I’ve been telling you about South Africa and Switzerland and Italy and now Ireland, dear old Ireland. It is so refreshing to see the Irish have gumption we haven’t seen in Great Britain lately. Here is a snippet of an article from the Independent, read it all, and enjoy the comments too.
Labour’s Ruairi Quinn said immigrants who come to Ireland need to conform to the culture of this country.
“If people want to come into a western society that is Christian and secular, they need to conform to the rules and regulations of that country,” the Labour spokesman on education and science told the Irish Independent.
His comments come amid mounting controversy over guidelines on the wearing of the hijab, commonly worn by Muslim girl in state schools.
Mr Quinn said immigrants should live by Irish laws and conform to Irish norms.
“Nobody is formally asking them to come here. In the interests of integration and assimilation, they should embrace our culture,” he said.
He added: “Irish girls don’t wear headscarves. A manifestation of religious beliefs in such a way is unacceptable and draws attention to those involved. I believe in a public school situation they should not wear a headscarf.”
Mr Hayes [Brian Hayes of Fine Gael] said Ireland should not be going down the route of multiculturalism.
I had been meaning to write about Scotland last week, but time got away from me. Here is the link to read about Scottish conflicts involving asylum seekers. I think I spot a trend!