This should be fun to watch!
The Marxists at the World Council of Churches and Pope Francis think they are going to bring the world together in harmony and love with a conference in September on defeating xenophobia and the menace of political populism (just as a major power shift fueled by populism is sweeping Italy).
Maybe they would get a lot farther in bringing peace to the world if they cut out the insulting language….just saying!
Continue reading “Pope and World Council of Churches to hold conference on xenophobia, migration, and populism”
Tag: xenophobia
Regarding South Africa: Trump has thousands of African refugee slots available
Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson have all gone to bat this week for the white South African farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been threatened by the black South African government now in power in the nation the International Left dubbed the “Rainbow Nation.”
Here is Ann Coulter on twitter yesterday tweeting out a link to a story about the exploding tragedy for whites in S.A. by Leo Hohmann at VDARE. Hohmann reports that the President does have the power to arrange for an emergency declaration for the clearly persecuted farmers.
However, he doesn’t even need any emergency declaration because in his Presidential Determination for Fiscal Year 2018, here, you can see in the graph below that he has 19,000 slots allocated for the resettlement of African refugees to the US.
And, below, from Wrapsnet you can see that 5 months in to the fiscal year, only 3,188 have been allotted from Africa.
In that same report, we learn that the State Department wants to pluck mostly Somalis out of the xenophobic South Africa (S.A. blacks have been terrorizing blacks from elsewhere in Africa who believed the Rainbow Nation propaganda and went there for a better life only to be attacked by the S.A. blacks.)
US State Department in September of 2017:
From Southern Africa, we expect to admit 1,500 refugees – primarily Somalis from South Africa and Congolese from Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
(Checking Wrapsnet I see that we have processed in to the US 60 ‘refugees’ from South Africa in the last 5 months—surely no white refugees or we would have heard about it.)
See where the UN’s interest in S.A. lies….
Their only concern seems to be xenophobia (African blacks persecuting other blacks):
Church World Service to the rescue?
As I told you in my first post this morning, federal refugee contractor Church World Service (71% funded involuntarily by you) has an office in Johannesburg in conjunction with the US State Department and the UNHCR.
Seems like a no-brainer that the office could be directed (by the new Secretary of State Pompeo) to start processing the white South Africans (there is plenty of evidence that they are being persecuted due to their race).
For those in the refugee industry who say that refugees must have left the country of their persecution before consideration, that whole concept is out the window now since we have processed Iraqis directly from Iraq. We were processing Cubans from an office in Cuba and right now we are bringing in Ukrainians (1,027 so far this fiscal year) directly from Ukraine.
Bottomline, if the President wanted to do it, he could just tell the State Department to shift its priorities for resettlement and use some of the remaining 15,812 slots from Africa for white South Africans.
We will be watching to see if the federal refugee contractors, the big nine below, will push for the Christian whites to be resettled in America, after all they will be paid by the head for their work, so why not?
The nine federal contractors….
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
- Church World Service (CWS) (71%)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)(93%)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (99.5%)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (57%)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular) (98%)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (97%)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (97%)
- World Relief Corporation (WR) (72.8%)
436 'refugees' came to US from S. Africa (so far) this fiscal year, zero are South Africans
So who are they? They are 436 economic migrants, mostly from elsewhere in Africa (and some Asians and Middle Easterners), that the country of South Africa does not want in their country!
So presto! They are turned in to ‘refugees’ destined for Anytown, USA!
Communist-inspired*** country is crumbling!
There is no way (that I know of) to find the actual breakdown of nationalities, but check my South Africa archive and you will see how the highly touted “rainbow nation” is having problems with other Africans, including Somalis, who bought the rainbow nation propaganda hook, line and sinker, and migrated there for a better life.
The black South Africans want none of it, thus from time to time riots flare up.
How do I know how many came in to the US from South Africa this fiscal year? I went to Wrapsnet and looked up processing country figures. By the 5th of each month, the Refugee Processing Center tells us how many refugees were processed in to the US from countries around the world so far that fiscal year. I told you about it here. (Imagine too the potential for fraud in some of these locations!)
So today I went here at Wrapsnet and see we admitted 436 ‘refugees’ from October 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017 (FY17) from South Africa.
They are really phony refugees and mostly economic migrants because S. Africa, as a civilized country with a functioning government, is a country that should have granted legitimate refugees asylum. Then I went to the Interactive Reports and searched for how many with South African nationality were admitted this fiscal year and found that the answer is zip, zero, nada!
In case you were wondering, as one of my readers was recently, the answer is: NO we do not admit South African persecuted white people through the US Refugee Admissions Program.
In fact, I don’t expect in my lifetime to see the UN High Commissioner for Refugees selecting white (European origin) refugees for resettlement to the US! LOL! I predict they will abandon the UNHCR when the day comes to move European Christian refugees (Germans, French, Dutch, Brits) out of Europe to America.
*** I’ve written a few times about the South African Constitution (here is one post) that, believe it or not, our Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said was a “really great piece of work.”
Since World War II several other models have emerged that offer more specific and contemporary guarantees of rights and liberties, she said, pointing to South Africa’s constitution, which she called a “really great piece of work” for its embrace of basic human rights and guarantee of an independent judiciary.
I think those African migrants who flooded to South Africa for a better life, only to be beaten and killed by their fellow blacks, believed it too! Now, they become our problem?
South Africa: Is the Rainbow Nation headed to black on black riots again?
But wait! This can’t be, South Africa is the mecca of welcome, haven’t we been told that for decades? And, haven’t we been told that blacks cannot be racist and xenophobic? That is what the mainstream media wants us to believe even as South Africa’s ongoing xenophobia proves the lie!
There are a bunch of stories this morning on the latest round of tensions between migrants coming in to the country and the local South African blacks who see them as drug dealers and thieves who abuse their women and steal their jobs.
So why should you care in America?
Because we bring hundreds of those illegal migrants who get to South Africa from elsewhere on the continent as REFUGEES to your towns and cities. Checking Wrapsnet this morning I see that we admitted 364 from South Africa to America just in the first 4 months of this fiscal year alone!
I doubt that any of the 364 ‘refugees’ are white South Africans!
I wonder if the Trump Admin. will subject them to “extreme vetting.” One of the reasons I think their 7-country focus is a dumb idea is that we get unvettable fake refugees from all over the world.
Here is the latest from one publication (Quartz Media):
Pretoria, South Africa
South Africa’s capital was gripped by anger on Friday (Feb. 24) as a march against illegal immigration stoked fear, violence and xenophobia.
A group calling themselves the Mamelodi Concerned Residents from a township in Pretoria staged a march against what they see as South Africa’s lax immigration policies, distributing an inflammatory flyer that stated:
“Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Pakistanis etc. are not our countrymen. Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Pakistanis etc. bring nothing but destruction; hijack our buildings sell drugs, inject young south African ladies with drugs and sell them as prostitutes. How is that helping us? They have destroyed beloved Johannesburg and now they are destroying Pretoria.”
Pay attention! I repeat: This hatred for African migrants is coming from mostly black Africans!
Despite the group’s purported focus on immigration policy, the demonstration had far more sinister undertones that erupted onto the streets as open hatred for African migrants. All month, there were sporadic attacks on the homes and businesses of Malawians, Nigerians and Somalis. Many feared this was a precursor to the deadly violence seen in 2008 and 2015.
Continue reading here, there are lots of photos.
More here yesterday. See this video too….
Go here for our South Africa archive, we have followed the Rainbow Nation lie for years.
Send this story and others like it around. It is important that alternative media let the world know that there is a big lie going on in South Africa—that it is a welcoming rainbow nation!—and that the mainstream media works very hard to keep the myth alive.
LOL! I wonder if the Southern Poverty Law Center could add all of black South Africa to its ‘haters’ list. Nah! The ‘haters’ are the wrong color!
Violence against migrants flares again in South Africa (the “Rainbow Nation”)
What a joke that Rainbow Nation mumbo-jumbo is! Someone tell the mainstream media that the mostly black South Africans don’t “welcome” the stranger no matter what color they are!
And, no matter what sort of myth the international Left has built up about South Africa.
No time to bring you up to speed on the mess the Mandela legacy has left. See our South Africa archive here for more.
From Bloomberg:

South Africa’s government is struggling to contain a flare up of attacks against foreigners in the port city of Durban that’s left at least five people dead and forced more than 1,000 immigrants to flee their homes.
Police battled with groups of foreigners on the streets of Durban’s city center on Tuesday as they burned tires and threw stones in protest after facing attacks from a mob, police spokesman Jay Naicker said by phone. Water cannons and rubber bullets were used to disperse various groups of locals and immigrants, the municipality said in a statement.
“It is completely unacceptable for South Africans to treat foreign nationals in such a diabolical and nefarious manner,” the municipality said. “The city will not tolerate any form of violence instigated by a few individuals.”
The wave of attacks in Durban since last week were sparked by locals who accused a supermarket of firing workers and hiring foreigners to replace them, according to the police. A 14-year-old boy was allegedly shot and killed during looting of immigrants’ shops on Monday night, bringing the death toll from the violence to at least five, according to the municipality. About 48 suspects have been arrested since April 11.
South Africa is in the midst of the worst anti-foreigner violence since 2008, when about 60 people were killed and 50,000 displaced from their homes. Attacks against mainly Somali, Ethiopian and Pakistani immigrants in townships around Johannesburg flared up in January after a Somali shop owner shot and killed a 14-year-old boy during an alleged burglary.
Continue reading here.