As refugee numbers drop, resettlement contractors shrink and change focus

According to the LA Times, as paying refugee clients decline, refugee NGOs are now focusing on helping immigrants of all stripes on a longer term basis, presumably by raising private money!  Could this be a reawakening of real Christian charity?

I’m really sick of these stories.  I see them all over the country (this is the PR run-up to the President’s decision on how many refugees the US will take in FY19, a decision expected to be made public in September).

However, this story did have a few bits of information that are useful and make it worth posting.

Arrivals of refugees have hit historic lows. To stay afloat, resettlement agencies re-brand

The door to the nonprofit World Relief, tucked between a dance studio and a tutoring company on the second floor of a Garden Grove strip mall, still says “refugee resettlement services.”

world relief garden grove 2
In 2015, we obtained a World Relief internal letter instructing staff to not read Ann Corcoran’s blog!

But it’s been nearly a year since a new refugee has walked through it. 

The number of refugees admitted to the U.S. since President Trump took office has dropped to its lowest level in decades. As a result, the office and dozens of other refugee resettlement operations across the country have been forced to close, shift their resources or re-brand.

One of the advances I’ve seen over the last decade is that the media now reports that the contractors*** are paid by the US taxpayers on a per refugee basis.

Nine nonprofits across the country are federally approved to resettle refugees and receive government funding for each case they handle. Until last year, each of them had an office in Southern California.

But World Relief and four others have shut down in the region, suspended operations, laid off staff or reduced their hours.


The office closed its refugee operation last July and shifted its resources to helping immigrants, which had long been a sideline of its operation.


The declines [in refugee admissions] left many agencies depleted of federal funding and struggling to survive.

Even in places where new refugees are still arriving, changes are afoot. The International Rescue Committee office in Glendale, which once resettled more than a thousand refugees each year, has received only about 100 people this year.

“The need just isn’t there in the same way anymore,” said Martin Zogg, the group’s executive director. “So we have to give people other jobs to do.”

More here.

I would like to think that the nine resettlement contractors listed below have seen the light and are raising private money and not depending on the money trees growing in Washington, DC for their charitable ‘good works,’ but my cynical side says they are just trying to stay in business until Trump is no longer President and the refugee spigot opens again.

Sorry if you are sick of me saying it, but there will be no long term change to our refugee policy and program as long as there are no changes in the law during the Trump years.

***I post these as often as I can because new readers need to know that these quasi-government groups (funded with taxpayer dollars) are also politically pushing for more immigration of all sorts in Washington—they are not simply refugee advocates.

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.

Spokane, Washington: Secret decoder ring needed in kidnap case

A 28-year-old “man” has been arrested in a violent kidnapping case, luckily the woman fought back and escaped.


Atif Ado in court on June 25th:

Ann Coulter once said that the way news stories are written about crime cases involving migrants and refugees one needs a “secret decoder ring” to figure out what nationality the alleged attacker is and what might be his or her immigration status.
Reader Linda sent me the story from Spokane and this morning I had a few minutes to search news stories about the arrest of Atif Ado.
Continue reading “Spokane, Washington: Secret decoder ring needed in kidnap case”

World Relief (Evangelicals) defends its reliance on millions of dollars in federal grants/contracts

As you know, World Relief is one of the nine federal refugee contractors*** that depends on federal money to do its work.
Earlier this month we reported on their presence on Capitol Hill pushing for amnesty for the DACA ‘kids’ at a press conference headlined by Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford (have you noticed that Lankford is a FOX Newshound lately).

Lankford and world relief
Republican Senator James Lankford headlined the World Relief presser earlier this month on behalf of amnesty for the so-called ‘Dreamers.’ That is World Relief lobbyist Jenny Yang on far right.  Should any of our tax dollars be used for religious Left advocacy? And, will Lankford be their man to help them keep their government boodle?

World Relief’s out front role on behalf of illegal aliens raises questions about their financial support from the US State Department and HHS as refugee contractors as you can see in this story with the headline:

Conflict of Interest? World Relief, Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Debate

Recently, World Relief convened Christian leaders to speak out for immigrants.  After some raised questions on their mission and motives, the aid group responds.

Here is the story at The Stream (hat tip: Chris) which begins with a few words about the DACA vote, then this:

Some Senate leaders still see an opportunity to pass a targeted bill that could pass both chambers. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program expires on March 5. More than 700,000 immigrants, many brought to the U.S. as children, will face potential deportation. Senator James Lankford, R-Okla., vowed to keep working in coming weeks towards a solution.

Lankford appeared recently at a press conference convened by World Relief. He spoke alongside faith leaders who advocate the cause of immigrants and refugees. In interviews with The Stream, some questioned World Relief’s role in the coalition.

“I don’t doubt that these groups have sincere convictions,” states Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. “But World Relief and various Catholic relief groups get government dollars for refugee resettlement while lobbying for immigration causes. So there is a seeming self-interest.”

If money is not a driving factor, then they should say no thanks and not take another dime from US taxpayers!  ‘Christian’ verbiage doesn’t cut it! Let them demonstrate Christian love with privately donated funds!
The Stream continues….

Jenny Yang, vice president of advocacy at World Relief, responds in an interview. “Money has never been a driving factor,” she says. “Our staff members feel it is part of their missional calling to reach the nations for Christ by loving their immigrant neighbors. They make minimal amounts of money in doing this work.”

Kelly Kullberg
World Relief critic Kullberg.

World Relief operates as one of nine voluntary agencies with contracts under the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Since last year, the inflow of refugees into the U.S. has been drastically cut. Interviews with leaders on both sides reveal divisions — even when values are shared.

Often on Capitol Hill, Yang’s role is to advocate for human rights and religious liberty. “Any time we speak up on an issue, it really is out of knowing people personally in relationship,” says Yang. “Whether we’re speaking out on the food crisis in South Sudan or other parts of Africa, or we’re speaking up for immigrants in the U.S., it’s because these are individuals we know and serve in our ministry.”

Kelly Kullberg has been a volunteer missionary in seven nations. In the early 1990’s, she served at a World Relief project in Central America. “We helped reclaim a San Salvador garbage dump,” she recalls. “The project won a U.N. award as a redeemed home for 8,000 people.”

Since 2013, Kullberg has headed up Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration. The loose coalition critiques what it calls “pro-amnesty evangelicals.”

Today, she asserts a troubling agenda drives the venerable aid agency. “World Relief once did great Christian gospel work around the world — both in word and deed,” says Kullberg. “Perhaps World Relief should explain how they’ve received more than $256 million in U.S. government grants for resettling immigrants and refugees.”

The funding figure comes from official government sources at “While they still do work overseas, it seems that the priority has become refugee work in the U.S,” states Kullberg.


Concerns for Christian witness are at the heart of her criticisms, Kullberg claims.

Federal grant rules prohibit witnessing to refugees about Christ!

“By taking federal money, World Relief and other voluntary agencies cannot legally share the gospel of Jesus Christ, verbally, with those they are serving,” she says. “World Relief should consider the whole counsel of Scripture, the long-term consequences of their work and get back to their original mission.”


“We also adhere to strict humanitarian policies and guidelines. In our international and U.S. programs, we don’t engage in proselytism.  [NO! Because they would lose their federal money!—-ed]

US State Department rule:

The Department of State has cooperative agreements with nine domestic resettlement agencies to resettle refugees. While some of the agencies have religious affiliations, they are not allowed to proselytize.

There is much more in this story, please continue reading here.
See our complete archive on World Relief by clicking here.
*** These are the nine federally funded refugee agencies operating in the US.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.
There will never be reform of the US Refugee Admissions Program as long as those organizations paid to place refugees in American towns and cities are also able to do political community organizing and lobby for more refugees and more money for themselves.
If, as Yang says, money has not been a driving factor, how about just saying no.  We challenge World Relief to survive by giving up nearly 73% of its present income.

Oklahoma Republican Senator Lankford to headline Leftwing World Relief press event today in DC

I wish I had time to write more about this today, but I have an important post to get to from
James Lankford Huckabee
New readers, especially readers from Oklahoma, need to know that World Relief is a member of the Religious Left and is one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.***
In a recent analysis we learned that they are 73% funded from the federal treasury and here they are doing media events in support of the DACA ‘kids’ and in opposition to a Republican President.

Clearly, either Senator Lankford endorses the idea of federally-funded NGOs staging political events (starring him! and using our money?), or his staff is not well-informed.

This is a screen shot of the opening paragraph of World Relief’s press announcement:
Screenshot (192)_LI
More here.
World Relief also has a letter being published in the WaPo today listing pastors who support their open borders view.  I couldn’t find it quickly, but you might look for it and see if your hometown pastors are involved.
If you live in Oklahoma and don’t want your Republican Senator starring in this event, you should let him know. 

He probably thinks it is a political freebie! 

*** These are the nine federal refugee contractors that could not exist without federal funding.
Why is there no law restricting them from lobbying and otherwise putting on agitprop events while living off the federal dole?
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their budget that is funded involuntarily by you, the taxpayer. Does Senator Lankford support politically active supposed religious ‘charities’ living off of all of us?

Federal refugee resettlement contractors blast Trump for ending 'temporary' status for Salvadorans

The Temporary Protected Status (legal!) program is designed to give a break (usually 18 months) for nationals, from another country who are already in the US when the natural disaster or civil war happens, to stay here until the country is on its feet again.
In March, Salvadorans (and El Salvador), will have had a 17 YEAR break.
For 17 years hundreds of thousands have had time to produce nearly 200,000 more children, get jobs, drivers licenses (and I will bet vote!).  See USCIS on TPS for El Salvador here.
Calling the program ‘temporary’ is a joke.
It has to end sometime and the Trump Administration has decided that September 2019 is it!
The Leftwing Open Borders activists, including obviously refugee resettlement contractors***, have been working toward amnesty for a decade or more and the Salvadorans would have been a recipient of such an amnesty.

Matthew Soerens
Matthew Soerens of World Relief says El Salvador will be destabilized when they lose all of those US dollars Salvadorans send home—US dollars that leave the US economy! 

In the Gang of Eight bill they would have been essentially hired by the feds to do for the newly amnestied what they do for refugees—get them signed up for their services (aka welfare). And, it would have expanded their Left-leaning political power through their immigrant dependents.
So it is no surprise to see them complaining now!
Here is the Christian Post reporting on our old pals:

Christian leaders and organizations are speaking out against the Trump administration move on Monday to terminate protected status for thousands of El-Salvadoran immigrants who have been allowed to live and work in the United States for over a decade. [For over a decade, you mean nearly two decades!—ed]

Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen on Monday made a decision to terminate “Temporary Protected Status” that has allowed El-Salvadoran immigrants to legally work and live in the U.S. since two earthquakes struck the Central American country in 2001. The move could affect up to nearly 200,000 people and it’s a move that prominent evangelical leaders pressured the Trump administration not to make.

The administration claims the decision, which takes effect in September 2019 after an 18-month transition period, was made after an “inter-agency consultation process” determined that “the original conditions caused by the 2001 earthquakes no longer exist.” Yet, human rights advocates are warning that El Salvador is not economically able to sustain a massive return.

“But the reality is that El Salvador is among most violent countries in the world & among poorest in Western Hemisphere,” Matthew Soerens, the director of church mobilization for the evangelical refugee resettlement organization World Relief, tweeted on Monday. “It will be significantly destabilized by sudden insertion of so many returnees & by sudden halt of remittance money sent home by workers in US.”

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez

So how long must we be blackmailed by threats of a destablized El Salvador? How long must we watch US dollars leave the US economy in the form of remittances? And why should refugee contractor World Relief care?  These are NOT refugees.
But, if they do care so much, World Relief (and the US Bishops) could do the really brave thing and instead of living in comfort/collecting handsome salaries and bullying Americans into ‘welcoming’ the stranger, go to El Salvador and help the people where they live!

And, of course the US Bishops whine! (See that they got $95 million from taxpayers in 2016 for their Christian charity for migrants, here.)

“The decision to terminate TPS for El Salvador is heartbreaking. As detailed in our recent delegation trip report to the region, El Salvador is currently not in a position to adequately handle the return of the roughly 200,000 Salvadoran TPS recipients,” Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on migration, said in a statement, adding that the decision will “fragment American families.

Fragment American families! The families could go together to their homeland!
For my Evangelical readers, you may not know that there is a Leftwing Open Borders Evangelical consortium.  You need to do a little research to see if your church is involved.

The Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition evangelical organizations that represent millions of believers across multiple denominations, also pressured the Trump administration to extend the TPS program for El Salvador until a permanent legislative fix can be enacted through Congress.

More here.
***These are the nine federal contractors who are paid by you to place refugees in your towns. If there were millions given amnesty in the coming years those groups listed below would be hired by the feds to help them get settled and get their taxpayer-supplied stuff.

There can be no immigration reform as long as taxpayers finance these political agitation groups masquerading as humanitarian charities: