UK baby adopted to save her from honor murder

Since I mentioned ‘honor killing’ in the US just yesterday (from 20 years ago!), thought I would show what it’s come to in the UK where the Muslim population is much larger than the one in the US.  (LOL! Got to get this all in before the UN and Hillary begin their hate speech hunt).  Hat tip:  Judy

From the Mail:

A baby girl born out of wedlock must be adopted to save her from the risk of being slaughtered in an ‘honour killing’, a court ruled yesterday.

If the unmarried Muslim woman’s father found out about the child, he would feel such ‘unimaginable shame’ he could unleash a vengeful bloodbath by killing the baby and his whole family, three senior judges agreed.

So they made the extraordinary order to have the one-year-old girl – known as Baby Q – adopted for her own safety.


It is believed to be the first time an English court has ordered an adoption to prevent a murder.

Read the whole sorry tale.  The article concludes with this bit of information:

Every year in the UK, officials estimate that at least a dozen women are victims of honour killings, almost exclusively within Asian and Middle  Eastern families.

A 2006 BBC poll for the Asian Network in the UK found that one in ten of the 500 young Asians polled said that they could condone the killing of someone who dishonoured their family.