demonstrates one of my greatest concerns and that is: how long are refugees with active TB wandering around your towns and cities, going to school,  shopping at Walmart, and otherwise interacting with the community before anyone even tests them?
Here is Leahy:

The Illinois Department of Public Health has confirmed that eight refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) “during the initial health screening or within 90 days of the refugee arrival” in the four years between 2012 and 2015. [Within 90 days! So they are walking around with active TB for months!—ed]

This data was not included in the Reported Tuberculosis in the United States documents published annually by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) between 2012 and 2015. Those reports confirmed 1,565 cases of active TB diagnosed among refugees in the 46 states that reported immigration status upon first arrival among foreign-born residents of the United States diagnosed with active TB.

Illinois is one of four states that do not share this data with the CDC. Arizona, Virginia, and Washington are the other three states.


“CDC encourages states/jurisdictions to provide as complete information as possible, but there is no requirement that they provide immigration status as part of routine surveillance,” a spokesperson told Breitbart News on Monday.

Limiting reporting of cases of TB diagnosed upon arrival, however, fails to capture the majority of the refugee TB cases which develop and are diagnosed more than a year after their arrival.

And, since we are told constantly that refugees can move anywhere they want within the US, how are those cases followed up?
Please go here to read the rest of the story.
And, to see all of Leahy’s reports, click here.

Where is Congress?

There are many things Congress can do to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program and dealing with the health issues presented by refugees who have apparently not been screened and barred from entry is a pretty easy fix.
Congress could require screening abroad and turn away all with both LATENT and definitely those with ACTIVE TB!  Many with latent TB will eventually become active TB and you, the US taxpayer, will foot the bill for their meds!  You are footing it right now!
And, your health and your family’s health is at risk!

Progressives take lessons from the Tea Party movement to try to beat Trump agenda

I wonder if the ‘Hill’ youngsters know that Lincoln was a Republican?

This isn’t about refugees per se, but as you get geared up to go to battle with Congress to push them to get tough on immigration and to reform/trash the US Refugee Admissions Program, this might be a helpful guide to what the other side is going to do!
They know, as you should, that the battle will ultimately be in Congress!
Sent to me by a reader, click here to learn more, and go here to access the document.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Right!

If you’ve been a longtime Tea Party activist and weren’t sure you were getting things accomplished, you will be happy to see that the other side thinks you were highly successful!
I admit I didn’t read the whole thing yet, I just thought I should get it out quickly. Let me know if  you see anything that we should make particular note of!

Comment worth noting: Sign up for Heritage Sentinel program

Editor:  From time to time we post comments from readers that you might have missed where they were posted at a particular post.  As regular readers know, I have been nagging you all to become more involved with what your Washington reps are doing because frankly, if the US Refugee Admissions Program is going to be trashed or reformed, it will be Congress that must do it (or it will be Congress’ Appropriations process that could slow it).
Trump can stop it in the short term, but it will take Congress to make the necessary longterm changes while Trump is in office. (We will be watching what he does in the first 30 days on this issue!)
I know you have little faith in Congress, but you must keep the pressure on!
In my previous post, I reported on Rep. Brian Babin’s interview with Fox News.
Rep. Babin will need help in Congress.
Our reader, FloridaBuff, suggests becoming a Heritage Sentinel.  The Heritage Foundation is playing a huge role in the Trump transition. Although because it is a jobs issue it should be a top concern, immigration/refugees is not a major priority for them. So, I did just sign up.
From FloridaBuff:

Ann – I agree with your recommendation to speak to Congress members. Another thing to do is encourage members to join the Heritage Action organization which now has 17,000 plus national conservative members focused on grassroots communications with Congress. You learn a lot about the process, and I personally have posted refugee issues on their internal member forum. It is free, and a great way to learn how Congress works. Every Monday they have a nationwide teleconference for a half hour at 5:30pm to discuss current issues. The only negative is that the issues selected are by Heritage Action (a spinoff of Heritage Foundation) thus Refugee Resettlement has never been on the priority list (yet). But learning how Congress works is valuable and you can apply that to your own discussions with your local Congress members. I recommend readers go and sign up for the Heritage Action Sentinel program at: http://heritageaction.com/

For more comments worth noting, click here. And for all of our recent posts on Congress see the tag ‘Where is Congress.’