Gateway cities: the Sacramento example

Check out this article “Twenty-First Century Gateways: Immigrants in Suburban America” at Immigration Daily a publication of the  (You might even want to subcribe to the free publication.)

We’ve mentioned Gateway cities in the past.  Traditionally immigrants arriving in the US went to certain cities. Two that come readily to mind are  New York and Los Angeles.  All that has changed and immigrants and refugees are spreading out not just to large and medium-sized cities but to suburban areas as well.    Audrey Singer and co-authors have written a book entitled, “Twenty-first Century Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America” in which they describe the changing demographics throughout the US.

Here’s one example from this article about the book:   The apparently ‘welcoming’ city of Sacramento, CA 

Sacramento, although it is the capital of California and located in a traditional settlement state, had been largely bypassed by immigrants during the mid-20th century, but its foreign-born population began rising during the 1980s and 1990s due mainly to refugee resettlement.



Geographers Robin Datel and Dennis Dingemans identify a host of forces that have led to the re-emergence of Sacramento as a gateway of immigration. These include a history of immigrant settlement, the region’s role as a refugee magnet, the availability of inexpensive suburban housing, and the demand for both brain and brawn migrants.

Sacramento had about 250,000 foreign-born residents in 2000, and it gained another 100,000 by 2006, making it 17.6 percent foreign born. Forty-one percent of this population is from Asia; 33 percent from Latin America; and 11 percent from Eastern Europe. Furthermore, Sacramento ranked tenth among all US metropolitan areas in the absolute number of refugees that were resettled between 1983 and 2004.


Wow, 100,000 immigrants added to the city in just six years. 

* Note to cities:  You can say ‘no’ after awhile.

Friends in high places: Muslim immigrants helped by Norquist

Grover Norquist is President of the Americans for Tax Reform and a prominant GOP political mover and shaker (supposedly best friends with Karl Rove), but he also has promoted stepped-up immigration of Muslims to the US.  We reported last year that he played a key role in pushing the Kennedy bill to allow more Iraqi refugees into the US.     And, for a guy supposedly concerned for the taxpayer, his organization supported the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty bill that the voters resoundingly defeated last summer in Congress.

This morning comes a Frontpage magazine article by Paul Sperry (Hat tip:  Janet) explaining how Norquist is also playing a role in planting Muslim Republicans in elected office.    The article begins: 

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That appears to be the strategy of GOP powerbroker Grover Norquist in his wicked project to dress Islamists up as patriotic Republicans so they can infiltrate the government.

While he’s managed to get some of his Muslim proteges jobs in the Bush administration, getting them elected to public office has been another story. Voters aren’t buying their makeover.

Last November, his crony Faisal M. Gill lost a bid for a seat in the Virginia state legislature. Now another protege, Kamal M. Nawash, has lost his third political race in seven years. Republicans in Virginia’s most affluent county last month overwhelmingly rejected Nawash as their party leader.

Gill and Nawash failed despite the ringing endorsements and behind-the-scenes maneuvering of Norquist, who founded the Islamic Institute (where he met his Palestinian wife) with the express purpose of promoting such Muslims into positions of power.

The article describes the deception used by GOP candidates Norquist supports and ends as follows: 

Early last decade, the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in America wrote an 18-page manifesto, titled “General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” Their secret plan was to form legitimate-sounding Muslim NGOs like the MSA and AMC and use them to infiltrate and subvert the U.S. political system. Translated from Arabic, the document reads in part:

“(Our) work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Another document in Arabic found on the home computer of al-Arian states:

“Our presence in North America gives us a unique opportunity to monitor, explore and follow up. We should be able to infiltrate the sensitive intelligence agencies or the embassies in order to collect information.”

In other words, their goal is to infiltrate the U.S. political system and undermine it from within.

Scandalously, they have in Norquist a powerful inside-the-Beltway friend who’s still helping them run influence operations against the government – now under the cynically patriotic guise of GOP candidacy. 

Read all the troubling details and fascinating examples of how Muslim immigrants use the principle of taqiyya.  Lying is permitted in Islam and it is something that we Westerners who grew up with the Ten Commandments need to wrap our minds around.

And, remember Thirty Muslim Mayors!

P.S.  To any BAMs (Black American Muslims) reading this, the IMMs (Immigrant Muslims) do have a strategy led by the Muslim Brotherhood and I think they are leaving you out.

Ah, they have some guts in the old sod: immigrants must conform to Irish culture

I’ve been telling you about South Africa and Switzerland and Italy and now Ireland, dear old Ireland.  It is so refreshing to see the Irish have gumption we haven’t seen in Great Britain lately.  Here is a snippet of an article from the Independent, read it all, and enjoy the comments too.   

Labour’s Ruairi Quinn said immigrants who come to Ireland need to conform to the culture of this country.

“If people want to come into a western society that is Christian and secular, they need to conform to the rules and regulations of that country,” the Labour spokesman on education and science told the Irish Independent.

His comments come amid mounting controversy over guidelines on the wearing of the hijab, commonly worn by Muslim girl in state schools.

Mr Quinn said immigrants should live by Irish laws and conform to Irish norms.

“Nobody is formally asking them to come here. In the interests of integration and assimilation, they should embrace our culture,” he said.

He added: “Irish girls don’t wear headscarves. A manifestation of religious beliefs in such a way is unacceptable and draws attention to those involved. I believe in a public school situation they should not wear a headscarf.”

Mr Hayes [Brian Hayes of Fine Gael] said Ireland should not be going down the route of multiculturalism. 

I had been meaning to write about Scotland last week, but time got away from me.  Here is the link to read about Scottish conflicts involving asylum seekers.  I think I spot a trend!

An additional observation on the Washington Post story

I just wanted to add one more thing to Judy’s good post yesterday about the disappointing Washington Post Outlook article on Iraqi refugees.   Increasingly I’ve noticed that those seeking to beat us up over the Iraqi refugees we supposedly created singlehandedly are making parallels to the Israeli/Palestinian sixty-year-old open sore.   Refugee activists (and that is what they are) Jennifer and Jonathan, authors of this Post opinion piece do the same thing here:

The countries best positioned to help are paralyzed by petty politics and legitimate alarm at the daunting scope of the problem and are allowing the crisis to fester. Much of the Middle East — including Jordan, which once welcomed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis — has now closed its borders, concerned that, like the Palestinians who 60 years ago fled what is now Israel, the Iraqis might never leave.

As we have pointed out on many previous occasions, the Palestinian “crisis” continues because Arab countries wish it to continue.   It keeps the hatred towards Israel alive.    Since that strategy has worked so well for Muslim supremacists, is it not possible that the same strategy is in the works right now with the Iraqi refugees?    I don’t know about Jordan, the weathly Saudis have never opened their border nor lifted a finger to help, and I wouldn’t put it past Syria (“petty politics”, I doubt it) who see the suffering of Iraqis in their midst, to allow the “crisis to fester” as a way to continue to make America the whipping boy.   Nevermind the facts, Middle Eastern victimhood is a strategy that works.

We then are only too glad to oblige thanks to people like Jennifer and Jonathan ready and willing to report that America is to blame.   And, the Bush Administration says, whip me harder, instead of standing up and making the case publically for going slow on importing tens of thousands of Muslim Iraqis to a town near you.

A couple of refugee activists are sent to Syria, paid by someone (who?), and come back the experts.   I bet Judy and I (about as qualified as these two authors) could go and come back with a completely differant story about what is going on and we wouldn’t be featured in the WaPo.


Are we crazy?   Why on earth does anyone want to bring more Iraqi Muslim men to the United States?  How can you women running the State Department sleep at night? 

Do you know they killed her?   The pigs have killed the brave mother of a girl stomped to death by her husband, the girl’s father.   The daughter’s crime was that she became friendly with a British soldier serving in Iraq and to protect the family’s so-called honor the father STOMPED his 17 year old daughter to death.   See the post I wrote in April for the full story of the honor killing sanctioned by the religion of peace.  Religion of peace, what a joke!

I’m so angry I can’t write, but I don’t need to.  Go to Atlas Shrugs for the whole story of how the mother who dared to leave her husband has been gunned down on the street on the very morning she was leaving for Jordan to seek refuge.

And then go to Frontpage Magazine from two days ago and read “Horror in Hamburg” about the increasing number of honor killings among MUSLIM immigrants to Germany.  

Finally, give some serious thought to author Stephen Brown’s last paragraph to which I would only add one more thing.  Stop all Muslim immigration to the US, period, before it’s too late.

But in the end, it is we Westerners who have to stand up for the life-affirming values we hold dear and change our laws substantially to reflect this. Western legal codes were written when the predatory and barbaric practice of honor murder was unknown due to the absence of these immigrant groups. This must be rectified and the new reality reflected in new laws, since the bottom line is that we cannot have women being killed at sixteen if we are to call ourselves human.