A good discussion of the Ground Zero Mosque and what it is all about

We have a category at RRW called the “Stealth Jihad” and it wouldn’t be complete without further discussion of the Ground Zero Mosque (or any mosque) being built in America today.   Here is a particularly good account written by Ali Sina at FaithFreedom.org.  Hat tip:  Jerry Gordon.

Sina begins:

On 9/11 2001, Muslim jihadists butchered 3000 Americans. Nine years later, a Muslim Imam wants to build a 13 story monument two blocks away from the site of that carnage.

Many Americans, particularly the New Yorkers and the families of the victims of that tragedy are outraged at the insensitivity, bordering arrogance of Faisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind this project. Rauf says it is not a mosque but an Islamic center. The name does not change anything. Whatever you call it, it is of extreme poor judgment.

In 2004, Rauf published a book calling it “What is Right with Islam is What is Right with America.” In that book he argued “The American political structure is Sharia compliant. For America to score even higher on the ‘Islamic’ or ‘Sharia compliance’ scale America would need to do two things. Invite the voices of all religions in shaping the nations’ practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws.”

The truth is that the American constitution and the Sharia law are opposite of each other. It is interesting however, how Rauf composed his statement. He did not say that the Sharia is in compliance with the US constitution, but the other way round. By doing so he wanted to establish the superiority of the Sharia over the US constitution.

Read it all.  It is excellent.

Update:  I see at Gateway Pundit that Obama has voiced his support for the mosque.  By the way, if you are a new reader at RRW, the reason we write about the Stealth Jihad is because we are resettling thousands of Muslims to the US every year through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.

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